This is impossible, there is already a "senior brother" Yang Xi competing for favor, Liu Yuan does not want another genius "junior" like Ye Fan to appear.

In case the godfather likes Ye Fan more in the future, then Liu Yuan will benefit from him.

Although Liu Yuan suspected that he was his godfather's biological son, Ye Fan's "competitiveness" was too strong.

Not only is she talented, but she is also honest and honest. She also has a beautiful girlfriend and a lovely younger sister.

What about Liu Yuan?


The only thing there is a minus item - Liu Yuan has also heard about the fact that his brother Molong regards the chicken as an imaginary enemy.


Tong Tian slashed the Amethyst Python with a sword, and roared loudly.

"Kui Mulang, Ye Fan is the pillar of the future carefully cultivated by our Hero Association. If you dare to dig into the wall, you will never die!"

Liu Yuan was taken aback by the furious Tongtian, "Ahem, I'm just joking, just kidding..."

Ye Fan said: "Master Tongtian, don't worry, I know the severity."

Hearing the two people's answers, Tongtian snorted angrily, and continued to fight with the Amethyst Python, but the speed of his sword was getting faster and faster, and the Amethyst Python was obviously struggling.

The amethyst scales on his body kept moving, forming a gravitational circle with mysterious energy, constantly interfering with Feijian, otherwise the wounds on his body would at least be several times more numerous.

Chris sneered: "Why are you talking so much, whether it's this kid named Ye Fan or Youji, they will die here today, what's the use of entangled with their camps, I really want to die of laughter. "

Hearing his words, everyone's expressions were different.

Indeed, although these two third-tier powerhouses have survived until now, judging from their conditions, they are basically at the end of their battles. Maybe Chris's next attack may kill them.

If Ye Fan died in battle, it doesn't matter whether he belongs to the Judgment Organization or the Heroes Association.

"Hey, do you look down on me? Why didn't you mention my name?"

Liu Yuan yelled unhappily.

Feeling like Liu Shao worked so hard and worked so hard, isn't he even worthy of being mentioned by name?

The corner of Chris's mouth twitched slightly. To be honest, if he could choose, he really didn't want to deal with Liu Yuan's doggy plaster.

The attack power is not good, but it is resistant to beating, it is purely for disgusting people.

At the moment, he stopped talking nonsense, Chu Ren burst out with a scorching blue light, moved continuously in the air, and rushed towards Yang Xi.

Liu Yuan and Ye Fan's expressions changed. The two of them just sparred to delay a little time, but Chris made another move.

This time, I don't know if I can survive by luck!

Liu Yuan sighed in his heart, looked back at the frozen godfather like a chicken, gritted his teeth and rushed forward again.

It was his godfather who raised him, even if he gave his life here today, he should be!

Besides, the organization still has a big gift package for rebirth, so I'm afraid he will be kicked!

It has to be said that Yang Xi's Nabo Sao operation has indeed inspired many members of the adjudication organization.

Now that they have the chance to be resurrected again, many times they dare to risk their lives to fight.

Unfortunately, what they don't know is that if Yang Xi dies, this "rebirth gift package" will also be invalid.

Liu Yuan didn't know if it was a burst of seeds this time, or if he was hacked too much by Chris and gradually figured out his way.

He actually blocked Chris three swords one after another!

Although he also paid the price of his left arm, right leg and tail, the time he bought was enough for Ye Fan to punch.

With a majestic arrogance, Ye Fan in the state of the ancient holy body pounded his fist hard on Chris's vest!


With Ye Fan's shouts, his fist was about to hit Chris!

But what he didn't expect was that at this time, Chris suddenly changed his move. He was going to turn Liu Yuanxiao's head knife halfway, and the first blade drew a Z in the air. Where the heart!

"not good!!!"

The complexions of the powerhouses who noticed this scene changed drastically!

Ye Fan is not the Kuimu wolf from the Judgment Organization, if he gets hit by this knife, he will definitely die!

"Don't underestimate your Young Master Liu, damn it!!!"

Liu Yuan's angry roar resounded through the clear sky.

At this critical moment, he, who couldn't keep up with Ye Fan to block the knife, actually tore off his left leg and threw it on Ye Fan's chest!

