Venerable Lei Ming was beaten with a bruised nose and a swollen face. He struggled to break free from Ouyang Guanhe's combo, "Are you crazy! Why are you fighting me with Burning Origin? Now your actions are not restricted, what the hell! Can't you run away?

Tier [-] has such a long lifespan, is it worth fighting me for a group of ants? "

After hearing this, everyone was speechless for a while.

How can anyone persuade the enemy to run away?

Among the crowd, only the arbitrator could understand Venerable Lei Ming's thoughts.

Unlike Yang Xi and the others, who were "indigenous fourth ranks", as an invader, Venerable Lei Ming didn't value the righteousness of the race the most, but his own vital interests.

To put it bluntly, if he could exchange the lives of other Osaid people for his personal glory, he would not hesitate at all.

For him, coming to the Azure Planet to colonize is a kind of speculation in itself.

The right way is to earn enough magic crystals and resources here, return to the Ossaid civilization society to realize it, strengthen one's own strength, and improve social status.

But for Yancey and others, this is a battle for the survival of the race.

They can give up their lives for the continuation of the race.

Therefore, in the battle, whether it is Venerable Lei Ming or the arbitrator, they will give priority to saving their own lives. As for their subordinates, except for some who are satisfactory, the rest are just cannon fodder.

Similarly, for the third-order Osters, if the arbitrators are in a desperate situation, they will not risk their lives to help, but will turn into birds and beasts and disperse immediately.

The reason why they obey orders is to submit to the strong on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is also to take advantage of the situation to seize their own interests.

Of course, human nature is complex.

Among these Ossaid people, there are also those who choose self-sacrifice for the honor of the family.

They also sacrificed their lives to save relatives and friends.

But to sum it up, compared with the Azure Star people who pay more attention to the feelings of family and country, the Ossaid people pay more attention to naked interests.

Ouyang Guanhe's eyes became clearer, "I'm not crazy, but I've figured out a lot of things.

Originally, I was bound physically and mentally by secular concepts, trapped in the rules, where can I be the wind of freedom? "

He clenched his fist lightly, and his figure disappeared into the air.

Everyone felt a gust of wind blowing past them.

Immediately afterwards, Ouyang Guanhe, whose whole body was shrouded in a misty green light, appeared behind Venerable Lei Ming like a ghost.

He kicked out slowly, but the moment he started to strike, he changed into a dazzling kick with some kind of mysterious and mysterious artistic conception!

Venerable Lei Ming was thrown into the sea like a cannonball.

The arc spread across the sea, turning a group of beasts that couldn't dodge into coke!

Ouyang Guanhe slowly withdrew his raised leg, looked at the calm sea, and said with a sneer, "How long do you plan to soak in the sea?"

There was a splash, and the water splashed everywhere.

Venerable Lei Ming flew out of the sea with an ugly expression on his face.

"I don't have the same knowledge as you, a dying person!"

He flew to the arbitrator in a desperate manner, obviously not planning to fight Ouyang Guanhe again.

Can't make it!

The corners of the arbiter's eyes twitched slightly. What does this fourth-order member of the Hundred Cities Federation mean? Isn't he too shameless?

Could it be that the enemy you find difficult should be handed over to the old man?

But now they are allies after all, and they cannot turn their backs.

The arbiter felt very helpless, it would be great if Venerable Lei Ming was the same as that Amethyst Python guy.

Look at him, his skin is torn apart from the beating, he almost shed half a lake of blood, and he still sticks to his post.

However, this also has something to do with the simple brain of the Amethyst Python.

It is now angry with Tongtian, and it is trying its best to fight this native to the end.

Ouyang Guanhe repelled Venerable Lei Ming, but the burning source on his body couldn't stop.

His vitality was still rapidly draining, and the face that hadn't aged for decades had faint wrinkles appearing at some point.

"You Chicken, Hai Zhu, the three of us attack together, and kill Qian Youque first!"

Ouyang Guanhe knew that time was very precious to him at this moment, so he wanted to kill Qian Youque without waiting for Yang Xi's response.

Perhaps in his opinion, the level of danger of those two fourth-order Ossaids is far less than that of Qian Youqi, the human traitor.

