But in order to maintain the personality, she didn't look at Chris more.

Ouyang Guanhe quickly told what happened in the Free Alliance waters.

"It turns out that Mr. Chris chose our side at the last moment? Please allow me to express my gratitude to you on behalf of the organization."

Chris sneered: "Thank you, I'll save it, the beam between us is not over yet!"

"What about your other zodiac signs? Why are you alone?"

He asked Ouyang Guanhe's doubts.

Yang Feifei was about to say a few perfunctory words.

A figure approaching at high speed appeared in the sky again.

Soon, the two alien beasts and the Bone Emperor appeared in the camp of the mercenary union at the same time, and the Jagged Army Lord, Blast and others also slowly landed on the side of the Judgment Organization.

Almost all Tier [-] powerhouses in this plane appeared on the same battlefield.

The appearance of many big bosses made the low-level fighters below forget about the battle in shock.

"Oh my god, this is the first time I've seen so many fourth-order powerhouses appearing at the same time, hurry up and wake me up, let me wake up from this nightmare!"

"The four major forces of the human race and the Ossaid people have all appeared. Is this... is it the final decisive battle?"

"Is this century-long war of resistance finally coming to an end?"

"At this critical moment, where did Master Youji go?"

In the minds of human warriors, there are still a few particularly reliable bosses who have not appeared.

At this moment, the Ossaid fourth ranks were all shocked by the news brought by the Bone Emperor.

"You Chicken and Hai Pig are probably digesting the Celestial Seed!"

After listening to the analysis of the situation by the president of the mercenary union, the bone emperor was already [-] to [-]% sure!

However, he would not be so stupid as to leak the news that Chenlong obtained the Celestial Seed.

"Will the powerhouse of the ruling organization make a move in a while, now is a good time for us to attack!"

Bone Emperor's eyes were full of longing.

That is the seed of heaven!

606 They went to the plane of Ossaid

"you sure?"

The head of the mercenary union asked.

Bone Emperor sneered, "At this point, is it necessary for me to joke?"

"Well, I believe you!"

They are also strong men at the peak of Tier [-], although their personalities are a little different, but the old president still trusts the bone emperor.

"Everyone, since the bone emperor said so, let's concentrate our efforts and eradicate these stubborn fourth-order natives!"

The face of the president of the mercenary union was slightly chilling, completely different from his usual approachability.

"This final battle, which has been delayed for decades, ends today!"

All Ossaid fourth ranks looked at each other—everyone has been fighting in New Fry Continent for so many years, is this long colonial war finally coming to an end?

Norton's eyes were somewhat reconciled. He hadn't gained enough benefits in the New Frye Continent. Returning to the Ossaid plane in this state was contrary to his plan.

But now the situation is irreversible, and he himself has suffered heavy losses, so he can only accept the arrangement of fate.

Anyway, the half of his life spent fighting on the Azure Planet was enough to establish a family belonging to him on the Ossaid plane, and there was also a colony here. It would not be a problem for the whole family to maintain their glory for hundreds of years.

For a grassroots supernatural being, this is already a very powerful achievement.

The president of the mercenary union was not as relentless as Norton. Although he said so, with his cunning and cunning, he could naturally find out that something was wrong with the bone emperor.

"This longing look doesn't seem to be for revenge!"

"Could it be that the Judgment Organization has other good things besides the Earth Soul Spring?"

The president of the mercenary union was looking forward to it more and more. He had a premonition that maybe this blue star plane, which was supposed to be the last stop in his life, would be a new turning point.

Sensing the surge in the morale of the Ossaid people, many strong human races who came to support inevitably focused their attention on Yang Feifei.

"Mao Rabbit, what about the other zodiac signs in your ruling organization? It's such a time, even if you are in the closed door, you have to call it out!"

Everyone was a little anxious.

Although it is said that the zodiac signs organized by the ruling organization, there is not a single parallel importer.

But if there is only one Maotu, everyone will have no confidence.

Yang Feifei was a little overwhelmed, she really didn't expect that at this time, her brother hadn't appeared yet!

Up to now, it no longer works to continue to use retreat as an excuse.

After weighing, she still intends to tell everyone the truth.

Before leaving, Yang Xi also explained that if this happens, it is also a way to reveal the news of his going to the Ossian plane.

"Everyone!" Maotu's voice sounded, "There is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment. It's such a time, and your adjudication organization is still in the mood to play tricks?

However, Maotu is the zodiac sign of the adjudication organization after all, and with that status, it is really unreasonable not to give her face.

"Let's hear the bad news first."

Only a guy who is so nervous can maintain a normal heart at this time.

Yang Feifei said: "Actually, Youji and the others did not retreat, but went to the Ossaid plane, looking for opportunities to break through."

