"Mr. Xu, Mr. Qiu, who are these two?"

"They are the children of my boss, Da Hai. Somehow they fell into Xu Yi's hands." Chou Xiaochi said indifferently.

"Let me tell you!"

Haitang spoke, stared at Chou Xiaochi and said in a low voice:

"My father is the leader of the East Lake Gang, and he was taking my younger brother on a trip to Qiangao Lake in Hujian Province in the Mainland a few days ago.

"Chou Xiaochi has a subordinate named Tu Jun in the local area. My younger brother Haiyuan saw with his own eyes that this Tu Jun killed my father!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qiu Xiaochi immediately sneered and said:

"Haitang, why have you always been against me? Now you are actually cooperating with killing your father and enemy?"

"Based on this alone, you will forever lose the qualification to succeed the leader of the East Lake Clan."

Those boys who lowered their heads immediately raised their heads!

Mr. Qiu is simply turning black and white, the Jedi is fighting back!

Not only did he push things clean.

He even put the shit pot on Hong Xing's head, and even prevented Haitang from taking over as the leader of the Donghu Gang!

Haitang's face was stern!

Eyes start to breathe fire!

Her patience had reached its limit, and she was about to attack!

Xu Yi raised his hand to stop her, then asked Qiu Xiao with a silly smile:

"Qiu Xiaochi, your ability to lie is pretty good, please continue, what else do you want to say?"

"My surname is Xu, let me ask you, how come Haitang and Haiyuan are in your hands?" Qiu Xiao (baah) stared at Xu Yi and asked fiercely.

"I sent people to rescue the coast, but unfortunately it was a step too late, only Haiyuan was saved." Xu Yi replied.

Chou Xiaochi smiled slightly, and said coldly:

"How did you know something was going to happen to my boss? I think you sent someone to kill my boss, Hai!"

"You not only killed my boss, but also kidnapped his son, and called Haitang from Wandao to cooperate with you in acting?"

Xu Yi smiled easily: "Qiu Xiaochi, since I killed your boss and robbed Haiyuan, why does Miss Haitang cooperate with me in acting?

"As I said just now, Haitang has always been against me, and has always wanted to be the leader of the Donghu Gang, and today she even does not hesitate to cooperate with you, a father-killer." Chou Xiaochi laughed.


Xu Yi applauded and sighed while clapping:

"Chou Xiaochi, your shameless appearance is my style, so I am willing to teach you a lesson."

After speaking, he raised his left hand and waved forward.

Quickly, Wang Jianjun went out and dragged someone in.

In his 30s, with long hair, his face was pale and bloodless, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

If Wang Jianjun hadn't supported him, he would have almost collapsed on the ground.

When seeing this person, several of Qiu Xiaochi's boys were shocked!

Ma Wen saw it, but remained silent, observing coldly.

"Say, what's your name?" Xu Yi asked the long-haired man.

"I, my name is Tu Jun." The long-haired man hissed.

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense, you can tell what happened now." Xu Yi said.

"My name is Tu Jun, I am, I am the younger brother of Chou Xiao Chi Chou Boss in Hu Jian."

"I followed his orders to kill Hai Haian at Qiangai Lake, so as to clear the way for his superior, the leader of the East Lake Gang."

Tu Jun's hoarse voice was full of endless fear, and after he finished speaking, he looked back at Wang Jianjun.

Wang Jianjun only stared at him once, and he trembled violently in fright!

Xu Yi stared at Chou Xiaochi closely, and saw that Chou Xiaochi had reached this point, yet he still remained calm!

"Xu Yi, have you finished? I'll reiterate once I've finished. I, Chou Xiaochi, don't know this person." Chou Xiaochi said coldly.

"Boss Qiu! You, you want to save me! I am, I am following your instructions!" Tu Jun roared suddenly.

At this time, Xu Yi stood up and shouted in disgust:

"Stop calling!"

After frightening Tu Jun, he said to Qiu Xiaochi again:

"Qiu Xiaochi, you think Tu Jun is from the mainland, so no one can check whether he belongs to you or not? So you dare to say that you don't know him."

"Let me tell you, I found Tu Jun in your sea view room on Xu Zai Island."

"Hmph, Xu Yi, you really worked so hard to frame me, and you even made up such bizarre plots one after another."

Qiu Xiaochi smiled disdainfully.

"Qiu Xiaochi, let me ask you one last question, do you really not know Tu Jun?" Xu Yi asked with a half-smile.

Hearing Xu Yi's question, Qiu Xinzhi frowned slightly...

But the words had already been spoken, so he could only reply resolutely: "That's right! I, Qiu Xiaochi, have never known this person in my life! I have never met him before, let alone sending him to kill people."

As soon as the words fell, Xu Yi stretched his hand back.

Wang Jianjun immediately put a stack of things into his hands.

Xu Yi grabbed the pile of things, threw them out suddenly, and shouted sharply:

"Chou Xiaochi! Then tell me what this is!"

It was a stack of photos that had just been developed, and Xu Yi swung them violently, scattering them in all directions...

