Just now, the Haizhu rushed to save people at the most critical moment, which is the best proof!

Yang Xi wanted to laugh a little, the Ossaid people take themselves too seriously, why do they like to recruit people so much?

But it's no wonder that, in the eyes of the arbiter and others, it is a gift of mercy for Yang Xi, a fourth-order powerhouse among the natives, to have the opportunity to join the Ossian civilized society.

The fall of the Azure Planet is only a matter of time, and it is an honor for the natives to break free from their mortal fate.

Haizhu's avatar smiled and said: "Want me to join you? Yes, how about giving me the position of president of Lao Shizi's mercenary union?"

Hearing Haizhu's clone's answer, the arbiter's face gradually became gloomy.

"I thought that there are so many strong natives among you, how could there be a few smarter characters, but I didn't expect that they were all a group of extremely stupid guys!"

"Hey, what do you mean by that, didn't you ask me to choose my own position?

I just picked the biggest one! "

"Hmph, do you think I'm a fool?"

Haizhu clone shrugged and said: "Since you disagree, then I have no choice but to see the real chapter under my hand!"

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his right hand and clasped it into a claw. The profound meaning of the virtual world was activated, and a virtual vortex appeared.

Immediately, he poked his claws in without hesitation.

Just when everyone was wondering about his operation, a small virtual vortex appeared behind the arbiter's neck.

Haizhu's avatar's hand came out of the vortex, reached out suddenly, and grabbed the arbitrator's neck like a chicken.

"I thought you were so good? It's a bit boring."

The critically captured arbitrator did not struggle, "So this is your attack method? It's really hard to guard against!"

Haizhu's avatar instinctively sensed that something was wrong, so he stopped hesitating, and countless tiny fictitious cracks appeared on the surface of his palm.

"Claw of Void!"

The arbiter's neck was crushed instantly!

His headless body had just fallen, but it instantly disintegrated into a large number of low-temperature ice flakes.

If Haizhu's avatar's hands were not covered with a large number of imaginary cracks, which blocked the first wave of damage for him and gave him time to withdraw, his hands might have been destroyed.

"Another fake avatar, this guy is really good enough!"

The powerhouses on the side of the Azure Star Human Race are all speechless.

In the distance, an exquisite bubble appeared, and the arbitrator who stayed inside was still unharmed.

He looked at Hai Zhu's avatar with a calm expression, "I was almost killed by you!"

Venerable Lei Ming heaved a sigh of relief. At that moment, he really thought that Haizhu's mysterious move had instantly killed the arbitrator.

"As expected of the owner of the Linglong Profound Truth, you are really impeccable in handling things."

Facing Venerable Lei Ming's small flattery, the arbitrator was not very happy, "Okay, it's almost time to end this farce."

"Kill these two controlled native fourth-order, and we will work together to get rid of these two masked guys!"

Hearing the arbiter's words, Venerable Lei Ming frowned, and said in a low voice: "But that dark blue clan called Qian Youque, didn't he agree with us to wait until his soul touch is fully mature before we start?"

The arbiter sneered and said, "Do you really want to cooperate with him? What if such a dangerous mystery is used on us?

If it is touched by the soul hatched by him from the souls of two fourth-order powerhouses, it will be a trouble for the tiger! "

478 Early Harvest

Venerable Lei Ming cast a sideways glance at Qian Youque, seeing his dull expression, he still felt a little contemptuous in his heart.

He didn't believe that these dark blue bugs could pose any threat to him.

However, he does not intend to refute the arbiter's face, after all, in this war, he is the strongest on Ossed's side.

"Okay, do as you say!"

After the negotiation, the two separated again.

Yang Xi looked coldly at the two Osaid people acting as monsters, and he never made a move. On the one hand, he was confronting Qian Youque, and on the other hand, he was also thinking about how to save Ouyang Guanhe and Zhao Jinyin.

To win this counterattack, the strength of the two of them is indispensable!

On the fourth-order battlefield, because of their respective calculations, it was rare to be quiet.

Only on the battlefield high in the clouds, there were some movements from time to time in the battle between Tongtian and the Purple Crystal Python.

At this time, the Amethyst Python's body was soaked in blood, as if it was going to dye the clouds around it red.

But Tongtian didn't even have a single wound except for a little fatigue on his face.

It is worthy of being the powerhouse of Sequence 002. It is stable to be able to fight all the way from the old days to the present old guy!

I'm afraid the arbitrator can't wait to kill the killer, and he has something to do with Tongtian.

He noticed the difference between this guy and other natives.

The strength of this guy, Amethyst Python, is not much weaker than him.

Coupled with the powerful physical body, but still being suppressed by Tongtian, it can be seen how fierce this native is.

He doesn't want to capsize in the gutter!

Meeting the eyes of Venerable Lei Ming, the arbitrator secretly mobilized the Linglong killing array he had arranged.

The only trouble is this Haizhu, if he transfers the two native fourth-orders away when Venerable Lei Ming does it, all previous efforts will be wasted!


The arbitrator let out a loud shout, and just wanted to kill Hai Zhu's clone, but found that Qian Youqian, who had been standing still, took the lead!

A dark blue flashed in Qian Youque's eyes, he didn't wait for the soul touch of Ouyang Guanhe and Zhao Jinyin's souls to fully mature, and decisively started harvesting ahead of schedule!

Under his control, the intersection of these two soul touches and the spirit bodies of the two fourth-order powerhouses broke off in response.


