"As expected of a peerless genius who has become a Tier [-] among the natives, this move alone is enough for you to gain a foothold in the Ossaid plane!"

Venerable Lei Ming did not hesitate to praise, "However, I, Venerable Lei Ming, have been a fourth-order powerhouse for so many years. With the blessing of this Ossaid civilization background, I will definitely not lose to a native born in a wild way like you!"

As he said that, Venerable Lei Ming roared, and several thunderbolts randomly appeared in the sky, smashing some unlucky people to pieces!

Afterwards, these lightning bolts spanned a distance of [-] meters and struck on Venerable Lei Ming's head at the same time.

In an instant, incomparable lightning power gathered around him.

With the help and restraint of Lei Ming's Profound Truth, these tyrannical thunder and lightning elements not only did not tear Venerable Lei Ming's body apart, but instead followed a certain arrangement pattern and integrated into his body surface, forming a totem-like tattoo!

Venerable Lei Ming tore off his clothes, revealing his bronze-colored muscles, and complex thunder patterns appeared on his chest and back.

He slowly opened his eyes, and the original pupils had been replaced by a blazing thunder.

"My Thunder Lane Overlord Body, I'm here to meet your move today!"

Ouyang Guanhe saw Venerable Lei Ming make a big move, and temporarily gave up the idea of ​​supporting Youji.

To be honest, this Venerable Lei Ming is not weaker than him in terms of strength.

Now that he has gone all out, if he is half-hearted, he might be beheaded by the enemy.

In the face of threats to his life, Ouyang Guanhe couldn't close anything else!

I just hope that others can support the past in time!

However, Zhao Jinyin was also entangled by the arbitrator.

Thousands of bubbles the size of ping-pong balls were condensed from his exquisite profound meaning, floating around the battlefield between him and Zhao Jinyin.

"Before you want to support Youji, you should think about how to get out of my 'Linglong World'!"

Zhao Jinyin was so disbelieving that she wanted to forcefully break out of the siege. Light particles flowed down, but she was blasted back by the explosive power of hundreds of exquisite bubbles!

Although these exquisite bubbles that hide their figures are extremely petite, not even half the size of a palm, they contain a lot of water element!

The explosion of hundreds of bubbles almost blew through Zhao Jinyin's light particle membrane. If it was more powerful, even her body would be injured!

"Hehe, so don't worry, first find a way to get out of me, the situation outside has nothing to do with you and me for the time being."

The voice of the arbitrator came from all directions, and Zhao Jinyin could no longer find him.

"Damn it, if it goes on like this... if it goes on like this..."

If Youji died in battle because of Qian Youque's assassination, then Qian Youque would have an endless grudge with the adjudication organization.

Based on the tip of the iceberg that Zhao Jinyin has "investigated" now, even if Qian Youque becomes a powerhouse of the fourth rank, he will definitely not have any chance of survival under the pursuit of the Judgment Organization!

Her heart is extremely anxious!


Tongtian also discovered the situation on Yang Xi's side.

Compared with the other two, he who has been fighting all the way since the old days is obviously calmer.

"Youji is usually good at pretending, but I didn't expect it to be so useless when it's critical."

After thinking for a while, Tongtian manifested another fairy sword, and he said to Zijingmang lightly: "You little snake, if you are willing to join our Azure Star Human Race, I will spare you, how about it?"

With such a condescending tone, Amethyst Python was almost infuriated to death.

No matter how you say it, it is also a powerhouse of Tier [-]. Even in the plane of Ossaid, their amethyst python family has a head and a face, and now it is so discriminated against by an indigenous human?

"Who are you calling a little snake? A sissy!"

After saying these words, a dazzling purple light burst out from the body of the amethyst python, making it hard for people to open their eyes.

But Tongtian's eyes reflected purple light, but he didn't even blink once.

In just a few breaths, the body of the amethyst python grew countless times from the size of half a human.

A huge boa constrictor piercing almost the entire cloud appeared.

It has scales made of amethyst all over its body, and a pair of sun-like eyes protrude from the clouds.

Even if they weren't the ones being watched, the supernatural warriors fighting fiercely below were scared to death.

In front of this amethyst python that blocks the sky and the sun, those S-rank beasts that were originally thought to be huge are as cute as children's toys.

Amethyst Python's snake letter scattered a cloud, "How about it, is it big enough?"

In front of it, Tongtian looks like a small black dot.

But there was still no panic on his expression, he just looked at the amethyst python calmly.

As if it was still the half-human snake.

