But things will never be that simple. Under the sea, the real body of the arbiter smiled slightly.

"Chris, you signed the ally seal with me, and now your practice of abandoning me is very likely to trigger the backlash of the seal. x

And the obliteration of this curse seal is not only aimed at the physical body. "

The arbiter counted silently in his heart, waiting for the outbreak of the ally's seal.

As everyone knows, Chris, who is flying rapidly, is also waiting for the outbreak of the spell.

"I'm afraid that old arbiter doesn't know that I have a treasure in my hand, which can easily offset the backlash of the curse seal!"

The reason why Chris discovered the function of the blue crystal diamond was discovered when he was tortured by the Red Emperor with the curse seal.

Although the trigger effects of the two curse seals are different, the principle of the blue crystal diamond counteracting the backlash of the curse seal is the same.


The arbitrator calculated the time for the ally's curse to bite back.

Chris felt that a destructive force was born in his spirit body, and wanted to completely erase his existence, but at this moment, the blue crystal diamond blended with the root spirit body water milk gushed out A burst of cool energy easily counteracted the explosion of the curse mark.

But Chris still resorted to tricks and faked the situation that he was wiped out of consciousness and fell into the deep sea.

Let the forces of all parties think that he has completely fallen, which will be of great benefit to his future actions.

So in the eyes of everyone, Chris' spirit body stopped abruptly before running very far, and then fell into the sea uncontrollably.

Zhao Jinyin asked in surprise, "Did someone plot against him?"

Ouyang Guanhe shook his head suspiciously, "I don't know, but it seems to be the same thing."

Only Yang Xi, who was spying on all the details in Excalibur, knew that this was the backlash of Chris's ally, the curse seal.

"It's a pity, how can Chris be regarded as a hero, I haven't seen him being so aggrieved!"

It can only be said that the power of the blue crystal diamond is really powerful, once again helping Chris to fake death to deceive everyone.

Yang Xi, who didn't know how to be tricked, smiled slightly, "But thanks to him, we finally found the arbiter!"i

493 String Extreme Finger Collapse

After two positionings, the veteran Arbiter was finally caught by Yang Xi. kan8z

Why did Yang Xi prefer to spend a lot of energy in the early stage of the battle, but also to find the real body of the arbitrator?

Because he knows very well that only people like this who live on the ground can win the final victory.

No matter how big the limelight is at the beginning, if it drifts later, it is doomed to fall hard, and others will snatch the fruits of victory.

This is the true meaning that Yang Xi has comprehended in countless battles.

And he himself practiced this way, until now, the adjudication organization is still extremely mysterious in the minds of the people all over the world.

The unknown is the scariest thing in this world.

Although he didn't know what the arbiter was planning, Yang Xi would not let him succeed.

"It's a pity, it's rare to meet a guy with a style similar to mine, but I'm sorry, in this world, there is no need for someone who knows how to be more stable than me."

The imaginary vortex quietly appeared behind the arbiter.

puff puff!

More than a dozen pieces of incomparably hard god-made metal were shot at the back of the arbitrator from the virtual world.

Although Yang Xi was very careful, the arbitrator noticed these god-made metals the moment they encountered sea water.

He jerked violently, turned his head to look at the vortex in the imaginary world in disbelief, and murmured, "When was I exposed?"

At the same time, exquisite bubbles equal to the number of divine metals also appeared out of thin air, trying to cover these divine metals.

Yang Xi smiled slightly and said, "Let's try the moves I just learned with you!"

Touched by General Iron Tower's fighting spirit, Yang Xi had a new idea about the use of elements at the micro level.

Because of the 6 level of comprehension of the mastery, he can easily realize the string movement of the golden element.

It's just that there is still a big difference between the gold element and the earth element. The former is sharp and light, while the latter is gentle and thick.

The string movement of the earth element can transmit power.

However, the string movement of the gold element has explored the concept of "sharpness" into a new category.

And because of the advantages of strong magnetic secrets, it is originally at the microscopic level of the elements, and the use of "string movement" seems to be born for Yang Xi.

In just such a short time, Yang Xi managed to move the golden element on his fingers.

