The three originally thought that they would face Master Youji's stern reprimand, but they didn't expect to be greeted with soft words, and they felt mixed feelings for a while.

Especially when he finally joined the adjudication organization, Hill, who was more sensitive in his heart, gave birth to a feeling that a scholar would die for his confidant.

Well, he did die once.

"Your Excellency is very discerning and sympathetic to us. I really don't know how to repay you!"

Hill cried loudly, which scared Xuan Wu and Wang Peining a little.

But they soon began to admire this teammate who got along day and night.

With this kind of performance, I am afraid that even the points fee for the rebirth package can be discounted, right?

But they were too naive, how could Yang Xi give a discount?

This is not because Yang Xi is stingy, but because of the organization's rules and regulations, which cannot be overridden.

If you want the adjudication organization to develop step by step, this kind of precedent cannot be set!

"Alright, I'll let Shenhou handle this matter."

Xuanwu hesitated and said: "Master Youji, forgive me for offending you, this Lord Shenhou should also be a powerhouse of the third-order limit, right?"

"The Envoy of Spring himself is a Tier [-] limiter. If you count the Chaos Sea Lord behind him, it would be too risky to send Lord Shenhou there alone?"

Yang Xi smiled and said, "Who told you that Shenhou is only at the third level?"

After speaking, he disappeared in front of the three of them.

Wang Peining and Wang Peining looked at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other's hearts.

"Hey, I didn't expect that even Mr. Shenhou is a hidden fourth-order powerhouse!"

"So, don't we have four Tier [-] powerhouses in our organization?"

"Not necessarily, I think the organization's waters are so deep, there must be hidden means."

The three said, and under Suzaku's guidance, they went to prepare for a rest.

Looking at the fairy-like Suzaku in front of him, Xuanwu felt envious in his heart.

They all follow the leader, but the timing is different, and the personal development is really different!

Thinking about it, Suzaku can be said to have become the chief steward of the Judgment Organization, but he, Xuanwu, only has a third-level strength now, and he is still using the vest of the Earth Fiend to cover up himself.

"I don't know what the leader is planning, and I don't know when he will reuse me."


Over Cola Island, the messenger of spring has returned to its original form.

He stared blankly at the blood-stained Earth Demon mask in his hand, feeling extremely bitter in his heart.

"Damn it, today is really unlucky, I actually killed three members of the adjudication organization."

"I really don't know if the lord will be able to hold on when Youji and the others come to look for trouble."

He glanced around, feeling extremely anxious.

After being broadcast live on the Internet, this matter cannot be concealed absolutely. For the present plan, he should think about what he should do when the adjudication organization comes to settle accounts.

"Otherwise, I will hide my name now, this Spring Messenger, it doesn't matter!"

The position of Spring Envoy has brought him infinite prestige in the chaotic sea, allowing him to enjoy beautiful women and delicacies at will, but compared with Xiaomingyi, the latter is more important.

"Anyway, the doctor has told me not to indulge too much in alcohol and sex these years, why not take this opportunity and start a new life!"

In the sky, the Spring Envoy kept struggling.

And some desperadoes who are not afraid of death are staring at the earth evil mask in his hand.

"This is the mask of the Judgment Organization. If you get it, you can change your life's fate!"

"Tch, didn't you see that the evil king and the others couldn't recognize the master after trying for a long time? I think this Tiangang and Disha masks are a complete hoax!"

"You can't talk so much. Could it be that so many powerful people who suddenly appeared in the world are fake?"

"Hush, don't talk anymore. I think the Spring Envoy is about to throw away the mask. Let's make an agreement. Each of us should rely on his own ability. Don't engage in those dirty tricks!"

This group of people watched the evil king and the bonfire demon walk away before, but now that the messenger of spring plans to abandon the mask, they really have seen what it means to be a village!

The Spring Messenger weighed the pros and cons, and finally chose to give up the Earth Demon Mask.

"Since we have decided to remain anonymous, we can't keep this thing with us. Who knows if their ruling organization has the means to locate me through this mask!"