One fell on the table right in front of Marvin.

Marvin picked it up and saw that there were two people in the photo.

One is Tu Jun, and the other is Qiu Xiaochi!

The two stood on the porch, Qiu Xiaochi pointed at Tu Jun, and said something with a grim expression.

After seeing the photo clearly, Ma Wen looked at Qiu Xiaochi coldly and said:

"Mr. Qiu, I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation right now."

Qiu Xiaochi also picked up a photo, looked at it a few times, closed his eyes, and gritted his teeth hard!

His boys are all ashamed!

"Chou Xiaochi, if you tell a lie, you have to use 1 lies to cover it up, it's exhausting!"

"As long as any one of them is not rounded correctly, it will show its feet!" Xu Yi said sharply.

"Chou Xiaochi, I'll teach you how to say it!"

"You should have said from the beginning that you knew Tu Jun, that he was indeed your horse boy, and then asked me to show evidence that Tu Jun killed the coast!"

"I only have one Haiyuan in my hand. He is just a child. How many people would believe what a child says?"

Qiu Xiaochi suddenly opened his eyes, nodded his head once and for all, and said with a smirk: "Xu Yi! It's yours! I admit it!"

After finishing speaking, he put his hands on the table and said:

"Okay! I don't want the right to operate the Haojiang new casino! You can take it!"

The members of Haojiang King He's family looked at each other.

Unexpectedly, a battle for management rights would lead to such a scene!

"Chou Xiaochi, do you think it's okay if you don't want it? Haitang is still waiting to avenge her father and clean up the Donghu Gang." Xu Yi sneered.

"Clean up what door? Where? In Haojiang? Hahaha!" Qiu Xiaochi laughed wildly.

"This is Haojiang, and this hotel belongs to Mr. He. You won't touch me here, will you?"

"Mr. Ma, you won't meddle in the internal affairs of our Donghu Gang, will you?"

Hearing this, Ma Wen stood up and said slowly:

"That's right, the internal affairs of your Donghu Gang are handled by you!"

"But to be honest, I personally despise and disapprove of your behavior."

After finishing speaking, Ma Wen looked at Xu Yi again and said:

"Boss Xu, you, Hongxing, have the right to operate Shizai New Casino. I hope we can have a happy cooperation."

Xu Yi glanced at Gao Jin who had been silent all this time, then smiled lightly at Ma Wen: "OK, it will be very pleasant."

"Okay, our contract can be signed another day." Marvin smiled.

"Mr. Xu, I think you seem to have something to settle now, don't you?"

"Yes!" Xu Yi nodded and smiled.

"Then I'll take my leave first. Mr. Xu, contact me when you're done." After Ma Wen finished speaking, he left with his staff.

Qiu Xiaochi saw it and wanted to go out with him.

Even ignoring other boys, he quickly followed behind Ma Wen.

But just as he was about to go out, Ma Wen suddenly turned around and pressed his palm against his heart, and asked in a cold voice:

"Chou Xiaochi, where are you going?"

"Secretary Ma, I won't participate in the competition for the new casino now! I'm leaving Haojiang! I'm going back to Bay Island!

Ma Wen looked at Xu Yi, and said with a smile: "Chou Xiaochi, but you seem to have something unfinished."

Qiu Xiaozhi quickly realized the danger, and shouted hoarsely and hysterically:

"Marvin! You said that your He family would not interfere..."

"Yes, I did."

Marvin nodded in acknowledgment, and then said with a sinister smile:

"But I also said that I personally despise and disgust your shamelessness!"

As soon as the voice fell, he pushed hard, and then shouted:

"Hong Xing's brothers, get to work."

"Chou Xiaochi said loudly.

Chou Xiaochi was pushed back a few steps by him!

Before he could stand firm, he saw a large group of people rushing through the door.

Then, the two thick doors were closed...

When Qiu Xiaochi's boys saw something was wrong, they all panicked.

"Miss! All of this was done by Qiu Xiaochi! We have never done anything wrong to Boss Hai!"

"That's right! Miss, please trust us!"

"To be honest, miss, it was Tu Jun who killed Boss Hai to please Qiu Xiaochi, but Qiu Xiaochi himself never did it..."

"Let go of you! The order was given by Qiu Xiaochi himself! I can fully testify! I can go back to the gang to testify!" Looking at the ugly scene of the Donghu Gang in front of him, Xu Yixin said that Nanai's bear, One of the stepping horses is a movie king.

At this time, Haitang didn't speak yet, but looked at Xu Yi quietly.

PS, thank you Honghe Prefecture for your tip, thank you for your tip, thank you, thank you!

I must be sleepless... use yp's time and energy to code words desperately.

Chapter 116 People are in the rivers and lakes!

Xu Yi thought for a while, then ordered Wei Jixiang: "Ah Xiang, come, take Haiyuan out of here."

"Yes, Brother Yi."

Wei Jixiang agreed, and after a lot of effort, he hugged Haiyuan out who wanted to avenge his father.

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