Blocked this fatal blow for him!

The people watching the battle below were moved to tears by Liu Yuan's coquettish operation, and they were also amused.

Only a person like Liu Yuan can do it while being tragic and tragic.

The leg that was hit by the first blade turned into flesh instantly. With this buffer time, Ye Fan was able to barely avoid Chris's attack.

But what is surprising is that this time the white smoke from Liu Yuan's body is gradually decreasing.

Liu Yuan, who only had his right arm left, let out a wry smile. He couldn't control his body and fell towards the sea, cursing with a smile, "Damn it, I feel so sleepy!"

After all, super-speed regeneration is limited. After consuming a lot of energy, Liu Yuan couldn't recover his body in a short time.

At the same time, Ye Fan's hair also began to turn gray under the astonished eyes of everyone, and his young face was wrinkled.

He was able to maintain the ancient holy body for so long, thanks to the life energy given by Yang Xijian!

"Hahaha, this farce is finally coming to an end!"

Chris laughed wildly. It was a miracle that the two of them could display a strength far beyond the third level.

He raised the first blade to kill Yang Xi.

Ye Fan, who was gradually aging, stood firmly in front of Yang Xi and opened his hands.

"Tsk tsk, it's a pity, you are a man."

Just when Chris was about to kill Ye Fan together, Yang Xi's voice suddenly sounded.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Behind Ye Fan, the eyes under the mask have regained their clarity!

462 This unitary chicken is probably a weak chicken.

After Yang Xi left the Void to comprehend the profound truth, he soon discovered that the remnant of the dark blue consciousness in his spiritual world had left.

It seems that because he couldn't find the target, there was some kind of error in the judgment of this deep blue consciousness, which finally caused it to stop staring at Yang Xi.

This should be regarded as a rare "bug". After all, it is very rare to be able to isolate the existence controlled by the consciousness of the deep blue mother plant, even if you look at countless planes.

Although the erosion of the deep blue consciousness caused Yang Xi to face a huge risk, he was also blessed by misfortune, and his mental power rose sharply again. In Yang Xi's eyes, the mental power of the ordinary fourth-order level was already similar to that of a chicken and a dog.

Coupled with the advance to 4%, Yang Xi's strength can be said to have greatly increased.

When his spirit body returned to his own spiritual space, Yang Xi could already perceive the external situation, but unfortunately he had to clean up the places that had been eroded by the deep blue consciousness, otherwise he would not even be able to control his body.

This kind of consciousness is clear but unable to control the state of one's body, which is similar to the ghost bed that ordinary people usually encounter when they wake up.

Therefore, when Liu Yuan and Ye Fan encountered a dangerous fact, Yang Xi, who had just escaped from the predicament, could not help.

Even now, he forcefully speaks out when the situation is critical. In fact, he still has a small part of his body that cannot move, but speaking, there is no problem.

Yang Xi's awakening made everyone present look different.

Ye Fan, Liu Yuan and other members of the adjudication organization were naturally overjoyed, and their sense of security increased greatly. There is no doubt that the Youji vest is the backbone of everyone.

In fact, Yang Xi's Bi Yuewu avatar has also woken up, but Yang Xi has no intention of waking him up for the time being.

Bi Yuewu's avatar, Dulan's avatar, and the main body fell into a state of rigidity, which can be said to be the only flaw left by Yang Xi in his long journey in the world of supernatural powers.

There is no way, the horrible creature like the deep blue mother plant is so terrifying, just a random shot can make Yang Xi go crazy.

Inside the imaginary space, Haizhu's avatar also woke up from the frozen state, and the foundation of the adjudication organization's operation was finally restored.

"Feifei, it's okay."

Hearing the familiar voice from Haizhu's avatar, Yang Feifei, who had been on tenterhooks, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother, you almost scared me to death. I thought you were really going to overturn this time. I almost split the void with force and went outside to turn the tide!"

Yang Feifei patted her small breasts, even if she became a fourth-order goddess, her size has not been greatly improved.

This may be fate.


"How is it possible, you bastard, how could it be possible to escape from the infection of the deep blue consciousness? This is not scientific at all!"

Chris was completely in a dazed state. In his understanding, being targeted by the deep blue consciousness was unsolvable, and he couldn't accept the reality that the chicken was out of trouble.

