"Steamer, that old boy William should give me a good citizen award."

William is the Governor of Hong Kong.

The speakers at each hall burst into laughter, bragging and beating each other and teasing each other.

Xu Yi knew that with such a big commotion this time, the police would definitely patrol overnight to arrest people.

So he ordered all the speakers to go back to their respective lands first.

When only he and Han Bin were left in the meeting room, he took out a cupa cigar and lit it.

"Boss, you are really good! We really succeeded!" Han Bin's face flushed with excitement, and he said quickly:

"It took us less than two hours! Lianhe was done in less than two hours!"

"Abin, do you think it's only two hours?" Xu Yi talked about the soot and said.

"I've been busy with this matter since I came back from Haojiang, and I didn't take action until today. I also mobilized seven people from the hall. Do you think it's easy?"

"Boss, you are right, I am a little carried away." Han Bin said with a light cough.

Xu Yi looked at him calmly, and suddenly said with a smile: "But if you insist that it only took two hours, it's barely enough."

"That's right, boss, let me just say it! Can't you be proud of such an action? Hahahaha!"

Han Bin laughed loudly, and after laughing, he sighed:

"The Lianhe Gang has a history of 22 years. Starting tomorrow, it will really become the history of the Xiangjiang Society."

"According to the speed at which you are doing things, Boss, I think there will be more associations that will become history due to various reasons.

Xu Yi said calmly. "The Lianhe Gang is just the first small cannon fodder in this reshuffle."

Han Bin narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard this, and then asked in a low voice:

"Boss, will those people who are waiting for us and Lianhe to lose both sides take action in the next few days?"

Xu Yi shook his head and said, "I don't think there is any need to worry about this. They won't jump out if we destroy the alliance."

"Abin, one thing is very important, that is, you have to continue to find out who the pheasant hackers are. I don't believe that they really did it flawlessly."

"Okay boss, I know." Han Bin nodded.

"Also, we have to consider setting up a special institution under the main hall"

"Responsible for detecting the wind, collecting the wind, watching the wind, releasing the wind, etc., otherwise, the efficiency of our current operation will be too low." Xu Yi said.

Han Bin heard Xu Yilian talk about four winds.

Then he smiled and said: "Boss, then let's just call it Fengtang."

Xu Yi thought for two seconds, then nodded in satisfaction, pointed at Han Bin and said:

At this time, Xu Yi's big brother on the table rang loudly.

He took a look and found that he had no impression of the number.

After a moment of hesitation, he still connected.


A woman's voice came from the opposite side, not Su Ahxi, not Thirteenth Sister C

"Who are you?" Xu Yi asked.

"Xu Yi, is everything settled?" the other party asked.

Hearing this, Xu Yi frowned slightly.

"Not bad! That's Fengtang!"

He even thought about the begonias in Bay Island, but the voice didn't quite resemble it either.

Judging from the tone of the other party, this woman seemed to understand Hong Xing's actions quite well.

"If you don't talk, it's done? You made such a big commotion, Xu Yi, aren't you afraid that the police will stare at you in the future?" the other party asked again.

Xu Yi suddenly remembered someone, and asked tentatively, "Are you Dongxing's Rouge Tiger?"

"What rouge tiger? I don't recognize this flower name." The other party laughed like a copper bell.

"My name is Lin Peiru, it doesn't matter if you call me Sister Lin or Aunt Lin"

"But don't call me Miss Lin, I'm not Miss! 0K?"

"Okay, Aunt Lin." Xu Yi called out teasingly.

"You...that's right, it's me." Lin Peiru responded boldly.

Xu Yi smiled, and then asked: "Little Lin... Sister Lin, it is said that you are very close to Sister Thirteen? I received what you asked her to bring to me that day."

"But, you didn't listen, you still did it." Lin Peiru also laughed.

"Sister Lin, why are you worried that Hong Xing and Lianhe will fight?" Xu Yi asked.

"Because you Hongxing and Lianhe fight, other associations will find you Hongxing. There are so many associations in Xiangjiang, and it will affect the whole body." Lin Peiru said.

Then she added: "But judging from the current situation, I was too worried before."

Xu Yi thought for a while and asked, "Sister Lin, do you know who is behind the scenes?"

PS, please make a full order, big brothers, veterans!It's two o'clock in the middle of the night, and I just finished coding this chapter.

Chapter 126 He is a lion who wants to be king! ! ! (Seek full order!)

"I really don't know this, but I can guess that someone must be fanning the wind." Lin Peiru said indifferently.

"Cheng, thank you for your reminder, do you have time to drink tea together?" Xu Yi said.

There was silence on the phone for a while, and then Lin Peiru asked with a smile:

"Hey, are you dating your sister? Be careful with you bitch K."

"I just asked you to drink tea, not anything else." Xu Yi smiled, "Let's forget about drinking tea, um, that's it, I'll hang up." Lin Peiru said.

Then, she added: "Xu Yi, you've been keeping a low profile recently. Getting the police to focus on it is like a psoriasis advertisement. It's hard to get away from it."

After putting down his big brother, Xu Yi fell into deep thought.

What is the meaning of this woman's phone call?

She is from Dongxing, so what do you care about me?

"Boss, is it Dongxing's Rouge Tiger?" Han Bin asked.

"Han Bin, how much do you know about this Rouge Tiger?" Xu Yi asked.

Han Bin took a sip of Biluochun and said to Xu Yi:

"Let's put it this way, her grandfather is Lin San, the founder of Dongxing and the first leader of Dongxing."

