"Long live Oceid!!!!"

"Must win!!!!"

Looking at the howling army below, Duran's avatar was smiling, and his mother was critical of him, wishing to cheat them to death.

It's a pity that his power as the new commander of the coalition forces has been constrained by the senior fourth-order adults above, and he cannot use it as he pleases.

It can only be manipulated by using the cover of the Keith family's suppression of dissidents.

This made the second uncle Hood who followed all the way look ugly. With so many enemies, if the Keith family lost their current power, the backlash would be extremely violent, and the extermination of the family was basically a certainty.

So even though he already had some doubts about the identity of Duran's avatar in his heart, he could only hold his nose and go all the way to the dark.

Not to mention that he doesn't have any evidence to prove the authenticity of his nephew, even if he really brought down Duran, those families whose interests have been damaged will only laugh and make more black hands.

On the other hand, Shirley beside him looked at his cousin adoringly, with a look of pride.

She is more and more adoring her cousin who she once hated so much.

The arbitrator smiled and said to Venerable Lei Ming: "Lord Norton has a keen eye for pearls. I didn't expect Dulan to be a general. He arranged all the affairs of the new coalition army in an orderly manner. This is comparable to those who only follow the scriptures." Idiots are much better!"

Venerable Lei Ming was a little speechless. The matter of Duran wearing small shoes for families that had conflicts of interest with the Keith family was already a tacit matter in the new coalition.

The report files on his chopping board were piled up like a mountain, and he didn't know whether the old arbitrator was really ignorant or was mocking him.

However, he had no intention of moving Duran's position.

Anyway, Duran was promoted by Master Norton, and the decision made by the Prime Minister, before there was a major mistake, Venerable Lei Ming didn't have the courage to change it.

Don't talk about those useless things, anyway, Duran's operation did not violate the rules, as long as this war is won, everything can be cleared.

"I hope this kid won't disappoint the Prime Minister."

Venerable Lei Ming looked at the high-spirited Duran, his eyes suddenly flickered.

452 A Touch of Fire

An outpost patrols the sea on a daily basis.

This outpost ship belongs to the third squadron and is equipped with three alchemy cannons. Five large alchemy matrices have been etched on the whole ship. It has three squads with a total of more than [-] supernatural soldiers, including one A-level superhuman , B-level six, and the rest are C-level abilities.

Lu Ming's team is on this battleship.

"Sure enough, as you guessed, although my A-level strength has been exposed, the transfer order from the military department has not yet arrived."

On the deck, Wu Mei was holding a cup of steaming coffee, and seemed to be in good spirits.

"Now that the situation is so tense, the headquarters must not be able to spare energy to deal with these chores. There won't be too many 'on-the-spot' people like you, and if you don't make adjustments for a short time, it won't affect the overall situation."

The two were chatting, when a noisy voice came from behind.

"I don't know when the group of damned Ossaids will come. It's not a problem to patrol like this every day!"

The person who came was the A-level ability user on the ship, and the ability was the double-edged monster of the blood system].

After transforming, his arms will become sharp blades, and the skin of his whole body will be covered with metal. While his defense is strong, his speed cannot be underestimated.

The Double-Edged Geek stared at Wu Mei with some displeasure. Originally, he was the one and only existence on this outpost ship, so he planned to forcefully arrange patrol missions.

As the captain of the Double Blades team, he originally wanted to push the tasks under his command to the other two teams, so that their Double Blades team could recharge their batteries before the arrival of the alien beasts, and their chances of survival would be greatly improved. improvement.

This is also human nature. After all, not every supernatural soldier who came to participate in the counterattack is impartial and selfless.

It's a pity that he met Wu Mei, a stubborn stubble, and after the latter showed that his strength was not weaker than his, Double Blades had no choice but to give up his thoughts.

That's fine, he can continue to exploit another team that doesn't have an A-level power user in charge.

But he didn't want to fight, and this approach was also opposed by Wu Mei.

So now the double-edged monster's team is controlling the patrol boat to check the surroundings for the presence of strange beasts.

The patrol boat is much smaller than the outpost boat, and the safety factor has plummeted. The double-edged geek is here to express his dissatisfaction with Wu Mei because he is worried about the safety of his teammates.

