Under the series of vicious words, the whites of Zuo Shen's eyes immediately occupied the entire eye socket.

"Kill you! Kill you!!!"

He frantically wanted to rush towards Xing Fei, but he was also pulled back desperately by the team members behind him.

There is a real-time live broadcast of the aircraft on it, and several big shots are watching. If the bickering is not a big deal, if it is really going to be done, both of them will probably go to a military court.

On the other side of the command ship, Ouyang Guanhe and Zhao Jinyin looked at each other, showing a rare expression of sympathy.

If it weren't for the bad temper of these babies, they wouldn't have been hiding until now.

"Ahem, our soldiers still love to joke around..."

Ouyang Guanhe was a little embarrassed to put a fig leaf on this skirmish that everyone knew well.

He tapped the desktop a few times, and a clever staff officer adjusted the communication channel of Zuo Shen.

Master Fengshen turned to one side, covered his mouth with his hands, and whispered a few words with an unhappy expression, Zuo Shen on the screen immediately fell silent, glared at Xing Fei resentfully, and stood honestly back in the queue.

On the other side, Xing Fei's performance was similar to Zuo Shen's. Almost the moment she received the call, she changed back to that cute girl with a baby face.

It seems that Zhao Jinyin also taught her severely in the communication channel.

"Okay, the two of you should have finished 'discussing', so should we start attacking the base of the mercenary union?"

A handsome guy with squinting eyes said, he is a Tier [-] powerhouse on the side of the Heroes Association, and his ability is the magic bean sower of the summoning system], after he plants magic beans in the palm of his hand, he can summon powerful monsters , that is, the appearance is particularly discordant, forming a perfect contrast with his appearance.

Among this batch of elite squads that went to the island, there were only three strong third-tier experts on the surface.

It can be seen from this that the sandwich seaweed team with five third-tier powerhouses is terrifying.

Of course, with the background of the three major forces, there must be more than that of the third-tier powerhouses, but these combat powers are basically enough to deal with the remnants of the Ossaids on Chishuang Island.

There is even a feeling of killing a chicken with a sledgehammer. After all, there is no enemy of a third-tier powerhouse on this island.

"Hmph, this kind of guy will only do bad things if he goes there."

Muttering to himself, Xing Fei reluctantly led the team members into the eggshell mercenary union.

The bird-headed man Zuo Shen pretended not to hear, and he still wanted to give Lord Fengshen face.

Seeing the end of this farce, Yang Xi couldn't laugh or cry.

The probability of the third-level powerhouse appearing in the Azure Star race without the support of meditation methods is really too random.

This kind of strong man with a flawed personality will also consider whether to reuse it at the discretion of the Ossaid people, but Ouyang Guanhe and Zhao Jinyin, two fourth-level strong men of the human race, have to pinch their noses and squeeze the two thorny heads. put in the army.

Although nothing major happened, the overall military appearance was a little bit interesting.

But there is no way to do this. After all, the Azure Star people have only developed in the direction of magic civilization for 100 years.

I am afraid that it will be difficult for the Ossaid people to have the development level of the current Azure Star race in the 100 years of magic enlightenment.

However, this does not necessarily mean that the Azure Star people are better than the Ossaid people. After all, the former has been greatly influenced by the Ossaid colonists over the years.

Just this alchemy that has entered into every aspect of the life of supernatural beings, without Master Damon, the "Holy Mother bitch", I am afraid that it will not necessarily be found on this scale in another 200 years.

But with a drink and a peck, maybe without the help of Master Daemon, human beings will develop a magical civilization path with their own characteristics, who can say for sure?

The eggshell mercenary union is indeed the absolute center of the remnants of the Ossaid people on Chishuang Island. They actually gathered a strong force, which almost made the elite team who wanted to destroy the ancients and pass the level almost suffer.

Fortunately, in the face of absolute strength, they only resisted for a while. From the enchanting girl at the reception desk to the gray-haired old mercenary, they are all about to become prisoners of the Azure Star Human Race.

"You wait to bear the wrath of the mercenary union!"

The old white-haired mercenary is a ruthless character. Seeing that he is not strong enough, it may be difficult to escape from birth. He did not want to humiliate the captured man, so he simply chose to blow himself up and hurt the enemy. At the same time, it can also create opportunities for young soldiers to escape. .

The young Ossaid mercenaries ran away with tears in their eyes, but unfortunately the difference in strength was too great, and many of them were pulled back like chickens before running a few hundred meters.

Only the Meimo front desk, who has a lot of experience in speed, is still running around in the abandoned city.

