"Haha, let's see how many you can save!"

Faced with the enemy's unreasonable attack methods, the soldiers of the Azure Star Terran turned pale. They are not Ye Fan, and they don't have the confidence to take this move!

But relying on Ye Fan alone, maybe he can block three or even five flames, what about the remaining ten?

How to solve it?

Maybe Kui Mulang of the Judgment Organization could resist this move with his strong recovery ability, but what about others?

Facing this desperate situation, Zhao Jinyin sighed quietly, stretched out her left hand, and the light particles gathered in the palm of her hand, she was going to make a move!

But at this moment, Ye Fan moved again!

He suddenly rushed to the green lotus platform!

Seeing Ye Fan's actions, the Green Flame Ruler sneered. The surrounding area of ​​the Green Flame Lotus Platform seemed to be empty, but it was actually covered with high-density fire elements.

The faster the intruder, the greater the backlash.

This is the method he uses to counteract being approached.

"After all, they are still natives, and their combat experience is still far behind that of our great Ossaid warriors!"

443 Fall

Yang Xi squinted his eyes, he was ready to make a move.

With his vision, he has already seen the layout around the Green Flame Lotus Platform, and he has prepared several solutions in his mind.

But for Ye Fan, he has always had enough confidence, presumably this kid must have a countermeasure.

Ye Fan has never been a reckless person.

It's just that those who trust Ye Fan like him are a minority after all.

On the side of the Azure Star Human Race, many people reminded Ye Fan not to make the same mistakes as Ji Yourong.

But Ye Fan, who was covered in arrogance, didn't even have the thought of slowing down, like a cannonball, hitting the green flame ruler straight.

His body came into contact with the high-density free fire elements, and instantly turned into a dark green flame like a lit match.


The Green Flame Ruler shook his head and was speechless, he had never seen such a tough-headed person.

But that's fine too, with Ye Fan dead, the others can't resist his attack at all.

The expressions on the faces of some of the weaker Azure Star Terran warriors suddenly looked mournful.

Without Ye Fan's protection, they have to face the attack of the green flame pillar alone, which is tantamount to a desperate situation for them.

"After finishing this group of people and saving Miss Vivienne, I will leave immediately. The feeling of being stared at by a fourth-order powerhouse is really terrible!"

The Green Flame Dominator controlled more than a dozen flame pillars, aiming at the dark green flame that engulfed Ye Fan!

However, to his surprise, there was an earth-shattering explosion from where Ye Fan was.

The arrogance actually extinguished the dark green flame, and Ye Fan, under the protection of the arrogance, was unharmed!

At this moment, more than a dozen flame pillars came in front of him, but Ye Fan's eyes were neither happy nor sad, and he entered a state of absolute calm!

The enhanced physical fitness of more than 300 times is not only strength and speed!

"Close enough."

Ye Fan murmured, and punched violently!

The entangled and terrifying flame pillars burst open in the middle!

Ye Fan's fist remained undiminished, and he faced the Green Flame Dominator with the power of a hell god!

The latter showed panic, "Damn it, what kind of monster are you!"

This aborigine can actually feel like a fish in water in such a high-density environment of fire elements!

Even he, a fire-type supernatural being who has the name of the ruler, dares to move slowly here!

"How can this be good! With Master Patrick's dense fire element belt, we can't break in!"

"Or use long-range attacks to support him?"

"But the distance between him and this native is so close, what if he accidentally hurts him?"

The Ossaid fighters watching the battle from a high place looked at each other. No one thought that someone could break into the dense fire element zone set up by the Green Flame Dominator. This was the trick used to protect him, but now it has become an obstacle for his companions to support the past. !

Seeing that Ye Fan's fist was about to hit him, the Green Flame Dominator's heart skipped a beat, and he manipulated the Green Flame Lotus Platform to stand in front of him, taking the punch for him.

Ye Fan's extremely hard fist slammed into the green flame lotus platform.

Originally thought that it would be directly knocked into the air, but the fact is that with Ye Fan's powerful strength, he couldn't make it move even an inch away!

As if it had just taken root in that space!

"Burn me!"

The Green Flame Dominator took advantage of the few seconds when Ye Fan was backlashed by his fist, and desperately mobilized the massive flame energy in the Green Flame Lotus Platform.

The corrosive and powerful green flame enveloped Ye Fan again.

It's a pity that this still couldn't break through the arrogance around Ye Fan.

Ye Fan is naturally not dead-headed, since there is no way to fly the lotus platform, then just avoid it!

He turned over with a kite and swept towards the head of the Green Flame Dominator with one leg!

If it was kicked hard by Ye Fan's kick, the head of the green flame ruler would definitely be kicked into pieces like a watermelon!

"I block!"

The green flame lotus platform appeared not far from Patrick's temple, flexibly blocking Ye Fan's foot.

Terrifying power exploded around the lotus platform, and the remaining power alone almost overturned the Green Flame Dominator.

