The arbiter is completely confused, this script shouldn't be like this!

"You Chicken, why don't you ask me again!"

The arbitrator didn't know whether he was beaten or vomited blood out of anger.

Yang Xidao: "You should have said that earlier."

"How did you get to the fourth level just by being so impulsive! Let me tell you, hurry up and get that light-type expert to heal me. I'll be in a better mood, and I can teach you the method of spell seal!"

"Forget it, I'll do it myself, I won't bother you!"

"Hehe!" The arbitrator sneered, "We are all powerhouses of Tier [-], do you still want to forcibly take something away from my mind?"

Yang Xi shook his head and said, "For a powerhouse of the fourth rank, naturally I can't do anything to his mind."

He paused, and slowly whispered in his ear: "But I have a way to make you an ordinary person."

With that said, the stripping ability was activated, and Yang Xi obtained the fourth-order ability beads and the exquisite profound meaning chain with a level of 5 comprehension from the arbitrator.

The arbitrator also becomes an ordinary person without supernatural powers.

The Linglong Water Dragon lost its energy support, burst into bubbles, and disappeared into the deep sea.

The Arbiter finds out that he has lost his power, and the whole person is plunged into self-doubt.

"Aren't you a metal-type superhuman? How could you have the ability to eliminate other people's abilities! How could the natives have this ability 1"

Yang Xi said lightly: "Then you have seen it now, I told you earlier that you are the barbarians, and giving our Azure Star Human Race half the time is enough to surpass you. x

The first-generation supernatural beings of the Azure Star Human Race, their abilities are all-encompassing, how can you Ossaid barbarians can imagine

It's not just me, I also know a second-level power user called Ferryman. Although his strength is average, he can also eliminate other people's powers. "

Yang Xi didn't bother to talk nonsense anymore, since the arbiter has become an ordinary person, he can use the puppet control ability on him.

The whole process was extremely smooth, and Yang Xi easily obtained the knowledge of the curse seal.

It turns out that in the Ossian civilization, the curse seal is also a kind of alchemical creation.

Now the arbitrator still has three seals of master and servant, two seals of allies and some seals of secrecy.

The price of the master-servant curse seal is very expensive, followed by the ally curse seal, and the cheapest is the secrecy curse seal.

The Ossaids who were captured by the human race before were detonated directly because of leaking secrets during the torture and extortion of confessions, and their deaths were extremely miserable.

The shapes of the curse marks all look similar, they are transparent objects similar to jellyfish.

Its energy source is spiritual power, and after using it, it can actually enter the spiritual body of the supernatural person and lurk in it.

Therefore, even the deep blue clan cannot escape the sanction of the curse seal.

The usage of each spell seal is different, and with Yang Xi's mental strength, he learned it in just a few seconds.

"Even the arbiter doesn't know how to make the curse seal. It's impossible to ask those half-hearted alchemists of the human race to reverse it!"

But this is something that will come later, at least now Yang Xi temporarily has the method to use and remove the curse seal.

The seal of master and servant can be lifted by the master, and the seal of secrecy only needs to be lifted unilaterally by the person who cast the seal.

But the ally seal is a seal of equality, and both parties need to cancel it at the same time.

In addition to the method of using the seal, Yang Xi also got other knowledge from the mind of the arbitrator.

After all, he is a senior member of the mercenary union, he has many secrets in his mind, and he also has a lot of knowledge about the Ossian plane, which is much richer than the two youngsters Duran and Alista.

It can be regarded as giving Yang Xi a lot of insight.

Yang Xi glanced at the arbitrator with some disgust, and beat him into powder.

After all, he has no use value.

"However, his identity is easier to use than Duran."

After all, in the Southern Continent, the status of the arbitrator is much higher than that of Duran.

Yang Xi created a clone, and used the ability to disguise himself as an arbiter.

"Well, show time begins"

Yang Xi didn't break down the Linglong Profound Truth Chain for the time being, but handed it over to the arbiter's avatar for use.

The arbiter clone looked at Yang Xi and started his performance.

A brand new exquisite water dragon wrapped him up and flew towards the sea.

Yang Xi condensed several pieces of god-made metal, and followed closely behind!

The voice of the arbiter's avatar resounded throughout the battlefield on the sea, "You Chicken, I never thought you would be able to find out where my real body is. This old man underestimated you!"