It's ironic to say that although the Ossaid people are invaders, the front desk lady of the Meimo blood is much more familiar with the layout of the Red Frost Island than the Azure Star human race superhuman who chased and killed him.

Several soldiers who were in charge of arresting her were played around by her, and they were even almost killed by one of them.

In the end, Zuo Shen couldn't stand it anymore, because one of the people chasing and killing Ossaid fighters of the Meimo blood was his team member.

Zuo Shen snorted coldly, turned into a two-person Biluo Dapeng bird, and after a few snaps of his fingers, he suddenly shortened the distance from Meimo's front desk.

His claws, which can cut gold and cut silver, have also adjusted the angle, ready to pinch into the back of the mysterious enemy, and then throw it up like a prey, throw it down, and play with it.

The Meimo front desk also noticed Zuo Shen's menacing attack, but she didn't even intend to look back. She tried her best to hide in the reinforced iron mud and used the cover of the building to gain a chance to breathe.


Zuo Shen is full of interest, and there is nothing more fun than chasing a prey with a strong desire to survive.

Otherwise, this girl is in human form, maybe Zuo Shen, the Biluo roc, will slowly taste her flesh and blood.

The Biluo Dapeng fluttered its wings, and was about to speed up to catch up, but saw Xing Fei, who was stepping on the electromagnetic floating cannon, grazing towards his prey at an even faster speed.

"A big man is a jerk. If he can't catch up, he will kill him. Auntie is not interested in watching you have fun here!"

As she said that, a tactical navigation lens the size of an eraser appeared in her left eye, quickly deduced the escape route of the Meimo front desk, and began to predictively recharge.

"Damn it, this is my prey!"

Zuo Shen was so out of breath, he really wanted to turn his head and scratch the dead woman's head, but Ouyang Guanhe's warning was still warming in his ears, so he could only choose to speed up, trying to finish before the Ossaid woman was killed. hunting.

At worst, I have to kill her with my own hands!

The Biluo Dapeng flew faster and faster, and even a faint fluorescence appeared on its body.

According to the perception of Meimo's front desk, she has been locked by two big and third-tier powerhouses, and her heart is getting more and more sad. She thinks it is impossible for her to escape the fate of being captured today.

In the plane of Ossaid, which is known as a civilized society, the experience of the female captives is not good, and it is desperate to think about it.

"It's better to die!"

Meimo at the front desk faced the jet of energy particles with desperate eyes, and the blue light illuminated half of her pretty face.

"Farewell, my family!"

Meimo closed her eyes at the front desk, and greeted the end of her fate with a trace of reluctance.

She could already feel the burning sensation brought about by the floating cannon attack, presumably she would be sublimated into gas in the next instant.

This is not bad, if the death process is fast enough, the pain should not be able to catch up, right?

"How brave!"

This guy Zuo Shen, at the most critical moment, blocked the floating cannon for Meimo's front desk.

As expected of the tyrannical Biluo Dapeng bird, it used its body to forcefully connect the floating cannon, but it only lost a few feathers.

However, this is also related to Xing Fei's failure to use the most powerful attack. After all, although this Ossaid is extremely slippery, he is only an S-level supernatural being, so naturally he does not need to use full-power cannons to hit mosquitoes.

"What a fucking pity!" Xing Fei looked regretful, "If I knew that this bird man would be shot in the flesh, my aunt would use a super power shot no matter what she said."

After all, this is Zuo Shen's own death, no matter how severely Xing Fei hurts him, the military court will not be able to find the slightest fault.

Zuo Shen moved his numb wings and looked at Xing Fei provocatively.

"Wow Kaka, this woman still can't escape my palm!"

As he spoke, he stretched his paws towards the front desk of Meimo.

But just when he was about to succeed, the mutation happened again.

On the other side of Chishuang Island, there seemed to be bursts of muffled thunder, but the sky was still sunny.

Only the corners of Yang Xi's mouth turned up slightly, the first batch of appetizers for this war was finally coming.

Yang Xi's voice appeared in the ears of all members of the sandwich seaweed team: "The real tough battle is coming."

"In addition to Kui Mulang, You Rong, Blanche, and Cai Wei, your performance and record in the next battle will determine whether you can be promoted to a star position!"

"This is the news that Lord Youji told you at the beginning."

The three women shook their bodies and stared at the sky, feeling the approaching domineering aura, and the desire to fight was ignited in their beautiful eyes.

Only by becoming a member of the Constellation can one enter the official sequence of the Judgment Organization!

To this end, they will do everything in their power to fight.

