The power of this poke is naturally greatly increased!


The armored eel beast's eyes are on both sides of its head, so it can easily see Wu Mei who is attacking!

Under the crisis, it didn't wait for the energy storage to be completed, and hastily turned the direction of its mouth, and released this seemingly substantial electric light under the sea surface!



The electric-type attack passed quickly in the sea water, and there was even a huge explosion!

This ferocious attack was barely dodged by Wu Mei, but the turbulent water flow still hit his face with a numb feeling.

At that time, he was almost knocked unconscious by the turbulent dark waves with residual electricity!

"Fuck your mother!"

In order to get himself out of this dizzy state quickly, he stabbed his thigh hard!

The physical pain washed away the dullness in the nerves, and Wu Mei's eyes became sharp again!

He borrowed strength from the dark sea water to accelerate, and using the sea water as a bowstring, he pointed himself towards the armored eel beast!


The black dragon gun accurately hit the beast's right eye!

Fortunately, Wu Mei possessed A's deep-sea dominance ability, otherwise he might not be able to pierce the transparent eyelids of the armored eel with just the power of the B-level black dragon gun!

But now, the Black Dragon Spear is halfway in!


A tooth-piercing scream appeared below the surface of the sea, spreading far away!

In the distance, the members of the Eudemons Rangers who were fighting against the A-level beasts couldn't help casting their gazes over.

Ao Chao bit the bloodthirsty demon wolf, and the phantom of gluttonous gluttony became more and more solid.

With the help of the anti-resistance, he can even stare at the blood cloud of the bloodthirsty wolf for a melee attack!

"Captain, there is another A-level beast, should we go to support one of them?"

Charlene was sitting on the back of a huge butterfly. She shook her head and said, "First kill this A-level bloodthirsty wolf!"

429 No Strange Beasts Left!

The butterfly phantom beast under Charlene spit out paralyzing pollen and landed on the bloodthirsty wolf. After a short period of paralysis, it aroused its ferocity.


The bloodthirsty demon wolf roared up to the sky, and the blood cloud continued to expand. The strange beasts and human beings who had just died in battle were dissolved in the blood cloud, leaving only the skeletons that fell towards the silent deep sea.

A large number of blood clouds returned to the bloodthirsty wolf's body, making the red substance on its body more solidified, and its figure looked more burly and thicker!

The Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf sneezed with red smoke, bared its teeth and smiled cruelly, turned into a red whirlwind, and rushed towards the Eudemons Butterfly's position.

Facing the menacing attack of the bloodthirsty wolf, Charlene calmly manipulated the phantom beast to increase the height.

The Eudemons butterfly flapped its wings with all its might, and honest cyclones appeared in the air, but in the face of the exaggerated speed of the bloodthirsty wolf, the speed between them was still getting closer!

But even in this situation, Charlene's eyes still did not waver.

Ao Chao let out a strange cry, and stepped forward to bite the bloodthirsty demon wolf's hind leg, "If you want to hurt my captain, you must pass my Ao Chao level first!"

Russell, who had been waiting for his opportunity for a long time, was wearing a red dragon battle suit. With a sneer, he pressed down on his lower armor, and it shot out like a cannonball, slamming his shoulder into the bloodthirsty wolf's abdomen.

If the bloodthirsty dragon was about the same size as Russell, it would definitely be severely injured and vomit blood under this collision.

It's a pity that his size is larger than the one who confronted the Glacier Brave at the beginning. Russell's full impact only broke one of its ribs, causing it to deviate from the direction of Charlene.

Charlene sighed helplessly, with murderous intent in her eyes, commanding the butterfly phantom to spit out silk threads with metallic luster!

In just a few seconds, these silk threads wrapped the bloodthirsty demon wolf.

Ao Chao quickly let go of his mouth, otherwise, even he would be trapped!

"Digestive juice!!"

Following Charlene's order, the butterfly phantom spit out green liquid again, covering the surface of the ball of silk thread.

After a while, the bloodthirsty wolf was digested and turned into a delicious meal for the butterfly and phantom beast.

Charlene said: "The cooperation between the two of you is not enough. Although this bloodthirsty wolf is only one step away from the S-level beast, if you play better, we can take him down in a shorter time." !"

