The iron-blooded army lord's eyes suddenly widened, and he actually sensed the fluctuations of laws similar to his own iron-blooded secrets on the fist of the Osaid man!

how can that be!

But in the face of the counterattack from the president of the mercenary union, the iron-blooded army lord had no more time to think, so he could only do his best again, punching the enemy loudly!


Two similar energies converged in the air, and they both turned in the opposite direction of each other, projecting red lightning like a spider web.

From a distance, it looks like a huge red butterfly!

While incomparably beautiful, it hides a palpitating power.

Everyone's faces were flushed by the electric current.

The bone emperor's scarlet eyes throbbed endlessly.

"The strength of this old guy has indeed become much stronger."

But he no longer had the fear of the past.

The fourth-order powerhouse has no ability to resist in front of the bronze heaven.

When the teacher arrives, all these people will die!

And the Celestial Seed owned by Chenlong will also belong to him!

Thinking of this, Gu Emperor couldn't help but become anxious.

Fortunately, he is now in the evil bone mode, and others can't see the clues.

Otherwise, if there are some strange conjectures, it will be very troublesome.

Blast slightly frowned, "No, Iron Blood is no match for him!"

Except for Chris, everyone else was a little stunned.

Isn't this a back and forth fight!

Chris sneered: "The old thing is playing with him!"

His voice just fell.

The president of the mercenary union suddenly lowered his body and easily dodged the punch of the iron-blooded army lord.


The khaki halo lit up, and the old man's index finger pointed at the iron-blooded army lord.

Nothing seemed to move.

But after a breath, rocks emerged from the back of the iron-blooded army lord like a waterfall!

! ! ! !

"how can that be!"

Tie Yousong looked at his body in disbelief, the place where he was in contact with the enemy was intact, but his internal organs were completely destroyed by the earth element!

If it wasn't for his Iron Blood Profound Truth to help him hang his life, he would have become a corpse at this moment.

But he knew that he was not far from death.

Fortunately, before the mana is exhausted, the more injured he is, the stronger he will be!

The Iron Blood Lord snapped and grabbed the arm of the president of the mercenary union.

The latter was a little stunned, "How is it possible, I have clearly wiped out your vitality!"

Blood kept dripping from the corner of Iron Blood Army Lord's mouth, and his eyes glowed blood red.

It was like the last struggle of some beast.

"My Iron Blood Profound Truth allows me to fight until the last second!"

"Until the last drop of my blood is shed!"


Accompanied by a silent roar, the iron-blooded army lord's fist hit the president of the mercenary union hard.

The latter flew back like a kite with a broken string, and shot into the Ossaid strong man.

"Everyone must die!!"

The iron-blooded army lord killed as if losing his mind!

And other strong men from the human race and the Ossaid camp also joined the battle one after another.


two ways

Dozens of beams of light representing the mysteries of the law rose up!

Almost the entire chaotic sea, can see this pair of wonders!

The final showdown is here!

Odyssey plane.

The two bronze celestial figures lowered their arms at the same time.

The crimson demon said: "With so much magic power input, this white point should be able to last for a while. Is it you or me first?"

The God of Destruction snorted coldly, and dived into the white cavity.

The scarlet demon who stayed behind waved his hand helplessly, picked up the wine glass and drank it down, "I'll go to the Azure Planet, and I'll leave the family affairs to you!"

There are four crimson devil's fourth-order confidantes behind him who should claim to be at the same time.

In their view, it only takes a few days for their own heaven to go to the blue star plane.

It is impossible for an indigenous plane to have a force that can compete with the bronze celestial plane.

The huge body of the crimson demon also disappeared into the white cavity.

The purple-haired Tier [-] powerhouse breathed a sigh of relief, and suggested, "Everyone, should we go back to the Boneland now, or go outside for a walk?"

If the Crimson Devil was around, they wouldn't have the freedom to go out at all.

Now is a rare free time, and he doesn't want to miss it.

A bone warrior suggested: "Go to the Holy See City, didn't the two adults say that there is a treasure of the plane!"