The face of the Green Flame Dominator turned pale, and he had only now personally experienced the fighting power of the native boy in front of him.

It's so scary, but it's still Tier [-]?

Still let us live?

But now is not the time for him to think wildly, Ye Fan's attack came again.

The Green Flame Dominator controls the lotus platform to block it!

In this way, Ye Fan either punched or kicked, or even used knee bumps, and launched more than a dozen melee attacks around the body of the Green Flame Dominator.

But none of them could greet his body!

"Hey, this may be the sorrow of melee supernatural beings. No matter how fast your punching speed is, no matter how tricky your horns are, it can't compare to the green flame lotus platform I command with spiritual power!

"Oh, really?"

Ye Fan stared at Patrick indifferently, as if looking at a dead person.

"Why, don't think that you have the upper hand now. My attack can't be effective against you, but your fist can't hit me either."

The Green Flame Dominator was upset by Ye Fan's eyes.

But just as he finished speaking, there was a "click" on the originally indestructible green flame lotus platform, and a crack appeared.

Although the crack is extremely small, the green flame lotus platform is indeed beginning to disintegrate under Ye Fan's fist!

"how is this possible?"

This guy's tone can already be described as a mix of shock and anger.

While condensing his fist, Ye Fan said: "There is nothing impossible in this world!"

As he spoke, he swung his fist again.

The green flame lotus platform, which was originally extremely hard, was smashed with a punch, and the sky was ignited with flames.

A huge green lotus appeared in the sky above the dilapidated urban area of ​​Chishuang Island. It was beautiful, but with a hint of desolation.

After the flames dissipated, Ye Fan and the green flame ruler reappeared in front of everyone.

But the body of the latter was penetrated by the fist of the former.

The green flame ruler stared at Ye Fan, and spit out a mouthful of blood, "I admit, you are indeed the strongest soil I have ever seen... No, warrior!"

"Losing at your hands doesn't count as losing my reputation as Patrick!"

He cast his final gaze on the succubus Vivienne in the crowd, and his lips moved: "I'm sorry, Miss Vivienne, I still haven't been able to repay your favor..."

The succubus Vivian looked at the green flame ruler whose chest was pierced by Ye Fan in the sky, and tried hard to cover her mouth to prevent herself from crying.

She recalled a heavy rain many years ago.

The down-and-out mercenary she met in front of the mercenary union, and the stubborn green flame on the mercenary's head, even though the rain washed away, it never went out.

She saved him who was seriously injured, but also rejected his pursuit.


Vivian burst into tears.

In Succubus's shrill voice, a third-order extreme powerhouse fell.

444 Young Master Liu is Missing Below His Head

Fate is always cruel.

In countless planes, every individual is driven forward by the general trend.

The so-called good and evil, wrong and right have different results in front of different reference objects.

Ye Fan pulled out his fist, threw off the corpse of the Green Flame Ruler with the remaining temperature, and rushed towards the remaining enemies without stopping.

"Follow up and kill all these Ossianids!"

Without the green flame ruler of the third-order limit, and the explosive Ye Fan, human beings regained the advantage on the battlefield of Scarlet Frost Island.

Taking advantage of Ye Fan's state of the ancient holy body, he launched a bloody pursuit of the enemy.

But the Ossaid warriors did not flee, the pride of the Ossaids did not allow them to turn their backs on the enemy.

No matter how powerful the Azure Star human warriors are, in their eyes, they are still ignorant natives!

"Kill, how could we be defeated by the natives!"

"This blue-haired guy obviously used a forbidden move, and he won't last long!"

"Persist for a while, the army will arrive, and we still have a chance to come back!"

The two sides continued to fight together, and the sound of fighting resounded through the sky.

Zhao Jinyin looked at the gradually heating up battlefield, and concentrated her energy to find the fourth-order powerhouse hiding in the dark.

She didn't believe that Ossaid Tier [-] could really sit back and watch so many strong men be slaughtered!

But at this moment, an elegant male voice sounded behind her.

"I found you. I didn't expect the fourth rank of the native to be a woman."

not good! ! !

Zhao Jinyin was terrified, and an unprecedented sense of crisis engulfed her.

She seemed to be stared at by a cobra, like a light on her back!

In desperation, she didn't care about others, and simply and neatly urged her own secrets to complete the transformation into an angel in an instant.

A pair of light wings and a pair of feathered wings appeared behind her at the same time, and a sacred and inviolable majesty radiated from her.


The enemy behind joked: "Is it the ability of the light system?"


The arbitrator who had been lurking for a long time manipulated his own bubble to explode behind Zhao Jinyin.


The sound of the bubbles exploding was so crisp that it didn't even feel threatening at first.

But after a few breaths, the terrifying water elements collapsed and reorganized in a special arrangement, setting off a heart-pounding storm at the microscopic elemental level.

This storm intensified. Although it was only a riot in the water element category, it caused a resonance in the space!

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