As the captain of a ranger from the Heroes Association, this female animal trainer is firmly at the S level.

But in order to train two subordinates, she didn't summon her strongest taming beast. Originally, she didn't plan to kill the strange beast by herself.

But because the battle damage of the assault boat formation below was too exaggerated, she had no choice but to kill the bloodthirsty demon wolf!

"Captain, you are amazing!!!"

Ao Chao went up to flatter him.

Charlene pointed at it from a distance, "The armored eel is here for you! Hurry over there!!!"

At this time, Wu Mei was still firmly nailing the Black Dragon Spear to the eyes of the strange beast, and the thick consistency of the strange beast kept washing his face.

The armored electric eel was scurrying wildly in the sea, but it still couldn't get rid of the little bug on Zizi's face!

The piercing pain made it gradually violent, and the current poured out towards the surroundings regardless of loss.

Wu Mei's whole body twitched from the shock, but he refused to let go no matter what.

Once let go, Lu Ming and others will fall into a dangerous situation!

Huahua pointed at the huge silk cocoon floating among the wreckage of a dozen assault boats in the center of the battlefield, and said loudly: "The bloodthirsty demon wolf has been dealt with, we are saved!"

Lu Ming breathed a sigh of relief, "If there are no accidents, there should be support. Our mission on this front is basically completed!"

Half of the free army's supernatural soldiers on the assault boat were killed in battle, and there were only a few A-level and dozens of B-level supernatural beasts left on the side of the alien beasts.

On this front, the victory of the Azure Star Human Race seems to be imminent.

But just as Ao Chao and Russell were about to rush to the rescue of their comrades in arms, there was a sound of horseshoes hitting the sea.

What followed was scorching air.

"S-rank alien beast, Hongyan Tianma!"


The red flames of the explosion bloomed on the surface of the sea, and some supernatural fighters who survived by chance couldn't even struggle, and were directly burned to ashes, rising together with the water vapor evaporated by the sea water.

The entire battlefield was immediately wiped out!

Charlene's complexion changed, she was the only S-level power user in the assault boat formation in this direction!


"Thirteen of the fifty assault boat formations sent out have been killed, so we can probably judge that the area where the alien beast army is lurking is in this direction."

The staff officer marked on the sand table the fronts with the most battle damage.

"Then I suggest that more troops be sent there to reduce the casualties of our soldiers!"

In just a short while of contact, the number of B-level and C-level supernatural beings killed in battle is comparable to the reserve force of a medium defense line.

Even knowing that this counter-offensive will cost huge battle losses, the staff members of the staff department still feel distressed.

These are all good sons of the Azure Star Human Race!

"Is there any new information from the ruling organization?"

"No for the time being, Master Youji has already taken his position to the west of the army, and all the fourth-tier combat power of our army has been assembled!"

"How about the damage of the elite teams of the Heroes' Association Rangers and Iron Blood Army?"

"A ranger from the Heroes' Association was killed in action. It was on the assault boat brigade numbered 007. It is said that six S-level beasts appeared!"

"Are they all alien beasts? There are no Ossaid people?"

"Except for a few Ossaid commanders, the main body of the enemy's battle is still based on alien beasts."

Ouyang Guanhe exchanged glances with the chief of staff, and after receiving his affirmative reply, he said: "Obviously, the new coalition forces in the intelligence of the ruling organization have not yet arrived, and the soldiers on Chishuang Island are still in a vacuum."

"The order is passed on, so the vanguard troops launched a general attack in the direction of the 007 assault boat formation in the form of an encirclement, and fought back the Red Frost Island of our Azure Star Human Race!"

Conquering Chishuang Island is a crucial part of the strategy. The abundant resources on this island can greatly ease the supply of the counterattack army.

At the same time, with a large number of buildings to rely on, in street battles, humans with more numbers and smaller bodies will have an advantage!

The order was passed down layer by layer, and dozens of S-level supernatural beings and a few sporadic third-level powerhouses in the vanguard rushed towards the place where the S-level strange beasts gathered together.

This time, the strange beast finally tasted the fear of being dominated by human sea tactics.

