The four saluted the zodiac signs, "The subordinates will definitely serve the organization to the death, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire, they will never turn back."

Yang Xi still has confidence in the loyalty of the star members.

He nodded and said, "It's the organization's blessing that you can think so. Well, let's go back to our respective seats."

Yang Xi waved again, and the four of them appeared on the seat of Xingxiu, looking at the peripheral members below with envy.

Besides them, Qian Duoduo also looked at Ji Yourong's direction enviously. If it wasn't for the fact that she wanted to inherit the position of head of the Qian family, she would also be the star of the adjudication organization now, right?

It's a pity that the current her has basically eliminated the possibility of further development in the adjudication organization.

Neither Yang Xi nor Qianbukui would allow Qian Duoduo, the heir of the Qian family, to have a special seat in the adjudication organization—it is inappropriate!

After announcing some new rules formulated by Suzaku, Yang Xi announced that the Genting meeting had ended successfully.

After the stimulation of this promotion ceremony for the stars, a large number of Tiangang and Disha worked harder for Yang Xi.

They all hope to be appreciated by the adults of the zodiac and become the few remaining members of the constellation.

The appearance of the four newly promoted star positions soon caused huge waves in the world.

Before there is any new zodiac position, the announcement of the astrology position of the adjudication organization is also very eye-catching news.

On the major forums, netizens from all over the world talked about it.

"It's too sudden that four star seats appeared all of a sudden! Ji Yourong, the second most beautiful woman in the world, has transformed into a star seat of the adjudication organization. Do you have the guts!"

"Li Caiwei is not bad either. I wonder why she is not ranked among the top ten beauties in the world. Now I strongly urge the management of the beauty list to consider rearranging it. How dare you not give the adjudication organization's stars some face?" ?”

"Blanche is said to be from the inland. I didn't expect her to be so juicy. It's rare to see a white woman with such good skin. No, I really love it!"

"Hey, hey, are you guys a bit biased in their focus? They can become the stars of the Judgment Organization by relying on their own strength. Haven't you seen their performance in the battle highlights?"

"That's right, whether it's Ji Yourong, Li Caiwei, or Blanche, I'm afraid none of you here can compare in strength. Why do everyone turn a blind eye to women's strength? Is it sexism?"

"This... I've started fishing, I'm really scared!"

"By the way, who is this third star position? Why haven't we heard of it? It's so mysterious!"

"Looks in good shape, I announce that he is my new husband..."

"I don't know how these newly promoted stars are stronger or weaker than Mr. Kui Mulang?"

"Yes, yes, just wait for the adjudication organization to hold an internal martial arts competition..."

Judging from the popularity of the various forums, it is not difficult to see that after the counterattack, the reputation of the adjudication organization in the world has increased exponentially.

Basically, it has become a household name. In the free alliance sea area, many teenagers even regard joining the Judgment Organization as their ideal in life.

No way, who made the adjudication organization created by Yang Xi never have a defeat since it was exposed to the public eye?

And the mysterious zodiac powerhouses have broken their image and status in the hearts of the people time and time again. From the beginning of the A-level supernatural powers, they have become the current fourth-level bosses.

With the lessons learned from the unitary rooster, many forces have begun to speculate whether other zodiac signs also hide their strength from the public?

Judging this organization is really full of viciousness!

Regarding Xiao Baishi's punishment, Yang Xi did not procrastinate.

After the Yunding meeting, he asked Suzaku to give Xiao Baishi a reagent tube filled with purified water.

The moment he drank the pure water, Yang Xi took away the supernatural orb from Xiao Baishi's body, and instantly changed him from a powerful supernatural being close to the third level to an ordinary person.

"Start the clock from today, and after seven days, it will be decided whether to give you strength again depending on your performance."

Yang Xi's voice rushed from the vortex in the imaginary world to Xiao Baishi's ears.

He who has become an ordinary person did not dare to have the slightest resentment, and saluted respectfully: "Yes, this subordinate is willing to be punished."

He is a smart person, and he really started to reflect on himself from the bottom of his heart.

Naturally, Yang Xi could also feel the change in Xiao Baishi's attitude, and he would not make things difficult for such a sensible person.

"It's good that you know, try to survive these seven days!"

504 Luban Group

After depriving Xiao Baishi of his power, Yang Xi didn't do anything else immediately.

