The young iron tower general looked at Yang Xi with contempt on his face, "You are not weak if you can take my punch.

But if you think that with this level of strength, you can be arrogant in front of me, then you are completely wrong.

Next, I will let you know why I, Mr. Hansenton, are so valued by Mr. Red Emperor! "

A huge force suddenly exploded from the fist of Iron Tower General, and Yang Xi's palm was blown open at this moment.

The black cyclone circled the iron tower general and continued to rise, and even his dreadlocks were lifted up by the vindictive cyclone.

At this moment, his aura actually increased again!

He had just fought with two strong men who were burning their origin, but he hadn't exerted his full strength yet!

But this also shows from the side that Yang Xi's pressure on him is not as small as he said in the previous sentence, otherwise he would not need to show his hidden strength.

It can be said that General Tieta is worthy of being a super soldier who has experienced many battles. As soon as he fought, he noticed the difference between Yang Xi and Zhao Jinyin.

"What a duplicity guy. He's obviously scared to death in his heart, but his mouth is still so hard. Is the tone of you Ossaid people so loud?"

Yang Xi already had a killing intent towards the Iron Tower General in his heart, so he would naturally not show mercy.

Provoking the opponent is also a kind of tactics.

Although he also knew that for a strong man of the level of the iron tower general, this may have very limited effect.

Sure enough, General Tieta didn't answer his words at all, and after he finished gaining momentum, he didn't hesitate to kill him.

Yang Xi naturally wouldn't be cowardly, he manipulated the god-made metal and killed it.

Compared with the single-line operation before, Yang Xi has produced more than a dozen pieces of divine metal within a few breaths.

These god-made metals are extremely sharp, and they are both offensive and defensive around Yang Xi, making General Iron Tower a headache.

The battle between the two of them does not seem to be a grand one at all, but everyone knows the power contained in it.

Not to mention the third-tier powerhouses, even the slightly weaker fourth-tier powerhouses may be defeated in an instant.

While accepting Yang Feifei's treatment, Ouyang Guanhe sighed: "This guy, Youji, can really surprise people every time. You never know where his limit is!"

He glanced at Yang Feifei again, and said: "Maotu, I remember that when you first showed up in the interior, you were also an A-level superhuman, right? You adjudicating the evil fun of the organization!"

Ouyang Guanhe shook his head, obviously speechless.

He's already a Tier [-] powerhouse, but he's ashamed to pretend to be an A-level power user, saying that he's shameless is an understatement.

Yang Feifei knew that Ouyang Guanhe was referring to his brother's previous role as a rabbit vest,

Knowing the inside story, she naturally wouldn't expose Yang Xi's background.

At the same time, she was also very moved. In order to save herself who fell into a coma, her brother actually did the thing of disguised as a woman.

Zhao Jinyin watched as Yang Xi and General Tieta fought more and more fiercely, and their fists became whiter and whiter.

what she really felt was the gap

General Tieta became more and more surprised, and he changed his mind about these natives again.

The guy in front of him wearing a mask and a black robe is not inferior to him in terms of strength.

It seems that the esoteric truth he comprehended may not be as lethal as the previous native named Tongtian, but it gave him a more difficult feeling.

The more you fight with him, the more you feel that everything in the fight is being controlled by him.

This situation is powerless, even terrifying!

General Tieta scolded angrily: "You bastard, what kind of mysteries have you comprehended?"

Three punches in a row were predicted by the opponent, and at the same time he had a lot of wounds on his body, the situation seemed to be completely controlled by the opponent!

Yang Xi sneered, "What? Are you scared? Do you think I'm a fool? Tell you the meaning of my understanding?

How about this, when you die in battle, I will tell you mercifully, what profound truth I have comprehended, how about it? "

General Tieta was furious. When had he been humiliated like this?

"Hmph, don't you think you're going to eat me?"

General Tieta pushed Yang Xi back with a punch, and pulled out a pale bone from his body.

There is a certain energy in this bone that even Yang Xi can't help but feel frightened.

"This is the key to the madness of the alchemy created by the Red Emperor. It can stimulate my potential, but at the cost of sanity for the time being. It's not a waste!"

After speaking, General Tieta crushed the bone into powder and swallowed it in one gulp.

After only a few breaths, his eyes turned red!

The arbitrator yelled: "General Iron Tower, you idiot! What are you doing!

The user of the Key of Rage is indistinguishable from friend and foe!

491 Fighting Spirit Moves! (two in one)

"This guy actually has a hole card!"

Yang Xi frowned, he didn't know why he was so unlucky to always meet people who became stronger after taking drugs. xllgz

"But judging by the expression on the arbitrator's face, this thing should have a lot of side effects."

The pupils of the Iron Tower General's eyes could no longer be seen, and were completely covered in crimson red.

Yang Xi didn't know what he would rely on to distinguish friend from foe in this state.

However, he could feel the evil thoughts emanating from General Iron Tower, and even with his current strength, he couldn't help but feel his hair stand on end.


There was a monster-like roar from Iron Tower General's mouth. The muscles on his body didn't change much, but there were complex red lines starting from the corners of his eyes and spreading to his whole body as if growing.

Yang Xi faintly felt a bit of wonder, the lines seemed to coincide with some powerful law.

Soon, the lines grew completely, and after emitting a red light for a few seconds, they returned to calm again, looking low-key and connotative.

"This guy, now gives people a very uneasy feeling!"

