After the bathroom door opened, a beautiful girl with wet hair wrapped in a bath towel stepped on disposable slippers.

Her skin was as white and tender as a peeled egg, with no blemishes visible.

The high nose bridge, deep eye sockets, handsome eyebrows and green eyes complement each other perfectly, and the whistling and pursed mouth reveals a little girlish charm.

This 1.7-meter-tall girl is the A-level hero of the Knights of the Round Table Economic Company, the sword of the seal.

This is the fifth time she has investigated human trafficking by the Saints since she received help from fans.

However, he had gone around Shazhou City several times like a headless chicken, and went to four or five suspected saint organization strongholds, but the result was nothing.

She changed into the little yellow duck's pajamas, and her hair casually draped on Xuerong's shoulders with a trace of tide, and sat down in front of her notebook with her two little feet crossed into an X habitually.

"Sword of the seal, please save my sister, the last time I contacted her was in Shazhou City."

"Miss Blanche, if it's convenient for you, please go to Shazhou City. I very much suspect that there is a vicious human trafficking activity there!"

"The notorious saint organization, why are there no heroes to destroy them?"

Blanche is the name of the sword of the seal, only some old fans who have been following her since before her debut will know.

Seeing fans pleading for help on Twitter, Blanche curled her hair in trouble.

"Damn it, it's been so long since I asked for help, why hasn't the company sent a team of intelligence personnel over here! Doesn't Ross City have so many things to deal with!"

The headquarters of the Knights of the Round Table Economic Company is Ross City, which is adjacent to Shazhou City, and it can be regarded as a city with better security in the second district.

Perhaps due to the excessive number of alien beast invasions, the hero economy company has flourished in Ross City. Naturally, no unscrupulous supernatural organization will choose to take root in Ross City.

"I can only try my luck tomorrow. If it doesn't work, I will drag the company's intelligence department to Shazhou City!"

After making up her mind, Blanche closed the computer and turned off the lights to sleep. Although she is a professional hero, Blanche still pays great attention to maintaining her skin. Except for the night when there is an incident, she usually chooses to go to sleep at eleven o'clock in the evening. before falling asleep.

After the sound of her snoring sounded, a black tentacle gently placed the note with the den's address on her bedside, and then quietly returned the same way.

In addition to the location, Yang Xi also fabricated information about the Saints organization's transaction at twelve o'clock, in order to make Blanche, a wild tool man, play a role on time.

This sleepy fierce chick didn't know that she had been regarded as the number one thug by a black-bellied young man.

The shadow tentacles returned to Yang Xi who was standing on the rooftop, facing the cold night wind, perhaps because of his already particularly strong mental power, Yang Xi's desire for sleep had gradually diminished.

He just stood on the rooftop all night, constantly deducing whether there were any omissions in the plot to be staged tomorrow.

At the same time, he also has a slight worry in his heart. With the big show directed by the puppet control skills, can he push the sinful organization of the saints into the abyss, and rescue the boy in the first district and the young girls who were also abducted?

As the sun rose from the east, Yang Xi left the hotel rooftop and hurried to the port.


eleven o'clock noon.

Yang Xi landed on the body of the masked fighter on time.

He woke up on a large exaggerated round bed, and there was a greasy touch on the left side. Yang Xi turned his head and saw the smooth and shiny back of Bloodthirsty Rose.

He straightened up with some difficulty, and found that the entire round bed was covered with roses the size of human faces, and among these piles of roses lay five bound strong men. They were motionless and did not know whether they were dead or not.

Yang Xi felt that someone was hugging her from behind, and Rulan's breathing sound came, "Honey, you were awesome last night."

It turned out that Bloodthirsty Rose woke up.

Yang Xi took away the mischievous hand of the B-level hero, got off the round bed, stepped on the withered rose and began to put on his clothes. Before leaving, he rushed to the bloodthirsty rose and said, "I'll go to the port. Deep Navy Soul has something to do with me."


It was Bloodthirsty Rose's lazy voice that answered Yang Xi.

