Yang Xi thought he was too annoying, so he blocked his mouth with shadow tentacles.

The advantage of this ability of Shadow Escape lies in its flexibility. It can help Yang Xi cross the terrain, switch positions, and avoid a lot of damage, but it is relatively weak in terms of attack. It is just a simple condensed shadow weapon. Maybe it will make up for it after upgrading defect.

Now it is enough to use it, output or something, just hand it over to the A-level plasma.

Grabbing Masked Fighter's face with shadow tentacles, Yancey brainwashed him with puppetry, turning him into a second puppet.

It's just that his status is still a bit different from Hot and Sour Fan Superman, and he can only be regarded as a one-time tool man.

Yang Xi briefly reads Masked Fighter's memory.

It's just the life of a little bastard...

Drug-addicted parents, the experience of growing up in a slum, because he didn't go to school, even if he awakened his abilities, he couldn't become a hero.

Forced to earn a living, he began to use supernatural powers to commit crimes. He was captured by the Saints organization because of a drug deal that year, and was finally absorbed into the organization as a cadre.

That scene is still very clear in Masked Fighter's memory after many years, which shows how shocking he was at that time.

On a rainy night, Priest of Light took his three confidantes, Deep Navy Soul, Bloodthirsty Rose and Earth Mage, Priest of Light simply used a few auxiliary skills, the small abilities of Masked Fighter The organization was wiped out by these three B-level abilities like chopping melons and vegetables.

The Priest of Light is dressed in a white robe, with a pair of eyes full of evil inlaid on his knife-like face. The only time he used the restorative ability was on the masked fighter who was ravaged by the soul of the deep sea. body.

In just a few seconds, the ribs inserted into the lungs of the masked fighter were restored to their original positions by mysterious power, and the twisted limbs were back under his control. He... felt a new life, pious Prostrate on the ground under the filthy hem of the Priest of Light.

"This Priest of Light is interesting."

Yang Xi felt that in terms of appearance, he could be compared with the magic dragon.

Moreover, his ability was really terrifying. The masked fighter's injury was clearly beyond his capabilities, yet he was healed within a few seconds by his ability.

"I just don't know what the limitation of this ability is."

From the memory of Masked Fighter, the highest record for the Priest of Light to use this ability that can restore people from a near-death state is to use it five times in a day.

It was an incident that was attacked by the Heroes Association, because the saints organization abducted and sold a child of a high-level association. After the battle with the iron-clad saints organization, the number of supernatural beings in the organization was directly halved.

From this memory, it can be inferred that the maximum number of times the Priest of Light can use this recovery ability should be five times a day.

Otherwise, he would not sit back and watch those subordinates die in pain.

Yang Xi put Fear Mask's ability orb back into Masked Fighter and activated it.

Then his body sat on the sofa. After all, the bed...is not very clean now.

"You go back to the base right away, and when you see the Priest of Light, notify me to descend on you."

"Yes, Master."

The masked fighter respectfully knelt down on one knee in front of Yang Xi, picked up the mask with his right hand, put it on, and took out his combat uniform from the closet, covering his strong body.

The two fear forces have failed, and his body has returned to its original state.


Half an hour later, Yang Xi's communicator received a message from Masked Fighter.

Yang Xi exhaled, activated the puppet control ability, and landed on the body of the masked fighter.

The field of vision has changed, and the place where the masked fighter is located can only be described as magnificent and magnificent. I am afraid that the ostentation of the ancient royal family cannot be more exaggerated than here.

All the places where gold can be used are covered with gold leaf, the golden sofa, coffee table, wine glasses, and even the napkins beside it are all gold.

The priest of light sitting on the main seat was wearing a white robe with golden embroidery on it. Two slender girls in revealing clothes were kneeling on his left and right sides. One was holding a wine glass for him, and the other was peeling grapes for him.

Below the Priest of Light, there are three smaller seats with patterns engraved on them. The leftmost one is the sea wave, the middle one is the rose, and the rightmost one is the mountain range.

On the left is a middle-aged man in a dark green military uniform, who seems to be of Aryan descent.

The woman in the middle is of black mixed race, except for her skin color, she has no black features at all, and she has a high nose bridge.The thin lips with pink lip gloss and the red phoenix eyes all exude a fatal temptation.

This is one of the most beautiful black women Yang Xi has ever seen, even black pearls cannot be used to describe her beauty.

On the far right is an old man with a white beard, wearing a khaki mage robe, his face is full of wrinkles, and his eyes cannot even be seen.

These three should be the three B-level subordinates of the Priest of Light, Deep Navy Soul, Bloodthirsty Rose, and Earth Mage.

This is the meeting room with the highest level of organization, and the masked fighter told Yang Xi that his excuse for entering here was to discuss a group of girls with Shen Haihun.