Although this guy has drifted a little during this time, among the many Tiangang positions, he can be regarded as the best in terms of strength.

Moreover, he has the most thorough consideration of the rules announced by Yang Xi in Yunding Space. He is indeed a talent, and Yang Xi will naturally not really put him in danger.

"Suzaku, pay more attention to Xiao Baishi's situation during this time. If he is really in danger, go out and save him."

Suzaku said lightly: "Yes, leader."

Yang Xi felt that he had done his best by doing this.

After finishing the matter of the adjudication organization, Yang Xi returned to Banana Island and inspected the status of several major projects as a chicken vest.

Today, with the cooperation of the Judgment Organization and the three major forces, it can be said that the best human alchemists in the entire world have gathered on Banana Island.

For this reason, the three major forces sent many elite teams to the island, nominally for security purposes, but actually to monitor the progress of the research.

Everyone knows that the research conducted on this island is related to the future direction of the entire supernatural world.

The top leaders of other forces also have to admire the arrogance of the Judgment Organization. In their case, even if the price is that the entire research process slows down, they would rather develop these things alone.

Today, under the leadership of the Judgment Organization and the three major forces, human alchemists have formally established an alchemy association called "Luban Group" to concentrate their efforts on reversing the magic crystal mother mine and the inheritance stone of meditation.

What Mr. Qian is responsible for is the reverse derivation research of the inheritance stone.

Under the research of a large number of elite alchemists working overtime and forgetting to eat and sleep, the project has made preliminary progress.

They successfully analyzed the number of alchemy matrices embedded in the inheritance stone, a total of [-].

Now, completely stripping out these matrices is the highlight of the future.

Don't underestimate this achievement, what the human race has now is only dozens of basic matrices.

Many of the alchemy matrices disassembled from the inheritance stones have never been seen by the human race, which can be said to be an eye-opener for a large number of human alchemists.

Even under the inspiration of various new matrices, human alchemists learned from one instance and developed many new matrices themselves.

The alchemy of the human race and the knowledge of Ossaidmin collided with each other, and more interesting things were born.

In terms of research on the mother mine of magic crystals, its progress is a little worse than that of inheritance stones.

However, new progress has been made in the experiment on another finished product.

The alchemists of the Luban group planted the mother mine of magic crystals on a deserted island near Banana Island. After a period of cultivation, some magic crystal mines have appeared there.

Yang Xi also went to investigate with his mental strength, and there was a magic crystal mine about the size of a house in the ground.

If you refine and cut it, you can probably get thousands of gamma-level magic crystals.

However, Yang Xi didn't bother the development of this magic crystal mine for the time being, because he was also afraid that he would accidentally destroy this single seedling magic crystal mine of the human race.

If you want to play magic crystal mines, there are many in the southern continent. Whether it is the clone of Duran or the clone of the arbitrator, it can easily harm a piece of magic crystal mine.

After reading the research of the Luban group, Yang Xi left behind the curse seal he got from the arbiter.

When Yang Xi took out a handful of curse seals, those alchemy masters around him were stunned.

They really didn't expect that the two major alchemy creations, the inheritance stone and the magic crystal mother mine, were unbearable before they studied it, and the adjudication organization took out new treasures.

Although Qian Bukui is on the same level as the other equipment manufacturing masters in terms of alchemy level, in terms of relationship, he is the closest to the Judgment Organization.

So while the others were still looking at it awkwardly, he had already walked over and picked up one to examine it carefully.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the alchemy achievements of the Ossaid people are still surprising. This is obviously a new branch of alchemy, which can affect the alchemy matrix of the spirit body. Our human race's research in this area is similar to theirs. In comparison, he is just a primary school student!"

Hearing Qian Bukui's admiration, the alchemy masters couldn't hold back their restless hearts any longer, and they didn't care about that little reserve. They rushed forward one after another, stretching their necks to see the "face" of the curse seal.

Seeing these crazy old men, Yang Xi shook his head helplessly, and turned his attention to the only young woman.

As the most intelligent genius alchemy master in the world today, she is known as the "Master of Skillful Hands", because she doesn't want to squeeze in with the old men, she has no choice but to stamp her feet outside.

"Grandmaster Skillful Hands, I still have some on my side, you can take them and have a look."

Yang Xi said, and handed her the other seals.

