Ye Fan looked at Chris coldly, and he felt that the leader behind him still showed no signs of returning to normal.

There was inevitably a shadow in his heart, one was worrying about the comfort of the leader, and the other was fighting against fourth-tier powerhouses, something he had never tried before.

"Don't talk useless words, as long as I, Ye Fan, are here today, no one can hurt the fourth-order powerhouse of our Azure Human Race!"

Ye Fan's words were so loud that the blood of the supernatural warriors below who were already ready to move rushed to their foreheads.

They also saw Lord Youji's predicament, how could they continue to pretend not to see it, and rushed to the sky one after another.

Seeing another group of desperate guys coming up, Chris's face turned black. Could it be that he, a Tier [-] powerhouse, is so worthless in their eyes?

He snorted coldly and stomped heavily on the air.

The invisible force passed on, forming a deep wave at the end. This group of strong men who came up to protect Yang Xi were killed by Chris with one move.

Many strong men fell into the sea water like dumplings, and were eaten by strange beasts.

Only one continued to rush up!

It was Kui Mulang of the Judgment Organization——Liu Yuan!

White smoke was rising from his body at this moment, and a large number of fresh tissues were constantly being reconstructed under the power of his bloodline.

He looked at Ye Fan, nodded gratefully, and then said to Chris: "You dark blue bug, want to kill my godfather? Ask me about Liu Yuan's fist first!"

However, that's all he said, and he didn't go forward to attack Chris desperately.

That wave just now, if it weren't for his strong recovery ability of werewolf blood, maybe he would have received the lunch box.

The magic dragon fighting below looked at his younger brother worriedly. Although he knew that Liu Yuan was like an unkillable xiaoqiang now, if the opponent was a fourth-order strongman, he might be instantly killed immediately. .


Chris suddenly covered his face and laughed wildly, but then, his expression became extremely ferocious!

"You scum, who do you think I am, Chris!"

As soon as the words fell, a strong energy appeared on his device.

"I'm a great Tier [-] powerhouse!!!"

With a bang, the dark blue energy penetrated the clouds, as if connecting the sky and the sea.

But soon, this energy disappeared immediately, and Chris's appearance also changed dramatically.

He changed back to his blue hair and blue eyes again, even his lips!

At the same time, a battle robe was condensed on his body. The corner of the dovetail-style clothes was longer than his legs, and he held a long and narrow light blade in his hand, with a murderous aura.


Chris instantly killed Ye Fan and Liu Yuan.

In just one round, Liu Yuan was beheaded, and Ye Fan's fist hit Chris hard in the face, but the latter kicked him flying without moving.

"Vulnerable waste!"

Chris spat, and slowly walked towards Yang Xi holding the light blade.

"The farce should end!"

He nimbly held a knife flower, held the light blade backwards, and pointed the tip of the knife at Yang Xi's mask.

But at this moment, Liu Yuan's headless body rushed over, tightly pinching his hand holding the light blade, the smooth incision on the neck, and the sound of "cough cough" from the esophagus.

It seems that if you want to hurt his godfather, you have to kill him first.

The moment Chris was stunned, Ye Fan rushed back to the battlefield again, clenched his fists with both hands, and slammed into Chris's cap, knocking him from the sky into the sea, causing high waves!

At this time, Liu Yuan also pushed his head back again.

The two looked at each other, and continued to cheer up, staring at the seemingly calm sea.

After about a few seconds, a blue light broke through the sky and charged towards them.

In the outside world, Liu Yuan and Ye Fan, the younger brothers raised by Yang Xi, fought desperately to protect him.

And in Yang Xi's spiritual world, his battle with Deep Blue Consciousness has reached the most critical moment.

The whispers of the dark blue mother plant kept washing his spirit like waves.

Under this level of spiritual infection, Yang Xi had already given up his luck.

But fortunately, he finally found a way to break the situation.

Fortunately, when he was being targeted by the dark blue mother plant, he could still control the law fragments in his body.