Compared with the whole body of General Tieta's fighting spirit, although Yang Xi's part of the golden element's finger movement was insignificant, it was enough for him to solve the current situation.

After all, in the traditional culture of District [-], "breaking the face with a point" has always been a method pursued by smart people.

And Yang Xi's opponent, General Iron Tower, has lost his mind now. As long as he makes good use of this trump card, the possibility of victory is not low.

Yang Xi named this move "Xian Ji Beng", and now it can only be used on one finger, so it is naturally called "Xian Ji Beng Zhi"!

The exquisite bubbles temporarily blocked the divine-made metal from the raid, and the arbitrator calmed down and sneered: "You chicken, you chicken, there is a way to heaven if you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you come here yourself!

Dare to take action against a fourth-order strong water element in the deep sea, I have to admire the courage of your natives! "

Yang Xi said tit for tat: "I have to say, you old dog b Azure Star's common language is really good.

But if I dare to attack you, I am sure of it.

Also, I really can't figure it out, where do you barbarians get their sense of superiority?

Open your mouth and keep your mouth shut, natives, let me tell you, I have tolerated you Ossaids for a long time! "

To be honest, the arrogant attitude of the Ossaid people can instantly make any strong person of the Azure Star human race unhappy.

Even a good-tempered person like Yang Xi, after listening too much, is now a little irritable.

"Isn't your Ossaid plane just a bit older than the blue star plane?

Our azure human race has developed a magical civilization of this scale in just a hundred years. If you give me as long as the Ossaid plane, your achievements are not even worthy of carrying our shoes! "

Yang Xi almost forgot that before he stepped into the world of supernatural powers, he was also a little accomplished keyboard man on the Internet.

The arbitrator was stunned by the scolding, and immediately retorted: "If we hadn't brought the fire of a civilized world to the Azure Planet, do you think that you, a group of ignorant natives, could develop a magic civilization?"

Yang Xi didn't bother to continue arguing with him, "I see the real trick under my hand, only the strong can have the prefix of civilization, isn't it?" x

"That's what you want!"

Around the arbitrator, the sea water is constantly flowing.

Indeed, the deep sea added too much to him.

The power of the same move released in the deep sea is fully twice that of the sea surface.

Under the control of the arbiter, a water dragon appeared in front of him.

Different from the elemental dragon condensed by the supernatural beings below the fourth level, the water dragon created by the arbiter is not only lifelike in details, but also uses the understanding of Linglong Profound Truth to arrange the water elements inside.

Bring the softness and smoothness of water to an extremely high level.

"My Linglong Profound Art, do you think it's just the art of explosion? Then you underestimate me too." x

The arbiter integrated himself into the Linglong water dragon, "For the time being, regardless of the original plane of Ossaid, every strong man who can mix up to me on the New Frey Continent, that one has no unique skills."

Yang Xi came out of the vortex of the imaginary world alone, and looked at the new move of the arbiter with some admiration.

"Your moves are really good. Among the secrets I have seen, your exquisite secret is indeed not low in terms of rank. It is a pity that you met me."

The arbitrator expressed disdain for Yang Xi's words: "You are a mere native, how can you know that I am in the plane of Oster, but even the high-level mysteries comprehended by the seeds of the heavens have been fortunate enough to have seen.

Compared with their esoteric truths that directly point to the source, what we have comprehended is too superficial. "

Looking at the expression on the arbiter's face that didn't seem to be fake, Yang Xi also sighed a little.

How come you don't know how graceful the Celestial Seed in his mouth is!

"You should be a strong man of the gold element system, right? My Linglong Profound Art, the most restrained is you kind of reckless people. It's a pity that you picked the wrong opponent today."

As the arbitrator spoke, he suddenly laughed again, "But having said that, the Iron Tower General who used the Key of Rage seems to be more difficult to deal with than me.

So you see, what I said is right, you are the natives, and no one can beat you! "x

Yang Xi was not angry either, and stretched out his index finger, "I don't know if my trick can break your turtle shell!"

Under Yang Xi's control, the golden element vibrates like a string.

