Leaving aside self-protection, Ji Yourong didn't dare to relax in the slightest on the road of cultivation just to do his part for the family.

When there is a war, she goes forward bravely; when there is nothing to do, she will use a lot of training to push her best potential.

So much so that when she goes back to her room every day, she must be exhausted and fall asleep as soon as she touches the pillow.

This kind of dedication will naturally have rich returns.

Although, the third-order power pearl on her body was a gift from Yang Xi.

But if you want to use this sudden power to perfection, it is impossible to do it without daily polishing and development.

The Green Flame Ruler instinctively felt the crisis, and he found that everything around him seemed to be speeding up.

"What's going on? Could it be that I was hit by a mental attack?"

After all, it was the strong man who came out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood. When he encountered this situation, he didn't panic. He concentrated all his mental power and instantly rushed away the special force that penetrated into the space between his eyebrows.

But just when he got rid of the sluggish state, the dazzling silver light occupied his entire field of vision, and a murderous intent pierced his heart!

So fast! ! !

The Green Flame Ruler didn't even think about it, he gave up the brewing big move at hand, and covered himself with the energy of the fire element he had just accumulated.

In the eyes of the outside world, this Ossaid flame-type powerhouse became a green and faint fire man in the blink of an eye!

Ji Yourong's dagger was as fast as it could be, but it only had time to carve through this layer of green flame skin.

The flame is obviously an invisible thing, but at this moment it is difficult for Ji Yourong's attack to take one step away!

The other third-order Ossaid also discovered the situation on the side of the Green Flame Ruler, and in shock, they came towards Ji Yourong to attack and kill him, ignoring others.

Although I can't understand the arrogant attitude of the Green Flame Dominator, he can't die right now.

To put it bluntly, if the Green Flame Dominator can perform normally, more than half of the output of their advance team will be played by him.

Facing the two Ossaid Tier [-] powerhouses approaching aggressively, the assassin-type Ji Yourong naturally wouldn't get entangled. His eyes were like silver lights, and he opened his distance and wandered around the battlefield looking for new opportunities.

At the same time, the two parties fought fiercely together.

It has to be admitted that in terms of the category of the second level, the individual combat effectiveness of the Ossaid people is indeed a bit stronger.

If it weren't for the advantages of the Azure Star Human Race in numbers and coordination, they might be unilaterally suppressed.

And on the third-tier battlefield, because Yang Xi wanted to see the limits of his younger brothers, he only restrained a relatively reckless Liaoyuan Hammer, and the Azure Star Human Race, which was two fewer in number, fell into a bitter fight.

Among them, Ye Fan and Ji Yourong cooperated with each other to restrain the Green Flame Dominator and the two melee third-level ability users who protected him.

Coupled with Liu Yuan's thick-skinned, thick-skinned and desperate fighting style, and others' scruples about his status as the "adopted son of a fourth-tier strongman", he actually restrained two third-tier fighters by himself.

Others choose their opponents and gradually spread the battlefield.

For a time, the entire Chishuang Island was full of killing sounds, and the battle was extremely fierce.

"Damn it, it can't go on like this!"

The Green Flame Dominator deeply knows that if the entanglement continues, once the enemy reinforcements arrive, they will die without a place to bury them!

"After all, we still underestimated the natives!"

His eyes were full of regret. This rescue operation was indeed reckless.

Glancing at the charming and pitiful Vivienne in the crowd, the Green Flame Ruler became cruel, and without hesitation, took off all the green flames on his head.

This was the original fire that he had spent a lot of time and energy accumulating, and he didn't expect to consume it all this time.

If I want to have such a bright "green flame crown", I don't know how many years I will have to wait.

After consuming so much original fire, the big move that could not be released under the interference of Ye Fan and Ji Yourong, completed the energy accumulation in the early stage almost within a few seconds.

Terrifying fluctuations of magic power emanated from the lotus platform composed of flames in the hands of the green flame ruler.

As soon as this palm-sized thing appeared, the faces of the Ossaid warriors froze, and they flew towards the sky without hesitation.