461 Yang Xi wakes up (two and one)

Through the fragments of the law, to escape into the void of profound meaning, so as to avoid the erosion of the deep blue consciousness, is the way Yang Xi thought of to break the situation.

He felt that the reason why he couldn't get rid of this shackle was because the existence of the deep blue mother plant was too advanced, even though it was just a casual glance, it had already locked him across countless planes.

Then he can only use a more powerful and mysterious existence than him to help him get out of trouble.

Looking at the countless planes, what else can be more advanced than the profound truth of the law?

However, thinking of the huge body of the deep blue mother plant that cannot be described in words, Yang Xi felt a little uneasy. It is not sure whether this trick will work or not.

If this trick doesn't work, he can only rely on the rebirth ability to go back to the previous day.

If the precious chance of rebirth was lost by Yang Xi himself, he would definitely be brooding about it for a while.

"I can't control that much, I can only gamble and try!"

Feeling the continuous erosion of the deep blue consciousness, Yang Xi's heart skipped a beat, and he used the law fragments obtained from the Southern Continent.

In an instant, his comprehension continued to improve, and the obscure and mysterious laws and profound meanings were no longer hazy and unpredictable, just like open books, waiting for him to read.

He once again entered the void where he comprehended the profound meaning of the law.

"Huh... Sure enough, my strategy is not wrong, the erosion of Deep Blue's consciousness can't touch this dimension yet."

The broken thoughts in his ears disappeared, and Yang Xi could finally take a breath.

But he was also reluctant to waste this precious epiphany time, and soon threw himself into the process of comprehending the law.

This time, the mystery that Yang Xi chose to comprehend was the control mystery of his own natal ability.

He faintly felt that this 3% comprehension level of controlling the mystery might not be able to hold the stage, and the strength of these Ossaid fourth-order theory was even a little bit stronger than that of the light-eclipsed saint.

However, the greater the risk, the greater the reward, and the stronger their strength, which means the higher their understanding of their own laws, the more enjoyable it will be for Yang Xi to pull up the Profound Truth Chain.

With the help of the fragments of the law, Yang Xi continued to advance the progress of mastering the mysteries, and finally reached 4%, and the fragments were all consumed.

"The number of law fragments this time is much more than that of the White Snake Sword Master. I didn't expect that the law comprehension only increased by 1%.

Is the level of mastering the profound meaning too high, or the level of comprehension is too high?

This needs to be studied further. "

After the law fragments were consumed, Yang Xi gave a wry smile and slowly disappeared into the void.

"I don't know if the dark blue consciousness is still there in the spiritual space."


real world.

This was Liu Yuan's seventh full-body repair, and it was also the worst time he was beaten.

All over the body, only half of the head is still intact, and all other tissues have become meat sauce.

He almost thought he was going to die.

The existence of Tier [-] is really terrifying, compared with their Tier [-], they are completely two kinds of creatures!

Ye Fan on the side was also out of breath, if Liu Yuan hadn't blocked him just now, maybe he would have confessed.

He doesn't have the perverted recovery ability of such a kid.

Now the division of labor between the two is very clear, Liu Yuan is responsible for being a shield to block some fatal injuries, while Ye Fan is looking for opportunities to give Chris a hard time, and this has persisted until now.

It has to be said that the two of them have been able to hold a Tier [-] powerhouse for so long, which is beyond the imagination of the other Tier [-] powerhouses.

Whether it is the Azure Star Human Race, or the fourth-order powerhouses of Ossaid, they have to look at Ye Fan and Liu Yuan with admiration.

"These two boys are really good. If it weren't for them, You Chicken might have fallen."

"That's right, think about it now, if the two of them die here, the loss to the entire human race will be no less than the death of the chicken!"

Ouyang Guanhe and Zhao Jinyin worked harder, they both wanted to get rid of their opponents so they could save Ye Fan and Liu Yuan, two talented young men.

But how could Venerable Lei Ming and the Arbiter give them this chance?

