There are a thousand Hamlets in the minds of a thousand people. Even the strong with the same supernatural ability may comprehend different laws and mysteries when they break through to the fourth level.

And different abilities may sometimes point to the same profound meaning.

Yang Xi closed his eyes, "Power is a kind of momentum"

Muttering in his mouth, he passed through the virtual vortex and appeared on a deserted sea.

With a casual punch, the sea in the distance suddenly began to sink.

Then a huge vortex formed, and a large number of sea creatures irresistibly turned into a blood mist.

Yang Xi opened his eyes, looked at the sea that seemed to be a dead zone, and gained a new understanding of the profound meaning of power in his heart.

"What should I call this move?"

"It's like the trend of the sky, so it's called the sky."

This is a move that fully utilizes one's own strength.

The profound meaning of power can help Yang Xi better understand his own power.

"I have to think about how to use the remaining law fragments."

"From the memory of the arbiter, we can know that there is a strong man in the Southern Continent who has advanced his own secrets to 99. Is he called Bone Emperor? It's really a name of a middle school."

"Deducing the power secret to 2 consumes three units of my law fragments. The law fragments decomposed from the tower general's secret chain, now there are 5 units left, which is definitely not enough to push my control secret to 99."

"Is it possible to break down the Arbiter's Linglong Mystery? But if this is the case, there will be problems when playing this clone."

In fact, even if you get 8 units of law fragments from the Iron Tower General and give them all to the control secret, it is estimated that this high-level secret will not be able to be deduced to 99.

As the deduction level of the law's profound meaning is getting higher and higher, Yang Xi feels more and more that the use efficiency of the law fragments is getting lower.

On the whole, the biggest benefit is to use the law fragments on other vests.

But from a long-term perspective, there is a strong fourth-order limiter waiting, and it is also necessary to deduce the profound truth of the law to a higher level.

"After all, there are still not enough fragments of the law collected by hand."

But there is no large-scale battle at present. It is undoubtedly a very difficult thing for Yang Xi to collect a large number of esoteric chains in one go like in the counterattack.

"The current strategy is to go crazy on the Southern Continent, but there are powerhouses at the limit of Tier [-] watching over there, and the risk is particularly high."

"Why don't I just pass through Baiqiang and go to the Ossaid plane to fight in the wild? But I don't know the situation on the other side of Baiqiang. If there are fifth-level powerhouses waiting for a rabbit, wouldn't I give it away for nothing?"

After thinking about it, Yang Xisi felt that it would be safer to use the identity of an arbitrator to make troubles in the Southern Continent.

"If you really offend that Bone Emperor, it's a big deal to waste it, break down all the other mysteries, and let the control of mysteries advance."

After reaching the fourth level, one thing is very bad, that is, the chain of esoteric truths is broken down into law fragments, and then comprehend new esoteric meanings, and this process is attrition.

Yang Xi can no longer play with dark energy at will like when he was still at the third level.

When Yang Xi returned to the Void Realm to study new moves, a big battle was ready to go on Cola Island in the chaotic sea.

In the Black Coconut Bar, the evil king, the bonfire demon and the one-eyed monk are waiting in the box.

The proprietress of the bar is a woman who still has charm. When she was young, she was considered a leader in the custom industry against the banner.

It's just that as she grew older, she slowly turned to the background. If she hadn't caught up with the one-eyed monk, with her strength, she would not be able to own a bar of her own on Cola Island.

"Boss, it's almost past zero, and the Black Tortoise Warriors haven't attacked yet. Is there a mistake in our intelligence?"

The evil king shook his head and said: "The information will never be wrong. Other industries on Cola Island have not been attacked. There are ten chances that they are here."

The one-eyed monk was about to say something when the door of the box was kicked open in an instant.

A burly figure appeared in the smoke.

"I heard that you are waiting for me?"

506 The Messenger of Spring, The Fang of Waking Insects

The person who came was Xuanwu. byae

He fought for Yang Xi in the chaotic sea for a long time, his fair skin when he was just resurrected, has now turned into a bronze color.

