Ouyang Guanhe couldn't help sighing. lnne

But Yang Xi frowned slightly, realizing that things were not that simple.

According to the clues he found, the arbiter's real body should not be in that direction.

"Could it be that I made a mistake?"

He looked at the real body of the arbitrator with a "shocked face", and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that the other party's acting skills were a little fake.

At the same time, Qian Youque's face lost its expression of indifference, and turned into a cold looking down.

"Stupid and conceited Ossidians, what are you planning, don't I know?

If you want to compete with our deep blue clan, you are not qualified enough. "

After hearing Qian Youque's words, Venerable Lei Ming was really going to be pissed off.

He didn't expect that he would be played by a dark blue bug in the applause. Seeing the arbitrator who was in the same situation as him, he couldn't help saying angrily: "It's all you! Why do you want to cooperate with the dark blue bug? passive!"

The arbitrator said helplessly: "It's because I kept a secret and didn't sign an ally seal with this guy. Otherwise, things wouldn't have come to this point."

An electric arc erupted from Venerable Lei Ming's body, and with the remaining power he could control, he came to the side of the arbiter's real body, "What should we do now, these natives are not easy to deal with!"

The arbiter said: "Now the two of us are controlled by the soul touch, and it is inconvenient to move, but according to my speculation, the fourth-order native should choose Qian Youque as the target of attack. You have to be more aggressive!"

Sure enough, seeing the two Ossaid fourth-order being yin, Ouyang Guanhe said to Yang Xi and Tongtian: "These two guys have capsized in the gutter, and the only thing that threatens us now is the lack of money. It is suggested to concentrate on weakening him, and kill him together when the time is right."

He turned his apologetic eyes to the pale Zhao Jinyin: "Sister Jinyin, I'm sorry, your old lover must die here today!"

Zhao Jinyin nodded expressionlessly, "You're right, you don't have to worry about my feelings, I have to apologize to you, if I hadn't rescued him, he wouldn't be alive today, maybe your The source will not be damaged either!"

"It's nothing, don't talk nonsense, burning the source is my own choice, and you were plotted against by him, isn't it good! If you feel guilty, when I die, I will take care of the Ouyang family a little bit, but Don't be as mean as the Qian family, if they hadn't climbed up... ahem, they met the adjudication organization that Brother Youji belongs to, and now they are still being rubbed on the ground by the jumping clowns of the Uruk family!"

I don't know if it was to ease the atmosphere, Ouyang Guanhe, whose source was still burning, laughed and joked, hurting Zhao Jinyin a bit.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Jinyin nodded seriously, "Brother Ouyang, don't worry, as long as I, Zhao Jinyin, are still alive, no one will be able to bully the Ouyang family."

"Stop talking, do it!"

Ouyang Guanhe smiled casually, picked up the secret of speed, turned into a cyan haze and rushed towards Qian Youque.

Tong Tian commanded the immortal sword to kill without saying a word, perhaps because of slaughtering the amethyst python, the killing aura on his horcrux became stronger.

"Haizhu, you stay here to protect Commander Zhao, and those two guys are also handed over to you."

Yang Xi's original intention was naturally to leave Hai Zhu's avatar to guard against the position he deduced just now.

Having experienced so many battles, Yang Xi knows the key to being careful.

Even if the situation seems to be in favor of the Azure Star Human Race, who knows if it will be reversed again?

There is nothing wrong with keeping an eye out!

"Look! The three fourth-tier adults are attacking the blue-haired alien. Is the fourth-tier battlefield coming to an end?"

Taking advantage of the gap in the battle, a human warrior from the Azure Star said to his companions.

"Where is it? Where is it!" Another human race user blocked the enemy's attack with a Horcrux grid, "Haha, victory is imminent! Today is the day when our human race slaughters all other races!"

The Ossaid who fought with them sneered: "The battle between the fourth ranks is changing rapidly, how can you idiots understand it!"

He punched hard, "Besides, even if your Tier [-] wins, it won't change your fate of falling. We Osiders are not just Tier [-] powerhouses!"

The Horcruxes of the human warriors transformed into dazzling brilliance, and they fought consecutively with the strong Ossaid, "Don't be stubborn, from the beginning of this battle, our human race will blow the horn of revival!"

The battle at Tier [-] was still going on, but Yang Xi and the others surrounded Qian Youque from three directions.

Looking at that familiar face, Ouyang Guanhe felt very regretful.

If money is lacking and luck is better, maybe you can become your right arm and right arm!

It's a pity that things get tricky.

