Ao Chao, with a Band-Aid on his face, sighed faintly, obviously he was already an S-level powerhouse, but he always felt that the gap in strength between himself and Ye Fan was widening.

Many team members watching the battle from the rear had the same idea in their hearts.

As a genius, the saddest thing is to be severely distanced by other more monstrous existences.

Those who can bear this sense of powerlessness and catch up head on are few in the end.


The Spike Ranger is a special operations team of the Free Army headquarters.

Their captain Zuo Shen, as a genius secretly cultivated by the Chamber of Commerce Alliance, is only 30 years old and already a Tier [-] supernatural being.

Zuo Shen's ability is the bloodline Biluo Dapeng bird], at this moment he is walking in the dilapidated city center of Chishuang Island, his head has changed into the shape of a roc, and a pair of sharp eyes are shooting around.

"Captain, I always feel weird here."

The female team member "Sally" with earphones walked behind him nervously.

Sally's ability is hearing amplification], not only can she hear subtle sounds, but she is also good at using sound to attack enemies, making it hard to guard against.

Zuo smiled deeply: "What's there to be afraid of? They're just some abandoned low-level fighters."

As he said that, his and Sally's expressions changed at the same time, "There is movement."

With a sound of swiping, Zuo Shen disappeared in place, and suddenly appeared in front of a shop window.

It can be vaguely seen that this dilapidated shop window should have been engaged in women's clothing business, and the grade is not too low.

But now, in the vicissitudes of life, not only the glass of the window is broken, but even the heads of the mannequins inside have been twisted off.

I don't know which strange beast it is, it's so boring.

Zuo Shen didn't make a move in a hurry, but stood coldly in front of the window with his arms around his shoulders.

A few seconds later, Sally arrived with several other team members. There was no way, the captain of Tier [-] was far ahead of them in terms of speed.

Glancing at the team members, Zuo Shen turned to the inside and said, "Come out."


Inside the dark store, it was originally so dark that there was no light to be seen, but after Zuo Shen finished saying this, a pair of scarlet eyes like lanterns appeared.

"I thought it was someone from another world, but I didn't expect it to be a brainless beast!"

Zuo Shen snorted disdainfully, glanced at the aircraft buzzing in the sky, and felt more and more unhappy.

Years of secret operations made him a little uncomfortable with the feeling of being watched all the time.

But this is the meaning of Fengshen and other fourth-order adults, and he dare not express his dissatisfaction directly.

"Hey, Sally, in the military's plan, does it only say that the Ossiders are to be kept alive? These stupid beasts, I can kill them casually, right?"

Sally said nervously: "Yes... yes, captain!"

"That's good!"

The corner of Zuo Shen's mouth was hooked slightly, and the feathers on his body gradually increased.

As the owner of the Biluo Dapeng bloodline, he has always liked to swallow these strange beasts alive.

435 Before the Eggshell Mercenary Union

It took almost a few snaps of the fingers to transform into a Biluo Dapeng the size of two people, and took down this turtle-shaped beast.

The tortoise shell, which seemed extremely hard, was pecked lightly by him, and a gap appeared, and when it came down three or two times, the tortoise shell was shattered to pieces.

The strange beast roared miserably, but Zuo Shen pinned it to the ground with its paws and ate it alive.

Halfway through the meal, the beast fell silent, and the roc who worked on Zuo Shen threw the body of the beast aside in boredom.

The members of the Spike Squad were already accustomed to such a bloody scene, but it was the first time for many people in the command room to see it.

"This is too fierce, eating a strange beast..."

"Oh, it's disgusting!"

"What's disgusting, the strong prey on the weak, it's only right and proper."

"That is, if we are allowed to eat us by alien beasts, we will not be allowed to eat alien beasts."

"The meat of the alien beast is not tasty, besides, it's better to eat it raw."

Everyone has mixed praise and criticism for Zuo Shen's actions, but his reputation has been earned.