"Hehe, nothing is impossible, Chris." Yang Xi smiled lightly, "Speaking of which, I have to thank you for your mercy. If you hadn't 'released the water', I should have died!"

What is killing and punishing one's heart!

On the surface, Yang Xi's words were giving Chris a step, but secretly they were running on him.

Because Chris really didn't release the water, Ye Fan and Liu Yuan, two third-level supernatural beings, really delayed him for so long.

Chris was still doubting his life there, and Yang Xi didn't stimulate him anymore. After all, he also needs time to slowly regain control of his body.

"Is your name Ye Fan?"

The familiar voice made Ye Fan stunned for a moment, and then he immediately realized that the leader was going to compete with him in acting.

He hurriedly said respectfully: "Yes, Lord Youji."

Yang Xi nodded: "Although you are not from our adjudication organization, but for the sake of saving me today, I owe you a favor. If you need my help in the future, you can come to me I!"

As soon as Yang Xi said this, everyone looked at Ye Fan even more differently.

Originally, this kid's talent was envied by others, and he became a powerhouse of the third-order limit at a young age. Not to mention being favored by Blast and Tongtian, he is now favored by the boss of Youji.

After such a calculation, Ye Fan actually has the simultaneous support of the old organization of the Heroes Association and the new force of the Judgment behind Ye Fan.

Doesn't he want to walk sideways in the four seas?

After today, there is no one in the world with a background comparable to him.

Ye Fan was about to thank you, when Tong Tian, ​​who was in the fierce battle over there, suddenly snorted coldly in the midst of his busy schedule, "Ye Fan is a member of our Hero Association, if he has any troubles, I will naturally settle with Blast, and it is not up to your adjudication organization to point fingers !"

Hearing Tong Tian's words, Ye Fan could only smile at Yang Xi with a "face helpless", and "resolutely" drew a clear line with the adjudication organization, "I'm sorry, Lord Youji, I am a member of the Heroes Association, and I will stand up today to protect you." You are also thinking about the overall situation, and you have no intention of repaying your kindness, and I will not be blessed to accept your great love!"

After bowing to Yang Xi, he returned to the third-tier battlefield.

Tongtian in the distance saw Ye Fan's operation, and his face returned to normal, and he nodded in satisfaction.

This kid Ye Fan still knows the seriousness, no wonder Biaobao values ​​him so much.

Tong Tian asked himself that he and Ye Fan changed places, and it was really not easy to be so decisive.

"Good boy, you will know how correct your decision today is. What kind of tribunal ruling, compared with our Heroes Association, has no foundation at all."

Now that Ye Fan is safe, although Tongtian didn't take back a fairy sword, his offensive has slowed down.

This amethyst python is at the end of its strength, he just needs to fight steadily.

After Yang Xi and Ye Fan finished the scene, they didn't move too much, and continued to concentrate on getting rid of the influence of the erosion of Deep Blue's consciousness.

From the outside world's point of view, it was true that Youji's good intentions had been betrayed by Ye Fan, which made him a little unhappy.

Some old-fashioned superpowers who think they are rich in experience secretly regret that Ye Fan is still too young. If it were them, they would definitely not let Master Youji, a fourth-level powerhouse, be unable to step down in front of everyone.

I'm afraid that if Ye Fan's protection hadn't been considered, the Youji boss would have taken action to teach him a lesson!

The arbitrator saw that the chicken was out of trouble, and there was no playfulness in his eyes, but there was no anxiety.

Originally, they planned to fight more with less, but now it seems that, except for the native strongman named Tongtian from the Heroes Association, who is a little unclear, the others are similar to what they guessed.

The arbitrator is not a member of the Deep Blue family, and has no experience of being corrupted by the Deep Blue consciousness. Naturally, he cannot see the horror behind Yang Xichang's escape from the Deep Blue erosion.

In his eyes, this masked and black robed person is still talking about it.

Probably the weakest of the few present.

The intelligence also said that this guy killed the light-eclipsed saint, probably because of the head-grabbing.

He easily dodged Zhao Jinyin's light particle bombardment, Shi Shiran said to Chris: "Chris, what are you waiting for, kill this guy quickly!"

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