The eyes of the soldiers were robbed a lot from the fierce battle between the Iron Tower General and Tongtian!

Yang Xi also sternly said: "I have discovered your conspiracy a long time ago, otherwise, do you think I am playing soy sauce if I haven't made a move for so long?

Today is the day you die! "

"Hmph, you chicken, I admit that you are very strong, but if you want to kill me, you are not qualified!" x

"Then let's try it!"

The two fought fiercely, and in terms of momentum, it was even bigger than the battle between Iron Tower General and Tongtian.

The exquisite water dragon swept through countless seawater, and its size grew bigger and bigger, even catching up to the main body of the amethyst python.

Yang Xi, who was wearing a black robe, was as small as an ant in front of Linglong Water Dragon, but it gave people a greater sense of oppression!

There was a lot of discussion:

"It turns out that Master Youji has been looking for the real body of the arbitrator just now! I thought that the people in their adjudication organization did not work hard, and the other fourth-order human races have already put their lives to work, and they are still watching the show!"

"Yeah, I almost misunderstood Master Youji too! Now it seems that if he hadn't discovered the clue carefully, the other fourth-order adults might not be able to detect the hidden arbiter. If he is accidentally attacked by him, then we This counter-offensive will really come to naught, and fall to the last step of the Long March!"

"Hehe, should you guys apologize? I just said that the adults in the adjudication organization are the real ones!"

Even Ouyang Guanhe couldn't help sighing: "Thanks to Brother Youji for being careful, otherwise I would have been fooled by the old dog of the arbitrator!"

Zhao Jinyin nodded and said, "If you are attacked by the arbitrator at the most critical moment, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous!"

Tong Tian, ​​who was fighting fiercely with the Iron Tower General, also had a glimmer of happiness in his eyes, he really didn't notice this.

You chicken, really good!

The adjudication organization is lucky. With such a guy in charge, it seems that they will become the fourth largest. No, after this battle, the chamber of commerce alliance may be seriously damaged, and the adjudication will become the third largest force. It is a foregone conclusion.

Seeing that the play was almost done, and the favorability of the adjudicating organization was high enough, the arbiter avatar "doesn't check" was severely injured by Yang Xi's divine metal.

He was no longer able to maintain the exquisite water dragon, and the water dragon that covered the sky and the sun suddenly disintegrated in the air, and a mighty torrential rain appeared on the battlefield.

The heavy rain was mighty, and it lasted for several minutes before it dissipated. The soldiers sincerely lamented that they deserved to be a powerhouse of the fourth rank, and even the disintegration of the moves was so shocking.

There is no doubt about the strength of the arbiter, but how terrifying is Master Youji who defeated him

"You chicken, it's really you, the old man admits it today!" The arbiter roared, turned his head and said sadly and indignantly to the irrational Iron Tower General: "Iron Tower General, the matter has come to an end, only you and I can join forces to turn the tide. Now that it's down, lead the Ossaiders to launch the last attack!

Wake up quickly! "

The words of the arbiter's avatar are three points bleak and seven points tragic. He is really into the play, resulting in his acting skills even surpassing the acting auxiliary skills of the cross-dressing ability, which makes Yang Xi brothers and sisters who know the truth applaud!

Many Ossaid third-tier powerhouses couldn't help crying when they heard the cry of the arbiter's avatar "from the heart". Although they couldn't say that they would die for the arbitrator, they still felt sad at the moment, and they roared angrily: "Master Iron Tower, Wake up quickly!!!"

For a moment, the voices of the Ossaid people resounded throughout the battlefield, accompanied by the roar of the strange beasts.

Unfortunately, what responded to them was still General Iron Tower's irrational roar.

The arbiter's avatar smiled sadly: "Forget it, I will be the queen today, my sons of the Ossaid people, the general situation of this battle is over, you wait and fight and retreat, I will bear all the faults alone!!!"

As the commander of the new coalition forces, Duran's avatar shouted appropriately: "The words of the puncher are wrong. The battle has not been won. How can it be attributed to one person? I, Duran Keith, fought with the Lord to the last moment today!"

Let's just say, Dulan's avatar turned into a golden Cangmu Yanlong and jumped up, which also gained a lot of prestige!

Among the many Ossaid fighters, some hot-headed followed Yang Xi's two avatars to the top, which was quite tragic like "the wind is rustling and the water is cold".

And those quick-witted Ossaid superhumans saw that the situation was over, and began to evacuate without hesitation.

