Jian Xiaohao, the captain of the Dark Night Squad, was an old acquaintance with him. Thinking of this, the devil sower glared at Jian Xiaohao angrily.

Damn, they're so familiar, there's a ruthless person hiding in the team, and they don't know how to tell in advance!

Jian Xiaohao was speechless when he received the eyes of the sower of magic beans. He didn't know that Ye Fan had a third-level strength!

Jian Xiaohao was a little lucky, fortunately he didn't give Ye Fan little shoes to wear, otherwise he would be the one who was unlucky.

It doesn't matter if you suffer some flesh and blood, but losing face is the most embarrassing thing.

"Grantham is dead?"

The Green Flame Dominator is a little unbelievable.

To say who in their advance team is the most difficult to die, then Grantham, whose ability is the red devil, is definitely a well-deserved candidate.

After all, this guy's recovery ability is simply terrifying to the extreme!

Even if there is only one head left, it can easily grow back!

But now, the fact is before the eyes of the Green Flame Ruler, the last organization of Grantham, was beaten to pieces with his fists by the native boy in front of him!

Recalling the subtle movements of the indigenous boy's punching just now, the Green Flame Ruler was secretly vigilant.

His defensive power is not strong, if he gets punched, he will definitely suffer a big loss!

This kid is probably the strongest among the group of strong natives in front of him!

After thinking about it, the Green Flame Ruler felt that it was not a loss to use the death of the Red Devil to provoke this kid.

If this kid keeps hiding like this and hits him hard at a critical moment, then I will be the one who is unlucky!

"I didn't expect that among you natives, not all of them are trash!"

While speaking, the Green Flame Ruler slowly retreated into the crowd behind him.

There are still nine third-tier powerhouses left on their side, and it seems that there are only two third-tier powerhouses on the indigenous side. There is no need to continue to play with prey, just eat this small team, and wait for Miss Vivienne to wait. Acquaintances can save them.

"And the native fourth-order must be staring at us. The order of the arbitrator is for us to lure them out. I can't take this risk alone."

The person who was supposed to attract the attention of Tier [-] was the red devil with extremely tenacious vitality, but now that he was dead, the Green Flame Ruler felt that a Tier [-] powerhouse could emerge at any time and take his head off.

And just now when the red devil Grantham died, the arbiter lurking in the dark didn't make a move, obviously he didn't take their safety into consideration.

The Green Flame Ruler took a look at Vivienne, the enchanting demon, and gradually had an idea in his heart. He said loudly: "Grantham died at the hands of the natives because of his arrogance. If you don't learn the lesson, then we will Today, I will completely lose the face of the Ossaid people!"

"Master Patrick, how dare we ignore the honor of the Ossaid people? We are waiting for your order!"

Hammer of Liaoyuan is a very winking person, and he has perfectly completed his task of being a fan.

"Well, now, with absolute strength, we will kill all of this indigenous team, leaving no one behind!"

"Yes! Master Patrick!"

As soon as the words fell, many warriors behind the green flame ruler no longer concealed their combat power, and unreservedly stimulated their own magic fluctuations!

All of a sudden, the sky over Chishuang Island suddenly changed, thunder and lightning struck, and sand and rocks flew above the ground. Some crumbling buildings also collapsed under the circumstance of a large number of strong people!

"This... there are actually nine third-order powerhouses!!!"

The Magic Bean Sower stepped on the swarm monster and came to Ye Fan's side, his voice trembled unavoidably.

Could it be that he and Ye Fan are really required to deal with enemies that are several times larger than their own in front of them!

The Azure Star human warriors in the back, except for a few strong-willed ones, most of them were terrified. The strongest among them was only half-step three-level, how could they match the enemies of this level of combat power!

"Hurry up and run to the rear fleet, we are not their opponents at all!"

In the crowd, some even wanted to run away.

If it weren't for the captains of several Rangers not giving orders, the scene might have been even uglier.