Zhao Jinyin's face was full of disgust, and she said sarcastically, "This is the genius secretly cultivated by your chamber of commerce alliance? You look like a savage!"

Ouyang Guanhe's expression was a little embarrassed. Zuo Shen had criticized this habit many times. When he was in human form, he could say that once he became a Biluo Dapeng, ordinary people would be really scared by his viciousness.

Only he, the fourth-level Fengshen, can slightly intimidate the transformed Zuo Shen.

But now it's wartime, and the cruelty to the beasts can also inspire the soldiers below to fight against each other.

After all, just the wave of assault boats clearing mines a few days ago caused many low-level fighters to walk in front of the beast's mouth.

Looking at the meat of different animals in my life now, it can be regarded as a relief.

"It's interesting."

The chicken avatar said something abruptly, but what he said was interesting, and it wasn't aimed at Zuo Shensheng's behavior of eating strange beasts.

It is some phenomena that are affected by their own bloodlines for people with bloodline abilities.

For example, when he transformed into the Cangmu Yanlong, he also acquired some habits of the Cangmu Yanlong himself, he likes to stay in places with high temperature, and he is not as cautious when dealing with women as before.

Otherwise, even though he, Yang Xi, is not a virgin, he wouldn't casually flirt with a bunch of graceful Ossian beauties.

Lineage affects character.

Yang Xi couldn't help thinking, where is the source of this ability.

It is impossible for the first generation of supernatural beings to appear out of thin air, right?


With the gradual advancement of many teams, the street fighting has also entered a white-hot state.

Stuck on Red Frost Island, most of them are low-level Ossaid supernatural fighters. In front of these elite teams, they basically have no resistance.

So soon many teams captured dozens of Orsiders.

Yang Xi's sandwich seaweed team also captured five Ossaids.

"Hey, this Ossian little fox girl has quite a personality!"

Liu Yuan, that bastard, came forward with a smile and pinched the little fox girl's face.

Yang Xi remembered the origin of this fox girl, she was the lucky one she met when she pretended to be Dulan.

I don't know how much she spent on the magic crystal back then, but judging by her strength, she has already broken through to the second level, so her good luck must have helped her a lot.

It's a pity that her luck has come to an end. Yang Xi can figure out the destination of this batch of captives with her toes. There is a high probability that they will be sent to Banana Island for research.


The fox girl bit Liu Yuan viciously, her face full of disbelief.

"You despicable natives will eventually be ruled by us Ossaids!"

Yang Xi didn't expect that the little fox girl who was submissive in front of Dulan back then would be so arrogant when facing their Azure Star Human Race.

Maybe, this is the sense of superiority from the so-called "civilized race"?

It's irritating!

Liu Yuan slapped the little fox girl with a backhand, cursing and saying: "Little girl, you can speak universal dialect pretty well!"

As soon as this sentence was finished, the bitten piece of meat on Liu Yuan's tiger's mouth had grown back.

Blanche said: "Liu Yuan, don't play tricks on the captives. You are a member of the constellation and represent the quality of our adjudication organization to the outside world!"

Originally, Liu Yuan planned to tease this unconvinced little prisoner again. After all, for Young Master Liu, he has sufficient experience in beating girls.

But after hearing what Blanche said, he still restrained his temper obediently, not because he was afraid of Blanche, but because he felt ashamed for the organization and really sorry for his godfather.

"Fortunately, you girl, don't fall into this young master's hands from now on."

Yang Xi pointed to the eggshell-shaped building not far away and said, "Okay, we have almost reached the center of Chishuang Island. Take these captives and go to the last place to join other teams."

Liu Yuan wondered: "It's rare, I thought that the people of Ossaid would not be able to work in the construction industry. This eggshell building seems to have some artistic connotations."

He asked the little fox girl ferociously: "Two tails, tell me what kind of building this eggshell is, and how many strong people are inside it? I don't want to explain clearly, so be careful with your skin!"

