Her body was drawn into a blood mist in the air!

Both Hill and Xuanwu were stunned. They stared blankly at the blood mist in the air and the Tiangang mask falling out of the blood mist!

"Ayan... is dead?"

Hill's lips twitched, he could no longer care about the evil king and the bonfire demon, and shouted towards the sky like crazy.

"Spring Messenger, I want you to die!!!"

A bright yellow grudge erupted from his body, and a rock pillar lifted him into the sky!

The envoy of spring glanced at Hill indifferently, and said with disdain: "You ignorant guy, since you want to die yourself, then I will help you!"

In an instant, five vines stained with Wang Peining's blood swept towards Hill again!

Hill gritted his teeth and swung a knife, his fighting spirit formed a wall in the air, but the wall was instantly crushed by the vines!

But - Hill behind the wall disappeared!

"Huh, what about people?"

The Messenger of Spring scratched his ear with a vine in doubt.

"Hahaha, I'm here!"

At some point, Hill had already appeared on the vines used by the spring messenger to trap Xuanwu.

"So you are here, die for me!"

The vines began to twist. Although he didn't know what this guy was trying to do on top of it, the Spring Messenger felt that if he was killed, nothing would happen.

Unexpectedly, Hill suddenly said freely to the trapped Xuanwu: "Dixie, I will leave it to you!"


He detonated his body without hesitation!

A large amount of earth fighting spirit collapsed, turning these vines into a rocky state!

"Ang Ho!!!!"

Xuanwu cried out in pain, even though he knew that these two comrades still had a chance to be resurrected, seeing the two of them die in front of his own eyes made him extremely tormented.

"I absolutely——will never let you go!!!"

Xuanwu's eyes were full of hatred, and he twisted his body frantically.

Thanks to Hill blasting the middle of the vine into rock before he died, he had the chance to break free from Springbringer's grasp.

At this time, the messenger of spring tasted the meaning of what Wang Peining and Hill said before they died.

"Did they call you Earth Fiend just now?"

At the same time, he saw Tiangang's mask and Disha's mask fall to the ground!

The Spring Messenger was furious: "Why didn't you three say it earlier?"

If he had known that these three guys were the Tiangang and Disha positions of the Judgment Organization, he would not have offended the terrifying Judgment Organization for a mere evil king.

But it is a pity that he has already killed two members of the adjudication organization.

The Spring Messenger's eyes were full of madness, he had no way out.

"The current plan, if you want to suppress this matter, you have to kill them all!"

An arc flashed, and all the flying cameras in the sky exploded.

The reason why these things were left behind just now was because the Spring Envoy wanted to show off, but now, he really wanted to kill everyone who had seen this battle!

At the same time, on the ground, the evil king and the bonfire demon who saw two masks looked at each other and opened their mouths wide at the same time.

"Bad thing!"

510 Wait for me to be reborn!

The bonfire devil said in a dazed voice, "I didn't expect them to be members of the Judgment Organization, what should I do!"

Whether it is the strength of the adjudication organization itself or their current status in the world, the evil king and the campfire demon feel pressure.

It's really sad to be targeted by such a big organization!

The evil king's face changed for a while, and he rushed forward like crazy, and picked up the Tiangang mask and the Disha mask.

"I heard that these masks of the Judgment Organization, as long as you snatch them, you can become one of them!"

The eyes of the bonfire demon who was worrying also lit up, "That's right, boss, as long as we become members of the adjudication organization, they won't be able to hold us accountable anymore, right?"

For the short-sightedness of his subordinates, Xie Wang expressed his disdain, "Compared to this, being a member of the Judgment Organization is the greatest benefit!"

"Now this organization is in full swing, and there are three of the fourth-tier powerhouses alone! If the two of us can climb this thigh, if the Spring Envoy or the Lord of the Chaos Sea wants to take advantage of us, we have to think about it." Our backer!"

The bonfire demon clapped his hands and said: "Yes! As the saying goes, it depends on the owner to beat a dog!"

"What the hell..." Xie Wang was speechless for a while. Although the reasoning was the same, the sayings chosen by the bonfire demon were really unacceptable.

But he didn't care about these minutiae, picked up the mask, and immersed his spiritual power in it.

However, there was no response.

"Boss, what's the matter? Is there a problem?"

The bonfire demon held the earth evil mask and was not in a hurry to "recognize the master".

"I don't know, I immersed my spiritual power in it, and I didn't find the legendary way to enter the cloud top space."

The evil king had a suspicious expression on his face.

"No way, or... I'll try it?"

The bonfire devil has long coveted this Tiangang mask. Although I heard that there is not much difference between the two, I always feel that the Judgment Organization's Tiangang mask is stronger than the Disha mask.

Xie Wang squinted at his subordinates, he naturally knew what the bonfire demon was thinking.

But right now, he really has no way to make the Tiangang mask recognize the master, so why not let him try.

If he succeeds in finding a way, there will still be an Earth Demon mask anyway.

Besides, even if the bonfire demon really discovered the mystery of Tiangang's mask, he could kill this guy and replace it.

Although he is indeed a competent subordinate, these are not worth mentioning in the face of future development opportunities.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you!"

Xie Wang handed the Tiangang mask to the younger brother, and patted him on the shoulder as encouragement.

