The tail pierced through the building like tofu, but Explosive Fist stood firmly on it.

The 1.7-meter-long girl showed a "grinning smile", "I'm used to your speed."

She reached down with her hand, and even pulled the soul-devouring mouse by its tail and threw the mouse out.

The Soul Eater was smashed to the ground, and its tongue was almost bitten off.

The commentary in the live broadcast room and the audience were very enjoyable to watch, and the gift brushing was a joy.

"Oh my god, such a huge beast must be hundreds of tons at least. Is Baomei so fierce now!"

"Shibie will look at you with admiration for three days, Baomei is still practicing hard during these days."

"What to do, what to do! Compared to my idol, I feel like a piece of shit."


Soul Eater Rat tremblingly supported its body, its aura changed.

"Sister Explosive, retreat for a while, I feel that the Soul Eater is about to go berserk."

Hot and Sour Powder Superman sounded a reminder.

Explosive Boxer frowned, turned around and landed beside him

The Alien Beast Illustrated Book of Azure Star was collected by the Hero Association, but the early precious documents were destroyed by unknown forces, and a large number of confidential images disappeared.

The information of many strange beasts is often only a brief introduction, and no one knows the specific abilities.

This is not unrelated to the previous confidentiality system of alien beast information. In order to avoid this situation from happening again, the Heroes Association will make great efforts to conduct live broadcasts of heroes.

Unexpectedly, in the end, this actually became the main source of funding for the Heroes Association.

Moreover, there are many different kinds of beasts of the same species that will have different abilities in battle. For these unexpected situations, it is up to the hero to play on the spot.

I saw the Soul Eater suddenly screamed, this kind of sound was different from the previous one.

Rather than saying that the vibration of the air transmits the sound, it is better to say that its medium is spiritual force.

In Yang Xi's perception, the mental power of this strange beast spread like a wave towards the surroundings.

Yang Xi was puzzled, "What is it doing?"

But soon, there was an answer to this question. Under this special cry, clusters of will-o'-the-wisps rose from the wreckage of the surrounding buildings!

"This... is this the soul of the victim?"

"Soul-devouring rats can actually devour souls!"

In the eyes of ordinary people, these look like dark green phosphorous fires, but in Yang Xi's eyes, he can see the twisted and painful faces of human beings inside.

The will-o'-the-wisp was sucked into the mouth of the Soul Eater, and its injuries gradually recovered, and its aura returned to its full strength.


The Soul Eater's eyes turned red. It was obvious that devouring the soul of another creature could restore its injury, but it would also affect its soul.

Although Yang Xi didn't know why the power of the soul could be applied to the body, there was no doubt that the Soul Eater with this ability could not be defeated by Blast Boxer alone.

Although she had the upper hand in the previous battle, she also consumed a lot of energy.

Facing the Soul Eater in its prime, even though Ji Explosion Fist's eyes still refused to admit defeat, she felt uneasy in her heart.

For the first time, she lost control of the situation.

090 Finale appearance

The hat emperor wiped off his cold sweat, and said, "After Soul Eater's injury recovers, will Bomei choose a more secure strategy? Where are the supporting heroes?"

The staff handed over the small note. When the hat emperor saw it, his expression suddenly collapsed, "The car of the prodigal son swordsman was blocked again!!! Should the traffic bureau of Lukang City reflect on it? Why is the prodigal son swordsman blocked every time? on the way?"

"What are you talking about!" Director Ge pulled the hat emperor, and his tone was a little anxious. The boy hat emperor has become dangerous because of the explosive fist girl, and even dared to spray the official, "cough cough, we have to trust the comrades in the traffic bureau, They must be working hard to coordinate traffic and try to get the prodigal swordsman to arrive at the scene earlier."

"Everyone, don't worry. With Explosive Boxing Girl and Hot and Sour Fan Superman, I will definitely be able to last until the prodigal swordsman arrives."

"At that time, the three A-level heroes will work together to solve this crisis!"