Zhao Jinyin, who was hiding in the dark, sighed even more. Now it is too late for the command ship to send more third ranks. Could it be that she has made a move?

But after thinking about it, I know that the enemy's Tier [-] must be there too, if she makes the first move, she will definitely lose the initiative.

This is the most dangerous thing!

When everyone was embarrassed and the scene was chaotic, Yang Xi smiled faintly.

"It's time for us to do it!"

Under his order, the sandwich seaweed team came out in a row, arousing their own third-level aura, and standing with Ye Fan.

Liu Yuan, who had finished his transformation, let out a loud growl and pointed his thumb at himself, "The ruling organization Kui Mulang is here, who dares to fight me?"

440 I am the adopted son of Youji!

Looking at the proud Liu Yuan beside him, Yang Xi wished he could kick him back, why are you howling!

The B grids are all gone!

Ye Fan was slightly taken aback. Although he knew that the organization's background had increased greatly recently, he never expected that the leader would produce five third-tier powerhouses without making a sound.

Originally, he thought that he was already the leader's strongest subordinate.

"I have to keep working hard in the future, I... after all, I'm still not strong enough!"

Compared with Ye Fan's "calmness", the others are not so calm.

Even the Magic Bean Planter, who has always been burdened by idols and tried to maintain his "handsome guy with squinting eyes and black belly" persona, was shocked by the manipulation of five third-tier powerhouses popping up in one go by the adjudication organization!

This... who is the great power in the world?

Is it still too late to switch to the adjudication organization?

There is also the "Sandwich Seaweed" team, what kind of Lao Shizi's name is this!

The blue star human warriors who were a little flustered felt "steady" again.

It turns out that the Liberty Alliance sea area has long been prepared.

In the sound of "judgment awesome", only the magic dragon was struck by lightning.

"Ah Yuan...he...has already reached the third level?"

A transformed dragon feels like a paper man, with a pair of empty eyes floating in the wind.

Zhao Jinyin heaved a sigh of relief, but there was something strange in her beautiful eyes.

Five third-tiers, their iron-blooded army can also take them out.

But regardless of the two stars, the strength of Ji Yourong's three daughters was not as strong as before.

In other words, the ruling organization allowed them to cross the huge gap in strength in a short period of time and become powerful third-order abilities.

This is the horror of the Judgment Organization.

Zhao Jinyin licked her lips, "Is this the effect of the supernatural potion, or the effect of the blood essence of the strong?"

At the same time, she seemed to see a mysterious and powerful figure behind the adjudication organization, manipulating everything.

"What kind of existence is a person who is willing to serve even a chicken as his master?"

The leader of the Judgment Organization, I am afraid that he will fight against the blaster who claims to be the strongest human being in history!

"Five third-tiers popped up again?" The green flame ruler frowned, this time nine against seven, there was a little more suspense.

After all, in terms of the number of second-order powerhouses, the natives are dominant.

But despite this, he still has confidence in his own strength. The gap between the third-order limit and the ordinary third-order is not just talk.

The Green Flame Ruler said stubbornly: "I thought it would be a boring massacre, but you have a few more third-orders, which added some fun to me."

Yang Xi hadn't spoken yet, but Liu Yuan took the conversation in a blah blah blah: "Green-haired ugly boy, don't speak too loudly, be careful that you lose your waist, do you know who my godfather is?"

What are you talking about?Yang Xi was speechless.

The Green Flame Dominator is a little confused, this is a mouthful, why are you mentioning a godfather?

But he still couldn't help asking: "Who is your godfather?"

Liu Yuan laughed and said, "Say it out and scare you to death. Lord Youji of the Judgment Organization is my godfather Liu Yuan! How about it, are you scared to pee? Now kneel down and kowtow to me, and introduce a few more Good-looking Ossaid sisters have a drink with brother, you still have a way to survive!"

"Who is You Chicken? Haven't heard of it? Since you want me to kowtow to admit my mistake, then I will take off your blue-haired dog's head and grill it later!"