He was dressed in black leather armor, exposing large chest and abdominal muscles, and with handsome white hair, he looked very powerful.

Behind him is Wang Peining, who is wrapped in tights all over his body, with a strong, slender figure and full of strength.

Next to Wang Peining was Hill in a green suit. His maroon curly hair was tied into a ponytail, leaving only a lock in front of his forehead. He looked quite handsome, and a samurai sword was pinned to his waist.

Seeing the menacing appearance of the three men, Xie Wang didn't dare to neglect, got up quickly, and stood with his two subordinates.

Because in the corridor, his A-level subordinates all fell to the ground, unconscious.

"The three of you are the Black Turtle Warrior, the Deep Sea Banshee, and the Earth Swordsman?"

Hearing Xie Wang's cautious expression of their nicknames, the three of Xuanwu's expressions were a little strange.

To be honest... they didn't expect that the ability of these mercenaries in Chaos Sea to get nicknames could be so embarrassing as a secondary!

The black turtle warrior or something, it's too rustic!

Besides, isn't this deep sea banshee a kind of s-level beast?

Xuanwu said with a dark face: "What are you doing so much!"

He came to fight today!

They haven't finished the task assigned by the leader, and the progress seems to be getting slower and slower. It would be a lie to say that Xuanwu is not in a hurry.

Speaking of Xuanwu, he punched the evil king in the face.

Xie Wang was very speechless at Xuanwu's unruly behavior.

It is rare to see such a group of forces on Kele Island who would fight at the slightest disagreement.

After all, everyone came out to do things because they wanted to make a fortune, and blindly using violence would only make business worse.

While many tourists consider service, safety is also a very important factor.

Although it is said that the evil king is also planning to kill them today, this agreed process still has to go through, doesn't it?

"Damn it! Are you talking about the rules?"

Xie Wang quickly dodged Xuanwu's fist.

When Xuanwu gained power, he continued to wave his fists vigorously, forcing him towards the evil king's chest!

This time, his fists were covered with blue-black scales, and at the same time his body was slightly swollen, and the expression on his entire face looked very ferocious. Next, use your own strength to the extreme.

With the great increase in strength, the speed of Xuanwu's punch was twice as fast!

Xie Wang sensed the opponent's change of move, and did not dare to neglect, the rich dark element was stimulated from his palm, and shot towards Xuanwu's eyes.

If this trick is proven, at least they will be temporarily blind for a while, and some people with relatively weak constitutions may even lose their eyesight from now on!

This is the terrifying corrosive ability of the dark element!

Xuanwu's secret path is not good, so he can only change his moves temporarily, punching the black mist coming


The tooth-piercing voice sounded!

These dark elements are actually corroding the scales of Xuanwu!

"how is this possible?"

Xuanwu was extremely surprised. Ever since he had the "bloodline of Xuanbing Dragon Turtle", he had never encountered an attack that could cause such damage to his extremely tough scales in the chaotic sea!

"You bastard, you still have two brushes!"

The burly, white-haired man let out an angry roar, exuding a faint blue air of mysterious ice from his body!

In an instant, the temperature of the entire box dropped sharply. Except for the bonfire demon, everyone else felt a biting chill, and they couldn't even control their bodies!

The evil king wrapped his body with dark elements, so that he didn't let the excessive body temperature pass away.

"Leave the third-level black turtle warrior to me, and you are in charge of the other two!"

Under his command, the bonfire demon and the one-eyed monk rushed towards Hill and Wang Peining.

Wang Peining said: "These two guys are not easy to mess with, pay attention to safety!"

As she said that, she activated the bloodline of the deep-sea hegemony, surrounded by cute wood spirits to assist in the attack, and faced the one-eyed monk with a fierce face.

"You're actually a dual-element superhuman?!"

After the one-eyed monk fought against Wang Peining, he was surprised that some of his energy was absorbed by the wood spirit.

