[But you have to admit, maybe apart from cooking, this elf learns any knowledge surprisingly quickly. She even prepared a notebook to record your ratings on her after each session and analyze the scoring criteria]

[Soon, her score went from 23 points, singing all the way, and quickly reached the passing line.Seventy points, 83 points, 91 points, 120 eight points...]

[That's right, this damn woman quickly developed from being ignorant and ignorant to being dissatisfied with her needs.After all, in terms of human age, Alice is now at the age of hunger and thirst]

[The person who is most dissatisfied with this matter is probably Granu. She has complained to you more than once that the recently collected genes are becoming more and more diluted, which cannot meet the needs of alchemy experiments]

To celebrate, today is four more, after finishing writing, send

Volume 240: A Girl's Precarious Killing Intent: [-] Alice's Painful Choice (Fourth Update)

[However, there is one more thing that you have to pay attention to]

[The bombing case that broke out at your wedding last year was later confirmed to be a copycat crime. The perpetrator was not the long-wanted "Evil Sun", but an unidentified man]

【You thought it was just a coincidence, but you didn't expect it to be the beginning of a series of events】

[Because you stopped Keli's crime plan and put the adventure book of "The Brave Kelidu Demon King" on the shelf, so the "evil sun" seems to have evaporated from the world]

[Some people suspect that she washed her hands and got away with it, and some people think that she died in the explosion she made...but her disappearance, for some unknown reason, triggered many imitation bombing cases]

[The purpose of these perpetrators does not seem to be for profit, but simply to create damage. Most of them almost use suicide-like modus operandi, and there are some things in common-]

[First, they all have black sun tattoos on their bodies, which seems to be a tribute to the "evil sun"; second, their identities cannot be verified, as if they appeared out of thin air, and no clues can be collected at all 】

[These imitation crimes are even worse than the cases planned by you and Keli, because they hardly have any purpose, and they seem to just want to cause damage]

[For a while, the entire Mond City was panicked, and the Zephyr Knights had to step up their work. Every time you see Captain Qin, her dark circles seem to be heavier than before]

[As the chief alchemist of the West Wind Knights, your job is not easy. Almost every time a case occurs, you have to conduct detection and analysis.You joined the Knights of the West Wind just to make it easier for you to commit crimes, but you didn't expect that now you have become a tool man instead]

[However, the actions of these lunatics are not without harm. At least, if they attract attention, the possibility of you and Keli being discovered will be lower.]

[38 years old: Your marriage has passed another year in peace and stability. Except for the occasional bombing that gives you some headaches, your life is much more comfortable.]

[After all, without continuing to walk on the tip of the knife, Keli seems to have come out of the regret of "The Brave Keli Fights the Devil"]

[It's no wonder, after all, Keli doesn't have any memory about her "dead mother", and the appearance of Alice has made up for the vacancy in her heart]

[And you seem to have slowly adapted to this kind of life, with a beautiful wife, lovely daughter, and a decent job, in every sense, you are a winner in life]

【Alice is not only deeply in love with Keli, but also has begun to get used to being a wife.You don't know whether her love for you is just a disguise to maintain this warm family, and you don't care if she is sincere or not, and it doesn't matter if she can act for a lifetime]

[When you looked in the mirror one day, you actually found the white hair on your forehead and the wrinkles on your cheeks—maybe it’s because your life is too comfortable, you haven’t continued to inject alchemy drugs to improve your physical ability for a long time, maybe This is because of this, your body has also begun to return to normal]

[39 years old: Alice did not intend to intervene in the frequent bombings, until one day, a group of crazy criminals broke into the school founded by Alice while she was away, and placed Bomb]

【You and Alice arrived at the school immediately after getting the news. Who would have thought that the leader of those prisoners actually asked to meet and negotiate with Alice】

[Alice immediately agreed to the request. With her strength, she naturally doesn't have to be afraid of the prisoner's tricks, but who knows, when he found the prisoner, he gave Alice a remote control with a red button on it, and a blue button]

【The prisoner tells you that he has placed a bomb in both the red class and the blue class. Just press the button, the bomb in one class will be detonated immediately, and the bomb in the other class will be disarmed.And Alice must decide which class to save within 1 minute]

[For Alice, this was originally a very simple multiple-choice question, because there are only a dozen students in the red class, while there are more than fifty students in the blue class.According to her principle, for human life, it is natural to save more and not less]