"Besides, I'm already at the limit of the third-order strength, and the next step is the fourth-order. I'm afraid I won't get much benefit from joining the adjudication organization!"

He didn't believe that the adjudication organization would be generous enough to help him become a Tier [-] powerhouse.

"It's a pity. I thought it was enough to please the lord, and I can see the so-called treasures of heaven and earth that can help people break through to the fourth level!"

The Spring Messenger shook his head with a smile, "However, nine times out of ten, we are also fooling us. If there is really a treasure of heaven and earth that can make Tier [-] enter the threshold of Tier [-], how can there be so few Tier [-] powerhouses in the world? "

"Forget it, beheading the three members of the Judgment Organization today is my final battle!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, this exit performance is still on the stage!"

After the Spring Messenger sighed with emotion, he was about to fly away from Cola Island, when an extremely domineering voice sounded behind him.

"Hey, man and woman, why do you want to leave after killing someone?"

"Who the hell is neither male nor female, are you tired of work...?"

The Messenger of Spring stuttered a little after speaking, and his body was still trembling because of fear.

Because behind him appeared a man with a mask, a gilded battle armor all over his body, and a man in a black coat.

The spring envoy swallowed his saliva and said with difficulty: "Shen...Shen monkey!!!"

Yang Xi sneered, "I'm sorry, the script we organized for you is to die on this island."

512 Run

The Spring Messenger was terrified, even though he knew that the Shenhou in front of him had only won against some third-tier powerhouses in the Four Seas.

The fighting power he showed outside was even lower than that of the Earth Fiend.

But everyone knows that the zodiac sign of the adjudication organization has a bad taste, that is, it likes to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

It is said that the unitary chicken who tore several fourth-order powerhouses by hand on the battlefield in the Liberty Alliance sea area showed the strength of A-level supernatural beings when he first appeared in the inland.

It can be said that even bad taste is not enough to describe, it is simply insane!

The Spring Messenger rolled his eyes and said, "Your Excellency Shenhou, you can't swear at people. I just helped the Yanniu Group on Cola Island and solved a few criminals who disrupted the island's security. Didn't attack anyone from your organization!"

"You look at it, is there some misunderstanding?"

His idea is very simple, if you can rely on it, you can rely on it. After all, in the battle just now, his opponent didn't just say that he is a member of the Judgment Organization!

Yang Xi was about to be laughed out of anger, he didn't know whether the Spring Messenger in front of him was shameless or innocent, he could feel the evil mask behind him, and he dared to quibble.

Not enough, Yang Xi has never bothered to play tricks with enemies of this level.

"It doesn't matter if there is a misunderstanding, you just need to know that today next year will be your death day!"

The Spring Messenger's expression changed. He didn't expect that the zodiac sign of the adjudication organization would not even have the idea to refute him.

I don't know if he is sure that he killed the people of the Judgment Organization, or if he has always acted so domineeringly.

Just as the spring emissary was thinking about how to get out of the current dangerous situation, the supernatural beings waiting to meet him were dumbfounded.

They saw Yang Xi come out of the vortex of the imaginary world with their own eyes!

"This adjudication organization is too terrifying. The Spring Envoy just killed a few Disha and Tiangang, and a Zodiac came here to take revenge. Don't they give people a chance to breathe?"

"It's really a bit too much. There is a star seat on the Tiangang seat and the Disha seat. You have to come in order. Who can stop Shenhou from coming?"

"Aren't you stupid? The star positions announced before are all third-tier powerhouses, but the third-tier powerhouses are not enough to look at in front of the Spring Messenger. Naturally, the zodiac positions will be sent out to destroy the world. The enemy has been dealt with!"

"But Shenhou's strength is not said to be at the fourth level!"

"Please, buddy, can you find out the information about the adjudication organization on the Internet, their zodiac position, which one is not a stuff that pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger!"

"Unfortunately, in this way, our masks are lost!"