The former female teacher said coldly: "If you are afraid, just surrender obediently, maybe I can spare your life!"

She also discovered that this one-eyed monk can be said to be the most difficult opponent she has encountered in the sea of ​​chaos!

Although this guy's ability has no special attack ability, it is unexpectedly tyrannical!

Especially his physical body is no worse than her who has a deep-sea domineering body!

"Haha, if you want me to surrender, unless you obediently accompany me for a month!"

The one-eyed monk is very fierce, and he is also a warlike person. It is undoubtedly a very exciting thing for him to meet such an evenly matched opponent!

After fighting dozens of moves, the physical strength of the two plummeted.

He abruptly buttressed Wang Peining's fist, leaned into her arms, and punched her waistcoat hard.

Wang Peining felt a strong pain coming from the abdomen, and then his stomach was overwhelmed, and the half-digested food was vomited out with gastric juice!

Before she could spit it all out, the enemy attacked again, this time the target was her lumbar spine.

She doesn't need to think too much, she also knows that if she gets hit this time, she will definitely lose her ability to fight!

She suddenly turned over, her right foot condensed the power of the deep sea dominance, and precisely smashed the hard instep on the calf bone of the one-eyed monk!

The fragile calf bone collided with Wang Peining's instep covered with thick deep sea energy!

With a click, something seemed to break!


The scream came from the mouth of the one-eyed monk. In the collision just now, his calf bone was broken by Wang Peining's kick!

If he was given another chance, he would never take it upon himself to go head-to-head with Wang Peining.

No one would have thought that such a slender woman could have such a tyrannical body!

Wang Peining turned around and kicked the one-eyed monk with a broken calf into the wall.

At this moment, the bonfire demon and Hill were still fighting, and the flames and the fighting spirit of the earth continued to intertwine.

If Yang Xi was at the scene, he would definitely be able to recognize that Hill's ability is very similar to that of General Iron Tower!

But what is strange is that General Iron Tower's ability was cultivated by him according to the meditation method, but Hill's earth fighting spirit is undoubtedly the first-generation ability he awakened himself!

This kind of coincidence, this accident, seems to be revealing the source of the awakened abilities of the first generation of humans with abilities!

But now that Yang Xi is not here, naturally no one will think about the problem from this angle.

Seeing that his capable men were easily defeated by the "Deep Sea Banshee", the evil king was shocked, and he didn't dare to keep his hole cards anymore. Without hesitation, he took out a vessel similar to a bamboo flute, put it to his mouth and played it !

Hearing that the sound of the flute not only did not spread, but was shot towards the outside in a strange straight line, Wang Peining couldn't help exclaiming: "He's calling someone!"

The evil king was not annoyed when Wang Peining exposed his purpose.

As long as this sound wave is transmitted, that adult can arrive immediately.

"It's not in vain for the girls I usually offer as offerings. As long as the spring messenger arrives, the three black turtle warriors will undoubtedly die!"

As the confidant of the Lord of Chaos Sea, the Spring Envoy is a third-order limiter.

Although the strength of the three black turtle warriors is not bad, but in front of the Spring Envoy who has the title of "Awakening Fang", they will definitely die.

What made Xie Wang heartbroken was that he summoned the Spring Envoy to help him this time, which meant another hemorrhage.

"Damn guy, just like his master, he is a cannibal!"

Seeing his boss summon the spring messenger with a bamboo flute, the campfire demon who was still a little nervous suddenly became arrogant.

"Hey, swordsman of the land! If I were you, I would obediently catch you now. Maybe we will be in a better mood and give you a chance to turn to the light. If you continue to resist, you will definitely die!"

"The power of that adult is beyond your imagination!"

Hill's expression didn't change at all when he heard the threat from the bonfire demon.

He has experienced so many battles in the chaotic sea area, and with the help of his two companions, he himself has become the leader of the Judgment Organization. With his current experience and background, he will not take the threat of the campfire devil seriously at all. inside.

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