He glanced in the direction of the Green family for the last time, turning into a blue light and fleeing away.

605 Strong Gathering

Sea of ​​heroes.

Blast's cloak was already tattered, and his forehead was bleeding profusely, looking a little embarrassed.

As for his opponent, the bone emperor, the situation is not much better at this time, the evil bone armor on his body is full of cracks, and he is on the verge of collapse.

The two of them opened the distance tacitly, and there was a trace of sympathy in the eyes they looked at each other.

No matter for Blast or Bone Emperor, this battle can be said to be the happiest they have fought in the past hundred years!

The two of them almost exerted their strength to the extreme, and the feeling of punching to the head was very hearty.

Because of their fighting, all the surrounding islands were turned into ashes. Fortunately, the residents there had already been evacuated under the arrangement of the Heroes Association.

The situation of Tongtian and Ye Fan is even worse. After all, the two of them are facing the enemy, whether it is strength or quantity, they are on their own side.

Fortunately, Blast would give him a punch from time to time, and the two of them were able to survive until now.

Tong Tian's handsome face was pale, obviously the consumption of mana was very large.

But even at this extreme point of desperation, he still didn't manifest his fourth sword.

It's strange to say that, as a powerhouse with the same reputation as Blast, his strength should be more than that.

It's just that for some unknown reason, his "Zhu Xian Formation" has always been incomplete.

Ye Fan's situation is the most miserable, he has already lost an arm.

If it weren't for the ancient holy body being strong enough, maybe he would have died.

It's not just them. As the place where the fighting in the four sea areas is currently the most intense, many of Yang Xi's acquaintances have died in battle.

Although their strength is not bad, the combat power of the Bernadotte Empire army is also the most powerful existence in the entire Ossadi colonial army.

Ao Chao, Mechanical Warrior, Hot and Sour Fan Superman, etc. all sacrificed their lives for the resistance of the human race.

The only thing that is more fortunate is that Marukyu's situation is not bad.

After all, this girl's abilities are realized, her auxiliary functions are very powerful, and she is the girlfriend of Ye Fan, a fourth-order powerhouse, so the Heroes Association did not arrange any particularly dangerous tasks for her, and there are even many strong people around her in protection.

Blast wiped away the blood that had flowed to the corners of his eyes, and the fighting spirit in his eyes became hot again.

Just when he was about to make a move, the Bone Emperor who was not far away suddenly froze for a moment, and then some alchemy equipment on his body began to shine.

Blast stopped his movements. On the one hand, he didn't bother to sneak attack at such a time. On the other hand, he was not sure if this was the enemy's plan.

This is of course not the bone emperor's plan.

He is a genius of the Bernadotte family, and with his pride, he disdains to use such a small trick.

The reason why he was stunned in the battlefield was that he received a message from the Ossian plane? The Crimson Demon Elder.

"Suspend all plans? Try to find Chenlong before we come? He has the Celestial Seed!"

This is the news that the crimson devil spent a lot of magic power to pass to the alchemy vessel.

Celestial Seed!

Chenlong actually got the Celestial Seed!

Although the Judgment Organization has sent people to sneak into the Ossaid plane? This is very surprising news.

But this is not worth mentioning in front of the Celestial Seed.

Without any hesitation, Gu Emperor flew directly to Landi's side, and after whispering a few words, he led a group of Tier [-] powerhouses towards the sea of ​​chaos.

Even the army of the Bernadotte Empire can't take care of it!

Fortunately, the Ossaid people on this battlefield are not as miserable as the free alliance sea area? They quickly withdrew from the island chain defense line in an orderly manner under the command of the commander.

Yigudi's position in the Bernadotte Empire? No one would question him at all? He abandoned the army and left.

In the eyes of the soldiers, their emperor just left temporarily.

However, in order to prevent the enemy's Tier [-] from wiping out their vital forces, several commanders of the Bernadotte Empire were divided into several parts? Each stayed away from the Sea of ​​Heroes.

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At the same time, the direction of their evacuation seems to coincide with that of their own boss? In this way, the enemy will suspect fraud, and the possibility of chasing them is even lower.

Tong Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and if he continued to fight, he might have to use his fourth fairy sword to finally summon the Jade Immortal Formation.

This is a plan he and Biao Biao have planned for many years, and the price is quite high, so it is best not to use it.

Blast looked at the direction in which Gudi and the others left, and suddenly said: "They are heading towards Chaos Sea. Unsurprisingly, the target should be the Judgment Organization."

When Ye Fan heard this, he was extremely anxious.

But he concealed it very well and didn't show it, but said lightly: "Then what should we do?"

Blast grinned, "You two are waiting here, I'll go see what's going on!"

After finishing speaking, the explosion turned into a long rainbow, chasing towards the direction where the bone emperor and the others were fleeing.

Tong Tian and Ye Fan looked at each other, and then chased after the explosion.

Fortunately, the command system of the Heroes Association does not depend much on the adults of the fourth rank, so after they left, these sea fighters began to organize the battlefield in an orderly manner under the command of the commander.

The same scene also appeared in the sea of ​​iron and blood.

Although these two strange beasts are ferocious, they are not enough to look at in front of the iron-blooded army master of the iron-blooded mystery.

After several rounds of beating, a shadow was stuffed into the hearts of the two strange beasts.

Knowing that they couldn't defeat the Iron-Blooded Army Lord, they also decisively withdrew towards the chaotic sea.

There is still a passion between the Mercenary Union and the Alien Beast Alliance, and the president of the Mercenary Union is strong enough to protect them.