459 Faithful Horseman Ye Fan

"It's already the fourth level, are you still obsessed with the size of the physical body?"

The Celestial Immortal Sword uttered bursts of sword sounds, and as he waved his hands, he swung straight up, and circled the body of the amethyst python dozens of times like a butcher dispelling a cow.

Because the speed of the fairy sword is too fast, it leaves an afterimage in people's eyes. From a distance, the amethyst python looks like a white silk wrapped by the fairy sword.

In a short while, the surface of this huge python that seemed to swallow the sky and block out the sun had a lot of terrible wounds, and those amethyst scales that looked amazing in defense were directly ignored by the sharp fairy sword.

The amethyst python rolled in the clouds in pain, making the whole sky turbulent.

Blood poured down on the sea like a torrential rain, dyeing the sea red in just a few seconds.

Its blood seems to have a mysterious power, and the lives that are contaminated, whether they are humans or alien beasts, immediately turn red-eyed, lose their minds, and fight regardless of whether they are enemies or friends.

Fortunately, the Amethyst Python's body is strong enough, even with this degree of injury, it can't seriously injure him. It only took a few breaths of time, and it controlled the wound on its body caused by Tongtian, and there was no more blood left. vent.

But the pain caused by the fairy sword just now made it so angry that it wished to smash Tongtian into thousands of pieces.

Originally, he didn't have a good impression of the Ossaid people, and he thought that in the counterattack of the Azure Star people, he would just use a little soy sauce.

But now that things have escalated into a personal grievance between him and Tongtian, he will naturally go all out to defeat Tongtian, and then swallow him in one gulp!

"Wow, Tongtian, die for me!"

The amethyst python fought fiercely with Tongtian among the clouds, and for a while, the wind and clouds were surging, and the big movement seemed to pierce the sky!

The "Amethyst Profound Truth" of the Purple Crystal Python is one of the branches of the "Gravity Profound Truth". Relying on the unpredictable gravity interference, even if it is as strong as Tongtian, it will be impossible to take it for a while.

Naturally, he has no way to support Yang Xi.

Seeing that the three fourth-tier Celestial Terrans were restrained by their opponents, Chris sneered, "You chicken, you chicken, I didn't expect you to be so stupid today.

But it seems that God is going to kill you, otherwise how could I have encountered such a good opportunity? "

Ever since he met the people from the Judgment Organization, he hasn't had any good things. Now that this chicken has fallen into his hands, he has to prepare it carefully.

However, he squinted at Qian Youque next to him, "I don't know if this psychopath will interfere with me..."

"Miao Miao's father, I want to kill the chicken, I don't think you will stop me now, will you?"

Qian Youque just stared blankly ahead, not knowing what he was thinking.

Chris frowned. An individual controlled by the dark blue will cannot use ordinary people's logic to figure it out.

He didn't know what Qian Youque's purpose was for appearing here.

But now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill a chicken, and Chris doesn't intend to miss it.

He slowly floated in front of Yang Xi, with his hands behind his back elegantly, "I'm sorry, although I really want to have a fair fight with you, but if I really want to let go of this opportunity, I'm afraid I will regret it.

So, you can let yourself die without a fight! "

As he said that, Chris raised his hand, and Zhan's primary blade was condensed.

He seems to be raising the first blade casually, but in fact most of his attention is on Qian Youque who is beside him. If this guy wants to do bad things without opening his eyes, then he doesn't mind killing another fellow.

After all, for him who has comprehended the "Swallowing Profound Truth", devouring money and shortages will allow his strength to increase significantly again.

But what made him feel relaxed and somewhat melancholy was that Qian Youque was still in the same place, and had no plans to intervene.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect the famous Youji to end his glorious bang so tragically."

With some regret in his eyes, Chris chopped off Yang Xi's head mercilessly.

But when the first blade was only half a finger away from Yang Xi's chicken mask, a burst of arrogance came from far away and slammed into Chris hard, knocking him more than ten meters away. above the air.

Carrying dense energy, this first blade slashed quietly on the sea surface without causing any waves, as if nothing happened.

But after a few breaths, a large number of carcasses of deep-sea fish with intact surfaces quietly surfaced.

It was only affected, but the power of the first blade's move scattered all their weak souls!

Chris looked at the young man rushing forward with some annoyance, "A mere Tier-[-] limit dares to intervene in the battle of Tier-[-] swords, don't you know how to write death?"

What made Chris even more angry was that at the moment he was hit, he had a rare bad feeling. It seemed that this stupefied child brought him an inexplicable pressure.