【However, this time, she hesitated, because Keli is in the red class. 】

[Finally, after struggling for nearly half a minute, Alice finally pressed the blue button]

[Following a violent explosion, a triumphant smile appeared on the prisoner's face, and in the next second, Alice punched his head right away]

[The red class was saved, Keli was also safe and sound, but the 53 students in the blue class were all killed]

[The other prisoners all blew themselves up and died before being arrested, which makes you even more confused. It seems that this operation was not for crimes, but just for Alice to make this extremely difficult multiple-choice question]

[And the nature of this multiple-choice question seems to have some connection with the time you Alice blew up the mountain more than ten years ago]

[But you firmly believe that this should be just a coincidence, after all, it is impossible for anyone other than yourself to torture Alice in this way]

[Although Alice was not the murderer who caused the death of 53 students, the spearhead of public opinion was directed at her: the selfish person who caused the death of 53 innocent students in order to protect his stepdaughter]

【Alice locked herself in the house. This is the first time you have seen her so decadent. It stands to reason that you should be very happy to see your enemy in such pain, but this time, you are not happy at all.】

[When you were comforting Alice, she told you a past story: more than ten years ago, she conducted a geological survey in a small village near Mond, and found that the village was low-lying, if there was a mudslide on the mountain , will inevitably cause huge damage to the village]

【Thus, Alice prepared to blast the mountain to change and solve this hidden danger. Who knows, the arrival of the mudslide was too sudden. In the choice of sacrificing the entire village or sacrificing another villager, she chose the latter.She believes that sacrificing the minority to preserve the majority is absolutely fair and just]

[Not just that time, during the 500-year journey.She has encountered similar choices many times, and has chosen the majority without hesitation]

【However, this time, she violated her own principles, and the fairness she insisted on turned out to be nothing more than self-deception】

This simulator, it is estimated that the two days on the weekend should be finished~

Have a great weekend everyone, I'm having a good time anyway

Volume 241 A Girl's Precarious Killing Intent: [-] Congratulations, you are going to be a father again!

【You tentatively asked: "If you were given another chance, would you still choose to sacrifice those children for Keli?"】

【"Even if the other side of the balance is the whole world," Alice replied without any hesitation, "I will choose Keli."】

[This incident has had a huge impact on Alice. Those parents who lost their children will appear at your door almost every day, crying and cursing, as if those who killed their children were not those criminals, but Alice. 】

[If it was in the past, with Alice's personality, she would naturally go back without hesitation, but now, Alice chooses to hide at home, as if she wants to escape all this]

[During this period, Alice has been extremely dependent on you, and her needs are much more frequent than usual, as if she wants to use the pleasure of her body to temporarily forget the depression in her heart]

【Alice's pain will make you feel happy, but if the pain does not come from yourself, it will make you dull】

[You "exhausted all your strength" and wanted Alice to recover as soon as possible. Alice in this state makes you have no desire for revenge at all]

[40 years old: Alice's depression has lasted for several months, and under the care of you and Ke Li, she has gradually recovered]

【Ke Li is 16 years old this year, and she has grown into a beautiful and energetic girl. She seems to have forgotten her identity as the "evil sun" and enjoys a peaceful and happy life now】

【But you know, it's time to start the final step of revenge. When Alice fully recovers, you will take Keli and Granose, leave Alice forever, and deprive her of all happiness】

【You can't continue to wait, the longer you wait, the deeper you will sink, and sometimes, you will even be surprised to find that you still haven't dreamed about your dead wife and daughter for a long time】

[One day, the moment you came home and opened the door, you were suddenly sprayed with fireworks all over your face, and you saw Alice and Keli were waiting for you. On Alice's face, you saw the long-lost smile]

【"Congratulations!" Alice suddenly hugged you with a surprised face, and cried with joy: "Soon, you will be the father of two children, no, you may also be the father of three children!"】

[Alice is pregnant, which is the main reason why she can come out of the haze.She once told you that it is very difficult for elves to conceive, let alone have the crystallization of love with other races]

[The moment you heard the news, you were both happy and tangled.Abandoning Alice is no easy task for you, let alone she has your flesh and blood now]

【Ke Li seems to be happier than the two of you. She seems to be fantasizing about playing with her younger brother or younger sister】

[Alice told you that the elves will become very weak during pregnancy, and she has already booked a hospital to avoid accidents during this period.You agreed with her suggestion and sent her to the best hospital in Mond City]

[After returning home, your mood was extremely complicated. You suddenly thought that this year is the No. 20 year since your daughter was born. You decided to sneak back to your hometown once. Maybe the grave of your deceased wife and daughter can strengthen your determination to revenge.]

