"Hee hee, long time no see, master!"

"Hey, why are there two masters?"

Under Uto's mask came Yukino's voice, and from the style of speaking, it should be Suzuna.

Yang Xi's main body said: "Hurry up, Suzuna."

Maotu's avatar smiled and said, "Suzuna, which master do you prefer?"

"..." Yang Xi was a little speechless, always feeling that this avatar has a strange personality, and I am obviously a very serious person.

Suzuna giggled, "I like them all, Xiaoxue makes the choice, Suzuna wants them all!"

Maotu's avatar left from the metal frisbee, relying on Xuenv's strength to rush to where Lin Naixue and the others were.

"Damn... this is your own avatar!"

Yang Xi looked at Maotu's avatar going away, and interrupted his wild thoughts.

But I have to admit that currently the only one who can defeat Maotu's avatar physically is the "Sister You Rong" who has a lot of money.

"I seem to have made something incredible with a cross-dressing and a snow girl..."

Thinking of this, Yang Xi felt a chill in his heart, raised his flying altitude, and moved closer to the frontal battlefield.

This A-level beast is also a good dark energy supplement for him.

I just don't know what abilities can be stripped from the Soul Eater.


It only took a short while for Maotu's avatar to reach the sky above Yang Xi's originally rented apartment.

"Master, do you want me to freeze them all into popsicles?" Xue Nu was eager to try, and changed to talking in her head.

Maotu's avatar said: "You are only C-level now, shouldn't you be the opponent in the cheongsam?"

Suzuna said angrily, "I really miss my past self."

Ignoring Xuenv's complaints, Mao Tu's avatar stepped on the snowflakes and landed in front of Qing Lan.

As a supernatural being of the wind element system, Qing Lan sensed the existence of Mao Tu's clone when she approached her.

Now is the time to wait for the rescue of the medical team. After persuading Lin Naixue and others to evacuate to no avail, she chose to face Maotu's avatar directly.

"who are you?"

The heroine's tone was full of vigilance.

From her attire, she guessed that Maotu and Youji should be accomplices, but Youji's public battle in Lugang City was to single out two A-level heroes of the Kunlun Brokerage Company.

She couldn't figure out the other party's purpose.

"My name is... Maotu."

Maotu's avatar pointed to his mask and said, his voice was unexpectedly a bit cold, coupled with his impressive height, it gave people the feeling of an iceberg.

Maotu?Now it's a stone hammer!

A live broadcast aircraft put the picture here in the lower right corner of the main interface, and the sharp-eyed Director Ge immediately noticed the abnormality here.

He asked the backstage to zoom in on the screen, shrinking the main battlefield to the lower right corner.

Immersed in Explosive Fist Girl's valiant and heroic posture, the Hat Emperor muttered dissatisfiedly, "What's so interesting here?"

But at the next moment, this hot girl's die-hard fan suddenly opened his mouth wide, "Is this... is this a chicken?"

Director Ge corrected: "This is not a Youji. Looking at her mask, it should be a Rabbit."

Director Ge rubbed his chin, "I didn't expect Mao Tu to be a woman. What's the purpose of her coming here? To help the hero attack the beast, or to attack Qing Lan?"

These two points are all speculated based on Youji's previous actions.

Although the bullet screen also complained like the hat king that it depends on the frontal battlefield, but some water friends also joined the discussion.

"Is this the third zodiac sign? You rooster, Si snake and Mao rabbit, what is the origin of this mysterious organization?"

"Who knows, Youji has already demonstrated strength far beyond A-level, and the Si snake in Shazhou City doesn't look weak. I don't know how strong this Maotu is."

"It's actually a female supernatural person. I thought the Youji organization was full of old men."

"Hey, I have to say, this Maotu is a bit of a real thing, even such a wide black robe can't cover it!"

"I don't know if her strength has surpassed Grade A?"

"What do you mean by the previous one? Why are the rooster and the snake far superior to Grade A? You have to question the Rabbit, who is also a Chinese zodiac. Do you look down on those who belong to the rabbit, or us girls?"

"No, I'm just guessing normally, how can an organization have every member of a Transcendent A Grade existence, if they are so powerful, wouldn't it be good for them to start a hero economy company together?"

"Hehe, do you know what qualifications are needed to open a hero agency? You have something in your mouth! Don't you men take things for granted? You only think with your lower body, and you can't use your brain when you send bullets?"

Because of some provocative remarks, the barrage began to spray each other.

This made Director Ge very painful, while the hat emperor was looking at the shrunk screen in the lower right corner with a focused face, hanging high up, it had nothing to do with him, anyway, this screen was cut by you, Director Ge.

Fortunately, in the live broadcast, Maotu clone spoke again.

"I'm only here to help you get out."

If it was just Lin Naixue and the others, they would have no ability to resist in front of Maotu's avatar, and Yang Xi even planned to forcefully take them to the refuge without saying a word.

After all, he has been together day and night for a while, and he is afraid of revealing his secrets. If Lin Naixue and others catch him playing women's clothing...

Yang Xi found it difficult to think about it!

But Qingluan is also a B-level hero no matter what, Yang Xi didn't want to conflict with her, so he explained.

Who would have thought that this heroine would not give face at all.

"We don't need your assistance. If there is nothing else, please leave."

The atmosphere in the air became subtle, Maotu's avatar glanced at the miserable Yandie, and knew that the breakthrough was on her.

087 "Deadly" Moonlight

The Maotu avatar can directly use the Holy Light on Yandie. After all, she had a relationship with the deity once, and the Maotu avatar thinks it should be given this opportunity for treatment.