The Iron Blood Army Lord and Zhao Jinyin naturally chased after them. These two fourth-order alien beasts committed countless murders in the Iron Blood Sea, so naturally they cannot be allowed to escape.

And many powerful people rushed to the chaotic sea, the situation at this moment is indeed a bit strange.


Under the leadership of Yang Feifei, the judges launched an unprecedented fierce battle with the mercenary union.

The low-level battlefield below is in full swing, but the fourth-level powerhouses have been in a stalemate.

Yang Feifei and Liu Yuan, wearing Maotu's vest, confronted the president of the mercenary union and all the local fourth ranks.

At first glance, the strength gap is very wide.

But Liu Yuan didn't know that Yang Xi had gone to the plane of Ossaid. In his mind, his godfather and all the powerful people of the Zodiac might come out to support him at any time.

So his performance was very...arrogant.

I saw that he was half a body ahead of Yang Feifei with his waist thrust forward, staring at several Ossaid fourth-order powerhouses including the president of the mercenary union without fear.

"You big cats and kittens, two or three, dare to attack our adjudication organization?"

"Don't you know that the zodiac positions of our adjudication organization are all hidden powerhouses?"

"If you want to die, then rush over and fight your grandpa Liu!"

The president of the mercenary union here is indeed a little suspicious.

Why is it that they are already approaching the city, but the ruling organization only sent out a zodiac and a few stars?

Youji and Haizhu, who fought against each other in the New Fry continent, are nowhere to be seen?

"Could it be a scam?"

The president of the mercenary union who has regained part of his lifespan is now very cautious. He has experienced the strength of the two mysterious powerhouses of the Judgment Organization.

If they were really attacked by surprise, then it's really hard to say who will win and who will lose.

At this time, the vice president Richard said: "Master President, I have read a book written by the natives, and there is a strategy called the empty city strategy."

"Could it be that the stars of this ruling organization are just scaring us? Their interior is actually very empty!"

Richard looked like he was ready to move, but it was Liu Yuan's appearance, and he really deserved a beating.

The president of the mercenary union shook his head and said, "Impossible, I don't know about the other zodiac signs, but the unitary rooster and the Hai pig are definitely not the ones who run away."

"Besides, Haizhu's ability seems to be the space system. Maybe they are waiting for us to make a move at this time, so that they can counterattack unexpectedly!"

"Absolutely not to be taken lightly!"

The judge wondered: "Should we just let this kid in front of us continue to be arrogant?"

The old president was noncommittal, but said slowly: "Gudi and the others seem to be rushing over, since the matter has come to this point, we don't want to be such an early bird."

He was a little happy when he got the Sea of ​​Chaos at first.

But he didn't expect the adjudicative organization to come up with such a move, which made him a little uncertain.

Now that the boss had spoken, the vice-chairman Richard and the judge had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​attacking, stood behind him, and continued to confront Yang Feifei and Liu Yuan.

Yang Feifei breathed a sigh of relief temporarily.

She didn't expect Liu Yuan to be so powerful, he forcibly bluffed the enemy.

If the mercenary union and the others forcibly attack, she can only temporarily evacuate with the core members of the adjudication organization.

She smiled bitterly under the mask: "Brother, brother, come back quickly, I really can't stand it anymore!"

To the surprise of the president of the mercenary union, Norton and Bernice were the first to arrive.

The state of the two of them does not look good.

Bernice's method of long-distance transfer consumes a lot of her magic power.

If she hadn't comprehended the profound meaning of life, she might be gray-haired and youthful by now.

This hole card is also the reason why Norton teamed up with her.

"Norton, Bernice, who are you two?"

There was a hint of questioning in the tone of the president of the mercenary union.

After all, his personal relationship with Norton is not bad.

It can even be said that without his covert support, the Hundred Cities Federation would not have been able to grow to its present level.

Norton's face was a little pale, and the trauma Chris inflicted on him would not be relieved for a while.

But he won't show his feet.

"It's nothing, our husband and wife discussed it and felt that the Freedom Alliance Sea Area is still worthless, so I came to the Chaos Sea to have a look."

He saw Maotu and Liu Yuan not far away, and asked in turn: "It's been so long, and you still haven't fought with the adjudication organization?"

The old president said: "Hehe, I naturally have my plan, but what about the army of your Hundred Cities Federation?"

Norton's expression didn't change at all, he smiled and said, "Of course we're on our way here."

The president of the mercenary union took a deep look at him and said, "That's very good."

Not far away, after seeing the Nortons arriving, Yang Feifei thumped in his heart and became even more nervous.

Liu Yuan, on the other hand, was still full of confidence: "There are two more sent to die!"

In his opinion, at this time, the other leaders of the adjudication organization will definitely come out.

With so many backers, he, Liu Yuan, has never been persuaded!

However, soon Chris also arrived at the chaotic sea battlefield.

With him was Ouyang Guanhe who was speeding up desperately.

Ouyang Guanhe felt a little bitter in his heart, he had tried his best to sprint, but he still almost failed to follow.

When Chris was a guy, he actually grew to such a terrifying level in a short period of time.

It's a pity that this guy has become a member of the deep blue family.

The appearance of Ouyang Guanhe made Yang Feifei heave a sigh of relief.

Although she is a little unclear about what the situation is now, but seeing the appearance of the old senior, inexplicably, the pressure on her body is a little less.

"Brother Ouyang, who are you?"

With the help of cross-dressing abilities, Uto's cold voice came from under the mask.

Although Yang Feifei was very curious, why Chris, a human traitor, would be with Ouyang Guanhe.

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