"Don't worry, boss, I will definitely figure it out for you."

The campfire demon happily took over the Tiangang mask, there are only 36 pairs in the whole world!

If he becomes the Tiangang position of the Judgment Organization, his brain will collapse and he will continue to mess with the evil king!

The campfire demon first tried the method of spiritual immersion, but after finding it was useless, he tried other earthly methods such as "recognizing the master with blood", but all of them were useless.

This time, he was also stupid.

Seeing the stunned look of his subordinates, Xie Wang sighed, "The rumors on the Internet are probably false, and the mask of the adjudication organization, without knowing the specific method, it is impossible to recognize the master at all."

The others are that their luck is relatively bad.

The current masks of Tiangang and Disha are divided into two categories by Yang Xi.

The main reason is that his master's score on Suzaku is relatively good, and if the service of "rebirth package" is activated, then this mask will be locked with this member.

And those spies from other organizations, or new ones who have not had time to evaluate their loyalty, will not be eligible for rebirth. After killing the original owner of this mask, the mask will naturally be taken over by the newcomers.

The evil king looked at the sky unwillingly, "I'm afraid only the guy in the sky knows how to identify the owner of this mask."

It's a pity that the two of them have no way to snatch that guy from the Spring Envoy.

"Put on your mask, and let's go."

Now that this incident has been related to the adjudication organization, Xie Wang didn't have the courage to continue to stay.

It's not that he's superstitious, it's that they haven't lost even once since the adjudication organization came into being!

Now that they are standing on the opposite side of the adjudication organization, how can they not panic!

The bonfire demon obviously understood the truth inside, and nodded again and again, "Yes yes yes, withdraw first."

As they said that, the two put the Tiangang mask and the Disha mask into their pockets respectively, and dragged the one-eyed monk to run away in desperation.

In the sky, Xuanwu finally broke away from the control of the vines and regained his freedom.

"I will kill you today!!!"

With red eyes, he bit the Spring Envoy in the state of the Spring Beast's "Awakening Fang".

"Hey, who can kill who, don't you have any points in your heart?!"

The Spring Messenger is extremely anxious, and if he fights with Xuanwu for one more minute, the uneasiness in his heart will increase a little.

To be honest, there are many people in the whole world who dare to confront the Judgment Organization, but they are definitely not the Spring Envoy, a mere third-order limiter.

If it were his boss, the Lord of Chaos, he would have to weigh some risks if he wanted to provoke the Judgment Organization.

Xuanwu has been dazzled by the anger at this moment, leaving no room for every move.

Even if the Spring Envoy's strength overwhelmed him, he was still terrified.

In that round just now, if he hadn't decisively sacrificed his arm to block the enemy's black ice thorn, he might have been poked blind!

The pain from his arm stimulated him constantly, the Spring Messenger roared and bit Xiang Wu, the berserk thunder element mixed with wood element hit Xuanwu's body fiercely!


Xuanwu howled in pain.

His hard tortoise shell, don't be completely destroyed in the destruction and vitality!


The messenger of spring pierced Xuanwu's heart in an instant!

Warm blood gushes out, and vitality keeps disappearing in Xuanwu's eyes.

In the end, his claws fell slowly, and the entire huge body emitted a burst of light, turning into a male body with a big hole in its heart.

"Wait until I'm reborn..."

Hearing the enemy's last murmur, the Spring Messenger frowned and said, "Are you stupid and want to be born again? How can such a thing be born again in this world!"


The Spring Messenger suddenly remembered the ritual of the Judgment Organization's Resurrection Day Dragon, which was a huge commotion in the whole world!

"Impossible, there is absolutely no such thing as rebirth in this world, it must be a scam created by the Judgment Organization!"

"Also, even if the adjudication organization has the means to regenerate, it should have cost a huge price. This guy is just the terrestrial position of the adjudication organization, and it is impossible to enjoy the treatment of the zodiac position!"

Just when the messenger of spring was worried, Yang Xi, who was practicing on Banana Island, suddenly opened his eyes.

He was notified by Suzaku that the three of Xuanwu had fallen, and the spirit body had returned to the cloud top space!

Yang Xi was a little sullen, "I originally wanted to wait a while before rectifying Chaos Sea, but now it seems that it has to be brought forward!"

511 Shenhou Moves Out

Cloud top space.

Yang Xi looked at the three people kneeling on one knee in front of him expressionlessly. Although he already knew the general information through Suzaku, he still planned to ask Xuanwu and the others again.

Even with his current strength, there are basically no opponents in the world, but Yang Xi will still try his best to understand the opponent's situation.

He didn't want to capsize in the gutter because he underestimated the enemy.

Xuanwu showed shame and said: "The subordinates are incompetent, we are on Cola Island..."

After Xuanwu finished speaking, Wang Peining and Hill also stepped forward to add a few points.

But these two don't have much contact with Yang Xi's rooster vest. When facing the adults of the zodiac, they are trembling and dare not even show their air.

"Master Youji, that's it."

Yang Xi nodded, "I already understand the basic situation."

"Although you died in battle, you have not ruined the reputation of our adjudication organization."

"So don't bring up things like accepting crimes and being punished. Facing a strong man at the limit of Tier [-], being able to do this is not bad."

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