But I was afraid that Qinglan would think that the holy light sent by Yang Xi was a harmful skill, and she stepped forward to block it for Yandie, wouldn't that be a waste of a healing opportunity?

Although A-level Heart of Light has the opportunity to use the Holy Light to heal six times, but now it is in battle, Lin Naixue and others plus Yandie have five times, and the deity has to keep one as a spare.

Maotu's avatar decided, let's get rid of this B-level heroine first...

However, the magical powers of Brightheart have been exposed on the hero live broadcast, so the Maotu avatar has to think of an inconspicuous way to use the power,

The voice of Snow Maiden came from my mind, "You can play it with my snowflakes, master."

Use the snow girl's ability to cover the holy light?

This is a good choice. From another point of view, Shengguang will also modify the abilities of the snow girl, so the two abilities that appeared in the hero live broadcast will all be changed.

It is indeed a deliberate choice for the deity to equip each zodiac series vest with two abilities.

Maotu clone's cold female voice sounded: "Is there nothing to discuss?"

Qing Lan motioned for everyone to back off, and the supernatural person really didn't want to see him.

She glanced at the dying Yan Die, although she was uncertain, she mustered up the courage to face Maotu.

"I won't let you near them!"

In the live broadcast room, the hat king saw that Baomei and Soul Eater were fighting back and forth on the frontal battlefield, and after the expression on Baomei's face gradually "smirked", a hanging heart was relieved.

"Director Ge, do you think what this Maotu said is true?"

Director Ge shook his head, this kind of words can't be answered randomly.

Judging from Youji's behavior, the members of this organization are both good and evil, and they cannot be arbitrarily regarded as enemies, but they cannot be completely believed that Qing Lan's actions are only out of safety considerations.

But... will you be this Maotu's opponent?Qing Lan.

A worried expression appeared on Director Ge's face. He was not optimistic that Qinglan could defeat Maotu.

Maotu clone shook his head, "I'm really here to help you, since you don't believe me, then I can only prove myself with actions."

Let's beat you down first!

Maotu's avatar flicked, and a snow tornado reached B-level power under the boost of the magical "amplification".

This snowflake tornado looks completely different from before, with a touch of sacredness, and the snow girl specially made the snowflakes into the form of "moonlight feathers".

It seems to be more accurate to describe it as a moonlight tornado.

Without hesitation, Qing Lan condensed a blue whirlwind.

The two whirlwinds collided together, the moonlight feathers blended with the blue whirlwind, which was far more gorgeous than the frontal battlefield in terms of appearance.

With a bang, the two tornadoes counteracted each other, and the moonlight feathers all over the sky hit the broken reinforced concrete... and gradually melted.

One blow fails, and the Maotu avatar immediately tries the next blow.

A crescent-like sword glow descended from the sky.

In the process of using the ability, Utu's avatar found that he could change the color and form of the Judgment Sword at will.

In Shazhou City, Priest Bright's Sword of Judgment is in the shape of a European two-handed epee, which is just his personal aesthetic.

In order to get closer to the theme of "moon", Yang Xi shaped the shape of the Sword of Judgment into a crescent moon. Ahem, there is also a suggestion from the snow girl Ling Nai.

"Master, my aesthetics is not bad."

Seeing the beautiful Crescent Sword of Judgment, Xuenv happily asked for credit.

The fully concentrated Maotu avatar did not respond to Xuenv's coquettishness, and controlled the sword of judgment to slash towards Qinglan.

Unlike Priest Guangming who wanted Yang Xi to die, Maotu clone didn't want to kill Qing Lan, he just wanted to force this woman away.

The hairs on Qing Lan's whole body stood on her head, and she felt that she was locked.

This crescent-like blade light gave her the feeling that she could not avoid it.

In desperation, Qinglan had no choice but to use all her strength to evade the whirlwind at the moment when the crescent moon fell.

Now, she left from Yandie's side.

Seeing the opportunity, Maotu's avatar no longer controls the Sword of Crescent Judgment, and a magic-modified Holy Light Healer hits Yandie accurately!

This scene made Qing Lan and everyone in the live broadcast room tear up their eyes.

They really didn't expect that Maotu would do something to a seriously injured and dying person like Yandie.

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded instantly.

"I really didn't expect this woman's mind to be so vicious. Yan Die has no fighting power and wants to do such a vicious trick?"

"The so-called appearance is born from the heart, I think this woman must have an ugly face under the mask!"

"Who will save my cute Yandie..."

Mao Huang and Director Ge also frowned and said nothing.

Just when everyone thought that Yandie was about to die, a slender figure rushed towards the moonlight-like attack recklessly.

"Moonlight Healing" hit Lin Naixue's body accurately, and a warmth rushed from her "wound" to all limbs.

She thought she was going to die soon, and her heart was full of reluctance for the world...

"Yuanyuan... take good care of your elder brother Yang Xi for me!"

Pan Yuanyuan pointed at herself in shock, "Ah? Me? Brother Yang Xi?"

I've seen someone who left her alone on her deathbed, but never seen someone who left her boyfriend on her deathbed... and she was also a prospective boyfriend.

This made Pan Yuanyuan agree, but not agreeing.

Yang Xi, wearing gold-rimmed glasses and smiling kindly, appeared in her mind.

...It seems that agreeing to it is also a good choice.

No, no, no, no!

Pan Yuanyuan!

what are you thinking about?

Friend's wife, uh... prospective boyfriend, you're welcome, bah, don't be bullied, how can you have such thoughts about Brother Yang Xi.

After getting rid of the random thoughts in her mind, Pan Yuanyuan cried loudly: "Sister Naixue, I don't want it! I want you to live!!!"

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