Ouyang Guanhe couldn't help swallowing his saliva. If he could still pester the iron tower general for a while, then this one is likely to get rid of him in a short time.

"I don't know if Youji can stand up to this guy!" Ouyang Guanhe was expecting him to keep hiding his cards.

If what Youji used just now was all his strength, then he would be in danger!

Yang Feifei looked at his brother worriedly. Although he had always had confidence in his brother, he was afraid that something might happen.

She made up her mind in her heart that once Yang Xi was injured, she would definitely rush to his side as soon as possible to help him heal the injury.

As for others, how can it be important to have your own brother?

Chris didn't expect that the Iron Tower General would be forced to this point, but he still gloated: "Hey, you are finished now, the Iron Tower General who used the key of rage, but even Lord Red Emperor has a headache! "

Tong Tian just glanced coldly at the Iron Tower General, not distracted by it, and continued to leave wounds on Chris.

This kid's current strength is enough to make him face up to it, and he can feel that as the time Chris fights with him changes, his strength is also steadily improving.

"Do you regard me as a trial stone? I want to see how much you weigh!"

Tongtian is aloof and arrogant. In this world, there is only one person he admires, and that is Blast.

As for the other suddenly rising geniuses, in his long life, he did not know how many he had defeated.

Even the chicken vest played by Yang Xi, in his eyes, can be considered to be of a pretty good standard.

Tongtian's sword light is a bit sharper. Compared with the misunderstandings caused by Yang Xi's continuous breakthroughs, this guy is called a deep hider.

Although I don't know what the restrictions are, but until now, Tongtian has not manifested his fourth fairy sword, which shows his terrifying strength.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

General Tieta gritted his teeth and said this sentence.

Even if he temporarily loses his mind, he can still remember the shame Yang Xi brought him.

His nose moved, as if he was using his sense of smell to identify Yang Xi's position.

Suddenly, a black glow erupted from his whole body, and the whole person disappeared in mid-air immediately.

Yang Xi's heart trembled, he could hear the drumbeats of heartbeats approaching!


Without hesitation, he manipulated his god-made metal clusters to form a shield on the left side!

Sure enough, a burst of black light appeared, and the iron tower general covered in red lines punched hard on the shield made of divine metal.

The sharp and sharp god-made metal actually fell into a disadvantage in this confrontation!

The iron tower general who has stimulated his potential, the defense of his skin has increased a lot.

Yang Xi observed that there was a subtle wave attached to his skin, which increased the skin's defense.

"Is it a red pattern? Or something else!"

The god-made metal group was broken up, and Yang Xi nimbly stepped on a piece of metal, and then flew out, thus avoiding the result of being penetrated by his own tricks.

However, some fragments were too late to control. The momentum on them made Yang Xi want to use his mental power to limit their speed, but he was a bit powerless!

Some god-made metal fell into the battlefield below!

"damn it!"

Yang Xi cursed angrily, and he began to feel the feeling of an arbitrator.

The iron tower general who lost his mind began to have an uncontrollable influence on the entire battle situation.

If it was him who hadn't gone berserk, even if Yang Xi's metal group was broken up, the fragments would not fly into the battlefield below.

After all, in the battlefield below, there are not only fighters from the human side, but also a lot of Ossaid supernatural beings!

puff puff!

The sound of metal shards passing through the flesh continued to resound.

Whether it is a weak elemental strongman, or a strong defensive enhancement or transformation strongman, they are all treated equally in front of the god-made metal, and they are all easily penetrated through the body. The whole process is extremely smooth. Their bodies are in four directions In front of Tier's moves, there is not much difference compared with tofu!

Some were lucky, at most they passed through non-critical parts, and they could continue to fight. Some unlucky ones were directly shot in the head. The scary thing is that because the god-made metal passed through too fast, they didn't even notice the injury .

Only when he realized that he couldn't control his body, did he realize that there was a gap in his forehead in the astonished eyes of his opponent. At this moment, severe pain and darkness engulfed him successively.

But at the moment Yang Xi couldn't care about these things, the black light flashed again, and the next wave of attack from General Iron Tower came again!

This time Yang Xi could only use less divine metal clusters to block his attack!


The invisible fluctuations hit the metal group, and the metal fragments began to tremble regularly and rapidly!

This time, Yang Xi sensed the change in General Iron Tower's attack more clearly!

The reason why his current attacks have become more powerful and penetrating is because his earth fighting spirit is shaking!

No, not a vibration, more like a string-like vibration!

A fist covered with earth fighting energy, the mixture of earth elements and spiritual power inside is bound together to form tiny strings.

These strings vibrate at high speed, bursting out with great power and penetration, spreading Yang Xi's metal!

The black glow flashed again, and another punch struck!

This time, Yang Xi suddenly discovered that he only had a piece of divine metal left, which could not block the attack of the iron tower general at all!

"Screw you!"

Yang Xi also became ruthless, controlling the god-made metal and rushing towards the enemy's eyes, and he himself was punched hard by the iron tower general!


The transparent circular wave is centered on the point where Yang Xi was hit, sweeping mightily towards the surroundings!

And he himself was shot into the sea like a straight line, causing huge fan-shaped waves!

The crowd fell silent.

Youji, who was evenly divided with the iron tower general just now, was defeated in three moves?

Looks like it's pretty badly injured!

Before everyone could react, a white light shot into the sea again.

Yang Feifei bit her lip tightly, resisting the urge to scream, and rushed towards her brother as fast as she could.

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