【You have returned to your hometown village again. Because of the mudslide many years ago, the whole village has been relocated. You have been away from your hometown for many years, and you have changed your appearance. Naturally, no one will recognize you】

[You thought it was not easy to find the tombs of more than ten years ago, but who knew, you soon found the tombs of your wife and daughter. , Who else is thinking about them? 】

[You pretend to be a lost traveler, and ask a passing old man about the origin of this lonely tomb.The old man told you that more than ten years ago, a mudslide almost destroyed the village. A witch appeared and blew up the mountain road to save the village, but accidentally killed another family of three. In order to express regret and condolences, this tomb Only then will villagers often come to worship]

[You sneered in your heart, what's the point of using this method to alleviate your guilt? 】

[Perhaps because I haven't seen outsiders for a long time, the old man couldn't help chatting with you a few more words, and when you were about to leave, the old man suddenly sighed and murmured: "What a crime, when they were dug out , the wife and daughter hugged each other tightly, but the husband’s body was only found a month later, but his head was missing.”]

[This sentence makes you feel like a thunderbolt.He was clearly alive and well, how could his body be dug up?Could it be that he made a mistake, mistaken someone else's corpse for his own, and buried it in the grave? 】

【Of course you can't allow this kind of thing to happen. In the dead of night, you dug up the tomb. Sure enough, there were three coffins inside. You pried the biggest coffin open】

[Sure enough, there is a male skeleton without a skull inside. When you are about to take it out, you are surprised to find that there are obvious fracture marks on the arm bone of the skeleton—that is where your arm was broken]

[You were extremely confused, so you took away this skeleton, a piece of bone from your own daughter's skeleton, and returned to Mond's laboratory overnight for genetic comparison]

[Although you don't specialize in biological alchemy, this kind of thing is not difficult for you. Soon, you got the comparison result—one or two corpses are indeed relatives]

【You suddenly feel difficult to breathe. If this corpse is you, then who are you? 】

【This matter has far exceeded your cognition. You think it might just be a nightmare. You just need to sleep well and forget about it tomorrow】

【You came home in a daze, but the moment you opened the door, you heard a familiar yet unfamiliar voice say to you: "Nice meeting, hello."】

【Entering the somatosensory mode】

【Mission goal: end all of this】

Appearing in front of Li Xingshan was a man whose appearance and body shape were exactly the same as his own. At this time, he was sitting on the sofa, eating snacks on the table, while flipping through an old book with a slightly yellowed cover. The picture book one by one is the "The Brave Keli Fights the Devil" that you made for Keli.

"Who are you?" Li Xingshan asked with a complicated expression, "Why do you pretend to be me?"

"Pretending to be you? No, to be precise, I created you in my own image," the strange man shook his head and smiled, "Since you already know the truth, this 'experiment' is only for you." It can end here.”

Volume 242 The Precarious Killing Intent of a Girl: [-] A Perfect Work

Li Xingshan didn't know the meaning of the man's words, but he felt the dangerous aura emanating from the man. Without any hesitation, he picked up the fruit knife on the dining table and threw it directly at the man.

Unexpectedly, there was only a crisp sound of "pop", when the fruit knife hit the target, it broke instantly and flew out directly.

"It is impossible for you to hurt me, because I am a perfect work." The man nodded suddenly, and said happily: "Well, a perfect work, this name is very suitable for me, after all, I am the most perfect s work."

Li Xingshan also realized that this person's strength is unfathomable, so he said coldly: "What do you mean by 'experiment'?"

"Don't worry, this is a very interesting story." Perfect Work drank the lipstick tea comfortably, and said, "500 years ago, in a country called Kanria, there was a very powerful alchemist. Her Her name is Reindotte. The greatest thing about her is that she can use alchemy to create life."

"And I am the most perfect work of Reindotter, none of them. Unfortunately, my 'mother' is so ignorant that she treats me as a defective product, destroys me, and feeds me into another The experimental product—Durin's stomach."