A crisp sound resounded in the spiritual world of Zhao Jinyin and Ouyang Guanhe. Although half of their strength was taken away, they regained their freedom.

The two soul contacts disappeared without a trace as soon as they were disconnected. Along a certain mysterious dimension, in the next instant, they appeared behind Qian Youque and connected with his spirit body.

If someone could see the appearance of Qian Youque's spirit body at this time, they would be shocked.

Because on the surface of his spiritual body, there were dozens of soul touches of different thicknesses, and the two soul touches that were connected just now appeared to be the thickest.

After all, their power comes from the fourth level, even if it is not perfect, it is not comparable to other third-level and second-level soul touches!

"This guy is really guarding against us!"

While Venerable Lei Ming roared, he threw his killing move towards Ouyang Guanhe.

Although it is said that this native fourth-order powerhouse has escaped from the semi-sealed state, he is confident that this move of "thundering white hands" is something he cannot forcefully take.

"Although it's a pity that I didn't defeat you in an upright manner, this is war. Farewell, the pride of the natives!"

Venerable Lei Ming's right hand is surrounded by white thunder and lightning, densely packed, it looks like white jade from a distance.

But the thunder and lightning elements covered on it are terrifying to the extreme!


Lei Ming grabbed Ouyang Guanhe's forehead with his white hands, but he still seemed to be calming down.

Haizhu clone is ready to transfer him!

At this critical moment, Ouyang Guanhe suddenly opened his eyes!

There is no anger or joy in the blue eyes, which have been completely covered by divinity.

"I didn't expect that I would have such a downcast and embarrassing moment"

"Since my rise to date, this is the first time I have tasted the feeling of powerlessness"

"No matter who you are, since you choose to do this, you must be prepared to bear the anger."


Ouyang Guanhe suddenly raised his hand, and accurately grasped the white hand surrounding Lei Ting!

His arm was instantly turned into charcoal by the white lightning, but no matter how painful it was, Ouyang Guanhe did not let go, nor did he let out any cry of pain.

"Today, I will let you experience what is called the true secret of speed!"

Ouyang Guanhe grinned, raised his right hand, and punched hundreds of punches in a second to Venerable Lei Ming's unresponsive face!

Punch to the flesh!


The speed of the upper white fist was too fast, causing the voices to overlap together!

Venerable Lei Ming flew out backwards!

Fortunately, under the stimulation of thunder and lightning, his physical body was trained strong enough, otherwise the beating just now would have definitely knocked off his heavenly spirit cover.

It's not like now, only the bridge of the nose is broken!

Ouyang Guanhe has been deprived of a lot of mental power, and his condition is already very poor, but his desire to fight is stronger than ever!

His cyan eyes looked at his hands, one of which had been crippled by electricity, and a layer of flesh had been peeled off from the back of the other hand, which was caused by the hundreds of punches just now!

"Perhaps, I should have made such a desperate effort."

"After becoming the supreme leader of the Liberty Alliance Sea Area, I became more and more conservative at the beginning, and I'm not like myself anymore!"

The former Ouyang Guanhe was also a reckless young man, he could do things according to his own preferences, so he had to consider so many twists and turns in the balance of interests!

"Go to hell with the overall situation, even if I want to have a good fight today, the price is my fall!"

The wind elements around the Ouyangguan River gathered in large numbers, constantly squeezing the living space of other elements.

This made him look like he was protected by a blue air current.

Ouyang Guanhe clenched his fist violently, the coke parts on the left and right shattered, and the carbonized tissues fell down one after another, revealing the watch that was perfectly wrapped in red tendons!

He raised his hand lightly, only made a sprinting gesture, and disappeared in place in an instant!

From the outsiders' point of view, after Venerable Lei Ming was knocked into the air, Ouyang Guanhe only hesitated for a few seconds before disappearing into Yunda again.

Unseen mistakes began to attack Venerable Lei Ming, and for a moment, he felt that his whole body was being greeted by fists like drums.

In a few breaths, he experienced the most painful and humiliating process in his life!

"Damn natives, tigers are not boring, do you think I'm a sick cat?"

Empty fights!

Venerable Lei Ming waved his hands in place, and bullied Ouyang Guanhe without leaking water!

It's a pity that Ouyangguan Hehe's speed was so fast that he couldn't even keep up with his eyes, and he was just beaten unilaterally!


The venerable of the Lei Ming group was knocked into the air again, and after hundreds of meters of traces were drawn on his face, he could hardly listen to the pull down,

"This guy, why is he so much stronger than when he was not sealed?"

379 Regaining the Profound Truth Chain (Two in One)

Yang Xi silently looked at Ouyang Guanhe, who suddenly erupted. He could feel the vitality that Ouyangguan River was losing.

The former No. [-] powerhouse in the Free Alliance Sea Area is using powerful power at the cost of consuming his own origin.

"Why bother, the matter has not reached the point of no return."

Yang Xi muttered in his mouth, but he didn't stop Ouyang Guanhe.

From a certain perspective, this is not a bad thing.

The fourth level of cultivation mainly relies on the comprehension of the mysteries of laws.

Not everyone has cheats like Yang Xi, who can plunder other people's Profound Truth Chains for their own use.

So it is very important to have a clear mind during the cultivation process.

With a new understanding of life and the world, you may be able to make great strides forward, and deduce the meaning of the law to a new level.

If Ouyang Guanhe can break through, it may be able to reverse the plight of the original loss.

But how difficult it is!

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