"Generally speaking, she should be regarded as Dongxing, and people in Dongxing secretly call her Princess Dongxing."

"But this woman is a maverick. Two years ago, she chased the crow with two knives and chopped it up. She sent the crow to Holland and hid for more than a year."

Xu Yi laughed, and asked in surprise, "So the crow hid in the Netherlands because of her?"

"Not all of them, but it's probably the reason." Han Bin laughed.

"Luo Tuo couldn't do anything about her when she was alive, because she has a special status and has some skills. Not only can she fight, but she also has a brain."

"Abin, can you give me an example?" Xu Yi asked.

"For example, Dongxing is different from us, there is no such thing as a territory or a hall."

"But Yanzhihu made a big splash in Sha Tin in the New Territories. The righteous characters of the Number Gang piled up there to plant a flag, and she didn't give her the number."

"She didn't fight, but she tried her best to get her a share of the righteous words." Han Bin said.

Xu Yi kept raising the corners of his mouth when he heard it,

He nodded and said, "Then this woman is quite interesting."

"He is a very interesting person." Han Bin laughed.

"Besides, this woman's heart is high and arrogant. At the age of 23, she will not fall in love or get married."

"Oh, by the way, she has a very good relationship with Thirteenth Sister."

At the same time, Chai Wan.

Chai Wan is an outer bay located in the Lei Yue Mun Strait, the easternmost valley of the Xiangjiang River.

Surrounded by mountains on three sides and with abundant water sources, it is rich in a large amount of wood.

The wood can be used as firewood, so the bay was named Chai Wan.

In the past, Chai Wan was also called Sai Wan.

But this is because the English name at that time was wrongly written as SaiWan, and this wrong place name appeared.

However, although the place name of Chai Wan has been corrected, the small bay "Xiao Chai Wan" to the east of Chai Wan has always been called "Siu Sai Wan".

This place has a large number of resettlement housing, public rental housing, factory buildings, and even a cemetery.

In an old-fashioned teahouse facing the street on the first floor of a resettlement house, several men were not sleepy and were slowly sipping tea.

"It's already started, and the commotion is very loud. It can't be done by one or two people." The eight-character eyebrows said in a deep voice.

"I said earlier that even if Xu Yi doesn't want to fight, those talkers under Hong Xing will push him to fight and force him to fight." Half an Ear said in a proud tone.

"If we fight like this, it will be really lively." The other laughed.

Half an ear took a big puff of cigarettes and said: "Let's fight, let's fight. It's best to hit both sides disabled. At that time, we can enter the field."

As he spoke, he looked at his eight-character eyebrows and asked, "Well, what about Dongxing's dragon-headed pulsatilla?"

"He said that two of the five tigers of Dongxing were killed, and Luo Bingrun was also dead. Dongxing needs to be rectified and regain its vitality, so let's take a look first before we talk about it." The eight-character eyebrow replied.

"", this old fox. "Half Ear sneered.

"If he doesn't see the benefits, he won't do it," stepping on the horse! "

The eight-character eyebrow wanted to say something, but the big brother on the table rang.

When he picked it up, his expression was normal at first, but the more he listened, his expression became gloomy, and the more he listened, the eight-character eyebrows became closer.

"What? What happened?" Half-Ear asked.

The eight-character eyebrow put down his big brother, blinked his eyes and thought about it, and said after half a minute: "It's really strange. Hong Xing not only launched a large-scale attack in Yau Ma Tei and Wangjiao, but also sent a large team to raid the main hall of Lianhe."

Half of his ears and eyebrows raised, sharp rays of light shot out from his eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "Xu Yi, the leader of Hong Xing, is so ruthless! He just wants to kill Lianhe all at once..."

With a dignified expression on his eight-character eyebrows, he shook his head and said, "It's not that he was disabled, in my opinion, he wanted to make a quick decision, and destroy Lianhe all at once."

Half of the ear and eyeballs were spinning around, and suddenly grabbed the eldest brother and dialed a number and asked, "Hey, what's the situation with you now? Mainly Yushan Street!"

"Boss, I just wanted to report to you." The other party said loudly.

"It's really crazy! No. 88, Yushan Street, Lianhe and the main hall have been beaten, Hongxing's people have all run away, and the police and ambulances have come, but there are no people at the entrance of Lianhe Shenshuishetang. action!"

Ban Er's heart sank, and he hurriedly asked loudly: "What about Huafu? And what about the volcano?"

"Those two rushed to the street! Hua Fu, Huo Huan, and Xian Shidong were just loaded into an ambulance and taken away. Lianhe and Yuan Yuan are still breathing oxygen." The other party replied.


Ban Er only slapped the big brother on the table, his face stretched long.

At this time, the eight-character eyebrow answered another phone call, and after finishing the matter, she was stunned for a while, and after regaining her senses, she spread her hands and said:

"It's over for those who ride horses! It's over for Lianhe!"

The others looked at each other in bewilderment.

What, so fast?

No matter how rubbish Lianhe is, there are more than 1000 people in three halls. Could it be that it can't stand it for an hour or two?

With an expression of extreme disbelief in half of one ear, he asked, "What you said is over..."

"It's over! All the venues of the Lianhe Gang have been swept away by Hong Xing! The main hall has also been smashed!"

"Hong Xing is completely destroying the Lianhe Gang! He will not give them the chance to make a comeback!" The eight-character eyebrow said loudly.

"Xu Yi violated the taboo of Jianghu by beating like this?" a person next to him whispered.

"Several taboos! Think about what Xu Yi has done since he took office. Is he a person who follows the rules of the world?" The eight-character eyebrow sneered.

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