"Do you still want to hear it?" Alice frowned, and said, "This is the first time I've told others. I don't know how much I will say."

"Please continue," Li Xingshan said hastily, "Anyway, we still have one night."

"The elves are a very long-lived race, and the number of them is very small. I have seen death many times. The more times I see it, the more afraid I am. No matter how long the lifespan is, death is still in the world inevitable."

"So, I began to travel around the world, looking for a way to obtain eternal life. However, I found almost nothing, until one day, I went to the kingdom of Kanria, which was not yet destroyed at that time, and made a friend there."

"Her name is Reindotte, and she is a very powerful alchemist. I had some academic exchanges with her and asked her about the possibility of immortality."

"It's a pity that even such a great alchemist cannot make people live forever. However, she told me that the meaning of life lies in inheritance, not eternity. Life continues, which is another form of immortality. When you When you pass on your life, maybe you won't be obsessed with 'eternal life' anymore."

"But at that time, I came up with a very naive idea—even if I have a child, she will die one day. If she has no offspring, she still cannot achieve eternal life, right?"

"So, Reindotte told me a bold idea. At that time, she had a very important breakthrough in alchemy. By the way, you are also an alchemist. You should know the four stages of alchemy. ?”

Alice's sudden question interrupted the rhythm of the story, but as a master alchemist, Li Xingshan blurted out: "Of course, the four stages of alchemy are black soil, chalk, red...and gold. .”

Black soil is the beginning of everything, the source, and the raw material.

Chalk is the beginning of change, extracting impurities and retaining its essence.

Chicheng is to refine the essence and shape its shape.

Gold is the final stage. Turning the worthless black soil into valuable gold is the miracle of alchemy.

It is worth mentioning that although granulated sugar has been researching bioalchemy, it has made quite a lot of achievements.

However, her research is still at the "black soil" stage. Even though she can "create" some life forms, these life forms have huge defects, that is, they cannot grow or reproduce, and life is extremely difficult. short.

"Different from alchemy in other countries, Kanria's alchemy does not focus on dead things, but on living things, that is, biological alchemy," Alice nodded and said:

"At that time, in the field of bioalchemy, Reindotte had broken through the black earth stage and reached the chalk stage. She used the only precious materials to create two 'eggs', and when refining one of them, injected in my genes."

Li Xingshan seemed to understand, and murmured: "That egg...could it be your daughter?"

"That's right, that's why, I obviously have offspring, but I still..." At this point, Alice showed another embarrassing expression on her face, and changed the subject:

"However, it takes a long time to hatch this egg, so I took this egg with me and traveled with me throughout the entire Tivat continent."

"This egg has also become my only support in the 500-year journey. Every heartbeat and leap of it makes me extremely happy. I began to understand the meaning of Reindotter's words. She is the lifeblood of my life." Continuation is more precious than eternal life."

"It wasn't until 12 years ago that she finally hatched from the egg. Although she was just born at that time, for me, we have been mother and daughter for a full 500 years."

"At that time, I was ready to give up being an adventurer and concentrate on being with my daughter, but there was one thing I had to do, so I temporarily left her in the Knights of the West Wind, but what I didn't expect yes……"

Speaking of this, tears appeared in Alice's eyes again.

And Li Xingshan finally understood the whole story.

It turned out that Keli's identity was actually an alchemy creature that broke through the chalk stage.

This is also why, she can grow up healthily, and even get the eye of God, because the alchemy creature at this stage is already considered "life" in the true sense.

"I can understand this kind of pain," Li Xingshan said in a low voice. "Whether it's 500 years or five years, losing a loved one is an unbearable pain in life."

"Don't be sad for me, I will leave this mother's love that I didn't have time to give to Ke Li." Alice held Li Xingshan's hands tightly, and said with excitement: "After we get married, I will definitely become a mother. Good mother!"

Alice's excited expression immediately brought Li Xingshan back to reality from the emotion just now.

He almost forgot that the reason Alice was able to bear herself was all to "get" Keli.

"I'm very touched by what you said, but..." Li Xingshan said in a serious voice, "Ke Li, I'm not a substitute for your daughter."

"I...I know!" Alice also seemed to realize that she had lost her composure, and quickly explained: "Please don't get me wrong, I want to marry you, definitely not because of Keli, but because... I really, really like you you!"

Volume Two: A Girl's Precarious Killing Intent: 238 Alice, how would you rate your skills?

There is one thing to say, Alice's acting skills are really bad, her dodging eyes and the sweat on her forehead undoubtedly exposed her guilty conscience.

But so what?

After all, he is a "liar" just like her.

"I've fully understood about you," Li Xingshan stood up and said while putting on his clothes, "Anyway, you should take a good rest first, I'm leaving first."

"Wait...wait a minute..." Alice suddenly asked nervously, "About our marriage..."

This guy, wouldn't he want to deny it when he lifted his pants?