It seems that Masked Fighter spent a lot of energy yesterday in order to get Blanche's position.

Have you felt the state of your body? Although your steps are a bit sloppy, it shouldn't affect today's business.

The masked fighter drove to yesterday's den.

This time, apart from the Mantis Twin Blades, the other two C-level heroes were present. After all, at noon today, their immediate boss, Deep Navy Soul, would come here to check.

"Is that kid still alive?"

Yang Xi looked at the boy who was put on the ground and said.

Several D-level supernatural beings flocked Yang Xi into this not-so-spacious room, and they all couldn't wait to see how Yang Xi would handle this hard-nosed boy from the first district.

"Of course, sir, we dare not neglect your order. Yesterday, the doctor even gave him antibiotics. This kid will live for a few more days."

"Then I'm relieved." Yang Xi suddenly said to the boy who woke up in the language of the first district, "Didn't you say yesterday that you would kill us all? Open your eyes and watch."

Mantis Double Blade approached with a smile, "Masked, have you started to show off your poor dialect again? I learned that if you can't use language to stimulate, then the process of massacre will be much less fun!"

Yang Xi smiled and said, "You like killing so much? Then I'll help you."

He stabbed the jackknife he used to torture teenagers into the stomach of Twinblades Mantis.

064 Indiscriminate Killing


Mantis Twinblades looked at Masquerade in disbelief.

Why did his black brother suddenly attack him? It is obvious that they have the same hobbies, singing hip-hop together, playing with women and exercising together.

Yang Xi said coldly: "Because I promised this child that I will kill you all!"

Before the mantis double-bladed transformation was completed, Yang Xi's folding knife directly removed his two arms.

"Your transformation time is 15 seconds, which is too long."

In the end, the pocket knife wiped the neck of Mantis Double Blade, and took his life.

The onlookers were stunned. For a while, they couldn't accept the fact that the masked fighter shot and killed the Mantis Twin Blades.

" all have to die too!"

Yang Xi's cold voice surrounded the punishment room, like a beast that chooses to eat someone.

The nose ring power user shouted: "Don't be afraid of him, as long as we don't have fear in our hearts, he won't become stronger!"

However, the five D-level power users in the penalty room could not control the black fear power flowing out. After the black energy was absorbed into the mask, the aura on the masked fighter became stronger and stronger. His body covered the downlight, The shadows covering these D-level abilities are getting bigger and bigger.

There were screams one after another in the penalty room, and a few minutes later, there were only two living people left here, the masked fighter and the boy from the first district.

The boy woke up when Yang Xi killed the first person.

"Who the hell are you?"

Because of the lack of teeth, his speech was a little slurred.

Yang Xidao: "The person who saved you."

The teenager expressed disbelief, "But I have seen you bully the children here."

Yang Xi was not explaining, "Soon you will know who I am and what is your name?"

The young man hesitated for a moment, and finally, because Yang Xi helped him kill his enemy, he said, "My name is Ye Fan."

"Ye Fan? From now on, you just stay here and wait for me to come and rescue you."

Ye Fan struggled to get out, "I have to save my sister."

Yang Xi didn't stop him, "Think about it, if you die on the way, no one will be able to save your sister."

The boy remained silent, and finally chose to stay in the execution room full of corpses.


Yang Xi killed all the way out, and killed several members of the D-level saint organization.

He did not go to open the room where these boys and girls were imprisoned. The fighting has not stopped at this moment, and the prison room can play a protective role instead.

Two figures appeared at both ends of the corridor, and he was flanked.

The masked fighter said: "Master, these are the other two C-level abilities in the base, the record player and the spear holder."

"The record player's body can play vinyl records to distract the enemy's mind, and the spinning vinyl record is also his common attack weapon."

"The spear bearer can create a spear out of thin air to attack the enemy. His furthest throwing distance is 300 meters, and he can easily shoot through the wall with great power."

The record player has wild long hair, is wearing a suit, and his complexion is a little red because of too much sunbathing. A vinyl record is slowly spinning in his left hand, and his thumb is on the surface of the record. The entire corridor Soothing music played.