This was originally the task of the Masked Fighter for the past two days, so Deep Sea Soul was not surprised. He just signaled him to wait for a while. It seems that the organization is facing a certain problem now, and several big bosses of the Saints have gathered in the meeting room.

Bloodthirsty Rose said: "The Sealed Sword of the Round Table Company seems to be looking for trouble for us."

She turned her head and gave Yang Xi a wink.

The masked fighter explained: "Bloodthirsty Rose has something to do with me. She likes my body size after transformation."

Yang Xi naturally didn't need to maintain the character design of Si Snake in front of his doll, and teased: "This ability of the fear mask...is it so practical?"

The masked fighter flattered: "Compared to your master's strength, my ability is just a trick."

Deep Sea Soul held his head with a headache: "The little girl Seal Sword is really a headache, isn't it the first time she has done this kind of thing? We haven't touched her family, why is she staring at us? Let go?"

Bloodthirsty Rose shrugged helplessly, "Who told her to be an A-level hero with a strong sense of justice?"

The voice of the Priest of Light made people feel refreshed, "I have already communicated with the top management of the Round Table Company. This time, it is probably her private action again. Give her another chance. If she is not sensible and insists on being an enemy of our saints, then Just get rid of her!"

"Besides the Heroes' Association, there is no other organization worthy of our saints' retreat again and again!"

The Priest of Light showed an evil smile on his face: "It happens that I also want to try the taste of an A-level hero, hahaha!!!"

The meeting room was filled with the morbid laughter of the Priest of Light. Yang Xi stared at the blond girl who appeared on the big screen at several nodes of the saints' human trafficking, and began to think about it.

It seems... a new wild toolman has appeared.

062 Nice eyes

In the following time, although Yang Xi's spirit body descended on Masked Boxer's body, he returned control of the body to him, because the Soul of the Deep Sea came over to discuss with Masked Boxer the population of the Saints organization. The business of selling.

The main source of income for the saints comes from pornography, gambling, and drugs. The porn industry is handled by Deep Navy Soul, a middle-aged man who looks upright, while the masked boxer and several C-level abilities are responsible. The cadres who operate the human trafficking process under the sex industry.

Most of the "supply sources" are boys and girls from more than a dozen districts. After being sold to Shazhou City by local organizations, they are "trained" by saints and then distributed to various pornographic places. The means of controlling these people are not only violence, but also There are drugs and so on...

After "observing" the inside story of these dirty transactions, Yang Xi's desire to destroy the Saints organization became stronger and stronger.

This is not only to collect healing powers, but also to save these boys and girls who are living in dire straits. Yang Xi can't wait to destroy the saint organization right now, but Yang Xi, who already has the "wild tool man" plan in mind, decides Endure another day.

"Tomorrow, take some time to look at the 'goods' again. There is going to be a big deal coming soon. Don't make low-level mistakes. Just deal with some thorns directly, and it can also deter others."

Deep Navy Soul lit a cigar, wore a navy cloak, and tilted his head with a rather evil expression when passing by the masked boxer: "It's normal for each batch of goods to be a little 'weary', don't waste it and I'll give it to you." Opportunity."

Yang Xi didn't ask how the masked fighter caused the "loss" of the captive boys and girls. After hearing such disregard for life from Deep Sea Soul, he sentenced him to death for all the participants. .

"The time for my arrival is almost over. Before that, take me to this den where the population is hidden."


This is the container port of Shazhou City. More than 6000 containers are shipped here every day. Containers of various colors are piled up to form a small labyrinthine world. In the corner of this container world is the Saints organization for "training" A place of human trafficking.

The Masked Fighter parked the car in front of a red container with the number "FS4396".

Yang Xi asked in his mind, "Is this the place?"

"Yes master, the button to open this container is here."

The masked fighter skillfully flipped open a sheet of iron, and there was actually a fingerprint lock inside.

After verifying the fingerprints, the front of the container opened with a swipe, revealing a dark passage leading to the underground. The air mixed with some strange smells came from below, which was damp and cold.

Yang Xi walked down the stairs slowly. After walking down for about 2 minutes, the gate of an air-raid shelter came into view. In front of the gate with peeling paint, two burly men were playing cards bored. The fighters immediately got up and said hello.

"Master Mask!"

As a C-level ability user, Masked Fighter's status here is second only to Deep Sea Soul, and with his weird appearance, some of the ability users below are a little afraid of him.

Yang Xi asked lightly: "Well, what happened today?"

The big man with the mohawk head quickly replied: "There is a kid from the first district who attacked the brother of the organization, and now he is teaching him a lesson."