"As I said before, the reason why we have to try it in advance is to see if we are in harmony in that respect." Li Xingshan turned around, with a somewhat disappointed expression on his face, and said, "If the total score is one hundred In terms of points, how would you rate yourself for your performance just now?"

How to rate this kind of thing!

And, still rate yourself!

"That..." Alice pointed her two index fingers together, and asked tentatively, "Eight...about eighty?"

How dare you say it...

"Five minutes past 23," Li Xingshan shook his head and said, "No more."

"Why is there a decimal point?" Alice, who was hit hard, was a little crazy for a moment: "Also, how did you get this score? Could it be you who said it casually?"

"I have a very strict scoring standard." Li Xingshan stretched out a finger and said, "Do you want to hear it? The first assessment item is mouth..."

"No...don't go into details!" Alice quickly stopped her, with a very ugly expression on her face: "So, am I not qualified?"

Li Xingshan's words undoubtedly dealt a severe blow to Alice's self-esteem. She thought that with her appearance and figure, she could easily surrender to this man.

Unexpectedly, he actually had a "higher" pursuit.

As for Li Xingshan, seeing Alice's expression at this time, he felt a sense of relief in his heart.

Sure enough, white tickets are cool for a while, and white tickets are always cool.

What could be more satisfying than seeing your enemy deflated?

Of course, this was just Li Xingshan's whim, and he wanted to tease Alice. Compared to his real revenge plan, this was just a foretaste.

"As for the wedding, how about holding it in a week's time?" Li Xingshan said indifferently: "The location, let's choose the West Wind Cathedral."


Alice didn't seem to react for a while, and murmured: "Did you promise...to marry me?"

"Although that aspect is indeed unqualified, but..." Li Xingshan forced himself to show a gentle smile: "Ke Li, she seems to like you very much."

"Thank...thank you!" Alice laughed through her tears immediately: "I will definitely be a good mother! Keli...hehe...my Keli..."

Don't even plan to dress up?

It doesn't matter, Alice, give Keli all your maternal love, the deeper your love, the more painful it will be when the dream is shattered!


When he returned to the alchemy workshop, Granose hadn't left yet, and was clearing the goods on the shelves.

"Welcome back," Grano asked while continuing to work, "How was the result?"

"Very well." Li Xingshan hesitated for a moment, but still replied truthfully: "The wedding will be held in a week."


As soon as the words were finished, a medicine bottle suddenly slipped from the palm of the sugar, and the crimson liquid medicine sprayed out instantly, exuding a strange fragrance.

"San Tang?" Li Xingshan frowned slightly and said, "Are you alright?"

To be honest, the relationship between him and Granose is very delicate.Not to mention anything else, just spending ten years of youth in this alchemy workshop can somewhat tell her attitude towards Li Xingshan.

But now, Li Xingshan actually turned around and announced his marriage to Alice, whom he had only met a few times, more or less a scumbag.

"I'm fine." Granu quickly leaned over, trying to clean up, but accidentally cut his finger on the broken glass.

Granose has always been very cautious and reliable in doing things, and she made two mistakes in just ten seconds. If she said that she had nothing on her mind, no ghost would believe it.

Li Xingshan took out a spare band-aid, carefully held up the hand of the sugar, and while sticking to the wound, he whispered: "This is just a part of the revenge plan. After destroying Alice, we will leave together." Mond."

"That's what you said before." Sa Tang looked at the blood on her finger and said calmly, "You originally wanted to use Keli as a tool for revenge, but now, are you still determined?"

Li Xingshan didn't know how to answer this spiritual question for a while.

It is true that Li Xingshan's selfishness was involved in changing the "revenge plan", and he could no longer make up his mind to let Keli fight Alice.

He himself understands that Keli can't win this battle, and Li Xingshan can't use Keli's death as the price of revenge.

That's why Li Xingshan chose another path.

"No, Alice is different from Keli." Li Xingshan patted his palm on the shoulder of the sugar, and comforted him: "Alice is my enemy, and I absolutely... can't be ruthless."

"Anyway, go and rest first." Li Xingshan took the rag, intending to wipe off the potion on the ground, and asked casually, "By the way, what kind of potion is this, why haven't I seen it before?"

"It's the essence of the slime solution I just extracted," Sasuke said blankly, "It's very soluble to skin and muscles."

"Such a dangerous thing should be placed where Keli can't touch it." Li Xingshan said with a helpless smile: "Leave it to me to clean up here."

Granu didn't speak, but silently looked at the back of her hand, a drop of purple potion slipped down her smooth skin.


【Entering text mode】

【You told Ke Li that you were going to marry Alice. You thought she would be very happy. After all, she seems to like Alice very much】

【However, the little guy is frowning and asked you a question that is difficult to answer: "Father, if Keli has a new mother, will the mother in the sky be unhappy if she finds out?"]

【You can't tell Keli that Alice is her real mother, you can only comfort her and say: "Mom will understand us, and mother also hopes that Keli can be happy."]

