She desperately stepped forward to hug Lin Naixue, just wanting to comfort the good sisters who "sacrificed heroically" to save the heroine with a hug at the end.

In the live broadcast room, the lacrimal glands of the hat emperor collapsed again, he took off his glasses, wiped away his tears with his hands and said: "My God, our heroic citizen used her young life to block the fatal blow for Yan Die!"

"Hearing her last words before she died, it seems that there is still a relationship she can't let go... The choice between love and justice is really touching!"

The hat emperor stood up and shouted: "Water friends? Isn't this poignant story worth a big rocket!"

"Let us always remember this ordinary person who saved the hero! She is also a hero!"

The bullet screen is full of "crying" expressions, and the big rocket shoots again and again like it doesn't want money.

The water friends were all moved by Lin Naixue's spirit of self-sacrifice.

But Lin Naixue, whom they thought was a heroic sacrifice, opened one eye in Pan Yuanyuan's arms.

I... I don't seem to be dead!

And... what the hell is this lively feeling!

Lin Naixue blinked her eyes, and began to think about the serious question of whether she should "come back to life".

088 If you face us directly, you will be a brave man

Lin Naixue took Pan Yuanyuan's hand, and said with a little embarrassment, "That... Yuanyuan, I seem to be fine."

She stretched out her arm to show Pan Yuanyuan. Although the clothes were tattered, the arm inside was white and tender, with no scars visible.

Pan Yuanyuan: "???"

never mind?

So Nayuki sister, what you just said doesn't count...

"The moonlight just now was to heal Yandie's injury..."

Lin Naixue patted her butt and stood up. She should be in the best condition among all the people present at the moment.

Qing Lan who just arrived was also stunned, so she has been obstructing others from curing Yan Die?

This mysterious man really came to help them.

Regret and self-blame spread in her heart, which was really uncomfortable.

The Maotu avatar floating in the air said: "Didn't I lie to you?"

Although the first holy light cure was given to Lin Naixue by mistake, the Maotu avatar was originally going to treat her, but the order was changed.

Hero Live.

After seeing Lin Naixue jumping around and standing up, Director Ge and Mao Huang looked at each other in silence... It seems that there was an oolong just now!

The barrage also went blank for a while, and the public opinion changed, and the screen was full of sorry.

"I just said that you chicken boss and the others are good people, how could this Maotu do such a bad thing?"

"Where did the people who scolded you so much just now go? Are you the kind of people who judge the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain?"

"I said we are rabbits, how can we be so bad-hearted..."

At the same time, inside a well-decorated cafe.

"Sir, here's your iced Americano."

"Thank you."

A pair of slender hands took the coffee, and a top hat was placed on the other side of the coffee table.

The shirt inside the man's suit was buttoned to the top button, and the blue striped tie, silver brooch and burgundy handkerchief all showed the man's taste.

"The power of the healing department? It seems that the effect is similar to that of that unlucky Priest of Light."

"So the ruling against the saints is not a ridiculous 'punish the evil and promote the good', but is targeting his ability?"

"The ability factor... Is there some kind of connection between the ability medicines?"

The man took a sip of coffee, and the bitter taste spread in his mouth.

He felt that his side already had the upper hand in the intelligence duel with the ruling.

"Things got really interesting."

Although his tone was very relaxed, his hand holding the cup trembled slightly, which showed that his heart was far more calm than he showed.

After all, this is an organization with the technology to make "supernatural potions".


Director Ge sighed, "This ability to instantly heal injuries is particularly valuable, and may only be used once a day."

Qing Lan also thinks the same way, she may... personally destroy Yan Die's chance of being rescued.

The heroine takes it all on herself, she misleads it all.

No one can make irresponsible remarks about the courage of that girl who dared to block Yandie's fatal blow with her own life.

Qing Lan took a deep breath, and she had to bear the responsibility for the mistakes she made.

Even if she tried her best not to have this face today, she still asked Maotu to save Yandie one more time.

She walked to the edge of the building, pinching the skirt of the cheongsam tightly with her hands, her lips trembling, and she was about to say those words of prayer...

But Mao Tu had already passed her, came to Yan Die's side, and hit her with a beam of moonlight healing.

Bathed in the moonlight, Yandie quickly recovered from her injuries, the horrible wounds on her face gradually decreased, pink and tender granulation grew, and new skin appeared. In just a short while, she became that pure and lovely Yandie again.

It's just that the clothes on his body are tattered, revealing a lot of spring.

Lin Naixue stood beside Maotu's avatar very nervously. This was the first time she stood close to an A-level powerhouse.

And she also took advantage of others.

But for some reason, this bunny gave her a very strange feeling... She had never seen it before, but it made her heart beat faster, just like when she was dating Yang Xi.

She hastily covered Yandie's spring light with the coat in her hand, and then patted her hot little face.

Lin Naixue, Lin Naixue, you like boys!

She clutched her chest, trying to slow down her heartbeat.

Pan Yuanyuan said with a concerned expression, "Sister Naixue, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Naixue blushed, "It's okay, it may be the effect of Master Maotu's ability."

Maotu's avatar gave Lin Naixue a strange look, thinking that this girl would not recognize me, but I have even changed my gender in a disguise.

Afraid of being exposed, the Maotu avatar hurriedly shot two moonlights to heal Ding Lan and Pan Yuanyuan, and was about to withdraw in a hurry.

Seeing that Mao Tu had treated the skin injuries of the other two citizens, Qing Lan realized that she had miscalculated their strength.