What appeared to the outside world was that Yang Xi's fingers were suddenly covered with a golden halo.

It doesn't look dazzling, very ordinary.

The arbitrator confidently controlled the water dragon to kill Yang Xi. In his opinion, the power of Yang Xi's move was not as powerful as the previous metal flying shuttle.

"You're kidding me"

Before he finished speaking, cold sweat began to flow down.

Because Yang Xin's finger covered with a golden halo easily penetrated the Linglong water dragon and touched his forehead! i

494 The Tragic Arbiter

The arbiter thought about many possibilities, but he didn't expect that he would lose so easily. ian enge

"What kind of monster are you?"

Yang Xi's moves have already exceeded his imagination. Linglong Profoundly restrained the moves of the gold element type the most, but now it is like paper, unable to hold on to a move.

Yang Xi smiled and said: "What's the matter, didn't you just scream happily just now? Let's hear it again."

An ugly smile appeared on the arbiter's face, his life was in someone else's hands, how dare he pretend to be a bastard in front of Yang Xi at this time?

Although he kept cursing in his heart, he still begged for mercy in a cowardly manner: "It was a misunderstanding just now. In fact, our mercenary union's attitude towards the natives, no, towards the Azure Star Human Race, is the most powerful among the four forces in the New Frye Continent. Friendly, slave abuse rarely happens among us!"

"If it rarely happens, it means it has happened"

Yang Xi sneered and increased the force on his fingers a little, and a shallow blood hole appeared on the arbiter's smooth forehead.

The arbitrator hurriedly cried and said: "Lord Youji, when the stall gets bigger, there will always be black sheep, but I can swear that I have never participated in such an outrageous thing!

After I go back, I will definitely order them to correct it! "

Yang Xi laughed back in anger, you old dog still wants to return to the occupied areas of the Southern Continent alive, what a beautiful idea!

But Yang Xi didn't intend to kill him immediately.

He thought of the "curse seal" commonly used by these Osaid people, and wondered if he could get this thing from the arbiter.

In the future, if you want to continue to fight the Ossaid people, you will inevitably encounter situations where you need to deal with the curse seal.

"Hey, it's not okay to ask me to spare your life."

Yang Xi's words made the arbitrator seem to have found a life-saving straw, and said again and again: "Master Youji, if you want you to spare my life, I can promise you anything!"

In his heart, he was laughing wildly with disdain. The natives are the natives. As long as their noble Ossaid people are a little flattering, they will immediately lose their vigilance.

If his arbiter dared to say "I love the Azure Planet" in public, these natives would rush to give him benefits.

"I think your spell seal is good, please tell me how to cast it!"

Yang Xi throws out his own conditions.

The arbiter thought, this native has a good vision, but even some naive curse marks are still within the reach of inferior and stupid natives like you

He originally planned to fool around and perfunctory to save his own life, but after thinking about it, perhaps it is not impossible to trick this native into signing the master-servant curse seal by teaching the curse seal.

As long as he signed the master-servant curse seal, the life and death of this chicken would depend entirely on his mood.

Although he is an aborigine, a servant of the fourth rank is a very rare thing in New Frye Continent, and his reputation as an arbiter can increase a bit!

Although he was eager to move in his heart, wanting to entrap you chicken, but his face still showed embarrassment.

"Master Youji, the method of curse and seal is an untold mystery of our Ossaid people. If I teach it to you, if outsiders know about it, I'm afraid they will be poked in the spine when I return to New Fry Continent!"

This old fox knows that if he agrees easily, maybe Youji will feel strange, so it is the best policy to deliberately refuse first and play hard to get!

He is very familiar with this technique.

Come on, if you ask me again, I will reluctantly agree to your request!

But Yang Xi has never believed in the old dog of the arbitrator because Yang Xi thinks that he is very similar to himself. Presumably, at this time, the arbitrator must be planning how to cheat him again.

"Well, since you're in such a difficult situation, and I, Youji, don't like people who make things difficult for others, then forget it."

He shot without hesitation, using the "Xianji Collapsing Finger" to stab the arbiter's body continuously, beating him to the ground with a few blows.

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