The little fox girl sneered and said, "That's the building of the Mercenary Union. If you dare to take action against the people inside, you will be retaliated by the Mercenary Union! This kind of large organization spanning countless planes is not what you people have always been. The natives who have never been out of their own planes can be provoked!"

Liu Yuan said embarrassingly: "A large organization that spans countless planes? Is it so tricky?"

Yang Xidao: "She didn't lie, but don't take it to heart. The mercenary union in our Azure Planet is just a branch."

The little fox girl retorted: "Even if it's just a branch, their strength is beyond what you can imagine."

Yang Xi cast a cold glance at the little fox girl, "Don't think you're a prisoner, I won't dare to kill you."

"We don't need to imagine the strength of this mercenary union. Whether it's the mercenary union or the Ossaid people, sooner or later we will be kicked out of the Azure Planet."

"Maybe in the near future, we will have a look at your Ossaid plane through Baiqiang, and what a "civilization" looks like!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Xi didn't give her a chance to talk back, and directly sealed her language system with mental power.

Liu Yuan gleefully pulled up the rope and led the prisoners forward.

Before arriving in front of the eggshell building, Yang Xi and the others saw a group of people at war.

I saw that several teams were divided into three forces, facing each other tit for tat.

Members of the Spike Squad of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance camp were looking at the several teams of the Heroes Association and Iron Blood Army with disdain.

Bird head man Zuo Shen said arrogantly: "You guys wait outside, it's enough to leave it to our Spike team here."

436 Natives, are you ready to die?

Where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes. Although this counterattack was led by the Chamber of Commerce Alliance, as the war progressed, the three forces became more and more confrontational.

Although it is not likely to ruin the big event, it is common to fight over such small details that do not harm the overall situation.

Not to mention, among the rangers who came to Chishuang Island to participate in the street fighting today, which one of their forces is not the best of the best?

It may be too much to describe it as being held in the palm of your hand, but that kind of arrogance must be pampered.

The only peaceful place on the scene may be Yang Xi's "Sandwich Seaweed" team.

For the rest, even Ye Fan's Dark Night Squad has become part of the formation of the Heroes Association under the general trend.

Sure enough, as soon as Birdhead Zuo Shen finished speaking, the "Light Energy Squad" from the Jagged Army came out.

The leader was a tall, blond woman with "ingenious" combat uniforms, revealing large patches of white skin.

He obviously has a strong figure, but he has a round baby face.

"Go, go, where is the bird man, don't think that you can come out to pretend to be a bastard with a stupid hair on your head, be careful that your aunt will roast you!"

I didn't expect such a beautiful woman to be full of irascibility when speaking.

Hearing the tall slender woman's words, Zuo Shen's face darkened instantly.

The team members behind him looked at the tall slender woman with sympathy, as if they were looking at a dead person.

Zuo Shen hates people calling him a birdman the most, perhaps because his bloodline is too strong, he can only maintain a complete human form for less than an hour a day, and the rest of the time he either completely turns into a Biluo Dapeng bird, or With such a bird head.

"What did you say?"

Zuo Shen's voice seemed to be whispering from hell, "Yes, can you say it again?"

The tall slender woman, Xing Fei, is not afraid of Zuo Shen, she is also an Atlantean with a third-order bloodline].

After transforming into a third-order Atlantean, she can use a variety of powerful weapons, such as electromagnetic floating cannons, falling pressure strong electric swords, half-half reflecting mirrors and so on.

It looks like a horcrux-type supernatural being, but she is indeed a real bloodline.

The appearance of these technological weapons is not like a manifestation, but more like Xing Fei has obtained some kind of authority, and can directly call up these powerful weapons from the arsenal of Atlantis.

"What's the matter, you are a sparrow with two bird heads, you dare to fight with your aunt, you have the guts to fight with me!!"

As Xing Fei said, she rolled up her non-existent sleeves and was about to rush forward.

Fortunately, the teammate behind her was still a little rational and held her tightly.

On the other side, Zuo Shen's dull hair also exploded. This was the first time he met a woman with such a poisonous mouth!

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