"...Did I tell you that you are in every dream of mine..."

"...why is the night so long"

Weird sound waves hit, and Yang Xi had the urge to rock slowly along with the music, but with the help of powerful spiritual power, he quickly overcame the record player's abilities.

However, he chose to hand over the control of his body to the Masked Fighter, and the Masked Fighter, who hadn't gotten rid of the influence of this ability, swayed to the music in a daze.

A trace of disdain flashed in the record player's eyes. After being hit, the masked fighter was no longer a threat.

He started running, switched the record from his left hand to his right, and began to charge.

"Follow my music and step into hell!"

The record player threw out his own vinyl record like a discus, and the strange thing is that the high-speed rotation of the vinyl record in the air is still playing music.

Seeing that the record was about to meet the fighter, Yang Xi took over his body at the most critical moment, smashed the record with an uppercut, and before the record player could react, his thick legs stomped forward on the ground, Two huge fists hit his temples.

If these two punches landed, the record player's head would definitely split open like a watermelon.

"help me!!!"

The record player knows that once he is approached, he is definitely no match for the masked fighter!

Calling for help, he reached out to take out the next record from behind him.

The spearman dressed as a Mayan condensed a short spear and threw it towards Yang Xi.

He predicted the direction of Yang Xi's attack. If Yang Xi avoided the spear, the record player would be able to get rid of Yang Xi's entanglement.

If this was Yang Xi's own body, then he would definitely choose to dodge the blow, but now it was the body of the Masked Fighter facing the spear...Yang Xi directly took the spear with his chest.

The spear sank into Masquerade's right chest, and Yancey's fist landed on the disc player's head.

With a puff, his head was smashed flat by two huge fists.

Not even a last word was left.

The spearman looked at this scene, his hand holding the short spear trembled slightly, "What happened? Why did you betray the organization?"

The Spearman felt that when fighting other organizations before, he had never seen Masked Fighter so fierce!

Today's masked fighters don't seem to take their own lives seriously at all.

Although it was not his own body, Yang Xi, who had descended from a spirit body, could still feel the heart-wrenching pain in his right chest,

"Cough cough!!"

He spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, "For what? Of course it is for justice!"

The spearman smiled wryly: "Don't use this excuse to prevaricate me. I don't know what kind of goods you are. How few goods here have been ruined by you to death? If it is for justice, then you should commit suicide and apologize!"

Yang Xidao: "After killing you, I will naturally do so!"

The spearman said angrily: "You are simply unreasonable. Even if you defeat me, there is no way to leave here. The Soul of Deep Sea is already on its way!"

The injuries to this body became more and more serious, Yang Xi stopped talking nonsense with the spearman, and rushed towards him like a tiger descending a mountain.

The spearman saw Yang Xi's purpose, so naturally he wouldn't let him succeed, so he turned around and ran outside.

"Fucking lunatic!"

However, the Mask of Fear has automatically replaced a D-level fear power with the fear power born before the death of the record player. The masked fighter with two C-level hero powers suppressed the Spearman in terms of speed.

But the spear bearer is also a strong man who has experienced many battles, so he naturally knows the truth of fighting and retreating.

He keeps masking fighters with short-haired kites.

But...Yang Xi had no intention of dodging at all, and let the short hair penetrate into his body, and the distance between him and the spear holder was also shrinking!

"You lunatic!!! I don't believe how many spears your body can hold against me!"

The mentality of the spear bearer is about to collapse!

065 The Blame Man

A mass of fear power emerged from the Spearman and merged into the fear mask. At this moment, the body of the masked fighter swelled a little again. He already possessed three C-level fear powers and two D-level fear powers. , In terms of strength, it is infinitely close to B-level.

However, the number of short spears on Yang Xi's body has broken through to double digits, and there are bloody footprints left by him along the way.

After another short spear was added to his shoulder, Yang Xi grabbed the spear holder by the neck and pressed him hard to the ground.

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