"This guy, half of his foot has already stepped into the threshold of comprehension of the profound truth of the law!"

Holding the Liaoyuan Hammer with a bruised nose and swollen face, Yang Xi murmured.

Zhao Jinyin also noticed the horror of this green flame lotus platform. The concentrated fire element ability on it was almost close to the fourth-order category!

Her complexion changed continuously. Although there were five third-tier masters in the adjudication organization this time, she still had to take the risk of being attacked by the enemy's fourth-tier powerhouse after all, did she make a rash move?

There is no way to do this. After all, those present are all the elites of the Azure Star Human Race. The loss of all of them being killed in battle is absolutely unbearable to the three major forces!

The flame lotus platform is like a small sun, which dyes the whole area of ​​the city center in a faint green color, giving people the illusion of being in hell!


The silver glow lit up again, and Ji Yourong unwillingly launched another wave of assassinations.

It's just that it's different from the previous few times. When Patrick, who successfully condensed the green flame lotus platform, was hit, there was a hint of sarcasm in the corner of his eyes.


When Ji Yourong rushed in at high speed, he turned into a burning man in an instant and bounced back out!

Yang Xi frowned, twisted Liaoyuan Hammer's neck, rushed to catch Ji Yourong, and extinguished the flames on her body with a burst of internal energy.

But the green flame caused her a lot of injuries, and even half of that pretty face was destroyed.

Ji Yourong groaned in pain, because of the corrosiveness of the green flame, she was still suffering wave after wave of pain.

Yang Xi quickly took out a healing fruit and crushed it on Ji Yourong's body!

The intense light element fell on Ji Yourong's wound in an instant, and under the effect of the resuscitation mystery, the corroded skin tissue on her body slowly recovered.

"The mystery of the light system? In the ruling organization, there is actually a third fourth-order powerhouse!"

Zhao Jinyin was shocked. She found that the three major forces once again underestimated this mysterious adjudication organization.

An absurd idea sprouted in her mind, the twelve zodiac signs of the adjudication organization, wouldn't they all be Tier [-] powerhouses?

Didn't Youji always hide his strength before?

Then Shenhou, Sisnake, etc. who have already shown up, can't they do this?

But this is too scary, right?

If the Judgment Organization really has so many Tier [-] powerhouses, then they are without a doubt the most well-deserved number one force of the Azure Star Human Race!


Zhao Jinyin was still guessing the reality of the adjudication organization, but there was another change on the battlefield!

I saw Ye Fan roared, and a blue arrogance emerged from his body. For a while, he seemed to be fighting against the green flame lotus platform!

He even used the ultimate trick at any cost - "Desolate Ancient Eucharist"!

442 Ancient Eucharist

This was the second time everyone saw Ye Fan's firm back.

Looking at the young but tall figure, everyone felt mixed feelings.

He was obviously a young man, why did he always stand in front of the crowd and face a powerful enemy alone.

Moreover, looking at Ye Fan's aura, it was obviously much stronger than before!

Marukyu's whole body is wrapped in the battle armor that appeared, and there is a combat drone hovering around her. Through the red mask, she can clearly collect all kinds of Ye Fan's body data at the moment.

As Ye Fan's girlfriend, Marukyu naturally knew the price of using the skill "Desolate Ancient Body".

At this moment, Ye Fan's physical fitness has reached 320 five times that of ordinary people!

The muscles and muscles on his body were overloaded with excess energy, and his originally lean appearance had grown stronger, fully supporting the uniform of the Night Squad.

Because of the continuous leakage of his own energy, Ye Fan's hair stood on end, accompanied by the blue arrogance around him, giving people a sense of wildness, like a lion from the grassland.

Yang Xi's eyes were full of relief, thinking of the stubborn boy whose teeth were pulled out when he first met, who would have thought that he could grow to this level now?

"That fragment of law, there is no white flower!"

The aura of the Green Flame Lotus Platform was suppressed, but Patrick didn't panic at all.

In fact, since he realized this trick, he has rarely met an opponent at the same level.