If it wasn't for his sneak attack, their situation wouldn't be so bad.

Seeing that Ouyang Guanhe already had the will to die, Yang Xi smiled wryly, and quickly stopped him: "Don't panic, I think I can think of a way."

Yang Xi has collected a lot of things like vitality during this time.

As he said that, he took out a large ball of green energy.

Sensing the strong breath of life above, Ouyang Guanhe's expression was wonderful.

Originally, he was ready to vent once, and then directly sacrificed, so he always had a "heroic" face. Now seeing this mass of life energy, he felt that he had found a way out, and suddenly changed back to that The appearance of a middle-aged libertine.

"Ahem, brother Youji, it seems very precious for you to have this treasure, but my brother has almost wiped out his family for this counterattack recently, don't you think so?"

Yang Xi was speechless, this old guy actually wanted to prostitute for nothing.

It's good that you helped a little bit at the beginning, but I, Yang Xi, am not a long-term free meal ticket!

"As for the reward, let's talk about it afterwards. Let's try to see if this thing can bet on the hole of your original loss!"

Ouyang Guanhe also knew that he shouldn't worry about these things now, so he casually took the life energy from Yang Xi, and began to sit cross-legged to absorb it.

But the result is still not optimistic. Once the origin is ignited, these vitality will only continue to continue the life of Ouyang Guanhe.

"Brother Ouyang, wait for me to think of a way."

Yang Xi didn't want this Lord Fengshen to perish.

Yu Gong, he has protected the sea area of ​​​​the Freedom Alliance for many years, resisting the invasion of alien beasts, and maintaining internal peace. The eight major families of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance are not fuel-efficient lamps. To balance their interests, it is impossible without certain skills.

Personally, he has helped Yang Xi a lot, although he was not sincere in many cases, but it was better than those who watched the fun, and Yang Xi chatted well with his son Ouyang Xuan, so now he can help him, Still need to help.

Maybe Feifei can give it a try. As a Tier [-] powerhouse who has comprehended the mysteries of recovery, she has more say in healing.

"But do you want my sister to come out to swim in the muddy water?"

With so many fourth ranks present, Yang Xi was not sure that he could protect her.

Yang Xi is still thinking about whether to let his sister out, but the battlefield on Tongtian's side is coming to an end.

I saw the three immortal swords forming a formation of three talents, surrounding the amethyst python, and each immortal sword projected infinite sword shadows, shooting towards the amethyst python overwhelmingly.

Naturally, the amethyst python will not sit still, and exerts its "Amethyst Profound Truth" with all its strength. The 72 huge amethyst spines on its back hum and move along an indescribable trajectory.

A strong gravitational field covered the surface of the amethyst python, trying to reflect Babel's attack.

At first it was able to withstand it, but due to its heavy injuries, the power of the gravitational field became weaker and weaker, and lightsabers wearing killing secrets kept shooting at it.

Those seemingly indestructible amethyst scales exploded like glass, and then the flesh under the scales was knocked out with wounds in the shape of craters.

From the perspective of Yang Xi and others, the amethyst python was finally covered by the white sword, and finally turned into a dead snake, falling from the sky. Its huge remnant body attracted countless strange beasts to compete for food.

This is the cruelest side of the beast. No matter how powerful you are in front of you, once you die, your body will attract countless coveted eyes.

Yang Xi naturally wouldn't let go of this opportunity. After all, it's different from when Chris fell into the sea. After Tongtian was liberated, the strength of the fourth-level human beings has already suppressed the Ossaids. If he leaves for a while, he won't What happened.

Near the remnant body happened to be the position of the sandwich seaweed team. He used his support as a cover to appear above the head of the amethyst python through the virtual vortex.

After stripping off the fourth-order power beads, he dismembered the huge body of the strange beast with metal controls.

Immediately, he tapped his fingertips on the forehead of his Bi Yuewu avatar, pretending to activate some kind of secret technique, and Bi Yuewu avatar slowly "woke up".

Ji Yourong said with concern: "Master Youji, what happened to Captain Yang Xi just now?"

