Wind blades shot towards the sea along with the fireball!

427 Black Dragon Spear + Deep Sea Super Body

The entire assault boat company was in chaos.

After all, this is the first time that the Azure Star Terrans have taken the initiative to attack a sea area infested with a large number of alien beasts. In previous wars, the Free Army could at least ensure the safety of its own side under the sea, and only need to concentrate on dealing with the incoming tide of alien beasts.

But now, they rushed directly into the trap of the alien beast!

Sadly, even after several strictly simulated exercises, most of the officers still focused on the horde of alien beasts in the distance, thus ignoring the threat under their own camp!

In just a few seconds, dozens of assault boats fell one after another. They were either blasted into slag by the thunder, or turned red by the flames. The soldiers on board were all roasted by the high temperature. , maybe it was swallowed by the whale-shaped monster in one gulp.

The wind blade and the fireball penetrated more than ten meters of sea water, and the beast that caused Puff's sacrifice had long since disappeared.


Lu Ming looked coldly at the wave of alien beasts that disrupted the vanguard's flanks.

Obviously, apart from the alien beasts lurking under the sea surface, these alien beasts attacking from the sea surface are not high-level. Like the vanguard, they are also a mixed team of B-level and C-level aliens!

"Remote output coverage, let's rush towards the tide of alien beasts!"

Compared with the strange beasts attacking who doesn't know when they will appear under the sea, Lu Ming wants to rush into the mixed team of B-level and C-level strange beasts to fight his way out!


Obviously, there are many captains who think the same as him!

The overwhelming energy balls and elemental bombs swept towards the tide of alien beasts. Some iron-headed alien beasts died instantly under the attack of this magnitude, and the sea surface was immediately stained red with blood.

Huahua's hand kept showing bright lights. She was gathering "charged pollen". With her help, two C-level elemental abilities could maintain high-frequency output.

Otherwise, relying on them alone, I'm afraid they would have stopped cooking by now!

Lu Ming hit a C-rank beast on the head with a "Kanglong Yougui", killing it.

"Fortunately, the shield is a one-way defense, otherwise our current situation would have worsened."

If it weren't for being able to output on the alchemy boat with peace of mind and not having to expend energy to deal with the attacks of alien beasts for the time being, the accuracy of these new team members would be difficult to say!

Wu Mei's original ability is the Horcrux-type Black Dragon Spear], as a melee fighter, he doesn't need to make a move for now.

So he and another team member of the blood system firmly guarded the two ends of the alchemy boat, waiting for the energy of the shield to be exhausted.

At that time, the two of them will become human shields!

"Bloodthirsty Demonic Wolf!!! It's a Bloodthirsty Demonic Wolf!!!"

Accompanied by the screams of the soldiers, in the center of the vanguard, a cloud of blood was continuously solidifying.

This is an A-level beast!


The bloodthirsty demon wolf showed no mercy, and swallowed the screaming supernatural soldier in one gulp.

"Damn it! Grade A alien beast!!!"

Lu Ming's face changed drastically. Their team's configuration can only match a B-level beast. After all, in the low-level category, the beast can easily achieve a one-on-three record by relying on the strength of its physical body.

As for the six members of the Luming team, there are only two B-level abilities and four C-level abilities on the surface.

One of them, Huahua, who is partial to the auxiliary system, can theoretically defeat a B-level beast, but if he encounters two, he can only run away.

The reason why Lu Ming dared to order to rush here was also because there were a lot of teams of the same level around him, and everyone would cooperate with each other to ensure that each team dealt with a B-level beast.

But in front of the A-level beasts, they have no ability to resist at all!

"Turn on the acceleration matrix, let's rush into the tide of alien beasts!!!"

"Yes, Captain!!"

The team members of the bloodline system activated another alchemy matrix on the assault boat without hesitation. In addition to obeying orders, they also had fear of A-level beasts!

A huge vortex of air appeared on the buttocks of the alchemy assault boat. After a short period of energy storage, the alchemy boat raised its head, and almost half of the hull was slanted out of the sea, rushing towards the tide of alien beasts ahead!

Amidst the howls of A-level beasts, many captains made this choice, and the entire battlefield became even more chaotic!

"Didi, please try your best to hold on to the assault boat unit, the A-level team is coming to support!"

Obviously, the command ship in the rear also discovered a series of A-level beasts that suddenly appeared, such as the bloodthirsty wolf, and more powerful troops were sent to the front line.

This contact was much earlier than expected by the staff department.

Obviously, because of the delay on the Freedom Army's side, the Alien Beast Army slightly replenished some troops around Red Frost Island.

But the situation is much better than before.

If it weren't for the change that happened on Chishuang Island, what Lu Ming and the others were facing this time would be a mixed team of S-level and A-level animals.

Lu Ming breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, our A-level combat power has also been dispatched, and then we will concentrate on dealing with the immediate..."

Before he could finish his words, before the alchemy boat, a half-meter-long fin broke through the waves.

"Be alert, it may be a B-rank Mansha Black Whale!"

Lu Ming circulated his internal energy, and a faint yellow halo emerged from his upper body. This is the "Dragon Fighting in the Wild" starting gesture in Jianglong's Ten Palms!

Wu Mei yelled, and condensed a ferocious black spear out of thin air, and a chilling aura came from it!

At the tail of the alchemy boat, the ability is a rock puppet of the blood system] That team member also transformed successfully!

The weight of the khaki rock golem with black magic patterns slowed down the alchemy boat slightly. He protected three C-level opponents behind him, and his huge and thick body looked very reliable.

The alien beast was approaching quickly, and finally roared and broke through the sea.

The water curtain all over the sky is poured on the pale shield, reflecting a beautiful brilliance.