"Later, Du Lin died in a snow mountain due to a battle, and I also had this opportunity to escape from its stomach. I escaped from the snow mountain, stumbled all the way, and finally settled in a mountain forest."

"I recuperated there, and began to think about a question, why would I be regarded as a defective product? Logically speaking, as an artificial life, I am already perfect."

"So, I started to observe real humans. There is a village near the mountains and forests. I often lurk in the dark, observe those humans, and think about what I lack compared to them."

"But I still can't understand this problem, so I thought, let's just do an experiment. I used a part of my body as the base to create a new alchemy life, and prepared him to live as a human being. See Whether he can achieve a new evolution."

"In order to let him integrate into human life, I destroyed the mountain and vegetation. In this way, a heavy rain can cause mudslides and kill many people in the village below the mountain. At that time, I can use a corpse of the victim, Disguise you as his identity and mix into human society."

"I didn't expect that damned witch to destroy my plan. Fortunately, the mudslide still killed a whole family, so I cut off the man's head and transplanted his memory into my The created alchemy creatures—that is, in your consciousness."

Hearing this, Li Xingshan finally realized why he didn't age before, why his body was so compatible with the alchemy arm made of sugar, without any rejection at all.

Because at that time, I was simply an alchemy creature!

Although Li Xingshan's emotion and character will resonate with himself in the simulator after being substituted into the role of the simulator, he still retains his own subjective consciousness.

In other words, although this story is very shocking, it is just a "story" for Li Xingshan in the somatosensory mode.

"You seem to be very calm. I thought you would be more excited." Perfect Work said with some regret: "Of course, through these 20 years of observation, I finally understand what I lack."

"Don't tell me it's something like 'love'," Li Xingshan said coldly, "I might not be able to help but spit it out."

"No, it's 'satisfaction'," Perfect Work replied: "When you are satisfied with your life, you will naturally get a new evolution."

So, is that so?

Indeed, the reason why I became old and even made Alice pregnant was because of what happened after having this "strange" family.

It is precisely because he is gradually satisfied with this happy life that Li Xingshan can truly "incarnate into a human being".

"So, those murderers who caused the bombing," Li Xingshan suddenly realized, "are they also alchemy creatures made by you?"

"Those are just part of what you see. In fact, in the city of Mond, many people have been replaced by my alchemy creatures, just like I replaced you," the face of Perfect Work showed a proud look. smile:

"And now, I already know the method to achieve evolution. I will replace your identity and live on. In this way, I can also obtain the conditions for evolution."

"That's impossible," Li Xingshan said with a sneer, "Do you think that if you become like me, you will gain the trust of my family? Keli and Alice will never be fooled by you!"

"Ke Li is a lovely child, I like her very much, I will continue to let her be my daughter," Perfect Work said indifferently: "As for Alice, do you know? I used your identity just now, After telling Keli the story in this picture book, I also told her who her mother-killing enemy is."

After all, Perfect Work puts the picture book in your hand in front of you, and all the page numbers on the picture book have been broken, leaving only the last page.

On the screen, Keli is holding the bomb in both hands, and in front of her is Alice who is being burned by the raging fire.

"After hearing this story, Ke Li went out with a gloomy face. I guess she should have gone to the hospital to find Alice." On the face of Perfect Work, there was a smile like a mischievous one: "Now Alice is in the weakest state, if she is attacked by Keli, do you think...she can survive?"


Li Xingshan didn't have the heart to entangle with this lunatic, so he immediately turned around and was about to leave, but who knew, a figure came out of the shadows and blocked the door.

"San Tang?" Li Xingshan said dumbly, "Why are you here?"

That's right, the person who appeared in front of Li Xingshan was Granu Tang!

"Don't you understand? Why do I know so much about you?" Perfect Work let out a conceited laugh: "Sugar is also an alchemy creature I made, and its purpose is to observe you."

"Impossible!" Li Xingshan immediately retorted: "It is impossible for an alchemy creature to grow. I have lived with Xiaotang for more than ten years, and I can see all her changes!"

Who knows, the perfect work is actually smiling: "Who told you, I only made 'one' granulated sugar?"

Volume 243 Girl's Precarious Killing Intent: [-] Sugar's Plan

Li Xingshan seemed to realize something, and murmured: "Could it be..."

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