Ouyang Guanhe sent out a formation of fifty assault boats, with the purpose of defending the supply line from the island chain to Chishuang Island, fully aware of the potential threat of alien beasts!

Not a single one is allowed to remain!

430 Arrogant Colonists

The black and rugged warships are arrayed on the sea, sailing at high speed.

Driven by the magic crystal power furnace, the Ossian army rushed in with a barbaric force.

When Yang Xi's Dulan avatar saw this huge alchemy warship for the first time, he was still a little shocked.

Unlike the alchemy ship that the Azure Star people combined with half-baked technology and superficial alchemy, the alchemy warship of the Ossaid people is completely based on pure alchemy technology.

The feeling of oneness is the ultimate art honed by countless colonial wars.

In this war, the New Allied Forces dispatched a total of [-] elite soldiers.

Based on thousands of Tier [-] supernatural fighters from the Guangming City defenders, plus [-] Tier [-] fighters and nearly fifty Tier [-] powerhouses.

This force, in the eyes of the Ossaid colonists, not only can steadily solve the provocation of the natives' overreach, but also allow them to open up a new area in the free alliance sea area.

Perhaps, the turning point of the colonial war will appear after the victory of this war!

"Your Excellency Commander, there is a battle report from the Alien Beast Alliance ahead..."

General Chifeng bowed slightly beside Duran's avatar.

The latter smiled slightly: "Have you made contact with the natives? How is the battle going?"

"The natives sent out a large number of low-level fighters, used human sea tactics to find out the ambush point of the alien beast army, and then concentrated their forces to prepare to destroy the remaining combat power of the Alien Beast Alliance near Red Frost Island."

"Hehe, there are some talents among the natives."

"The mercenary union wants me to ask you whether our army should speed up the march. After all, there are still many low-level supernatural fighters staying on Chishuang Island."

After the scramble for the Philosopher's Stone, seven or seven of the strong men on Red Frost Island died, and some low-level Osters survived.

When Yang Xi pretended to be Duran and left, there were still many clerks and mercenaries from the mercenary union on the island who continued to maintain the operation of the colonial system.

However, they are still stranded on Chishuang Island, and most of them are members of the mercenary union. That's why they asked General Chifeng to come to Yang Xi's side to find out.

Recalling the charming fox girl and the succubus clerk with an explosive figure, Duran couldn't help but feel a little pity.

But this time he lurked behind the enemy, and his purpose was to increase the battle damage of the Ossaids, so he said coldly: "How can we mess up our marching rhythm for some low-level fighters? We still have to distinguish between primary and secondary!"

"The order continues, the army keeps moving forward at the same speed, but if the mercenary union wants to save their own people, the city lord also allows them to send an elite team to rescue them!"

After hearing this, General Chifeng couldn't help but want to sneer.

It's all about dealing with some natives, and this kid from the Keith family still has to put on airs.

However, since the Prime Minister made him the commander of the new coalition, General Chifeng dared not show any disrespect on the face of it.

After all, he watched that boss beat Deacon Platinum to death with his own eyes. Maybe the Prime Minister could kill him by rubbing his fingers?

"Yes, Lord Duran, I will pass on the order now."

But he didn't know that Duran's avatar did this just to let the strong men of the mercenary union go to Red Frost Island to die in advance, so as to consume the number of strong men in the Ossaid colonists.

Compared with the Ossaid colonial army with 150 second-level and fifty third-level troops, Ouyang Guanhe begged his grandpa to tell his grandma to gather strong troops, only 30 S-level abilities and more than [-] third-level troops. Supernatural beings.

You know, there are still a lot of Tier [-] alien beasts in the Alien Beast Alliance this time.

Not to mention that in terms of individual combat, the combat effectiveness of the Ossaid colonists may be even stronger based on the mature inheritance system.

They are beaten in number, and their individual strength can't do it. It seems that the Azure Star Human Race is going to be cool.

But fortunately, on the most critical Tier [-] battlefield, the two sides are still fairly even. Coupled with Yang Xi, who is a variable with several Tier [-] vests, the Azure Star Human Race has a few percent more chances of winning.

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