Just kidding, Ayan knows Mr. Haizhu. In the entire chaotic sea, who has a background comparable to them?

Even the chaotic sea lord, in front of several fourth-order powerhouses in the organization, I am afraid he has to admit defeat, right?


Hill sneered, and slowly cut out a knife.

This knife acted on the ground, instantly setting off a burst of flying sand and rocks. Under the impetus of the earth element, the power of these rocks was not much stronger than that of bullets.

The bonfire demon shook his head, "I don't know what's good or bad, if it weren't for your strength, why would my lord talk nonsense with you?"

The moment the stone was about to hit him, the bonfire demon disappeared in place.

With a bang, he appeared in another charcoal basin again.

The bonfire devil smiled strangely: "Jie Jie Jie, when I was waiting for you to come, I was already prepared, not everyone is as reckless as that idiot one-eyed monk!"

"Even if Master Spring Messenger didn't come over today, it would be impossible for you to meet me!"

Before he could finish his words, Wang Peining's fist arrived, and the blowing wind seemed to crush the bonfire demon on the charcoal basin!

"Hey, it's useless!"

He shifted his body again!

A new flame is burning in the high charcoal basin!

"I advise you to stop doing indifferent struggles. Things like fate are not something you can resist!"

Just when the bonfire demon was triumphant, all the charcoal basins were actually frozen by blue-black black ice!

When fighting against the evil king, Xuanwu actually found time to deal with the bonfire demon!

The bonfire demon at the top suddenly panicked, and now he can no longer change his position!

Wang Peining squeezed his fist and smiled, "I see where are you going now? Don't you want us to surrender? BB again?"

Hill also turned the tip of the knife against the campfire demon, and he looked murderous without saying a word.

It was really an explosion of mentality that was played by the bonfire demon just now.

The bonfire demon suddenly panicked, and even his body in flame state was a little unstable.

He said embarrassingly: "Mis... Misunderstanding, in fact, I don't want to fight against you..."

"Shut up!"

Wang Peining punched the charcoal basin, turning him into a human shape, and fell to the ground, still a naked man with no clothes on!


Hill slashed at the neck of the bonfire demon!

At the critical moment, Xie Wang repelled Xuanwu with all his injuries, and rushed over to block the fatal blow for the campfire demon.

Summoning the Spring Messenger has already put Xie Wang in debt ahead of time. If he loses these two generals, he will be seriously injured in a short period of time.

And those A-level boys in the corridor, I don’t know how many died in today’s conflict, it’s all because of his hard work!

The evil king's heart is bleeding!

It can be said that the loss of the Yanniu group today is the most painful day since the establishment of the organization.

"You guys, none of you can escape today!"

The evil king dragged the bonfire demon and threatened viciously.

"Death is imminent, and you still have to be stubborn?"

Xuanwu traveled beside Wang Peining and he also suffered some minor injuries.

After all, Xie Wang is the leader of an organization, so he still has a few tricks. If it weren't for his two subordinates who are not strong enough, if it is three-on-three, it is really not certain who will win.

Just when Xuanwu was about to make a quick decision, a scream suddenly appeared in the sky.

What followed was a thunderbolt from the clear sky, which was as deafening as a waking sting!

A strong sense of crisis permeated the whole body, Xuanwu's secret path was not good, and he decisively dragged the two of them away from the place.

The moment they left, a spear wrapped around the lightning fell on their position just now, scorching the ground to pieces!

At the same time, a thin figure appeared on the spear.

He wore a thick black braid, and a bright long gown, dotted with more than a dozen kinds of flowers.

"You guys forced me, brother Xie Wang, to summon me with all your money?"

From his tone, he seemed a little happy.

"who are you?"

Xuanwu was vigilant, he sensed something strange from this strange man.

"Hehe, you don't even know who I am, yet you dare to cause trouble in the chaotic sea? Don't you really know how to write dead words!"

As he said that, a murderous intent appeared in his eye mask, "This seat is the Lord of Chaos Sea, and the Spring Envoy's Tooth of Awakening!"

"If you don't want to die miserably, obediently offer that woman up to me, and I can consider keeping both of your corpses!"

He swept Xuanwu lightly, as if he didn't care about the oppressive power emanating from his burly figure.

How could Xuanwu agree to the request of the Spring Messenger?

"What if I say no?"

The Spring Messenger smiled brightly. He was obviously a man, but it gave people the illusion that he was more charming than a flower.

"Then I can only grind you into fertilizer." ii

507 Black Ice Dragon Turtle

The three of Xuanwu stood together, behind them was the half-collapsed Black Coconut Bar. ashu

Many bar customers were running out of the private rooms in ragged clothes. From the distressed appearances of them and the waitresses, it was not difficult to guess what happened in the private rooms just now.

Originally, several well-known male customers were about to yell at them, but after seeing Xie Wang and the other three, they immediately shut their mouths.

When their eyes touched the Herald of Spring standing on the tip of the spear, the panic from the heart made them flee the scene like hell.

In the chaotic sea, everyone knows the power and terror of the messenger of the four seasons.

Once caught by them, this life is basically over, maybe it would be better to simply commit suicide.

"This guy is not a simple guy, and he must not be taken lightly!"

