Chou Xiaochi nodded slowly, and said with a smug smile:

"Not bad, not bad, as expected of the God of Gamblers."

At this time, one of his subordinates came in in a panic, covered his mouth and leaned into Chou Xiaochi's ear and said:

"Boss, it's not good. The butcher you recruited in the interior is here. He killed Boss Hai in Qianga Lake."

Hear it!

The expression on Qiu Xiaochi's face changed drastically in an instant!

The touch on the hand also turned into a fierce pinch!


The white cat let out a shrill scream, it stretched out its claws and scratched a few blood marks on the back of Chou Xiaochi's hand!


Chou Xiaochi suddenly jumped into a rage, and ruthlessly threw the white cat to the ground!

The next day, Tang Paradise Hall of Puhao Hotel.

Ma Wen led his people to sit at the bottom of the "mountain"-shaped conference table, Qiu Xiaochi and his subordinates sat on the left side and Xu Yi sat alone on the right side, looking a little lonely.

But Xu Yi himself didn't seem to care much, leaning on the sofa and smoking a cupa cigar.

Ma Wen, the secretary of Haojiang King, raised his hand and looked at his watch. The time was up, so he hurriedly got up and said:

"The time is up, so I won't say much. The exhibition starts now. Which side will invite you first?"

Xu Yi raised his hand, indicating that the Donghu gang Qiu Xiaochi would come first.

"Mr. Qiu, then you can start talking." Marvin said.

Qiu Xiaochi was very suspicious when he saw that Xu Yi came by himself, without a boy.

But now it was too late to doubt, he just suppressed the hesitation in his heart, smiled and said:

"I, Chou Xiaochi, have worked hard to run the new casino well, and I specially invited a heavyweight guest to help out.

"Heavyweight guest? Who is it?" Marvin asked with great interest.

"Secretary Ma, you'll know who he is when you see him." Chou Xiaochi played tricks.

The guy next to him quickly took out the big brother notice.

After 1 minute, a tall man walked into the meeting room.

Classic dress: suit, bow tie, back hair, a green jade ring on the finger...

Seeing his face and looking at his equipment, someone on the scene exclaimed: "God of Gamblers! God of Gamblers is so advanced!"

Marvin was also surprised and stunned!

Isn't this Gao Jin, the God of Gamblers who has retired?

How could Qiu Xiaochi invite him to come out again?

Then what else is there to introduce!

Just give the management right to Qiu Xiaochi directly!

The business of the new casino is guaranteed to explode!

As soon as he had this thought, he realized that someone was looking at him.

Turning his head to look, he just met Xu Yi's sharp gaze.

Ma Wen coughed lightly, and smiled at Gao Jin: "Mr. Gao, it's really been a long time."

"Secretary Ma." Gao Jin stood behind the podium and nodded to Ma Wen.

"Mr. Gao, are you here to assist Mr. Qiu in managing the new casino?" Marvin asked with a smile

Gao Jin nodded slowly.

People on Marvin's left and right sides were whispering to each other.

If it wasn't for worrying that Xu Yi would be unhappy, they would all want to end this exhibition that had already been won.

"Very good! It would be a great honor for Mr. Gao to come out of the mountain again." Marvin laughed

"Come on, we're all ears."

Gao Jin glanced at Xu Yi's face for a short while, and then began to make a statement.

He is a veteran of the casino, not only good at gambling, but also has unique insights into the operation of the casino.

From decoration to opening, from source of customers to capital, everything is organized and well-organized.

As soon as the voice fell, applause broke out.

The people from the Donghu gang worked very hard to shoot, they already knew that the casino management rights were about to be obtained

In fact, Ma Wen also wanted to applaud, but because of Xu Yi's presence, he clapped his hands and said:

'Mr. Gao deserves to be the top expert in the industry, I admire him. "

Gao Jin forced a smile, and sat down beside Qiu Xiaochi.

At this time, everyone turned their attention to Xu Yi.

At least six out of ten have the same expression, as if saying, let me see what you do!

"Mr. Xu, since you came alone, I have no choice but to ask you to go up and talk about it." Marvin said.

Xu Yi smiled and said surprisingly:

"To be honest, I'm really not prepared for anything."

Qiu Xiao laughed foolishly.

His subordinates even laughed out loud.

Marvin's eyebrows are all wrinkled.

But thinking of the last time Xu Yi turned his hands into clouds and turned his hands into rain in Haojiang, he looked like a big owl.

So he asked: "Then what does Mr. Xu mean? You won't hand over the casino management rights to Mr. Qiu from the East Lake Gang, will you?"

"How can there be such a good thing in the world? I will decide the right to operate the new casino!" Xu Yi said confidently.

"What do you want? Just rely on your two words, Hong Xing? Or, just rely on your two words, Xu Yi?" Qiu Xiao asked with a silly smile.

"Mr. Xu, what we have to decide now is the right to operate the casino in a six-star hotel, so let's not make such a joke?" Ma Wen reminded.