Yang Xi has long been familiar with the matter of fooling beautiful women.

"It's okay, I had an accident just now, and Yang Xi has a spiritual connection with me, so he was also affected."

Spiritual connection?

Everyone looked at Youji and Bi Yuewu's avatars suddenly a little strangely, could it be that they shouldn't?

Yang Xi naturally noticed their anomalies, coughed and explained: "Don't think wrongly, this is a kind of my supernatural ability, which can lend part of my power to Yang Xi, so it is necessary to establish a spiritual connection."

Everyone suddenly realized, no wonder sometimes Yang Xi would burst out suddenly, and the power that erupted made people a little confused. It turned out that Master Youji was responsible for this!

This reason was thought up by Suzaku with the help of Suzaku. Not only can it temporarily explain this wave of accidents, but it can also provide a reasonable explanation for the sudden increase in the strength of Bi Yuewu's vest.

"Okay, pay attention to safety, take advantage of this rare rest time to recover your strength, there are still many strong Osters waiting for you to kill!" Yang Xi threw out a few third-level healing fruits, "These supplies Take it, you are all core members of the organization, you can't be lost in this war."

"Thank you, Lord Youji!"

Bi Yuewu's avatar took the lead in expressing thanks.

Yang Xi nodded at them, and stepped into the virtual vortex that appeared behind him again.

After returning to the Tier [-] battlefield, Yang Xi had broken down this esoteric chain into law fragments.

The amethyst python is a powerful fourth-order Ossaid. Its law mystery has been deduced to the level of 4, and the broken law fragments are twice as proficient as the Platinum Deacon.

"You care about your own few only seedlings."

Ouyang Guanhe cast a helpless glance at Yang Xi, now his vitality is being lost every moment, time is precious, but these renewing time are given by Yang Xi after all, so he can't say much.

Tong Tian stepped on the fairy sword, put his hands on his shoulders, and sneered, "It's unnecessary, that animal will definitely die."

Yang Xi got the advantage, and didn't bother to get angry with Tong Tian, ​​"It's better to be safe, after all, the fourth-order strange beast may have some means of resurrection!"

"Okay, the two of you have also quarreled, now should we kill Qian Youque first, or Venerable Lei Ming first?"

Ouyang Guanhe said urgently.

"Sovereign Lei Ming should be the main body, but the arbiter doesn't seem to be the main body?"

During the fierce battle with the Amethyst Python, Tongtian didn't pay attention to the situation here.

The arbiter relied on a certain move to avoid two big moves by Zhao Jinyin and Haizhu in a row, and he also saw the clues.

Yang Xidao: "No need to seem, he is definitely not the deity!"

Yang Xi is very familiar with the psychology of this old coin.

After all, he is such a person himself.

So during the confrontation just now, he was also constantly looking for clues about his true self, and he already had some clues.

"Then kill that traitor first."

The fairy sword floated in front of Tongtian, aiming at Qian Youque not far away.

"This kid was pretty good back then, it's a pity."

Once, Tongtian also met the two brothers of the Qian family, and even once thought that they would become the new fourth-order powerhouses.

It is a pity that now Qian Youming is missing, but Qian Youque has become a traitor.

"Then don't ink, let's attack together and kill them one by one!"

The murderous intent of the Azure Star Human Race all rushed towards Qian Youque.

Being stared at by everyone, Qian Youque still had that blank expression on his face.

He suddenly said to Venerable Lei Ming and the arbitrator: "I am the only helper you can get now, do you want to watch me get killed?"

The arbitrator frowned, what Qian Youque said was indeed true.

But he always felt that there was something that he ignored.

He didn't reply yet, but Qian Youque smiled stiffly: "Instead of doing this, you two, why don't you make some contribution for me."

As soon as his words fell, Venerable Lei Ming suddenly screamed, spitting out a huge soul touch!

"How is it possible, when did you kill us!"

"The Arbiter" said with a shocked expression.

At the same time, in a corner of the battlefield, there is also a soul touch, and then there is the real body of the arbitrator!

480 Siege

"I didn't expect that it was this guy who found out the real body of the arbitrator!"

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