"These two young natives must die here today!"

"Chris, as a Tier [-] powerhouse, can't you deal with just two Tier [-]s?"

If it weren't for knowing the feud between Chris and Youji, the arbitrator would have wondered if this guy was letting the water go.

Only Tongtian and Amethyst Python didn't speak, the battle between the two of them has reached a fierce stage, and they don't even have a chance to be distracted!

In order to save Ye Fan, Tongtian has manifested three Horcruxes, which is the first time he has worked so hard in recent decades.

It was also he who cherished talents. A person like Ye Fan who has outstanding talent and "concerns with the overall situation" is simply a replica of the explosion. Even if he is as selfish as the sky, he is unwilling to see Ye Fan fall away.

Chris' face was very ugly. To be honest, he really didn't release the water at all.

But these two guys in front of me are indeed difficult, no, disgusting to a certain extent.

The recovery ability of the blue-haired werewolf is the most abnormal he has ever seen. It seems that only by completely annihilating all his organizations can he be killed.

But the problem is, whenever he wants to do this, this kid named Ye Fan will come out to attack his vitals again.

If it's another third-tier powerhouse, I'm afraid they can't even break the defense, but this guy's can it be so painful!

It feels like a punch is a crit!

If he ignored his attack, he might have to be prepared to give up this body.

Although it is not very difficult for the deep blue family to change their bodies, the running-in process in the middle is likely to make Chris miss the opportunity, so he can't take this risk!

"Hmph, you two boys, don't do the fearless struggle, although you delayed me for a little while, this amount of time is not enough to get you out of trouble!

Do you think that the infection of the deep blue consciousness can be gotten rid of so easily?

To tell you the truth, I think the possibility of Youji getting out of trouble is much lower than the possibility of him being completely controlled! "

This is not alarmist talk. Chris, who has devoured the leader of Deep Blue, has a lot of information about the Deep Blue family in his mind. Being infected by Deep Blue's consciousness, it is basically unsolvable for fourth-order life.

Unless there is a fifth-level celestial powerhouse to make a move, it depends on the mood of the deep blue mother plant. If he is particularly interested, no one will be able to help.

"Why bother, risking your life for something that is doomed to fail."

Chris began to confuse the two with words.

But Ye Fan said unswervingly: "Whether he can get out of trouble is the business of Lord Youji. What I can do is to protect him before he dies in battle!"

Liu Yuan also recovered Qi Qi, "That's right, if you want to touch my godfather, you must first step over my young master Liu Yuan's body!"

He glanced at Ye Fan again, "Brother Ye, I've made a deal with you brother, why don't you recognize me as your godfather afterward?"

Ye Fan had the urge to roll his eyes, to recognize the leader as his godfather?

Can this kind of thing be decided by your star position?

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, Ouyang Guanhe had a strange look on his face. Could Kui Mulang's words be poaching the corner of the Heroes Association?

Zhao Jinyin's thinking was a little different. She thought that Liu Yuan's proposal was meant to insult Ye Fan, and it was very unwise to talk nonsense at this moment.

Unexpectedly, there was no look of humiliation on Ye Fan's face, but he said sternly: "Although you are Lord Youji's adopted son, it is still a bit presumptuous to say such words."

His tone seemed to be full of...worship for Youji?

This can't be blamed on Ye Fan, after all, he is Yang Xi's puppet, and his respect for Yang Xi is almost an instinct.

On weekdays, in order to complete his lurking mission in the Heroes Association, he would try his best to conceal this feeling—besides, he would never get close to Yang Xi in public, so there was little possibility of exposure.

But the situation is different now. Yang Xi has fallen into such a desperate situation. Ye Fan wants to use the strength of the third-level limit to face the enemies of the fourth-level. Under this despair, his true feelings are revealed, which is also reasonable.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

Liu Yuan just said casually, he didn't expect Ye Fan's reaction to be so strange.

The vigilance in his heart immediately rose.

Could it be that this kid also wants to hug his godfather's thigh?

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