Tongtian's killing mystery is red in color.

Ouyang Guanhe's speed profound meaning is blue and yellow in color.

Zhao Jinyin's wave-grain profound meaning is black and white.

And Yang Xi's Strong Magnetic Mystery is an incomparably deep black!

The Tier [-] on the side of the Azure Star Human Race showed their aura, and on the side of Ossaid, four pillars of light also rose to confront each other.

For a moment, the sky and the earth seemed to be stirred by this beam of light, the clouds began to become rough, and the sea was no longer calm.

On the Ossaid side, the beast tide formed by the alien beast army was in front, and the elite soldiers on the dark warship also gave out uniform shouts.

In a short while, the third-tier alien beasts and third-tier supernatural warriors also took off, and the number faintly surpassed that of the Azure Star Human Race!

This is the largest military conflict that has occurred in the Free Alliance waters in the past 50 years.

The strong players who participated in the war were incomparable in the previous island chain offensive and defensive battles, both in quantity and quality.

This battle was not broadcast live among the people.

However, the military, reserve bases, and military academies in the four major regions all received first-hand footage of the scene in real time.

When many recruits saw the enemies their seniors encountered on the front line, their immature faces were filled with shock, but then, the shock gradually turned into firmness.

They deeply know that this is also the enemy they need to face in the future.

"Soldiers, follow us - kill!!!!"

Ouyang Guanhe shouted loudly in the air!

At this moment, it seemed that he was no longer the high-ranking commander-in-chief of the Freedom Army, but a member of the human race who was fighting for the continuation of the race just like the countless supernatural fighters below!


All the fighters of the Freedom Army, including the Rangers from the Heroes' Association and Iron Blood Army, also shouted this word with anger.

For a moment, the entire sea area echoed with the shouts of the human race.

The veterans standing in front of the screen had tears in their eyes. They knew that after this sound, how many young people would leave forever and be remembered forever!

454 Egg Tart Artisan

One after another, the outpost ships were wiped out by the alien beasts, and their defensive matrix was as fragile as a bubble in front of the ferocious alien beasts.

"Quick, speed up to three o'clock!!!"

Lu Ming's face was almost turning green. With their strength, it was enough to deal with an A-level alien beast, let alone a wave-like army of alien beasts.

They have already completed the inspection task assigned by the military department, and the most important thing is to survive the first wave of shock.


The Black Dragon Spear and Daisy Sword appeared at the same time, Wu Mei and Daisy fought at the stern of the boat, staring at the white horn that was moving fast on the sea!

It was this white-horned killer whale that killed Double-Blade.

The members of the Double Blade Squad on the outpost can't wait to tear it apart!

However, their strength is limited, and the strongest vice-captain is only B-level strength.

B-level, in front of this white-horned killer whale that is good at ice energy, it has no power to fight at all.

I'm afraid that with just a breath of freezing air and the top of the white horn, it will be shattered into pieces in an instant.

Lu Ming noticed the thoughts of these supernatural soldiers behind him, and comforted him: "Don't worry, although we won't deal with the double-bladed monster, but no matter what, he is also our human warrior, since he died in order to save his team members. In the hands of the alien beast, we have the obligation to avenge him!"

Seeing the hesitation in the eyes of the members of the Double Blade Squad, Lu Ming added: "Even if it wasn't for your captain, this white-horned killer whale is biting us, but for our own survival, I will not let it go! "

Lu Ming's heartfelt words dispelled the doubts of the Double Blade team.

The captain of the Double Blade Squad, "Egg Tart Craftsman", said: "In order to avenge our captain, please entrust me with the most dangerous task!"

The egg tart craftsman is a B-level ability user of blood lineage. He can create fragrant egg tarts out of thin air and attack enemies by throwing egg tarts.

Moreover, he also mastered three egg tarts with different tastes and effects.

The milk-flavored egg tart can weaken the enemy's attack and make the enemy suddenly become milky.