Perhaps this ability to heal people instantly is as simple as breathing for them.

Instructor Ge in the live broadcast room coughed a few times, "Well...Maotu is Youji's teammate after all, and it's not surprising that she has such a strong healing ability. Maybe she usually treats A-level powerhouses. Butterfly and the townspeople are just a piece of cake."

Fortunately, Director Ge was in a hurry and made a wise decision, but he also secretly swore in his heart that he would blow up his evaluation of the strength of Youji and others in the future.

He finally understood that everyone in this organization was a pervert.

When Maotu's avatar passed by Qinglan, he found that the heroine's mentality seemed to have collapsed.

Mature women are also favorites, and Maotu's avatar can't bear such a good-looking big sister to fall into self-doubt.

This must be done in waves!

How can I say that they just wanted to protect Yandie and Lin Naixue, right?

Maotu clone patted the mature sister's smooth shoulder, "There is nothing wrong with being cautious."

Maotu's avatar drove away on the moonlight feather, leaving only one sentence, "Besides, being able to face us directly shows your courage."

From the corner of the eye, I saw the heroine's pretty face lifted up again, and her unpredictable eyes.

Maotu's avatar found that his women's vest seemed to be more fierce than the real deity when he was soaked in girls.

"Stupid woman, you really let your guard down against the same sex."


On the frontal battlefield, Yang Xi took a look at Maotu's avatar who had just returned. He always felt that this avatar with more than ten minutes left was a bit indescribably awkward.

But he didn't bother to ask, after the clone's duration was over, his memory would come back, and he would naturally know the cause and effect.

Turning his attention back to the frontal battlefield, the battle between Explosive Fist Girl and Soul Eater has reached a fierce stage.

If there is no accident, there should be no need for him to take action.

089 The Will-o'-the-wisp

In the yellow Porsche 911, Liu Yuan drank succulent grapes and watched the live broadcast of Hero.

Ever since he almost lost his life in the seaside road, Liu Yuan has set a rule for himself: before becoming a B-level superhuman, he will never get involved in the alien beast invasion.

Although he likes to pretend to be aggressive, he doesn't want to show off this kind of one-time limelight, his life is important.

Seeing "Qian Ying" where Maotu Shi Shiran left, Liu Yuan felt a commotion in his heart, and once again felt that Internet celebrities, female anchors, young models and so on were boring.

"Our adjudication organization actually has such an iceberg fairy sister. When we meet up, I have to ask my godfather if he has her contact information."

The scout bee recorded this scene in its entirety and sent it back to the mechanical war hero.

After ignoring his son's brother Zhu's face, the mechanical war hero began to ponder the information in Liu Yuan's words.

"Ruling? Is it the name of this organization? This brat actually adopted Youji as his godfather? It seems that he should be about the same age as me."

The image of a middle-aged man with a relaxed expression but a little haughty brow was outlined in the mind of the mechanical war hero.

"Ah Yuan's ability should be inseparable from this organization, could it be..."

The mechanical war hero's heart began to heat up. For a person of his status, if he could obtain another supernatural power, it would definitely be an irresistible temptation.


Yang Xi wasn't just standing here, at least he used metal abilities to help strengthen the battlefield.

Compared with the buildings on the site before they were destroyed, they are like skeletons to humans, with more steel structures remaining.

The asphalt road has completely disappeared, leaving only bare dirt. The originally straight Mingyue Avenue is filled with small basins that are sunken downwards.

Hot and Sour Superman was only assisting Blast Boxer in the attack, and the injuries on his body were already particularly miserable. The upper body was basically in a state of "exploding clothes", showing strong muscles.

At the moment he was panting aside at triple power.

On the contrary, Burst Fist Girl is in much better condition than him. Although her face is gray and her physical strength has been exhausted, the fighting spirit in her eyes is getting stronger.

The worst thing should be this Soul Eater. As an A-level beast, it even had its tail broken, one of its claws was broken off, its eyes were so swollen that it couldn't be opened, and the sharp teeth in its mouth were broken and fell out. What a miserable loss.

Blast Boxer said: "Hey, the big mouse is really resistant to beating, but I'm a little tired, so I need to get rid of you immediately."

The Soul Eater flicked its tail, plowed a deep mark on the ground, and "squeaked" a few times angrily.

"The other A-level heroes will arrive soon, so let's be steady!"

Hot and Sour Powder Superman persuaded.

But Explosive Boxing Girl didn't think so. She finally had such a big sandbag, and she didn't want to share it with others.

Get rid of this big rat before those old friends arrive!

I didn't see how she was gaining momentum, and with a "whoosh", the figure of Explosive Boxing Girl disappeared in place.

Seeing this, Hot and Sour Powder Superman had to transform with five times the power to keep up, "This girl is really getting more and more conceited!"

He felt a little sad in his heart. When Blast Boxer was a hero trainee, he was a B-level hero, but she had already become an A-level hero, and he was still a B-level hero.

If he hadn't used the blue pill and met the leader again, I'm afraid he would be the same as Qing Lan now, and could only be a spectator by the side.

A black shadow flashed, and the Explosive Fist appeared next to the Soul Eater's head, and punched it hard!

The Soul Eater has learned its lesson this time, instead of blocking it with its claws, it tilted its head and tried to avoid it.

But the fist wind still tore a wound on its face.

The damage of this fist style alone has surpassed the full blow of Hot and Sour Powder Superman.


The ferocity of the Soul Eater was aroused, and its extremely hard tail drew a black lightning in the air.


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