Lu Ming took a deep breath, and almost lost his voice: "How is it possible, it is actually an A-level armored eel beast!!!"


The scales on the armored eel beast kept rubbing against it, and it slammed into the pale alchemy shield!

With a puff, the shield that was not rich in energy shattered in response, blocking the attack of the armored eel beast, but it was almost completely overturned!


"Wu Mei, take them and run away!!!"

"I'm coming to the Empress!!!"

The A-level beast instantly made Lu Ming despair!

Although his strength is already outstanding in B-level, he can last ten seconds at most in front of A-level armored eels!

Huahua and the others were already speechless after being frightened by the power of the A-level beast.

At this moment, Wu Mei's body suddenly doubled, and she rushed towards the A-level armored eel beast!

With a B-level Black Dragon Spear and an A-level Deep Sea Super Body, he might have the power to fight against this A-level beast.

"You retreat first, this guy is handed over to me!!!"

Looking at Wu Mei's incomparably ferocious back, Lu Ming didn't react for a while.

This... When did this guy become an A-level power user?

No, he seems to have two abilities! ! !

428 Battle Under the Sea!

The armored eel beast is as thick as three people hugging, and its length is more than one meter, twice that of an assault boat.

Although under the blessing of the deep sea dominance, Wu Mei's body is already twice the size of a normal person, but she is still a bit insignificant in front of this giant beast.

"Vice Captain, come back quickly! Let's go together!"

Huahua shouted anxiously, in her perception, what Wu Mei did was tantamount to sending her to death.

The other three team members were also very anxious. During this period of getting along, although Wu Mei was usually reticent, he really took good care of the newcomers.

It can be said that without Wu Mei's help at the critical moment, they couldn't even survive the abnormally intense exercise.

If they didn't go through the practice and were eliminated, it would be worse than death for them who regard honor as everything!

Lu Ming stared at Wu Mei's resolute back, he was different from these recruits, not so real.

To be honest, when the A-rank armored eelmon appeared, he almost fell into despair.

For A-level beasts, for human supernatural beings, it often needs three times the number of strong people of the same level to cause suppression.

Of course, this is for ordinary A-level abilities.

Lu Ming didn't know to what extent Wu Mei, who was a dual-line supernatural being, could do it.

"Old Wu, you still owe me a meal of wine, so don't fucking die!"

Lu Ming cursed angrily, and charged the assault boat to kill the armored eel beast.

He has lost so many old buddies, and he doesn't want to taste the bad taste again this time!

"Huahua, prepare the charging powder and support Vice Captain Wu Mei at any time. Long-range strikes aim at the head of the beast and try to cover its sight."

"You are responsible for guarding the puppet. Although there will be no other beasts within the attack range of the A-level beasts, we can't take it lightly!"

The captain gave orders in an orderly manner. Although their strength seemed not worth mentioning in front of the A-level beasts, he didn't want to cause much damage to the armored eels, he just wanted to be a restraint.

Persevere until their A-level supernatural beings arrive to support them, and they will be able to defeat the strange beasts!

Lu Ming looked back, and there were seven A-level alien beasts appearing in this sea area, and the troops deployed by the Free Army here were not sufficient.

After all, there are quite a few assault boat formations like theirs, most of which are composed of B-level and C-level supernatural soldiers, with only a few high-level fighters in charge.

The meaning of their existence is to help the counterattacking army find out the direction where the alien beasts are lurking.

This is the cruel fact, but the soldiers represented by Lu Ming are carrying out the strategy of the General Staff to the letter.

Dare to participate in the big counterattack, which supernatural soldier didn't write a suicide note?

Wu Mei moved continuously on the surface of the sea, and the existence of the deep-sea dominance made him get along with the sea more and more harmoniously.

He could even clearly feel the force and direction of each wave, so he could find the most comfortable angle of force and use the most force to swim around the armored eel beast.

The armored eel beast's eyes are cold and stern, it is looking for opportunities and ready to go.

The entire sea surface swelled up with the attack of the armored eel beast, as if it was a mountain composed of sea water, which contained endless power!

Wu Mei's complexion changed, and he took several steps back. The strong sense of crisis made his hairs stand on his head!

In the next breath, a concentrated electric light appeared at Wu Mei's feet.


As Lu Ming spoke, he slapped his palm hard below the surface of the sea.

The dragon shadow composed of internal force engulfed a large amount of sea water and crashed into the electric light below the sea surface, but it only dimmed it for a while, and did not interrupt the process of the beast's energy gathering!

But this is enough to remind Wu Mei!

He looked at the light source under his feet in horror, and the tragic situation on the Puff appeared in his mind, and he plunged into the sea immediately!

With a deep-sea dominance, his speed in the sea is even faster!

He deliberately moved above the surface of the sea before, just to give the strange beast the illusion that he dared not enter the sea!

This beast was really fooled!


Different from the noisy killing sound above the sea surface, the sound of fighting below the sea surface is much weaker.

The armored eel hovers straight in the sea in a posture of [-] degrees to the sea surface. The needle-like fins on its back swim like waves, and its bloody mouth faces the sea surface, opening abruptly At the limit, the electric light is constantly gathering.

This move is powerful, but the brewing time is long enough!

It happened to give Wu Mei a chance to sneak attack!

He didn't hesitate anymore, holding the black dragon gun in his right hand and stabbing fiercely at the strange beast!

The target is the dark green eyes with a big washbasin and transparent eyelids!

This is one of the few places on it that is not covered by iron armor!

The white bubbles drew a beautiful arc behind Wu Mei, and the instinct of the deep-sea hegemony helped him find the best advance route in an instant!

His speed under the sea is fully twice that of the sea!

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