Lu Ming smiled faintly, and didn't make any tit-for-tat moves because of Double Blades' tone.

He didn't want to get angry with this guy. In the upcoming battle, the most important thing was to let more players survive.

Putting the patrol task on a small team will not only overwhelm them, but also reduce the quality of the patrol. If they are really touched by a strange beast, everyone on their outpost ship will suffer!


It was the sound of the patrol boat returning. It seems that this time the patrol still did not find any traces of the Ossaid colonists.

"Captain, we're back!"

The members of the Double Blade team wiped off their sweat. On the small patrol boat, they really felt that they would be swallowed at any time.

"Then it's the turn of the members of the 'Daisy Squad' to go on patrol."

The Double-Edged Geek sneered and looked at the Daisy Squad aside.

The captain of the Daisy Squad is a beautiful woman with blond hair. Her ability is the Daisy Sword of the Horcrux system, and her level is B-level. In terms of strength, she is actually higher than Lu Ming.

There is no way, although Lu Ming's ability Jianglong Ten Palms] is a very potential inheritance-type ability user, but his development level is relatively low, and his strength is naturally not top-notch.

Being stared at coldly by the double-edged geek, Daisy was a little nervous, but encouraged by Lu Ming's eyes, she still led the team to the side of the ship, ready to land on the patrol boat.

Seeing the members of the Double Blade Squad climb up to the outpost ship with ease, Daisy's expression improved a bit. She thought it would be a while before the alien beasts attacked, and their luck should not be so bad.

"Everyone is going to board the patrol boat. Remember to be vigilant. If there is any disturbance, don't bother, and report to me!"

Unlike Double-Edge, Daisy intends to accompany the team members on patrol.

If she accidentally encounters a strange beast, with her strength, she might be able to delay until support arrives.

The sea is calm, the sky is full of white clouds, and there are still gliders passing by from time to time, which calms Daisy's mood a lot.

But just when the last member of the Double Blade team was about to leave the patrol boat, something happened.

A black tentacle came from far away, spanning a distance of nearly [-] meters in an instant, and wrapped it around the waist of this C-level supernatural soldier with precision.

The soldier was still chatting and spanking with his teammates without realizing it.

But following everyone's horrified gazes, he also found the tentacles wrapped around his waist.

The tentacles were full of barbs, which had pierced his flesh at this moment, bright red blood was continuously gushing from his body, but he didn't feel any pain at all.

Obviously, the toxins on the surface of the tentacles can block the pain signal from being transmitted to the brain.

The soldier's reaction was not slow. The moment he realized that he was being attacked, he activated his own ability. The C-level telekinesis acted on the tentacles, and there was a tendency to slowly tear them apart.

But with a scream piercing through the sea, the tentacle instantly swelled to the thickness of an arm, and mercilessly took the man away.

"Help me!!! Captain!!!!"

The screams of the supernatural soldiers resounded across the sea.

On the deck, the double-bladed geek looked extremely ugly. He couldn't judge the level of this strange beast, but in order to save his team members, he didn't hesitate at all. After completing the transformation, he jumped off the outpost ship.


A large amount of water mist was stirred up, and the double-edged monster ran wildly on the sea surface, trying to chase the team member who was dragged on the sea surface.

Coming down from the sky, a blood-red line is digging through the sea.


The alarm on the outpost was sounded, and the defense matrix was activated at the same time!

At the same time, under the surface of the sea, the first batch of alien beast troops have successfully taken their positions.

If the double-edged monster could see the densely packed strange beasts under the sea, no matter how loyal he was, he would stop his pursuit.

Under the surface of the sea, the Ossaid man wrapped in the body of the jellyfish monster smiled faintly, "The natives are the natives, and they can't even see such an obvious trap."

"A first-order superhuman?"

"Forget it, no matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat."

"kill him!"

Under his command, a "white-horned killer whale" swam out quietly.

As it got closer to the sea surface, the light in the water became more and more abundant, and the distance between it and the double-bladed monster was constantly shrinking!

453 Kill!

This C-level ability user who has passed out is like a bait. The double-edged monster and the white-horned killer whale are constantly speeding towards him, but they don't know which of them is the fish being caught.