The chocolate-flavored egg tart can be used to seal the enemy's actions, while the chili-flavored egg tart will explode in the air and cause fire damage.

The potential of his ability is not inferior to Lu Ming's Ten Dragon Subduing Palms!

Lu Ming was a little impressed by the taciturn vice-captain of the Double Blades team.

I thought he was a cold-blooded person at first, but I didn't expect that he could do this for the double-edged monster.

"Don't worry, we are all fighters of the Freedom Army, and we will go together when there is danger!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Ming stopped "buying people's hearts" and continued to concentrate on driving the outpost ship. He stopped and flicked his tail in the waves, and threw a rotating large alchemy crossbow from the side of the outpost ship, aiming fiercely at the white-horned killer whale. shoot!

The crossbow arrows were continuously enlarged in the eyes of the white-horned killer whale. Without the slightest hesitation, it immediately gave up the action of chasing and killing Lu Ming and others, and plunged in downwards, trying to avoid damage.

But who knows, the alchemy matrix on the top of the giant crossbow was slightly glowing, and it actually located the position of the white-horned killer whale, and plunged into the sea together with it.

The speed of the giant crossbow in the sea was not weakened, and the finished font pierced towards the white-horned killer whale.

A strange color flashed in the eyes of this strange beast, and the power of the ice field was once again brewing in its mouth. The moment it was about to make contact, it swung its tail suddenly, and its icy breath hit the crossbow, and the surrounding sea water froze into a huge ice pick.

Afterwards, it smashed the ice cone into pieces with one corner, and accelerated to chase the outpost ship again.

Seeing the white horn emerging from the sea again, the expressions of everyone on the outpost changed.

Wu Mei sighed and said, "Let me try it out!"

If they are caught up by this white-horned killer whale and destroy the hull, they will basically be sentenced to death for these level members.

He nodded at Lu Ming behind him, and using the Black Dragon Spear as a fulcrum, he jumped high from the deck!

On the way to stay in the air, the body soared a circle, and activated the deep sea superpower.

In the perception of everyone, this thin guy seemed to have turned into a beast from the deep sea.


The black dragon gun danced a few gun flowers behind Wu Mei, and in a trance, everyone seemed to see a black dragon hovering around him, and there was even a faint and melodious dragon cry.


The Black Dragon Spear carried a mighty force, and stabbed towards the white-horned killer whale.

This strange beast showed disdain. It could feel the energy fluctuations of this prey, which was no different from the guy it killed before.

It can't wait to stab its white horn into the body of this prey.

But as a white-horned killer whale, its habits make it like to kill frozen prey.

The feeling of breaking through the cold surface and reaching the warm inside makes it intoxicated.

Just when the black dragon gun and the white-horned killer whale were about to come into contact, Daisy on the deck also disappeared in place.

She reappeared, running wildly on the sea, with dancing daisies behind her.

On this bloody battlefield, there is a beauty of contrast.

The white-horned killer whale also discovered the crisis around it, but it dismissed it. The energy fluctuations on this yellow-haired prey didn't even have half of the body in the sky.

Let's freeze together with the power of the ice field!

Extremely cold energy spread across the sea.

Both Wu Mei and Daisy found that what they exhaled was white air!

Just when they felt their bodies gradually stiffen, a red heart egg tart the size of a washbasin appeared two meters above the white-horned killer whale.

Its attention was restrained by Wu Mei and Daisy, and it didn't notice the sneak attack of the egg tart maker.


The chili-flavored egg tart exploded, and along with the smell of being too spicy, a breath of fire element spread.

Although it couldn't counteract the ice power of the white-horned killer whale, it dispelled the chill on Wu Mei and Daisy's body.

At the same time, the white-horned killer whale, which smelled chili for the first time in its life, sneezed violently, one after another.

"This...whales also sneeze?"

"Fart, are you blind? This is a killer whale!"