"I don't care if you understand what I'm saying or not. Now that you've reached this point, you can't fly. Why don't you submit obediently? Maybe because of our friendship in the past, I can still leave you with a dead body!"

Tongtian glanced at Ouyang Guanhe, feeling a little disdainful in his heart, Ouyang Guanhe just wasn't decisive enough to kill.

In the face of this kind of traitor, why say so much?

Yang Xi watched Qian Youque quietly. With his previous experience, he wouldn't be foolish and leaned on his mental strength.

"Qian is short, I have an old relationship with the Qian family, I advise you to kill yourself! In this way, I think Si Hai may not criticize everyone in the Qian family... Your father is in his seventies, don't you have the heart to see him being pointed at by others? Spine scolding?"

Hearing Yang Xi's words, Qian Youque's eyes flashed a ray of humanity, but it was only for a moment, and soon he was tightly controlled by the deep blue consciousness.

All three of them noticed this subtle change and guessed that maybe the consciousness of money shortage has not been completely wiped out.

If they dared to take the risk, there might be a possibility of rescuing him.

But... this is not just a fight between their fourth ranks, there are also a large number of low-ranking fighters fighting bloody battles below. Every second of delay, Haojilang of the human race died in battle.

Ouyang Guanhe sighed, "Do it!"

Under the siege of three fourth-tier powerhouses, they didn't believe that Qian Youqian could survive!

But facing the attack of the three, Qian Youque didn't panic in the slightest, and still had that sense of looking down in his eyes.

It's even more exaggerated than the Osside people feel!

"Stupid...indigenous people!"

The blue light rose sharply, and from behind him, a large number of soul touches appeared like a group of demons dancing wildly, like the nine-tailed demon fox in the ancient mythology of the inland area. i

481 News of the fifth order...

Zhao Jinyin looked at Qian Youque who suddenly burst into a powerful aura, but the light in her eyes became increasingly dim. ln

Qian Youque only woke up a few days ago, but he immediately possessed such tyrannical power. One can imagine how many people he has harmed.

And the deaths of these poor people who became the nourishment for Qian Youque to become stronger should all be blamed on her.

Haizhu's avatar saw Zhao Jinyin's depression. As a gentle vest, under the mechanism of acting assistance, he immediately comforted him: "Don't feel guilty, no one can control this kind of thing. I think if Brother Qian still has himself If you have the consciousness, you will definitely not do that kind of thing, to put it bluntly, all of this is the sin of the Deep Blue Clan."

Naturally, he would not tell about the infection of the deep blue consciousness.

Hearing the comfort from Haizhu clone, Zhao Jinyin felt better.

At the same time, she couldn't help but think that the rumors were indeed true, but Hai Zhu's character was indeed gentle enough.

Only the adjudication organization can have such a wonderful thing, right?

In other organizations in the four seas, how many battles and tribulations do you have to go through to become a Tier [-] powerhouse?

It doesn't matter if you don't want to be tough or ruthless!

In other words, the adjudicative organization has a solid background, so that this Haizhu has never tasted any hardships.

On the battlefield, Yang Xi kept using metal abilities to create some troubles for Qian Youque, but he was useless for the time being.

After the fierce battle between Tongtian and the Purple Crystal Python, it took some time to relax, so he retained some strength. After all, for him now, calling three Horcruxes at the same time is also a very exhausting thing.

Only Ouyang Guanhe is working hard to output, after all, every minute and every second of him is very precious now!

With a snap, Kale Weasel cut off a soul touch condensed by Qian Youque.

A nearly transparent soul touch fell into the sea water and immediately disappeared without a trace.

Qian Youque didn't feel hurt at all, but just continued to condense new soul touches.

For a while, although Qian Youque suffered more and more wounds, he still resisted the attack of the three big four powerhouses.

"The consumption is pretty good, You Chicken, it's time for Haizhu to take action and kill the other two guys whose actions are restricted."

Tong Tian said calmly.

Once Qian Youqian dies in battle, it may free the two fourth-order Ossaids.

Although Yang Xi felt something was wrong in his heart, he still nodded.

Soon, Haizhu's avatar began to brew the mysteries of the imaginary world, preparing to kill Venerable Lei Ming and the Arbiter.

"Get ready, we will try to kill the three of them at the same time!"

Ouyang Guanhe's shots became more and more fierce, and Qian Youque was already showing a tendency to be overwhelmed.

If it weren't for the two soul touches obtained from Ouyang Guanhe and Zhao Jinyin that contained half the power of the fourth level, he might have been killed directly.