Crash, the double-edged geek sensed the ever-growing black shadow under his feet, and stomped heavily on the sea surface. While passing the violent power down the sea water, he also lifted into the air with the force of recoil.

Below the surface of the sea, the white-horned killer whale, which was floating upwards, was slammed by the force of the water, and the compressed sea water hit it on the head like a huge fist.

For a moment, it was a little dazed.

But then, the white-horned killer whale recovered quickly. It opened its mouth out of embarrassment, and a special energy fluctuation was generated. The power from the ice field continued to gather, and a bone-chilling chill was born in its mouth!

The double-bladed geek who was stuck in the air noticed something was wrong, the sea below him was actually freezing!

At the same time, he couldn't help feeling a palpitation!

Therefore, he adjusted his posture without hesitation, crossing his double blades downward!

Sure enough, when he just completed this action, an icicle "grows" from the bottom of the sea, and the crushed ice is constantly splashed out due to extrusion, falling into the sea water not far away, and forming new ice in a short time noodle.

Even these discarded "leftovers" are filled with a large amount of ice energy, and what kind of terrifying power will be contained in the main body of the ice pillar!

Due to the metallization of the skin of the double-edged monster, his expression was a little stiff, but his face still showed complicated emotions.

There is both guilt for not being able to save his subordinates, and regret for falling into the enemy's trap.

But it's useless to think so much now. This white-horned killer whale cannot be dealt with by him alone. The key point is to resist this wave of attacks.

A yellow halo appeared at the center of his crossed blades, and then expanded into a light shield with a diameter of one meter.

At the same time, he curled up, trying his best to curl up his whole body behind the light shield, to welcome the coming impact.

With a bang, the ice energy hit the light shield.

The Double-Edged Geek felt that his heat was constantly being drawn away. Even if he avoided direct contact with the ice energy, he was still affected after all.

Because of the cold, his body began to tremble involuntarily, even numb.

Knowing that he couldn't go on like this, he exerted all his strength and slashed forward!

The moment the light shield spread out, a sharper chill hit his face, but he finally made an X-shaped cut!

The icicle was cut into four smooth parts the moment it reached the body, like a four-petaled ice flower blooming on the surface of the sea.

The double-bladed geek fell heavily on the ice, and before he had time to catch his breath, the black shadow rapidly expanded under the ice.


He cursed angrily, stopped running, and slashed towards the ice face fiercely!


The white-horned killer whale's extremely sharp white horn pierced through the ice, broke the double blades cut by the double-edged monster, and easily penetrated his body!

Hot blood flowed down the wound, and was frozen into red ice flowers on the white horn.

The lifeless Twinblade returned to human form, his arms severed at the elbows.

Hoarfrost covered his body in just a few seconds, only the blood flowing from his severed arm formed bright red thin ice edges.

The white-horned killer whale showed a bared expression towards the outpost, and threw the double-bladed monster's body on the ice at will.

The former A-level ability user, the captain of the double-blade team, and the nominal head of the outpost ship died in battle on the sea in just a few minutes.

At this moment, his silent eyes looked at the blue sky, and seemed to be full of nostalgia.

This scene was not only seen by Lu Ming and the crew on the outpost ship, but the other ten outpost ships deployed in this sea area also captured the scene of the death of the double-edged monster.

This picture was sent back to the temporary headquarters on Chishuang Island, and the staff also saw this scene.

Some people gritted their teeth and slapped the table, and some showed expressions of unbearable, but more people calmly started their movements.

Soon, the various supernatural forces that were already on standby came out of the base in a single file, walked neatly, and quickly carried the alchemy warship moored at the port.

The behemoths painted with the logo of the Freedom Alliance launched the propulsion matrix, rode the wind and waves amidst the roar, lined up out of the port, and rushed towards the enemy.

The powerful troops with the ability to fly also all lifted into the air, formed a triangle formation, and pressed the formation in the air.

The aura of Tier [-] and Tier S swept across the past, and the momentum was monstrous.

Ye Fan was advancing in the sky with his teammates, and what he was stepping on was the flying machine that Marukyu had appeared.

In the end, four beams of incomparable momentum shot up into the sky, fluctuating with mysterious laws, forming four beams of light, which went straight into the clouds.

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