"Are you two showing off? This motherfucker is a strange beast, a strange beast!"

The super team members on the deck talked a lot, but Lu Ming's eyes lit up. He didn't expect the chili egg tart made by the egg tart craftsman to have a miraculous effect!

Naturally, the sneezing white-horned killer whale can no longer maintain the power of the ice field. How could Wu Mei let this opportunity go?

He poured a huge amount of power into the Black Dragon Spear, stabbing it hard like a white-horned killer whale!


The Black Dragon Spear almost sank into the white-horned killer whale's head!

The miserable scream of the white-horned killer whale resounded across the sea.

Daisy also took advantage of this time to ruthlessly stab at an indescribable place of the white-horned killer whale.

The call of the white-horned killer whale became even more tragic.

Only the corners of Lu Ming's eyes slightly twitched on the outpost.

455 I want to face you...

The white-horned killer whale's body floated up, and just before it died, it struggled frantically and led Wu Mei into the deep sea.

Fortunately, Wu Mei has the bloodline of the deep-sea dominance, and her strength in the sea has increased a lot, otherwise she might be thrown off by the white-horned tiger.

With a tooth-piercing voice, Wu Mei pulled the Black Dragon Spear from the white-horned killer whale.

His face was calm and calm, and he didn't seem to be excited because he killed an A-level beast.

Daisy and the egg tart maker had already returned to the deck, and they looked at Wu Mei with admiration.

Even with the help of the two of them, Wu Mei's ability to kill the white-horned killer whale was beyond their expectations.

After all, an A-level beast needs three A-level supernatural beings to kill, and their two B-levels can't provide much help.

To be honest, the sword that Daisy stabbed at the indescribable place just now did not pose a threat to the white-horned killer whale because of its built-in structure.

It can be said that most of the damage caused by killing this white-horned killer whale came from Wu Mei.

So in terms of strength, Wu Mei is already considered to be particularly powerful among A-level supernatural beings.

Just when everyone wanted to take a breather, a huge head broke through the sea. Just this one head was twice the size of an outpost ship!

S-rank beast!

The faces of everyone on board were so pale that it was frightening!

The battle here is only a small part of the entire battlefield.

Looking down from a high altitude, the place where the Azure Star Human Race and the tide of alien beasts meet seems to be a blood line running across the sea.

This blood line is constantly distorted with the change of the battle situation. Almost every moment, there are people with supernatural powers swallowed by strange beasts, and there are also strange beasts bleeding with the tacit cooperation of a small team.

Death became the norm.

While the battlefield below became one, the elite troops of the Ossaids also faced off with the Rangers of the Freedom Army.

Ye Fan's dark night team faced a strong man with a third-order limit.

The whole body of this strong Ossaid is covered in purple skin, with five barbed unicorns growing on his head, a huge one-eyed one-third of his entire face, and his whole body is tangled with muscles.

He looked at Marukyu with interest: "It's rare to see such a beautiful indigenous girl. Hey, if you are willing to be my slave, I can show mercy and protect you in this war."

He pointed at himself with his thumb, "I, Lord Priestley, am a powerful third-order supernatural warrior. It is your honor to be my slave!"

After speaking, he put his hips on his hips and laughed loudly, exuding arrogance all over his body.

Marukyu sneered and said: "You one-eyed boy speaks the common language of the blue star quite well. Auntie still needs a laborer to carry things. If you surrender wisely and obediently, I can save your life!"

Priestley couldn't straighten up laughing as if hearing some extremely funny joke.

"Hahaha, you native has a personality, I like it! How dare you let me, the great Master Priestley, be your labor."

While talking, he squinted his one eye, pointed at Ye Fan and said, "I smell this guy on your body, the relationship between you two is not simple, right?

Very good, then I will beat you, and then strip her naked in front of your face, it will be very interesting. "

When Ye Fan heard this, a sullen look appeared on his face.

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