The other teams also noticed the strangeness. After all, they are the outstanding ones selected from thousands of people with supernatural powers all over the world, so they still have a sense of crisis.

Under the leadership of their respective captains, everyone was ready to face the battle in just a few seconds.

Only Zuo Shen sneered and grabbed the front desk of Meimo, and the emerald green fluorescence began to flow from his body.

Choo Choo Choo--!

The sound of piercing the sky resounded in all directions, and a total of thirty strong men rushed to the sky above Chishuang Island one after another.

The third rank is ten, the second rank is twenty!

Among them, the Green Flame Dominator and the Red Demon are even stronger at the third-order limit!

Green flames were burning on the head of the green flame ruler, and he stared at Zuo Shen angrily and said, "Stupid native, why don't you get your dirty hands off Miss Vivian?"

"Otherwise, I, the great Lord Patrick, will use the most painful way to burn you to ashes!"

The red devil stared greedily at the group of natives, and his undisguised desire to eat was very disturbing.

How could Zuo Shen be too frightened? Immediately, his claws went a little deeper, and he grabbed the front of the ground charmer and screamed in pain.

With his nostrils upturned, he said arrogantly: "Want this woman? Come and get it yourself?"

Seeing this scene, the Green Flame Ruler's eyes were tearing apart. When he was still weak, he had been favored by Vivienne at the front desk of the enchanting demon. Now that his benefactor is suffering in front of his eyes, is it tolerable, which one can't bear it?

"Wow! Let's use the corpses of your natives today to vent your anger on Miss Vivian!"

PS: There is no chapter

437 Scary Red Devil

Zuo Shen sneered, and threw the enchanting demon Vivian back to the back, "Open your mouth and shut up the natives, I don't know where you people from other worlds have such a sense of superiority!"

He spat, and the brilliance of his whole body flowed, and he turned into a blue roc and soared upwards, spanning a distance of nearly a hundred meters in the blink of an eye, and ruthlessly grabbed the face of the green flame ruler.

If this claw is firmly grasped, the skin will be torn apart. If the body defense is almost weak, it is possible to be headshot directly.

Unexpectedly, facing Zuo Shen's ferocious attack, this strong man of Ossaid did not even evade, not even blinking his eyes.


A fist wrapped in red fascia came first, and slammed on the Biluo Mipeng, sending the ancient fierce bird flying like a cannonball.

It can be said that as fast as Zuo Shen rushed up, he was beaten back as fast as he could.

Peng -!

Dust mixed with sawdust rose up for several meters in the sky, as if the sky was falling from the sky!

The head of this haughty bird man, who was still arrogant and did not put many colleagues in the eyes, was inlaid on the outer wall of the crumbling building like a relief.

The red devil's burly body stood in front of the green flame ruler, and he sneered, "Why did you fly out before I made any effort?"

His face was full of disdain, which made the teeth of the warriors of the clan itch.

But Zuo Shen, as one of the only three third-tier powerhouses on the surface, is not yet the enemy's all-in-one enemy. No matter how angry they are, they rush forward rashly, it's just to deliver food.

Ever since, everyone turned their attention to the other two third-tier powerhouses.

Xing Fei and the sower of the magic beans looked at each other with fear on their faces.

Although Zuo Shen is arrogant, in terms of strength, he is indeed top-notch.

Compared with it, they are just in between.

On the command ship, many high-ranking officers have been silent. Anyone can see that the situation on Chishuang Island is abnormal. These menacing Ossaids are obviously not easy to deal with.

The expressions on the faces of Ouyang Guanhe and Zhao Jinyin did not change. The left and right were just third-tier powerhouses. Even if there were one or two of them who surpassed the third-tier masters, to the fourth-tier they were only slightly stronger. Just a little ants.

It's just that there are very few strong people in the Azure Star, and every death of these third-order baby bumps is a great loss.

"Let me go."

After Zhao Jinyin left these words, her whole body turned into particles of light and collapsed. A slight white light pierced her eyes. Looking at her original position, there was nowhere was the handsome figure of the iron-blooded army commander.

Many officers who saw this scene were secretly stunned, amazed at the Commander's skill, and the anxiety in their hearts disappeared--all the strong men of the fourth rank have been dispatched, so what else is there to worry about?

The Green Flame Ruler chuckled, "You natives are supposed to be eggless waste, obediently let our people go, maybe the uncle is in a good mood and can let you live!"

The Ossaid fighters behind him laughed loudly, obviously not paying attention to the elite squad.

Yang Xi calmly watched them put on a show in the sky, and he was not in a hurry to make a move.

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