Xu Yi chuckled, nodded and said, "I know that, I want to ask Mr. Qiu, what name are you competing for?"

"East Lake Gang." Qiu Xiaochi replied word for word.

"You lied! Let me finish the story for you. (Hello Wang)" Xu Yi said.

"This competition for the new casino, in addition to the Donghu Gang in Bay Island, as far as I know, there is also the support of the entire Xiangjiang Number Gang and the Haojiang Number Gang,"

"Whether the number gangs in Haojiang or Xiangjiang are the largest clubs in the two places, this is why you dare to cross the sea to compete with me for a new casino."

Hearing what Xu Yi said, Qiu Xiaochi felt something was wrong...

Could it be that it really had something to do with him?

Seeing that Qiu Xiaochi was silent, Xu Yi looked at Ma Wen and asked:

"Secretary Ma, if the East Lake Gang has civil strife these days, will you still hand over the management of the casino to Qiu Xiaochi?"

Ma Wen's face changed slightly. He couldn't figure out what kind of plane Xu Yi was planning, so he could only answer:

"If there is such a chaotic situation... it will not be a question of whether the management rights will be handed over or not, but a question of whether they have the qualifications to compete."

"Well said!"

Xu Yi said loudly, then raised his hand and pointed at Chou Xiaochi:

"His name is Qiu Xiaochi, and he is the one who killed his boss, the leader of the Wandao East Lake Gang and the coast!"

"Everyone knows that the East Lake Gang will not let him go! They will definitely clean up the door!"

"Therefore, I advise Secretary Ma to think about this issue carefully!"

Hearing this, a group of people including Ma Wen looked shocked and puzzled.

But Qiu Xiaochi's eyes suddenly showed killing intent and anger!

"! It's really Xu Yi!

The person who sent someone to save Haiyuan's son Haiyuan was indeed Xu Yi!

How did he do it?

How did he know that his subordinates would attack Li Hai?That's... something that even I didn't know beforehand! .

Chapter 115 Get acquainted with Haitang and get Shizi's new casino!

Ma Wen's gaze stayed on Xu Yi for half a minute before leaving.

He knew in his heart that although Xu Yi was young, what he said would never be groundless.

So, Ma Wen looked at Qiu Xiaochi and said:

"Mr. Qiu, please explain, what is going on?"

Chou Xiaochi stared at Xu Yi, and said calmly, "Yes, the gang leader Haiyan was killed yesterday."

As soon as the voice fell, the audience was in an uproar!

All the people at Haojiang Wang Hesheng were thinking that the leader of the East Lake Gang was dead, so the casino management rights of this new hotel...

Qiu Xiaochi's expression was not disturbed, he still stared at Xu Yi and said:

"I was still thinking about who killed the boss I respect, but I didn't expect the murderer to jump out by himself."

Everyone in the He Group looked at Xu Yi in unison!

Xu Yi smiled, nodded repeatedly and said:

"There are a few brushes, not bad, not bad, Qiu Xiaochi, you really are not a good-for-nothing."

"Hehehehe..." Chou Xiaochi let out a strange laugh, and then said coldly:

"Xu Yi, in order to prevent our Donghu Gang from getting the right to manage, you brutally killed my boss and put the blame on me."

"From now on, my Donghu Gang and your Hongxing Society will not live together!"

At this time, a person beside Marvin leaned over and asked in a low voice:

"Secretary Ma, what should we do? The fight is about to start again."

Marvin frowned, then lowered his voice and sneered:

"Is there anyone who is not dead in the rivers and lakes? He didn't die here. Let's not talk, just watch the show."

"Hahahahahaha..." Xu Yi laughed heartily.

He admitted that in terms of improvisation and adaptability, this Qiu Xiaochi really has two skills!

Xu Yi didn't talk nonsense, just took out his big brother and quickly pressed the button...

One minute later, Wang Jianjun walked in from the outside, escorting Haitang and Haiyuan.

Haitang was very calm when she saw Chou Xiaochi.

It's different for Haiyuan, a brat, he's used to being the young master of Donghu Gang, and when he sees Qiu Xiaochi, he roars and pounces on him!Haitang hurriedly hugged her younger brother!

"Qiu Xiaochi! You killed my dad! I want to kill you! I want revenge!" Hai Yuan struggled and shouted.

As soon as the siblings appeared, Qiu Xiaochi's subordinates had different expressions, and several of them directly lowered their heads.

Chou Xiaochi still didn't change his face, and even said with a smile:

"Haiyuan, don't talk nonsense, I'm your Uncle Qiu, how could I kill your father?"

"I saw your subordinate Tu Jun kill my father with my own eyes! You are a bad guy! You are a big bad guy!" Hai Yuan shouted.

Qiu Xiaochi looked at Haitang, who was wearing a red dress and his face was sinking like water, and said slowly:

"What Tu Jun? I don't know, Haiyuan, did someone teach you to say that?"

Ma Wen was a little confused when he saw this, and asked:

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