Although Xuanwu was afraid of the sense of oppression brought by the Spring Messenger, as a member of the Judgment Organization, he would never give in during the battle.

After all, he is different from ordinary supernatural beings. Born from the Philosopher's Stone, when he is reborn by Yang Xi, he will not lose part of his spiritual body.

As long as Yang Xi doesn't lose the chain, theoretically, Xuanwu has the ability to resurrect infinitely.

But because of the restraint of points, Xuanwu will not let himself die at will.

Wang Peining nodded to Hill, and surrounded the Spring Envoy in a corner.

The Spring Messenger glanced at the three of them, and said with disdain, "One of you is only a third-level and two S-levels, and you also want to do something to me? Wouldn't it be better to die honestly?"

Xuanwu said in a cold voice, "A guy who is neither male nor female, dare to talk nonsense? Even if you are the limit of the third order? I can still beat you to the ground and scream!"

Ang roar!

The long chirping sound resembling a dragon and a snake resounded throughout the entire Cola Island. The residents and tourists on the island were frightened to death, thinking that some large alien beast had invaded.

A huge black ice dragon turtle appeared on the ruins of the Black Coconut Bar.

It is more than 20 meters long, with a dragon head and a snake tail. The huge tortoise shell is covered with black ice. As the body moves, pieces of black ice continue to fall, and when it falls to the ground, it freezes instantly.

Everyone's breath was white.

Even though Xie Wang can be regarded as a strong man who has seen the world, it is not uncommon for him to have encountered strange beasts larger than Xuanwu, but Xuanwu's appearance of revealing the true body of the black ice dragon and tortoise still made him feel extremely afraid.

If this guy had used all his strength before, he might have been killed.

"Why does this monster look so much like the legendary beast Xuanwu!"

Because the bonfire demon is a supernatural being of the fire element system, he has a certain resistance to the cold, and his tone of speech did not tremble due to the sudden drop in temperature.

The Spring Messenger took a look at Xuanwu, and said indifferently, "Huahu is not an anti-dog. If he is really of Xuanwu blood, then I will give a fart today!"

Based on his many years of combat experience, although this monster's strength is not bad, it should not be his opponent.

However, it is considered a tricky type, and it will definitely not work if you want to crush ordinary third-tier powerhouses.

Looking at his extremely thick black ice tortoise shell, one can tell that this guy has amazing defensive power.

The Messenger of Spring flicked his braids, licked his lips with his tongue, and lowered his body to bend the spear.

Then with the force of the spear's rebound, he leaped high into the air, turning into a black dot.

This very flexible spear suddenly burst into thunder, like a rocket lifted off into the sky.


There was a thunderclap in the sky.

The residents of the entire Cola Island saw a blue-purple thunder appear in the sky.

"This is the move of Fang, the Spring Messenger under the Lord of Chaos!"

"He actually came to Cola Island?"

"Oh my god, don't run fast!!! Thunder is going to strike!"

"Is it going to rain? Hurry up and collect your clothes!"

Residents in the distance were stunned by the thunder, let alone Wang Peining and others who were present at the scene.

If it wasn't for the fact that the deep sea hegemony gave her a tyrannical body, it also made her extremely tenacious. When faced with such a terrifying move by this person, Wang Peining might not be able to raise her heart of resistance again!

"Come and hide under my rock formation!"

Hill's grudge from the earth actually pushed out a rock formation on the ground.

Wang Peining quickly squatted in. Although she didn't know if the rock formation could hold on in the face of the enemy's thunder attack, at least it could give her a sense of security now.

Even the evil king and the bonfire demon who were his accomplices couldn't help but feel palpitations when they saw the move of the spring messenger.

The Spring Messenger's eyes were full of killing intent, and at his stage, it was difficult to meet suitable enemies.

Except for the other three-season envoys who are also the third-order limit, the general third-order powerhouses are not his opponents at all.

Enemies like Xuanwu who are more powerful than ordinary third-order powerhouses, but still some distance away from the third-order limit, are the most convenient.

He muttered to himself, "You look so good, you look so durable, don't die right away!"

The Envoy of Spring fell at a high speed, adjusted his posture in the air, and threw the spear surrounded by lightning towards Xuanwu!

Kara Boom! ! !

A blue line separates the clouds and the islands!

At the same time, a ring-shaped electromagnetic storm spreads towards the surroundings!

The sense of oppression in the sky became stronger and stronger, and Xuanwu felt that he was locked by endless murderous intent!

At this moment, the eyes of his tortoise pupils burst out with fighting intent!

He raised his head with difficulty, opened his mouth, and the power of mysterious ice gathered in his mouth!

Immediately, a thicker ray of black ice hit the spear!

Two completely different forces collided in the air.

The tip of the spear was constantly frozen and thawed by its own power.

The state of the water element is constantly changing, bursting out a lot of steam!

Wang Peining and Hill looked at each other. The battle at this moment is beyond the two of them's ability to intervene.

Suddenly, Xuanwu's heavy voice sounded "Get out of the way!"

In the tacit understanding that has been fighting side by side for a long time, the two did not hesitate at all, and broke away from Xuanwu's side at the fastest speed.

They had only left for less than half a second when the blue-purple thunder completely covered Xuanwu's body!


Xuanwu roared inside, and the whole ground began to collapse after being hit hard!

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