For the purpose of boosting morale, Director Ge reluctantly classified Hot and Sour Powder Superman into the ranks of A-level.

In the barrage, the water friends couldn't help complaining:

"I'm really drunk. Can't Kunlun Company equip the prodigal swordsman with a flying machine? Didn't the magic dragon have one last time?"

"That's the equipment of a mechanical hero. Do you think every hero can be so brave? If you have the ability, send a few more big rockets to build a flying machine for the prodigal swordsman!"

"There is one thing to say. The traffic in Lukang City is really bad. Who did the urban planning at the beginning?"


Hot and Sour Fan Superman panted slightly, "The support won't arrive for a while, and we will focus on containment later, and the surrounding residents will be handed over to Qing Lan and Yan Die to organize the evacuation."

Explosive Fist Ji licked the little tiger's teeth, "This big mouse actually has the ability to recover."

At the same time, she looked at Hot and Sour Superman a little strangely, "Big man, have you become so persistent now?"

Hot and Sour Powder Superman gave Explosive Fist an angry look, and rushed out with five times the power, "I've always been this long!"

"Cut", Explosive Fist Ji wiped off the ashes on her face, and her figure disappeared in place, "No drafts for lying!"

The Soul Eater's attack was obviously more violent than before. The sound wave circle and the tail continuously attacked the two heroes alternately.

The ground continued to crack, and tall buildings began to collapse—Yang Xi had already torn away the power.


Explosive Fist kicked the Soul Eater into an apartment. The huge body of the Soul Eater was like a cannonball. It smashed the apartment building tens of meters high, and the wreckage of the building kept falling, burying it. stand up.

"Hu... hu... hu!"

Baomei was panting violently, and her clenched fingers trembled when she let go.

Hot and Sour Superman appeared behind her, supported her with his hands, looked at the pile of rubble that buried the beast, and murmured: "This time it should be defeated..."


The ear-piercing sound seemed to ring in the ears, and several will-o'-the-wisps rose around the battlefield again, flying towards the direction where the Soul-Eating Rat was buried.

Qing Lan and Yan Die, who were rushing behind, used their attacks to interfere with the will-o'-the-wisps, but the two elemental attacks of the whirlwind and the flame butterfly went straight through the will-o'-the-wisps.

The will-o'-the-wisp submerged in the rubble, and a few seconds later, a soul-eating mouse that had recovered to its original state but became even more confused fought.


It beat the ground angrily, as if it was suffering some kind of pain.

Immediately, its scarlet eyes stared at Explosive Boxing Girl, opened its mouth, and spit out several sonic circles in succession.

Hot and Sour Superman hurriedly hugged the hot girl to dodge, this series of sound wave circles almost fell behind them, and the nearest sound wave circle exploded only one meter away from Hot and Sour Superman's heels!

The impact of the explosion blows the two heroes into the air. In the midst of the loss of balance, Superman adjusts his posture, uses himself as a meat pad for the explosive girl, and finally smashes hard on the ground.


A mouthful of blood gushed out, flowing down the corner of Hot and Sour Rice Noodles Superman's mouth.

In the live broadcast room, the two commentators and the audience tightened their hearts, and they didn't even dare to breathe loudly.

"Who will help them!"

"Damn it! Hold on... Explosive girl!"

"Come on, heroes!"

After the first barrage of cheering was generated, the entire screen was filled with words of cheering for the heroes from the water friends.

They may be in front of the computer, in front of the mobile phone, or on the side of the road in front of the big screen, but at this moment, the beliefs of all audiences are connected together!

Cheer for the heroes, and cheer for the compatriots fighting against the invasion of alien beasts!

Qing Lan and Yan Die landed beside them, looked at each other, picked up a hero each and were about to take off.

But Hot and Sour Pink Superman and Explosive Boxing Girl broke free from their hands at the same time.

Exploding Fist Girl supported her body with difficulty, and said: "I can't retreat, I must get rid of the strange beast here."