After being reminded by a supernatural person, everyone who was bragging and farting just now beat their chests and stamped their feet, as if they had lost a hundred million.

But speaking of it, the price of the Tiangang and Disha masks organized by the adjudication team on the black market is really more than [-] million.

In the sky, the Spring Messenger said sternly, "Your ruling organization is so powerful! Don't you know that I am the Spring Messenger under the Lord of Chaos Sea?"

Yang Xi said, "I know."

The Spring Messenger was not reconciled and said again: "The strength of the lord, even in the fourth rank is considered a strong one, you are not afraid, after killing me, you will anger a fourth rank strong man?"

Yang Xi continued to say calmly: "Don't be afraid."

The Spring Messenger was a little hysterical, "Please, Your Excellency Shenhou, I have no grievances with you, so you can't let me live?"

Yang Xi shook his head lightly, "No."

After getting an affirmative answer, the Spring Messenger also had an insight into Yang Xi's thoughts. I'm afraid this matter can't be resolved.

There was also a flurry of luck in his heart, maybe this Shenhou was just pretending to be garlic?

Maybe he also has the power of the third-order limit, otherwise why are you still talking nonsense with him here?

Could it be to pretend to beep?

The Spring Messenger said viciously: "Shenhou, I'm going to talk about it, but you still keep pestering me. Do you think I'm afraid of you? I just don't want to have bad relations with your adjudication organization."

I have to say that the Spring Messenger is really impeccable in his work. He has reached this level, but he still killed no one from the Judgment Organization.

"Oh, you're not afraid of me?" Yang Xi sneered, "Then I'll beat you until you're afraid!"

The envoy of spring couldn't bear it anymore, he had already made a low profile enough, but Shenhou just refused to let him go, in that case, let's just fight!

There was a bang, and there was a thunder in the sky. With the previous foreshadowing, the transformation of the Spring Envoy was very fast this time.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he transformed from a human form into a spring beast "Awakening Fang".

Immediately, claws surrounded by lightning and wood elements greeted Yang Xi's head.

"Oh my god, the fight finally broke out. If you want me to say that the Spring Messenger is really cowardly, he has been chattering for so long, and he doesn't even want to talk nonsense without seeing anyone?"

"Damn, the claws of the Spring Envoy's transformation are not made of paper. Shenhou just doesn't dodge or dodge, isn't it... a bit bigger?"

"You don't understand, right? The real strong will dodge at the last second! If you don't believe me, look, I bet this Shenhou will definitely dodge!"

Facing the attack of the Spring Envoy, Yang Xi chose to welcome the attack after calculating the power of his moves.

Because he wanted to try the defensive ability of the Tier [-] gold-plated armor of God and Demon, and the Spring Envoy, as a powerhouse with the limit of Tier [-], was undoubtedly a very good experimental subject.

"Haha, this pretender doesn't dodge or dodge. Could it be that he was scared stupid by my skills!"

"It seems that the zodiac position of the adjudication organization is not as scary as I imagined!"

"After killing this Shenhou, I don't need to go into seclusion for the time being. Maybe the lord alone can kill all the zodiac signs of the ruling organization!"

With a smug smile, the Spring Messenger slapped his paw on Yang Xi's mask.


The intense roar was deafening, it seemed to be louder than thunder!

But the smile of the Spring Envoy slowly disappeared, because he found that the skill he was proud of had hit Shenhou's mask without causing him the slightest harm.

He didn't even have the tendency to retreat.

Just like that in the air, he withstood this move with ease.

"That's it?"

Yang Xi grabbed the Spring Envoy's paw, then centered on himself, rounded him up and threw him out!

At this moment, the messenger of spring has long been frightened, and hastily fled outside by inertia, but it is said that he even used his strength to feed.

"Flee, flee, this Shenhou is definitely a fourth-order powerhouse!"

"If you stay any longer, I will die!"

512 There's No Big War, It's Just Crushing


Yang Xi smiled.

He didn't expect the Spring Messenger to be so naive, could he escape?

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