"I tell you, he is a lion who wants to be king!"

"Then, have we been busy in vain throughout the whole process?" Someone murmured again in a low voice.

Half an ear suddenly sensed everyone's doubts, and after sweeping around, Hong Sheng said:

"No! Hong Xing will definitely stare at him if he messes up like this! We have plenty of opportunities!

Because he was busy all night, Xu Yi took it from the bed cabinet when he was woken up by the phone, and saw that it was already a quarter past ten in the morning.


"Brother Yi, the messengers have been arresting people. So far, I have 32 people." Han Bin said.

"Have you asked them all?" Xu Yi asked.

"I asked, about half of them will come out on bail. In the other half, at least seven people may be charged with serious wounding, five people may be charged with armed wounding, and one is in trouble, suspected of murder." Han Bin replied.

"Those who pay bail get money, and those who hurt others rely on fighting. In a word, try to downplay it as much as possible." Xu Yi instructed Han Bin, smoking a cigar.

Han Bin laughed twice and said, "Brother Yi, you are right to say that, but you are not a lawyer, and what you say in court doesn't count."

"Fuck, me", I've watched too many Hong Kong movies. "

Xu Yi also laughed, and after thinking for two seconds, he said:

"Abin, spend a lot of money and ask for a petition. Please request a petition that specializes in wounding and homicide cases."

"Hong Xing will definitely take care of those who work hard for Hong Xing. If they really want to live in hardship, Hong Xing will also pay their families more than double their salary for living expenses."

"Okay! Boss, if you say that, I'm sure!" Han Bin said cheerfully.

o0 asks for flowers 0...

"Wait!" Xu Yi said suddenly.

"What's the matter, boss? Any other instructions?" Han Bin asked.

"I know a lawyer with rich experience in this kind of lawsuit." Xu Yi smiled.

He hung up the phone without any sleepiness, and made another call to Wei Jixiang in Haojiang.

"Ah Xiang, how is your business over there?"

"Brother Yi, you are well, business is booming now."

"Gambler Gao Jin will come again for the 'Charity Night' three days later, and we have sent out more than 88 invitation cards worth 50 yuan." Wei Jixiang happily reported to Xu Yihui.

"Well, very good, you and Fengzai did a good job." Xu Yi said.

"By the way, let me ask you something. Do you know a female lawyer who specializes in major cases?"

"Yeah boss, how do you know that? That's right, her name is Liang, Liang, Liang..." Wei Ji thought as he spoke.

"I lost it, the lawsuit hasn't been fought yet, so why don't you just say something auspicious?" Xu Yi scolded with a smile.

"Boss, I remembered! Her name is Sandy, and her Chinese name is Liang Guixin." Wei Jixiang said.

"Well, okay, send me her phone number." Xu Yi agreed.

The reason why he thought of this female lawyer was because the other party was very good at litigation in the movie "Dragon in the Rivers and Lakes".

Especially good at injury cases and homicide cases.

Afterwards, Xu Yi gave Han Bin his phone number and asked him to ask this lawyer Liang to help.

"Brother Yi, return breakfast first, or wash first?" Su Ahxi came in and asked thoughtfully.

Xu Yi looked at her, smiled and said nothing.

"What, what are you doing?" Su A asked with a smile and raised her head.

"Why do you think I can't get enough of you two dimples?" Xu Yi said.

"Yes, is it? Brother Yi, as long as you like it." Su Axi pursed her lips, very happy.

"I'm free these days, and you should adjust your time, I'm going to give myself a few days off.

Su Ahxi's eyes were already big. Hearing what Xu Yi said, both eyes almost popped out.

"Really, calm down!" Xu Yi nodded.

Suddenly, Su Axi went crazy with joy, and rushed over to kiss her madly.

Xu Yi ate her lipstick, wiped it and said with a smile:

"I lost it, is it possible? Then I want to say go to see the house?"

Su Axi's face changed drastically when he heard this, and he didn't say anything...

"Xu Yi looked at Su Ahxi and said.

, Periodically, Ai Ai asked: "Really?

, really, really

The news of the overnight collapse of the Lianhe Gang has attracted the attention of the world.

Although Lianhe's strength is indeed not that strong, but within a few hours, from the entrance to the main hall, from the younger brother to the leader, can Hong Xing take over in one pot?

In the eyes of the Jianghu people, I am afraid that Tiaozi can't do it, but Hong Xing can do it.

Just when the young and Dangerous boys met and talked about this matter, more bizarre details broke out.

Some people say that the Shenshui Shetangkou managed by Guilao Lin, the hall master of Lianhe, was not attacked. It is said that it is because he and Han Bin, the white paper fan of Hong Xing, were young.

Some people say that the long consumption of the double-flowered red stick under Huo Huan has led people to the bottom of Hong Xing, and he is still working as a double-flowered red stick at the entrance of Hongxing Yau Ma Tei Hall, and has the opportunity to hit the speaker.

Some people also said that Hong Xing transferred hundreds of people to support Jiuzhilong a few days ago, but he was actually preparing to destroy the alliance.

