The cold and high pressure in the deep sea surrounded Yang Xi.

There was darkness all around.

Yang Xi stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to grab something!

But he was a little impulsive to close his eyes and go to sleep!

can not sleep!

He braced his eyelids and regained consciousness.

That blow just now actually sent him directly into the deep sea.


With Yang Xi's cough, some pieces of internal organs appeared in the sea water along with the blood mist.

The moment the string's force came into contact, Yang Xi's internal organs were shattered into pieces.

He is not dead yet, and he still has to benefit from the strong vitality of the fourth level.

"What the hell, this string movement is really terrible, and what's even more terrifying is that it combines offense and defense!"

Before Yang Xi was hit in the stomach, he clearly saw his god-made metal being bounced off by the iron tower swordsman's eyelids.

Just when Yang Xi was thinking about upgrading that ability to the fourth level to repair his body, a white light illuminated the dark deep sea, clearly showing some strange-shaped deep-sea fish around him.

And Yang Xi himself was surrounded by warm white light.

Afterwards, a string of bubbles popped up around Yang Xi, it was Yang Feifei who was gesticulating and wanted to communicate with Yang Xi.

At this moment, her face was full of anxiety, and Yang Xi could still find that there was a liquid slightly different from sea water appearing in the eye area of ​​her mask.

Yang Xi smiled, his voice appeared in his sister's mind.

"You, you, have you forgotten that with the mental power of a fourth-order powerhouse, you can already transmit sound in the opponent's brain?"

Hearing Yang Xi's voice, Yang Feifei calmed down, and she also thought of this.

"Brother Er, are you okay, don't scare me, you have a big wound on your stomach!"

Yang Feifei pressed his hands on Yang Xi's terrible wound, and a ball of light elements with brighter eyes appeared.

Repairs are made faster.

"Don't worry, your brother, I have the bottom of my heart. Even if you don't come, I still have a way to save myself. Of course, it would be even better if you came!"

The second half of the sentence was added temporarily because I noticed my sister's emotions.

Yang Feifei looked at her brother's wound distressedly. Although she could treat this kind of injury, she couldn't relieve the pain.

Listening to Yang Xi's voice in his head, which was not abnormal at all, Yang Feifei felt very uncomfortable.

How much suffering does brother usually suffer before he can get used to the pain?

The treatment in the depths of the sea is continuing, and Yang Xi also takes advantage of this time to repair his body to think about the strategy to defeat the enemy.

After feeling the power of the string movement, he was also inspired, and faintly thought of a way to deal with him!

On the surface of the sea, everyone was still immersed in the shock just now, but General Iron Tower had already found his goal.

His scarlet eyes met Haizhu's avatar and the arbiter, they were the closest powerhouses to him!

The black light flashed continuously, and he appeared near the two of them.

After hovering and tilting his head, he shot at Haizhu clone and the arbitrator in shock!

"Stop! We're on one side!"

The arbiter shouted anxiously.

However, only Chris signed the ally seal with him, and General Iron Tower will not be subject to this restriction.

And even if the ally seal exists in the mind of Iron Tower General, he just lost his mind and attacked randomly at the moment, and did not betray his teammates subjectively, and would not be judged to have violated the principle of the seal and would not be punished.

"damn it!"

No matter what the arbitrator explained, the irrational Iron Tower General still punched him without hesitation!

In desperation, the Arbiter could only rely on Linglong Profound Truth to block his attack.

Even though he had placed circles of defensive air bubbles, these dense water elements had no resistance and burst one by one under the vibrating energy of the earth.

The arbitrator was hit in the chest and exploded into a ball of water vapor!

Ouyang Guanhe exclaimed: "This old thing is not the real body!"

He was really shocked by the level of the arbiter's dog.

How could this Osaid man be so stable?

The corners of Zhao Jinyin's mouth also twitched slightly, and now she has realized that the arbiter who fought her on Chishuang Island is very likely not her real body!

Haizhu's avatar keenly grasped the moment when the arbiter dissipated. Although he didn't know the method of the arbiter's avatar, there must be a certain connection between the avatar and the deity.

While this identity was being dismantled, the Haizhu avatar, which had been psychologically prepared, used this to try to locate the real body of the arbitrator.

It's a pity that because of the short time, he can only judge the approximate location of the arbiter's real body, which should be under the water!

In the deep sea, Yang Xi, who had already repaired half of his body, opened his eyes and silently glanced at a certain direction.

No wonder, he had a feeling of being spied on just now. He thought it was a creature in the deep sea, but now he thought it should be the real body of the arbiter!

As expected of a fourth-order powerhouse of the water element, who can lurk in such a deep sea and control so much energy freely, it is really impossible for other powerhouses to do so easily.

"If we have another chance, we can find him thoroughly. Do you want to lure him out?"

Yang Xi thought about it.

And his Haizhu avatar has already handed over General Iron Tower at this moment.

Fortunately, the Profound Truth of the Void Realm has just been upgraded, and the information provided by Yang Xi, the deity, let Haizhu's clone know that the key to the attack of General Iron Tower lies in the vibrating vibrations of the earth's grudge.

So Haizhu's avatar even temporarily fought back and forth with the Iron Tower General.

Yang Xi's deity is also testing the thoughts in his heart through the avatar of Haizhu.


An imaginary vortex appeared on the path of Iron Tower General's fist, but it was annihilated by the vibrating energy covering his fist.

Haizhu's avatar had no choice but to step into the virtual vortex behind him again to avoid the attack!