After all, on the battlefield of Tier [-], the arbitrator was defeated by Youji, and the other iron tower general had no distinction between the enemy and the enemy. No matter how you look at it, it was the Ossaid new coalition that lost.

Although their Tier [-] and Tier [-] battlefields have always been in an advantage, if the other two Tier [-]s of the Judgment Organization make a move, the situation may be reversed in a blink of an eye. It is better to run away while some people are hot-headed, and they can still live Return to New Fry Continent and continue to be a master.

For these rational colonists, war is just a business, and survival is the most important thing!

Beside Dulan, Hood sighed deeply: "The big thing is over!"

He looked at Duran's avatar with uncertain eyes. Maybe he was the only one on Ossaid's side who had guessed some truth, but for the benefit of the family, he couldn't and wouldn't say it.

Yang Xi looked at the Ossaid army who were fighting and retreating, and he was slightly relieved.

If it weren't for the obvious disadvantages on the low-level battlefield, he wouldn't let the arbitrator clone perform this play.

"The gap between the human race and the Ossaid people is still very obvious, and the background is still not enough after all!"

"Now there is only one iron tower general to deal with, this is the hard stubble!"

Yang Xi and the Haizhu clone looked at each other and flew towards Tongtian! i

495 The Only Flaw

To be honest, the current situation of Tongtian is not very good.

The destructive power of General Iron Tower's grudge is too amazing. Even if Tongtian's fairy sword is full of spirituality, it can always block the fatal attack for his master at the most critical moment, but those dissipated energy also caused a lot of damage to Tongtian. s damage.

Even in such a situation, Tongtian still didn't summon his fourth sword.

The avatars of Yang Xi, Haizhu and Tongtian surrounded the Iron Tower General from three directions.

He also seemed to be aware of the change in the situation, the red lines all over his body flashed and dimmed with the frequency of his breathing.

"This guy's attack is very weird. I think you should have learned it before? Be careful!"

Tong Tian reminded that he thought that after the unitary chicken suffered heavy losses, it should not be able to return to the battlefield in a short time.

But he didn't expect that he could find out the real body of the arbiter and do so many things.

The adjudication organization is really not to be underestimated!

Yang Xi nodded and said: "I have roughly understood the principle of his attack, and thought of a way to crack it."

Tong Tian was slightly surprised when he heard the words.

Even with his knowledge, it is very difficult to find out a way to crack General Iron Tower's moves in such a short period of time... Has this chicken already done it?

is it possible? !

Yang Xi noticed Tongtian's thoughts, and didn't take it seriously, but said lightly: "Tongtian, if you haven't summoned the fourth sword, I'm afraid you won't be able to harm him, why don't you and Haizhu assist next?" , I'll take the main attack, how about it?"

When everyone heard Yang Xi's words, they felt something bad in their hearts.

What an arrogant person Tong Tian is, it is already very embarrassing for him to join forces with others, and this You Chicken actually wants him to be a support?

This... Don't roll over, right?

Seeing that this counter-offensive war is already in sight, isn't it.

Even Ouyang Guanhe's eyes were full of worry, he knew the festival between Tongtian and Youji best.

If at this time, Tongtian and Youji turned against each other, it might add a little change to the ending of this fight.

If it were another strong man, Ouyang Guanhe would definitely not have such worries.

But Tongtian... is notorious for not playing cards according to common sense!

Sure enough, Tong Tian's face darkened.

But Yang Xi still looked at him steadfastly.

Just when everyone thought that the two were about to turn against each other, Tong Tian suddenly nodded and said, "Okay, then I will defend, and I will leave the offensive to you!"

This, this, this...!

All the powerful people of the human race dropped their eyes. Is this the Master Tongtian they knew?

When did he talk so easily?

Someone couldn't help complaining: "So how a person's temper is depends entirely on who he gets along with. As long as you have the strength of Master Youji, Master Tongtian is also easy to talk to!"

"Haha, what you said is reasonable. In front of Mr. Blast, Mr. Tongtian is not very kind!"

"As long as Lord Tongtian joins forces with the two adults of the Judgment Organization, this fourth-order powerhouse of Ossaid will definitely be beheaded!"

"Everyone, we can't just watch, take advantage of the general situation, and kill a few more Ossaid fighters to vent our anger? They pressed us to fight before, but I suffocated!"

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