The purple-haired strong man nodded in agreement, and said with a smile: "It's a good proposal, and I heard that the singers in the Holy See City have a holy sense of beauty. I want to feel it."

"Hahaha! Zi Shura, you really are a talent!"

The other Bernadottes smiled knowingly.

But at this moment, two figures suddenly crossed the sky.

After only a few breaths, an existence that was originally only the size of a black dot appeared above them!

Because of the wind pressure brought by the high-speed flight, these fourth-order powerhouses were a little embarrassed.

"Who is here, dare to fly in the sky on the Bone Field! Have you got permission from our Bernadotte family?"

Outsiders are not allowed to fly on the Baiguyuan, which is a regulation proposed by the Bernadotte family.

But because the bones are too big, as long as you don't get hit face-to-face, the Bernadotte family won't care about you.

Sometimes they even see it, and they turn a blind eye.

But now Zi Xiuluo wants to find fault, so he naturally has to go online.

It was Yang Xi and Damon who came.

Yang Xi looked at Damon: "Isn't it possible to fly over the Bone Field?"

The latter said with a smile: "For a fifth-order powerhouse, it is possible."

"Then it'll be fine."

Yang Xi nodded and continued to observe the closed white cavity.

Because of the reinforcement of the hole puncher, the white spot is not completely hidden, but exposed like a glass shard.

What is very strange is that the cracks in this space are the same no matter what angle you look at.

Zi Xiuluo, who was ignored, was annoyed, and he could recognize Damon naturally.

As for Yang Xi who was wearing a mask, he couldn't even perceive the fluctuation of magic power, so he naturally ignored it selectively.

If he was the only one, if he met Dimon, he might be scared.

But now there are several fourth-tier powerhouses on their side, even if you are a heavenly powerhouse, they dare to fight!

"Your Excellency Damon, you should come down first, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

There was a hint of threat in Zi Shura's tone.

Damon smiled, "He told us to go down, what do you say?"

Yang Xi glanced at the Bernadottes on the ground, and continued to study the cracks in the white cavity without making a sound.

He has to rush back to the Azure Plane as soon as possible!

Seeing Yang Xi's attitude of ignoring him, Zi Xiuluo turned blue with anger.

"Good! Good! You two have guts!"

"Come on, brothers, let them know the strength of our Bernadotte family!"

Behind the Bone Warrior and other fourth-rank Bernadottes, they had long wanted to make a move. Hearing Zi Shura's words, they flew up with a ghost scream.

Zi Xiuluo pulled out his dark green saber, he was confident to use his Horcrux to kill this ignorant guy!

Yang Xi's thoughts were interrupted again, which made him very upset.


He wiped it casually, and the terrifying heavenly power immediately passed through these fourth-order powerhouses.

The flying speed of Zi Shura, Bone Warrior and others suddenly suffocated, and then they turned into drizzle and dissipated in the air

Before they died, they realized that this guy wearing a mask was actually a noble bronze celestial figure!

What is he!

Isn't this a scam!

If you had reported your identity earlier, they would never let a fart go!

But it's too late.

"Tier five!"

"It must be the fifth-order celestial position!"

"Oh my god, it's actually a powerhouse of this level!"

When the Bernadottes stationed on the ground saw their adults killed, they were so shocked that they didn't dare to vent their anger.

One by one wished to become a statue, so that this strange heavenly power would not notice him.

Fortunately, Yang Xi didn't have much interest in these soldiers, and didn't bother to kill them anymore.

"Well, found it!"

Yang Xi's eyes lit up, and he input magic power somewhere in the space!

The white cavity channel that was closed just now reappeared!

"Brother Damon, thank you for leading the way, I'll take a step first!"

Damon smiled and said, "Let's go together!"

Yang Xi was in a hurry to go back, without thinking too much, he rushed into Baiqiangdian right away.

Damon smiled and rushed in.

The two kept advancing in the rainbow-colored tunnel, and the barriers of the planes were constantly being folded.

Yang Xi was a little apprehensive. He saw the crimson demon and the God of Destruction entering the white spot.

"It has to be fast, if you go back late, I don't know what will happen."

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