A dazzling blue hemispherical energy body was born, gradually spread outward, and began to engulf the surrounding buildings.

The evil king and the bonfire demon also fled in embarrassment, "Damn it, the Spring Messenger's shots are not serious, these are all our property!"

The bonfire demon was still holding the one-eyed monk in his hand. Just now he fished him out of the ruins by the way. If not, he might have died in the battle between the two powerhouses!

The thunder and lightning returned to calm, but Xuanwu's furious roar came from inside!



508 Spring Beast

The spring envoy who was falling was also a little surprised when he saw Xuanwu rushing up. prpin

It's not that he was confused about the effect of his moves, but was surprised by Xuanwu's fighting spirit.

At this moment, Xuanwu's body can be described as horrible.

In the face of the destructive thunder force, no matter how good the defensive power of his black ice turtle shell was, it was scorched black for a while.

In some places, the nails are a little damaged, exposing the squirming flesh inside!

The lightning element attack of that level just now is replaced by an ordinary third-order ability user receiving a lunch box.

If it weren't for Yang Xi's specially created bloodline ability for Xuanwu, not only has a strong ability to withstand blows, but even has some ability to recover, he would not be able to resist now.

At this moment, Xuanwu's whole body is surrounded by a numb feeling, which is the feeling that his body and nails are slowly recovering.

If he was willing to wait for three days, the damage caused by the Spring Envoy would definitely be recoverable.

But now, time does not wait for me, no matter how bad his condition is, he still has to rush forward while staring at the pressure.

Naturally, the messenger of spring would not let go of Xuanwu, waving a spear to meet the enemy.

For a while, because of the fight between the two, thunder and rain continued in the sky.

The people below were stunned. There have not been many battles of this level since the establishment of Cola Island.

What's more, some good people kept sending the flying cameras up, even though they were wiped by the aftermath of the battle, a cloud of gray smoke fell down.

But there are always a few lucky machines that capture the images and transmit them in real time to the screens of the major bars, cinemas, and karaoke rooms on the island.

For a moment, these men and women who were indulging in feasting and feasting on Cola Island watched the live broadcast of the battle with great interest.

This is completely different from those who continue to gather at the port of Cola Island and want to leave the island to take refuge and save their lives.

It can only be said that each has its own way of living, and it is impossible to say whose choice is correct.

Those who are anxious to leave the island for refuge are not necessarily as safe as these men and women who choose to enjoy themselves in time.

If a thunderbolt was thick enough to hit the port, these overcrowded people would basically die.

"Who will have the last laugh between the Black Tortoise Warrior and the Spring Messenger? Everyone, rich or not, is here to join in the fun!"

"Now the odds of betting on the victory of the Turtle Warrior are [-] to [-], give it a go, and the bicycle will become a motorcycle!"

"Don't listen to their nonsense, how many years have the envoys of the four seasons been making waves in the chaotic sea? How could it be possible for a black turtle warrior who appeared out of nowhere to compete?"

"If you want me to say, the odds are less, less is less, but it's safe, hurry up and vote for the Spring Messenger, and if you win, you'll have the money for tonight's drinks!"

Many casinos opened their markets with drums and gongs, and crowds flocked to the games holding banknotes and chips.

The blood splattered by Xuanwu in the sky and the Spring Messenger, I have to say that those who can make a living on Cola Island are all indifferent to life and death!

The Spring Messenger inserted a spear into Xuanwu's foreleg, and the protective layer of black ice only symbolically blocked it for a while, and then broke the spear tip to create cracks in the pattern of thunder and lightning.

The bright red blood spurted out and wet the white tassel of the spear.

"Mysterious Turtle Warrior, I have to look at you with admiration. Whether it is defense, strength or speed, you have already surpassed ordinary third-order abilities."

"However, in front of me, who is at the third-order limit, I'm still too young!"

Xuanwu stared coldly at the deceased in spring, "During the battle, do you still have the time to talk? Aren't you afraid of being eaten by me?"

The Spring Messenger laughed, "The harder you are, the more excited I am!"

He licked his lips morbidly, "It's so interesting to break your hard bones one by one, and then see you begging for mercy!"

"Beat me first!"

Regardless of the wound on his body, Xuanwu bit the Spring Envoy in horror.

With a flick of the spear, the latter lightly opened the distance, circled around Xuanwu first, and then slammed into his dead corner!

Xuanwu uses black ice to make a defensive shield, and the spring messenger uses thunder to break through it!

The two played against each other for dozens of rounds, and each consumed a lot of energy.

Xuanwu's tortoise shell was smashed by [-]%, and the Spring Messenger's hair was disheveled, and the thick braid that had been neatly groomed before disappeared without a trace.

After ruthlessly forcing Xuanwu's bite and kill away, the Envoy of Spring has no patience on his face.

"I didn't expect you, you guy, to be able to persist until this time!"

"It also caused me some trouble!"

"Such a strong man is indeed worthy of my unique move on the ground!"

Hearing the words of the messenger of Chunji, Xuanwu secretly thought that something was wrong.

He had already tried his best, but he didn't expect that the Spring Messenger still had his cards in his hole!

Just as he was considering whether to retreat strategically, a sudden change occurred in the enemy.

There was an inexplicable roar from the mouth of the Spring Messenger, and conspicuous flower buds and green plants continued to emerge from his body.