All the race warriors present could not help but pay more attention to the battle between the four ranks in the sky.

The dawn of victory seems to be at hand.

But the mutation finally happened!

I saw that Venerable Lei Ming, who was struggling to resist the invasion of Qian Youque's soul-species profound meaning, was suddenly attacked by the arbitrator.

Unprepared, a big hole was blown out of his chest by the exquisite bubbles, and he was hit hard in an instant, but he did not die immediately, a large amount of power was absorbed by the soul touch.

It was as if the arbitrator deliberately wanted to let the money be short and suck up Venerable Lei Ming in advance!

Venerable Lei Ming looked at the arbitrator with disbelief, and said with blood in his mouth, "What the hell are you doing? Don't you think that by sacrificing me, you can let that dark blue bug let you go?"

The arbitrator said indifferently: "Of course I have my reasons for doing this, so you don't need to worry about it."

Ouyang Guanhe and others were confused by the actions of the arbitrator. What happened to these Ossaid people?

Now that this is the critical moment, do you still want to engage in internal strife?

What can this change?

The soul touch soon finished growing and appeared behind Qian Youque.

This is a complete fourth-order soul touch, completely different from those used to make up numbers before!

Ouyang Guanhe was caught off guard, and was twitched by this soul touch, and his soul could feel the shudder!

"This thing is actually charged!"

Seeing that this soul touch stinks again, Ouyang Guanhe couldn't care less about attacking Qian Youque, and quickly avoided it.

Qian Youque repelled the enemy for a while, stood where he was, and felt the physical strength in his body replenished again.

In his plan, he had to continue to support for a while before he could win supplies. The arbiter's sudden attack made even him feel at a loss. He hadn't discussed this with the arbiter beforehand.

However, even if the arbiter is so "on the road", he who is infected by the deep blue consciousness will not choose to let him go, but will let the soul-seeded absorb his power faster.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Qian Youqian also noticed something unusual.

Seeing that the arbitrator ripped off the "soul touch" in his mouth, Shi Shiran got up, and squinted at Venerable Lei Ming who was sucked dry beside him, "Don't look at me with that look, if you want to blame, it's because you stood wrong Let's team!"

He suddenly shouted, "Not yet?!"

As soon as the arbiter finished speaking, two figures suddenly appeared from under the sea.

One is a man like an iron tower, and the other has blue hair and blue eyes, looking greedily at Chris who is short of money!

Zhao Jinyin couldn't help exclaiming: "How is it possible! Didn't Chris get killed by You Chicken?"

The three of Yang Xi left the place immediately, and they couldn't figure out what the arbiter was trying to do!

The tower-like man said in a low voice, "Arbitrator, you really have enough ink to make me hold back underwater for so long!"

His face was a little unhappy, he was always addicted to war, seeing so many strong men at once, his heart itch.

Chris who "resurrected from the dead" smiled and said: "Brother Iron Tower, you are wrong to blame the arbitrator. He did this to better complete the task of Lord Fairmond!"

The dying Venerable Lei Ming seemed to have figured out something when he heard what Chris said. He looked at the arbitrator with resentment and said, "It turns out that you, the arbiter of the mercenary union, have already joined the Bernadotte Empire!"

The arbitrator smiled indifferently: "It's not a matter of taking refuge, everyone takes what they need, the Hundred Cities Federation has stretched its hands too far these years, and when Lord Fairmond breaks through, Norton won't be able to jump for long.

In the words of the Azure Star Plane, I am called Junjie who knows the current affairs. "

Hearing the arbiter's words, Venerable Lei Ming's eyes widened for the first time: "What... Fairmond...is he going to break through?"

This guy is a powerhouse of the fourth-order limit. If he wants to break through, no one in the entire Azure Star Plane will be able to deal with him.

The arbiter looked into the distance with complicated eyes, "After the people from the Bernadotte Empire take away the soul essence of the fourth rank present and dedicate it to Lord Fairmond, he should be able to step into the rank of the fifth rank." It's over..."ii

482 The Profound Truth of the Thick Earth

Venerable Lei Ming's face was full of disappointment. He didn't expect that there would be so many calculations behind this war. 9366z

He said bluntly: "I thought that after I entered the fourth level, I could get rid of the fate of the pawn, but I didn't expect that in their eyes, I was still a small character who could give up at will!"

The haggard man stared at the arbitrator and said, "My lord, does Norton know about your conspiracy?"

The arbitrator looked at Venerable Lei Ming sympathetically, and did not directly answer his question, "Does he know, what's the point now?"

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