Liu Yuan was not angry, and continued: "You don't even know the name of my godfather, so you dare to come to the world to cause trouble? My godfather, Youji, is one of the big bosses of the Judgment Organization, a powerful fourth-order ability user, Now you, an Ossian bumpkin, know?"

Tier [-] powerhouse?

The face of the Green Flame Dominator is solemn, and every fourth-order powerhouse deserves respect.

Especially the fourth-order powerhouses of the natives, in terms of talent, they are even better than the fourth-order powerhouses of the Ossiders.

And thinking that the fourth-level enemy might be lurking in the dark, the Green Flame Ruler didn't dare to be too arrogant, and said in a more respectful tone, "It turns out that your godfather is a fourth-level strong man. For the sake of that adult, I'll leave you alive for the time being."

Although it may not be done, the attitude must be expressed in place.

His goal is to rescue Miss Vivienne and fulfill his purpose of repaying his favor. It doesn't matter if he doesn't kill the foster son of this fourth-order powerhouse.

Yang Xi next to him couldn't laugh or cry, he really didn't arrive first, Liu Yuan's operation was really effective.

These Ossaid people are too silly!

Unexpectedly, Liu Yuan said disdainfully: "I still want you to live, just wait and see, if Grandpa yells that it hurts, I won't be a man!"

As he spoke, he dug his paw into his heart, skillfully took out the heart, and crushed it in front of everyone.

The hot blood smeared his face!

Everyone was stunned!

Good guy, kill yourself if you don't agree?

The Green Flame Ruler was taken aback even more. Could this... could this guy be blaming me?

Yang Xi and Molong were speechless at the same time, such a familiar second-b operation!

Originally thought that Liu Yuan had grown up after experiencing so much, but unexpectedly, he was still the same as before.

Even Zhao Jinyin was taken aback.

When everyone was petrified, they heard Liu Yuan's indifferent voice.

"You see, Young Master Liu, my heart is gone, and I'm still alive and kicking. Want to kill me? Think about yourself first!"

As he said that, a puff of white smoke came out from the position of his wound, and when he looked again, the wound had already healed a lot.

Damn, another pervert!

Everyone cursed secretly.

This kind of bloodline with extremely strong resilience is rare to see on weekdays, but how could I expect to see two of them in a row today.

Yang Xi really didn't want to see Liu Yuan continue to play tricks, so without saying a word, he took the lead and rushed towards the enemy.

The appearance of this advance team was originally arranged by him. Now that the deity is gone, he will eat up this power no matter what!

The majestic internal force rolled away like sea waves, Yang Xi used all his strength to use the Plum Blossom Lost Step of Bi Yuewu's vest, and the whole person rushed into the crowd of Ossaid like a ghost.

His goal is naturally the leader of the Green Flame Dominator.

The Green Flame Dominator murmured inwardly, he didn't expect that the handsome aboriginal guy next to the adopted son of the fourth-order powerhouse would have such strength!


Yang Xi's fist was imprinted on a hammer, and a violent flame ignited, forcing him back.

After the Liaoyuan Hammer blocked the blow for the Green Flame Dominator, he said coldly: "Master Patrick, with me by your side, you can rest assured and prepare the ultimate move!"

Although the melee strength of the Green Flame Dominator is not weak, his advantage lies in the large-scale elemental attack!

"Okay, hang on to this guy!"

The green flame ruler retreated into the crowd, the green flame on his head shook a few times, and one flower fell into his palm. As he muttered words, a huge amount of magic power was gathering!

"Don't let him complete the big move!"

Yang Xi yelled, and punched Liaoyuan Hammer on his bearded face.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Yourong's eyes flashed silver, and he disappeared in place!

441 Green Flame Lotus Stand

These days, Yang Xi has been running around for the Judgment Organization and the great affairs of the Azure Star Human Race, so it can be said that he never touches the ground.

So he really didn't have extra energy to care about the progress of Ji Yourong's three daughters in terms of strength.

But Ji Yourong herself has never slacked off, she knows how difficult this world is.

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