Ye Fan maintains the state of the ancient holy body, not only by consuming vitality to release his own potential.

Today's him, in terms of strength alone, has far surpassed ordinary third-tier powerhouses, but he has not comprehended the law. It is indeed a very irrational thing to sneak attack a fourth-tier powerhouse.

But he didn't regret it. It was the leader who rescued him from the dark dungeon and gave him his current strength. Now that the leader is in a dangerous situation, even if the enemy he faces is a fourth-order powerhouse, he will never hesitate stand up.

However, on the bright side, he couldn't say that it was to save his leader.

"The fourth-order powerhouse is the precious wealth of our Azure Star Human Race. Even if I bet my life, I will not let you take advantage of others' danger and hurt Lord Youji!"

Ye Fan fought from the third-tier battlefield to the fourth-tier battlefield, his whole body was bathed in blood.

Most of them belonged to the enemy, and of course a small part belonged to him.

At this moment, the blood covering his body was continuously rising under the action of the flames, looking like a rising red mist.

Tong Tian and the others noticed Ye Fan who stood up, and the three of them had different reactions.

For Zhao Jinyin and Ouyang Guanhe, it would be good to have a Tier [-] powerhouse stand up and temporarily protect the Youji, even if it could only delay for a few seconds.

"Good boy, as long as you can keep the unit chicken, your reward will be indispensable afterwards!"

"Boy Ye Fan, pay attention to detours, don't fight recklessly with Chris!"

The two fourth-order bosses who are not from the Heroes Association camp spoke.

But Tong Tian, ​​who was fighting fiercely with the amethyst python, was furious by Ye Fan's actions.

"You bastard, who told you to come out, hurry up and go back to the third-tier battlefield!"

Tong Tian blocked the Amethyst Python's poisonous kiss with a sword, turned his head and cursed viciously: "Is this something you can meddle in?"

460 The Way to Break the Game

Tongtian was so angry because he was entrusted by Blast to take good care of Ye Fan so that he would not lose his life in this counterattack.

If Ye Fan died, he couldn't explain to Tong Tian.

Secondly, judging from Ye Fan's recent talents, he is very likely to become the next fourth-tier powerhouse of the Hero Association, which is naturally extremely valuable.

And he didn't deal with Youji very well. If Ye Fan died because of saving Youji, it would definitely make Tongtian vomit blood.

But who knows, under Tong Tian's scolding, Ye Fan still stood in front of Yang Xi without retreating an inch.

"Master Tongtian, I'm just a third-level supernatural user, and I don't have a big impact on the battle situation. If Lord Youji dies in battle, then our Azure Star people will immediately fall into a disadvantage. Forgive me for not following your orders!"

Naturally, Tongtian couldn't think of the connection between Ye Fan and Yang Xi, and thought that the little guy Bongbao had his eyes on was really a elm-brained guy who didn't know how to understand at all, so he cursed again: "I'll say it again, get out of here! "

Ye Fan stopped talking, but kept his eyes firmly in front of Yang Xi.

Seeing Ye Fan, Yang Xi, who is not afraid of boiling water like a dead pig, Tongtian was really going to explode, and once again manifested a Horcrux, and with the cooperation of the three fairy swords, the amethyst python was defeated steadily.

It's a pity that Amethyst Python has already become angry with Tongtian, even if it is so, it still drags Tongtian stubbornly, not giving him a chance to come to help.

Ouyang Guanhe and Zhao Jinyin originally planned to say a few words to stabilize Ye Fan and let him delay Youji for a few seconds with his life.

Maybe in just a few seconds, Youji can break free from this state?

In their minds, even if Ye Fan is strong, he can't break away from the category of Tier 100. With Tier [-] strength against Tier [-] Chris, death in battle is almost a [-]% outcome. The difference lies in how much time this kid can procrastinate. That's all.

But now that Tongtian has a tendency to go berserk because of Ye Fan's "disobedient" behavior, they will naturally not open their mouths again.

Anyway, this kid Ye Fan admits to death, "I plan to sacrifice my small self for the sake of the big self", and they say a few words next to it, but it is not beautiful.

It would be a troublesome thing if Tong Tian mistakenly thought that they deliberately wanted to kill the future pillar of the Heroes Association.

Chris rubbed his stomach. He was caught off guard just now, and he was knocked into the air by Ye Fan.

This is undoubtedly a very embarrassing thing for a Tier [-] powerhouse.

"You kid, do you have any last words to say? Although you only have the strength of the third level, but for the sake of your courage, I can leave you as a whole corpse!"

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