Leaving aside Green Flame's characteristic of corroding flesh and blood, just talking about the massive fire element it contains, it is not a power that ordinary third-tier powerhouses can control.

Furthermore, Patrick has always looked down on melee-type abilities.

In his opinion, even if the blue native in front of him had a few brushes, under the power of his green flame lotus platform, he might not be able to parry it.

"It's a pity, if you are not a native, maybe I can show mercy and let you be my guard, now..."

The Green Flame Dominator waved his hand, and the stable Green Flame Lotus Platform actually emitted a scorching brilliance. This extremely green radiance made people tremble!

In the green backlight, this third-order limit of Ossaid showed a cruel smile, "Just let you be the first native to die in my trick, it can be regarded as a reward for your bravery!"

"Remember, the one who killed you was the great Lord Patrick!"

A thick green flame hit Ye Fan straightly, and it seemed that even the space was burned and distorted wherever it passed!

This is a mutation produced by a large number of dense fire elements!

Facing the enemy's menacing attack, Ye Fan's face was calm and calm. Behind him were his teammates, so he could not retreat.

Ye Fan stepped forward with his left foot heavily, stepping on the air to make a cracking sound, clenched his right fist tightly, and the muscles of his right arm swelled again under the energy supply.

This time, even the uniform was broken!

The broken cloth was blown away by the flames, like a withered cherry blossom!


With this punch Ye Fan swung, there was a muffled thunder between heaven and earth.

Everyone's hearts trembled. Some A-level players, those with weaker physical defenses, even injured their internal organs, and blood oozed from the corners of their mouths.

The huge power burst out concentratedly, hitting the green flame precisely and fiercely!

I saw gorgeous brilliance lingering around Ye Fan's fist, and the punching force of the fist pressed across, breaking the arrogant green flames in the air!

Looking from a distance, the sky above Chishuang Island seems to be a huge blue and green firework.

On the command ship, Ouyang Guanhe praised: "I kind of understand why a guy like Blast, whose eyes are above the top, wants to take this kid as his apprentice. This kid has a limitless future!"

Hearing the words, the corners of Tong Tian's eyes twitched slightly. He thought about blasting, but he probably didn't expect Ye Fan to be as strong as he is now, right?

"How... how is it possible?"

The Green Flame Ruler was shocked. This boy-like native actually blocked the move he was proud of with his fist!

"It must be a coincidence!"

Unbelieving, he once again manipulated the green flame lotus platform to shoot a high-pressure flame.

Ye Fan didn't say a word, and dealt with the enemy's attack methods in the same way!

The green flame ruler's eyes were red, as if Ye Fan's fist didn't greet the flame, but hit him in the face!

"Give me death!"

This time, the green lotus platform shot three flames, one of which was aimed at Ye Fan, and the other two were randomly shot at two Azure Star human warriors.

Ye Fan's eyes were fixed, and he rushed forward, punched the flame column that was attacking him, and before he could stand still, he disappeared in place with a swipe, and kicked the second flame column.

At this time, the third flame column was already approaching its target, and the latter screamed and flew into the sky in panic.

But under the control of the green flame ruler, the flame pillar bent its angle and continued to chase him mercilessly.

Seeing that he was about to catch up, Ye Fan appeared behind him at the critical moment, slapped him crookedly with his palm, and rushed to the ground.


The green flame hit the ground, directly burning out a bottomless hole, and the surrounding areas were suddenly corroded rapidly, and a huge pit with a diameter of ten meters appeared in the blink of an eye!

Everyone was speechless, if this flame pillar hit him, he would definitely die to death!

But this guy Ye Fan used his physical body to confront this terrifying thing head-on.

What kind of monster is he!

"Okay, okay! I didn't expect you to be able to crack this, so I want to see how you should deal with the next move!"

The Green Flame Ruler gritted his teeth.

With a wave of his hands, more than a dozen tongues of flame instantly extended from the green flame lotus platform!

Even the main body of the lotus platform was darkened after these dozens of tongues of fire were produced!

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