Again, with the arbiter avatar, these things are not scarce for him.

Master Skillful Hands accepted the curse seal with a smile, "Thank you Your Excellency Youji."

After all, she stopped talking to Yang Xi and began to study on her own.

Yang Xi felt a little helpless. For these alchemy masters, maybe he, a Tier [-] powerhouse, was far less important than those miraculous alchemy creations.

In fact, the alchemists of the human race may be far from being able to compare with those master alchemists in the Ossian plane in terms of achievements, but if you want to compare the sincerity of alchemy, they can become alchemists in such a poor alchemy soil of the human race. Master, no one is worse than others.

In a sense, the value of these alchemy masters is even higher than that of a Tier [-] powerhouse.

Although their personal strength is not strong, it is the ultimate cornerstone of a magic civilization.

Yang Xi didn't bother these alchemists anymore, he turned his head and left here, and returned to the imaginary temple.

In the empty virtual world, except for the virtual world temple opened by Yang Xi, there is no trace of life.

A large number of dead beasts floated in the void, and Yang Xi began to strip off the abilities in batches.

Today, the types of abilities he has collected have broken through the 400 mark.

The accumulated dark energy is even more vast.

If he wanted, he could turn an ordinary person into a fourth-order powerhouse in a very short period of time.

What restricts him now is not the amount of dark energy, but the degree of comprehension of the profound meaning.

"First expand the imaginary temple, how can I say the imaginary mysteries, it has also broken through to the level of 2."

After notifying his sister to come to him, Yang Xi was behind him, and the area of ​​the virtual temple continued to expand amidst the rumbling sound, becoming five times its original size!

Yang Xi thought about it, and came to the center of the temple with his sister.

He decomposed part of the esoteric chain into law fragments.

"It's time to upgrade the Shenhou vest."

505 Mystery of Power

"Feifei, help my brother protect the law. aian"

Yang Xi laughed and teased her sister.

Yang Feifei wrinkled his delicate nose and asked, "Brother, are you going to upgrade your vest again?"

Yang Xi said helplessly: "I can't help it. Who told you that your acting skills are not good, but you are only willing to act as a rabbit. Brother, I am troubled, so I need to put in more effort."

The girl giggled, "Those who can do more work, it's not that I'm not as good at acting as you are!"

Squeezing her younger sister's soft cheeks, Yang Xi said dotingly: "There's nothing I can do with you girl."

As a sister-controller, it is already "adventurous" for Yang Xi to let Yang Feifei play the role of Maotu. If possible, he would rather let his sister shrink back.

But the paradox is that he doesn't want his sister to be a good-for-nothing. After all, his sister's personality is different from his. It would be a kind of torture for her to make her a salty fish.

Fortunately, Yang Feifei also strives for success, and comprehends the mystery of recovery with a strong self-protection ability, which makes Yang Xi feel more at ease about her personal safety.

If there is no accident, Yang Feifei may be the last group of survivors in any big battle.

Yang Xi used the fragments of the law and entered the void of comprehension of the profound truth again.

After a while, a cloud-covered celestial phenomenon appeared in the outside world, and Yang Xi also broke away from the virtual space in an instant, and controlled the heaven and earth vision that broke through the fourth level with the control of the profound meaning.

On Banana Island, Yang Chuyou looked at the sky during hard training with a puzzled look on his face.

Just now she thought that someone else had broken through to the fourth level on Banana Island, but after a long time of heart palpitations, the sky calmed down again.

"It's really weird."

Yang Chuyou muttered a few words, and returned her mind to cultivation. Now with the help of the magic crystal, she is getting closer and closer to the threshold of A-level, and the day of breakthrough is not far away.

Who would have thought that she, who was almost going to be a model, would soon become a powerful A-level power user?

Yang Xi was floating in the sky, and the thin air did not affect his breathing.

At this moment, his mask has changed into that of Shenhou, and what he is savoring now is the "strength mystery" that has broken through to the level of 2 comprehension.

Yang Xite did not expect that the supernatural ability is the Shenhou vest of the "Golden God Demon Armor" of the Horcrux system, and what he comprehend is the same "strength mystery" as the blasting of the strongest human race!

"Different abilities can indeed comprehend the same profound truth!"

Yang Xi realized that his deduction was not wrong.

The profound meaning of this law is like the truth between heaven and earth, while the ability is like a book.

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