But General Tieta has a beast-like intuition at this moment, and suddenly speeds up, and the vibration of fighting spirit interferes with the stability of the imaginary vortex, causing it to disappear in advance.

But part of the legs of Haizhu's avatar did not enter the virtual world, and was smoothly cut off by the fracture of space!

Haizhu's avatar, who wanted to get more information, could only hide in the imaginary world, and took Yang Xi's brother and sister over.

Returning to the Void World Temple, Yang Xi saw the Haizhu avatar that had lost its legs, and prevented her sister from wanting to be healed, and directly condensed a new avatar.

This is much more efficient.

Yang Xi sometimes also thinks, for the sake of safety, instead of sending out the deity, let the avatar act outside all the time, after all, there is visual sharing!

But after a trial, his deity returned to the battlefield to strip the ability and control the secrets, only the deity can use it

The Haizhu avatar projects the external situation into the virtual world through the void.

After losing his opponent Haizhu, General Tieta fell into the third-tier battlefield.

He just clenched his fist lightly and burst out with a burst of fighting spirit, turning dozens of third- and second-tier fighters around a hundred meters away, whether they were enemies or friends, all of them were turned into ashes!

The faces of all the fourth-rank powerhouses changed!

Tong Tian, ​​who was fighting with Chris, could no longer sit idly by, and shot one of his Horcruxes at the runaway Iron Tower General!

He wants to lure this shit stirrer here!

s: Today I scratched my fingers when I opened a can of beef, but I still finished coding and updated


492 Cursed Seal Backlash

The Immortal Sword is approaching its limit, and it is impossible for anyone present to react to it. lpsbss

But under the control of beast-like intuition, General Tieta tilted his head and dodged.

As a result, only a dreadlock was cut off.


The boy with dreadlocks covered in red lines slowly raised his head, sniffing around with his nose, and when he locked on to the enemy's position, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This smile is chilling.

But Tongtian just sneered.

But Chris next to him suddenly changed his face and shouted: "Hey, hey, why are you messing with him! You don't know how terrifying the Iron Tower General is now!"

Chris was trying to stay away from Tongtian, but before his body moved, a black halo appeared behind him, as well as the sound of a drum-like heartbeat!


He turned pale with fright, and was very depressed in his heart. Why did the Iron Tower General find him first for the incident caused by Tongtian?

But now, he didn't have time to think about this problem, and quickly arranged layers of "swallowing black shields" behind him.

As soon as these black barriers with devouring power were formed, General Iron Tower's fist came up!

It's still the seemingly ordinary fighting spirit of the earth, but the string movement inside explodes with terrifying power in a narrow gap!

With so many black shields laid down by Chris, it only lasted for three seconds.

The tyrannical vindictiveness unscrupulously hit his vest, instantly invading his internal organs.

Unlike Yang Xi's fate, Chris was not thrown into the sea, he was directly pierced by the iron tower general's fist.

It can be seen that blue blood and organ fragments are covered with Iron Tower General's fist.

The iron tower general who lost his mind seriously injured a friendly soldier again.

At this moment, only 50 meters away from the two of them, Tongtian Shi Shiran said: "This animal uses its smell to find the enemy. Do you think my sword has slashed you so many times, and your smell will be less?" It's just a [-]-[-] chance."

Chris stared at Tongtian unwillingly.

He really couldn't accept that he was gradually getting familiar with the newly acquired power, and began to adapt to Tongtian's attack rhythm, but he ended up in such a fate.

His physical body has no ability to recover. Since he suffered such a serious injury, the only way left is to abandon this body.

Once he does this, while losing part of his strength, he will also enter a period of weakness!

Tongtian nodded his head with his fingers, looked at Chris with some disdain and said, "I admit that you have shortened the distance with me in terms of strength accumulation, but for a qualified fighter, wisdom is also very important." important!

Unfortunately, you have no chance to start over. "

Tongtian's fairy sword slowly hovered and turned, pointing the tip of the sword at Chris.

"I heard that you dark blue one is very good at running, so let's see if your escape method is faster or my fairy sword is faster!"

Hearing this, Chris sneered while spitting blood: "You still have the heart to think about this kind of thing? After he kills my body, you will be the next target. Isn't it the probability you said is [-] to [-]?"

If our dark blue clan lost their bodies, it would be a big deal to replace them with another one, but as an indigenous human, do you have this ability x

Or do you think Utu from the Tribunal will come to save you?

Not to mention that people are treating their companions now, even if there is no such thing, I heard that your relationship with the Judgment Organization is not very good."

The two wanted to keep talking, but the Iron Tower General behind Chris was not interested in listening. Now he just wants to wipe out and tear apart all living beings!

So, when Chris wanted to say something, General Tower's other hand came in through the wound, and then pulled it to the sides, and poor Chris was torn in half. x

A group of root spirit bodies wrapped in blue energy jumped out at an extremely fast speed!

Tongtian's fairy sword was eager to catch up, but was caught by the hand of Iron Tower General.

This time, with the vibrating body protection, the sharp blade of the fairy sword couldn't cut his palm!

Tong Tian frowned, pointed with both hands, and the other two fairy swords shot towards the temples on both sides of the iron tower general.

Because of the blocking of General Tieta, Tongtian lost the chance to chase Chris.

On the other hand, Ouyang Guanhe and Zhao Jinyin didn't dare to use their own power too much because of Yang Feifei's instructions, for fear of causing the source to collapse again.

Without Yang Xi's action, Chris' spirit body seems to be about to escape successfully!

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