"I forgot to tell you, in fact, I, like you, are all supernatural beings of the blood system!"

"Transform into the Fang of Waking Insects!"

The thunder in the clouds continued to gather on the body of the Spring Envoy, forming a cocoon in the shape of thunder outside him.

At the same time, Xuanwu also felt that a large amount of wood elements had also been absorbed into this lightning cocoon!

"Why is this guy's transformation so weird!"

Naturally, Xuanwu would not foolishly wait for the opponent to transform successfully, and immediately sprayed out several bone-piercing rays of Xuanbing without hesitation!

These rays of the Association for Science and Technology should not be offset in front of the barrier composed of thunder and light!

The light cocoon grew bigger and bigger, and then exploded suddenly!

A large number of lightning and spores were rushed in all directions!

Finally, the messenger of spring inside was revealed, compared with the appearance of the previous uncle who was neither male nor female.

At this moment, the messenger of spring has completely turned into a wild beast.

It is not huge in size, it is not worth mentioning compared with Xuanwu, it is only five meters long.

It looks a bit like a leopard in appearance, but it is completely different when you look closely.

Because this monster is covered with green plants and wrapped in colorful flowers, from an aesthetic point of view, it seems to explain the vitality of spring.

However, the other side of him was covered by thunder, exuding a palpitating sense of oppression.

It seems that death and vitality are unified in one body at the same time, which seems extremely contradictory.

The Spring Messenger said softly, "Next, enjoy my attack!"

With a swipe, he disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he was already directly above Xuanwu, a large number of vines shot out from his body, entwined around Xuanwu's body, and poisonous thorns continued to come out from the vines, deeply inserted into Xuanwu's body.

"Power... is losing!"

Unwillingly, Xuanwu burst out a large amount of Xuanbing Qi, but was ignored by the Spring Envoy!

The situation is extremely dangerous!

509 You are the judge! ?

Below, Wang Peining and Hill were very anxious.

"I didn't expect this spring messenger to have wood elements in addition to thunder elements!"

"Earth Fiend seems to be trapped, let's hurry up!"

The deep-sea overlord body and the fighting spirit of the earth moved at the same time, immediately overturning the rock formation that Hill had arranged before.

A large number of finely crushed stones blasted away, instantly piercing through the remnants of the nearby broken walls.

"Don't let the two of them interfere!"

After Xie Wang discovered the intentions of the two, he threw a large group of dark elements over without the slightest hesitation!

The bonfire demon didn't dare to paddle at this time, and quickly threw several fireballs, trying to stop the reinforcements of the two.

"Good come!"

Hill roared angrily, and thrust the long knife in his hand into the ground. The yellow earth fighting spirit was poured into the ground, and an extremely hard earth wall was born, blocking in front of the two of them.

The dark elements and bonfire balls typed on the earth wall, and the power of corrosion and burning caused the earth wall to collapse instantly.

The two of them, one is a third-tier powerhouse, and the other is not weak in the S-level category. For Shang Hill, a supernatural person who became an S-level not long ago, there is no doubt that they are crushing .

But Hill's purpose is not to defeat these two people, but to win opportunities for Wang Peining!

The wall blocked the attack of the two for a few seconds, which was enough for Wang Peining to complete the movement of gaining momentum!


The woman's strong thighs are taut, giving people a healthy aesthetic feeling.

Maybe young people only like chopstick legs. For this kind of round and powerful thighs, only old drivers know how to have fun!

She rushed into the sky like a cannonball, and the force left by her feet on the ground when she jumped, unexpectedly stepped on a large crack!

This is still the ground reinforced by Hill. If it is replaced with ordinary ground, the scope of the destroyed ground will be far more than that!

The Spring Messenger naturally discovered Wang Peining's actions. In his opinion, it was tantamount to nonsense for an S-level power user to stop him.

"court death!"

He said indifferently, and randomly separated a vine, and drew it towards Wang Peining who was flying over!

The vines rubbed against the air, causing a scream.

In the eyes of the Spring Messenger, this level of attack is enough to beat this woman into a pulp!

But to his surprise, when Wang Peining's body was drawn by the vine, there was a sudden wave of obscure fluctuations!

Some strong people watching the battle suddenly felt that this woman seemed to have drawn some kind of power from the deep sea!

For a moment, compared with the two monsters, Wang Peining, who looked like an ant, actually gave people a sense of depth like the sea!


She actually grabbed the attacking vine with one hand!

"Open it for me!"

Although the poisonous thorns on the vines on the back of Wang Peining's hands were pierced, and the paralyzing toxins continuously invaded her body, before she became dull, she poured all her strength into the vines desperately!

The vines that troubled Xuanwu were instantly crushed in the hands of Wang Peining, an S-level supernatural being, as if they had walked through a hydraulic machine.

"Is this... the pressure of the deep sea?"

The Spring Messenger murmured.

But even the pressure from the depths of the sea shouldn't be able to destroy the vines of the third-order limit!

"This woman is not simple!"

A murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the Spring Messenger, "Then I'll send you to die!"

Brush brush!

In an instant, five vines drew towards Wang Peining!

At this moment, she has long lost her previous momentum and is in free fall.

Seeing these vines attacking, Wang Peining smiled sadly: "Partners, see you after rebirth!"

If he didn't know that the organization has the ability to revive them, Wang Peining might not be so desperate!


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