"The so-called retreat is an excuse used by our organization to cover up"

This news can be said to stir up a thousand waves with one stone, and the strong people of the human race are not calm.

This, this... After a long time, Youji and the others are not in the Azure Planet?

The adjudication organization will not see the situation as wrong, let's run away first!

The faces of many strong men were a bit ugly, and everyone rushed here because of their trust in the adjudication organization.

I feel that with their zodiac signs, they should be able to withstand the attack of the Ossaid people.

But now you tell me that none of them are there.

In such a huge chaotic sea, only Maotu and a few stars are there, playing with wool!

"What about the good news?"

Zhao Jinyin said with a dark face.

Yang Feifei was a little embarrassed, but fortunately she had a mask, otherwise she would be really cowardly.

After all, each of these people is a legend of the human race.

She continued to speak slowly in a cold voice: "I got the news that Chenlong has become a powerhouse of the fifth rank, so as long as they return, these Ossaid people are no longer a problem for us."

"Everyone, we only need to persist for the last period of time, and we can completely resolve this war against colonization."

In Yang Feifei's mind, as long as his brother comes back, everything can be resolved!

"Chenlong? That young man who was revived by Youji at great cost has actually become a powerhouse of the fifth rank!"

"He actually has this kind of potential. It doesn't matter that the adjudication organization is desperate to rescue him!"

"As expected of an adjudication organization! It's really nothing, it's a blockbuster!"

The faces of everyone suddenly relaxed a lot.

There is a fifth-order powerhouse who is rushing back, which is undoubtedly a shot in the arm.

"Everyone, don't be too optimistic. You still need to pay attention to the strength of the enemy. Without the help of the other zodiac signs, it is still a question of whether we can persist until the end."

Chris coldly pulled everyone back to the cruel reality.

Although the strong human race didn't like to see this former traitor, he had to admit that what he said was true.

Bone Emperor's strength is comparable to that of Blast, and although the mercenary union leader has never made a move, the pressure he brought to everyone is no less than that of Bone Emperor.

Definitely a powerhouse of the same level!

Blast suddenly said: "Chris, how about the old man handing it over to you?"

As the current strongest of the human race, Blast is keenly aware of the strength hidden in Chris, which is definitely a terrifying force.

But from his somewhat unstable breath, it can be seen that this guy has not completely digested this power.

Chris took a deep look at Blast, as expected of a superpower who has guarded the human race for nearly a hundred years. This vision alone has surpassed most people.

Iron Blood Army Lord sneered, "Can this guy do it?"

Chris waved his hand indifferently, "I don't care anyway, just arrange it."

Ouyang Guanhe wanted to say a few words to Chris, but his lips moved, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Bong Bang scratched his smooth marinated egg, "It's okay, you pay attention to safety!"

"Hmph, you should say this to yourself!"

A vein popped up on the forehead of the Jagged Army Lord, and he rushed out first.

Since there was going to be a fight, why did the Ossiders make the first move?

This is the territory of our human race!

On the side of the Ossaid people, they also saw the appearance of the iron-blooded army lord.

The president of the mercenary union smiled, "Everyone, we seem to be underestimated!"

PS: There is only one update today, my back hurts...

Chapter 599 Falling into the Void


The fist of the iron-blooded army lord soon came to the president of the mercenary union.

If it is said that the Heavenly Sword has a chilling aura of killing, then the fist of the Iron-Blooded Army Lord contains an unmatched fighting spirit!

As a strong man at the same time as Blast, his strength does not need to be elaborated too much.

In the past hundred years, he has not wasted any time, except for eating, sleeping and some routine military affairs, he is studying the mysteries and studying the moves.

If the power of blasting is said to be an innate talent.

Then his achievement is the accumulation of hard work.

"Nice mood."

The president of the mercenary union showed a faint smile.

The strength of this fourth-order native is indeed very strong, even higher than Norton.

But without the spiritual spring of refinement, he can already hang and beat the opponent, let alone the current him.

He just slowly stretched out his palm, and "softly" held the fist of the Iron Blood Army Lord.

The power of law contained in the iron-blooded army lord's punch was silently absorbed as if hitting the ground!

Yes, maybe others can't feel it, but in the eyes of Iron Blood Army Lord, this old man seems to be the vast and boundless land.

It seems that all the energy is poured on it, and it cannot be shaken by half.

"Come on."

The old president said cheerfully.

There was no panic on the face of the Jagged Army Lord, his brain was running fast, trying to find the flaws in the enemy's moves.

"Aren't you coming? It's the same if I come."

The head of the mercenary union made a move.

He took a step slowly, and when he stepped on it completely, he suddenly appeared in front of the iron-blooded army lord.

"The strength just now, I will return it to you!"


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