Yang Xi pretended to be casual and asked: "I'll go over and have a look, there's a big deal coming up recently, these brats don't know how to stop!"

Mohigan's eyes lit up, this lord is very good at torturing people, and today he saw another good show.

He hurriedly led the way. Along the way, there were small cells similar to prison cells. Each room contained more than a dozen children. Depending on their age, they were about 12 years old. There were blacks, whites, and yellows. The number of children accounted for the majority, mainly children from more than a dozen districts in relatively backward areas.

Some of these abducted children have numb faces, ragged clothes and unkempt faces; some should have just come in, and when they saw Yang Xi and others walking by, they would reflexively hide in the depths of the cell, their eyes wide open. It was full of fear and panic.

Finally arrived at the bloody "punishment room", where a 15-year-old black-haired boy was being flogged.

The member of the organization that was attacked was a D-level supernatural user, but at this moment he was holding his wrist and grinning.

"Smack him hard!"

But no matter how much he whipped the young man, he only groaned, not even a scream.

Yang Xi clapped his hands, "Stop."

"Is he the one who made trouble today?"

The red-haired young man with a nose ring who had his wrist bitten said angrily, "Yes, my lord, it was this guy who sneaked up on me."

"what is the reason?"

"This..." The red-haired young man with a nose ring hesitated.

"Naturally, this guy's sperm is on his mind, and he wants to do something to this kid's sister."

At this time, an arrogant voice sounded, it was another C-level supernatural being with the same status as Masked Fighter, Mantis Double Blades. The speed of the body is greatly increased, and in addition to the abdomen, the skin in other places will also harden to a certain extent.

There are four C-level supernatural beings in charge of this den, including the Masked Fighter. They usually choose to rest in the lounge at this time, but Mantis Twin Blades and Masked Fighter are inseparable. When they hear him arrive, they will come here Say hello.

At the prompt of the masked fighter, Yang Xi greeted Mantis Double Blades in a hip-hop style.

"Hey dude, what are you doing in this place if you're not enjoying your vacation, those two whores I recommended are good!"

It turned out that the two girls were introduced by this man, they are really... good brothers.

Yang Xi squeezed out a hypocritical smile, and gave a thumbs up to the Mantis Twin Blades, "Is there any need to say what you recommend? But I came here today because of Lord Deep Navy Soul. There is a big deal coming soon, and I need to get these goods." Be quiet."

Yang Xi glanced at the black-haired boy who was hung up, "Let's save this kid's life until tomorrow."

Praying Mantis Double Blades smiled and pinched the boy's cheeks, "Choose to kill him to scare the rest of the brats? It's indeed a good choice. The kid in the first district is really different from the kid in the tenth district. After being arrested for so long, they are still the same. Like a little wolf cub!"

But Yang Xi's hand trembled slightly. The moment he saw the young man's mouth, the killing intent in his heart was infinitely magnified, and everyone in the punishment room felt a bit of coldness.

Because... this boy's teeth were pulled out!

His gums are still bleeding out at this moment!

The young man struggled to open a gap in his swollen eyes, and said vaguely in the language of the first district: "I... I will kill you!"

nice eyes.

063 Fulfill Your Wish

Yang Xi stared into the boy's eyes and said, "Keep going, I will give you this chance."

Double-edged Mantis tapped on Yang Xi's back, "What is this kid talking about? You can understand the clumsy dialect? Yes!"

Yang Xi said perfunctorily: "Know a little bit, if you are in our line of work, you must try to learn a little foreign language."

After coming out of this depressing place, there is not much time left for Yang Xi to come.

"Do you know where the Sealed Sword is? Someone from your organization should be following her."

The masked fighter said: "The person in charge of this matter is Bloodthirsty Rose, I can go to her tonight."

"Then please, send me a message after you get the location of the Sealed Sword."

Yang Xi's spirit body left the body of Masked Fighter.

The masked fighter who unconditionally obeyed Yang Xi's order immediately dialed Bloodthirsty Rose's communicator: "Honey, where are you? Want to have a glass of wine together?"

The sky had completely darkened, and the Masked Fighter's screen illuminated his mask, becoming the only light source nearby.


"Room 1250, Lawrence Hotel."

After waiting in the apartment of Masked Fighter for an hour, Yang Xi took a few sandwiches from the refrigerator after hypnotizing the two white women.

After finding the specific location from the electronic map, the shadow spread out from him, passing through the carpet, chairs, and cracks in the door, and gathered in front of the door to form a shadow clone, and then the shadow clone switched to Yang Xi.

In this way, Yang Xi walked out of the door of the apartment, and took advantage of the night to rush to the destination.

In Room 1250 of the Lawrence Hotel.

The room card was inserted in the card slot, and the alloy armor was removed by its owner and placed neatly on the table.

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