【"But what about the plan to avenge my mother and defeat the evil devil king?" Keli suddenly remembered something, and asked a little excitedly: "The story of "The Brave Keli Fights the Devil", isn't it... not over yet?" 】

Volume 239 A Girl's Precarious Killing Intent: [-] A Strange Family

【"It's over." You patted Keli's head and said, "Father will find a way, use another way, to defeat the Great Demon King."】

[Actually, Keli is already 12 years old, and she already knows that what she did may not be a plan to "defeat the devil", but a real criminal act]

[However, since she was a child, "The Brave Keli Fights the Demon King" has always been Keli's spiritual support, but now it is forced to end in this way, which naturally makes her unacceptable for a while]

【It's rare for you to see a lonely expression on Keli's face, but you know in your heart that it's too risky to continue criminal activities after marrying Alice】

【Although Keli is very naughty, she is a considerate child. She did not resist you marrying Alice, but she was still very disappointed and went back to the room silently】

【One week later, the wedding ceremony was held in the West Wind Cathedral as scheduled, and the head of Qin was the witness. She is a mutual friend of you and Alice. Watching her pick up the speech with a synthetic palm that is not very proficient, and sincerely When I blessed you all, you felt a little guilty towards this woman for the first time]

[To your surprise, there were not too few guests attending the wedding, guests from the alchemy workshop, the surrounding neighbors, members of the West Wind Knights, school children and parents]

[In order to avoid suspicion, you did not invite Keli to attend the wedding, but asked Granu to take care of her]

[The wedding went very smoothly. When exchanging rings, looking at Alice in the wedding dress in front of you, your consciousness seemed to be in a trance, as if you were back, you and Virginia, in the small church in the village , the simple and warm wedding held]

[Qin read the marriage testimony loudly: "Are you willing to become one with her in front of Fengshen, love him, comfort him, respect him, protect him, just like you love yourself. Whether he is sick or healthy, rich or Poor, always loyal to him, until you leave the world?"]

[I don't know why, the three words "I am willing" are like hard fishbone, stuck in your throat, and you can't say them all the time, as if saying these three words is a betrayal of your dead wife]

[At this moment, there was a violent explosion not far away, and the entire church shook, and the wedding scene immediately became chaotic]

[But you are the most surprised, because you are very familiar with the sound of the explosion—it's very similar to the bomb used by Keli when she committed a crime]

[Could it be that she took advantage of the wedding to commit crimes alone? 】

[You and your colleagues in the West Wind Knights quickly evacuated the personnel. As the chief alchemist of the West Wind Knights, you must join the work of investigating the scene, and this wedding had to be interrupted]

[You quickly arrived at the scene with the Knights of the West Wind, and the one that was blown up was the statue of Barbatos, the God of Wind in front of the Cathedral of the West Wind. In addition to the damage of about 40.00%, it also caused more than 20 casualties nearby]

[You immediately carry out inspection work and analyze the explosives from the residue at the scene, but at this moment, Qin tells you that they have found the suspect's body, and the cause of death may be that they miscalculated the scope of the explosion and caused their own It was also affected, half of the body was directly blown to pieces]

[At that moment, you just felt that your brain went blank for a while, and you almost fainted. Your reaction shocked Captain Qin, and told you that the suspect's corpse is too terrifying, so you don't need to go to see it]

[But you still insisted on going to check. With the support of Captain Qin, you saw a half-dilapidated corpse. It was the corpse of an adult male! 】

【Seeing this half corpse, you finally breathed a sigh of relief, and even couldn't help showing a smile on your face. Captain Qin asked you why you laughed, and you immediately made up a reason—the evil sun, finally caught! 】

[However, Qin still quickly poured "cold water" on you. She clearly remembered that the real identity of "Evil Sun" was a girl.This man cannot be the evil sun, and this bombing is probably just a copycat crime]

[This wedding ended hastily in this way, and you and Alice did not plan to hold it again, and Alice, very understandingly, did not continue to ask you about your answer to the marriage testimony .Of course, you think, she might not care at all]

[37 years old: You have a very "strange" family.The husband pretends to love his wife when he actually sees her as a loathsome enemy.A wife pretends to love her husband, but in fact she only loves her husband's daughter]

[The daughter thought that she had a happy family again.Although, the word "again" is not accurate, because she has never received any maternal love since she was born]

【Your task is very simple, you don't have to commit crimes, and you don't have to think about how to defeat a powerful monster-like woman like Alice]

[All you need to do is to play the role of a perfect husband and let Alice experience the happiness of a family—of course, the main thing is the happiness of being a mother]

[There is no doubt that Alice is a competent mother. Her attitude towards Keli is not only doting, but also adhering to the correct education policy. If there is a fly in the ointment, it is that her cooking skills have not improved at all. 】

[And for you, the only troublesome thing is probably to show your love for your enemies all the time, yes, you have to show your love and fascination for Alice so that she won't doubt you]

[This stupid woman actually really thought that you couldn't help falling in love with her, and even deliberately practiced that level for you]

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