Hot and Sour Superman stretched out his hand in front of her, the breeze blew by, his messy bangs hit his face, and his eyes could not be seen, "You guys retreat, leave this place to me."

Yandie's heart moved, she thought of the one-eyed hunter's battle.

The explosive girl exploded like a cat whose tail was trampled on, she bared her teeth and said, "Are you kidding, I, the A-level hero, will be the one!"

But Yandie muttered in a low voice: "Maybe, we should listen to the hot and sour powder superman senior."

The other two heroines cast doubtful eyes on Yandie, when did this little girl trust Hot and Sour Fan Superman so much?

Could it be that you have seen too many heroes?Is the "Big Red Bull" hot and sour powder superman the one who wins the brand name tearing off in the end?

Hot and Sour Powder Superman smiled lightly, and stretched his hand into his pocket again...

At this moment, a magnetic male voice came from above: "Stupid!"

A metal gun about 30 meters long nailed the tail of the sneaking mouse to the ground.

It turned out that when several heroes were arguing, the enemy's attack had already touched them unknowingly.

Everyone looked up, only to see two mysterious men in black robes stepping on metal frisbees in the sky, as if a magic soldier descended from the sky.

Both of them wore masks made of platinum, one was Maotu and the other was Youji!


The hat emperor screamed excitedly, "At the most dangerous time, this super A-level supernatural being Youji, who had defeated two A-level heroes and helped humans repel alien beasts, unexpectedly appeared at the battle scene! "

"With him around, this Soul Eater will never be able to get out of the waves!"

Director Ge also breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from the actions of this Youji and the others, they should choose to help the hero resist the invasion of alien beasts.

It's just that as a former professional hero, he also has mixed feelings in his heart. When will he need to put his hope of repelling the beasts on the supernatural beings who are not heroes.

He laughed at himself, "Professional he still worthy of the title of hero?"

091 Soul Eater

The high-altitude wind made the corners of the black robe rattle. Yang Xi slowly stretched out his hand, and inserted several metal spears into the body of the Soul Eater. Its tough hair and skin couldn't handle Yang Xi's metal guns at all.

The metal gun pierced through it like a roast chicken.

Exploding Fist Girl was confused, and said, "He... what is he planning to do?"

Yandie shook her head obediently, while Qinglan stared at the Maotu clone beside Yang Xi, with strange waves in her beautiful eyes.

Hot and sour powder superman is a bit strange, the mark of the brow doll disappears in a flash.

Why...the two people in the sky gave him the same feeling, could it be...there are two masters?

Only Director Ge saw Yang Xi's purpose, he slapped the table in admiration, and said, "So that's it!"

This action startled the hat emperor next to him, "Director Ge, do you see the purpose of Youji?"

Director Ge nodded, took a sip of tea to moisturize his throat, "You Chicken is indeed a super A-level powerhouse, he is keenly aware of Soul Eater's weakness."

"If this A-level beast didn't have the ability to devour ghost fires to recover from its injuries, Blast Boxer could defeat it by herself."

"And with this ability, it is simply not something that one or two A-level heroes can solve."

"So the most important thing is to decipher the Soul Eater's ability to recover from injuries."

"Obviously, You Chicken has noticed this."

The hat emperor was a little confused, Director Ge said so much, it felt like he didn't say anything.

Seeing the expression of the hat emperor, Director Ge helplessly shook his head and spit out two words.


On the battlefield, Yang Xi turned his palm upwards, and the beast weighing hundreds of tons was carried into mid-air by the metals all over his body.


The Soul Eater yelled at Yang Xi viciously, and opened its mouth to emit several sound wave circles.

Yang Xi smiled faintly, and a metal wall rose in front of him.

The sonic circle hit the metal wall compressed by the S-level metal controller, leaving only slight traces.

At the same time, a metal gun penetrated the upper and lower lips of the Soul Eater, preventing it from launching the attack of the sonic circle.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Xi took the Soul Eater up to an altitude of hundreds of meters.

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