The rivers and lakes were uploaded in a lively manner, and the sensible people sorted out all kinds of news.

He knew that the annihilation of the Lianhe Gang did not happen suddenly, but was premeditated by Hong Xing.

While they were amazed by Hong Xing's leader Xu Yi's thunderbolt method, they waited to see Xu Yi's jokes with the mentality of watching from the other side.

Because this time the commotion was too great, it is absolutely impossible that Tiaozi did not take large-scale actions against Hong Xing.

In the next time, I'm afraid they will stare at Hong Xing and start fighting.


On the third day after the incident, the police held a press conference.

PK, ask for full order, old irons!seven.

Chapter 127 Don't make trouble, someone is here? !

Hong Kong West Kowloon Police Superintendent Huang Zhicheng personally introduced the major achievements of the police in the anti-crime operation at the press conference.

50. Two illegal sex disc factories were destroyed, and more than [-] discs were seized.

This is just a small gain!

Most importantly, the police found four drug-making factories because of this operation.

Hailuoying, the No. 90.00 baby with a purity of 150% nine, was seized in one fell swoop, weighing a total of [-] kilograms!

There are also a large number of processing accessories.

Huang Zhicheng also introduced at the press conference that the police had arrested a total of 82 triad members.

The news media interviewed below focused on the "black eating black" among the associations in their reports on this incident. They told all kinds of gossip in the rivers and lakes, so there is traffic!

For example, this club battle is actually related to a fierce man who retired from Guangfeng Street in Yau Ma Tei...

For example, Xian Shidong, the boss of the Lianhe Gang, was not injured in an attack, but suffered a stroke from fright beforehand...

While the streets and alleys of Xiangjiang were hotly debated, Xu Yi, the chief director of this incident, was driving a Ferrari and playing around with his Su Axi.

He spent 64 Hong Kong dollars to buy a so-called "top-end" computer. This old-fashioned computer has [-]MB of memory and a [-]G hard drive.

Can run the latest windows95 Windows operating system.

Xu Yi also prepared "[-]" to prepare a network cable to surf the Internet for a while.

However, the most important thing now is to buy a house.

Xu Yi was really fed up with the dilapidated house that was less than [-] square meters.

It happened that there was some money in hand at this time. After the film was released, the total box office won was 230 million Hong Kong papers, of which the net profit attributable to Tianyi Company was 120 million Hong Kong papers.

In addition to his own dividends from the leader, the commission from the direct outlets, and the income from the seven casinos in Haojiang...

Ever since, Xu Yi is going to spend a huge amount of money to buy a big villa in Xiangjiang!

But when he cheerfully ran to the real estate agency for consultation, the mid-level villa he was looking for was actually asking for HK$200!

my darling!

Xu Yi went away on a high note and returned disappointed. Now that he was the leader of Hong Xing, he still couldn't afford to live in a big villa.

It seems that the housing price in Xiangjiang is no longer "abnormal".

Su Axi comforted Xu Yi, saying that [-]% of the people in Xiangjiang could not afford a house.

Young people in Xiangjiang either rent houses or live in public housing, and there are sleeping cage houses commonly known as coffin houses.

Rich people in Xiangjiang would be quite satisfied and proud if they bought a [-]-square-meter house.

Those who live in big villas are actually the top rich people in Xiangjiang, such as Li Bancheng, Bao Yugang, Li Zhaoji, and Liu Luanxiong.

In fact, if he insisted on buying it, Xu Yi could easily get [-] million Hong Kong paper, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was really unnecessary.

To Xu Yi, money is most interested in making money.

Repulse Bay, real estate in Wolong City.

"You two, let me introduce you. The transportation, configuration, ventilation, lighting, Feng Shui, and layout of this house are all top-notch! I can't pick out any problems! The outside of the house is Repulse Bay!"

"From a distance, you can see Lamma Island! The endless sea, the scenery is pleasant, we also have professional property management, and armed guards are on duty 24 hours a day..."

Under the narration of the female real estate consultant who spoke in the same way as a pyramid scheme, Su Ah could hardly hear her saliva.

Xu Yi had a stinky face the whole time!

The reason is simple, Xiangjiang housing prices are too perverted.

After he finally crossed over, Xu Yi can find a full sense of accomplishment in everything, except for buying a house.

"Mr. Xu, Mrs. Xu, this is the thousand-foot mansion sea view room I recommend for you, do you want to buy it?" Fengru Fat Dolphin's female real estate consultant asked while pushing her black-rimmed glasses.

"This, this, how much is this price?"

Su Axi asked excitedly while clutching the bag.

"Our Wolong City is the top real estate in Xiangjiang, specially built for high-end top successful people." The female real estate consultant said solemnly.

"So the average price of our real estate here is a bit expensive. Like this one, the price per square foot is HK$[-]."


Su Axi swallowed her saliva in fright.

Twenty-two thousand square feet, wouldn't it cost 200 million Hong Kong papers for a thousand square feet?

Seeing Xu Yinan's stinking face, the female real estate consultant was shocked. She smiled calmly and said, "You two, if you don't have enough funds, I suggest a mortgage loan. You only need a down payment of 5.00% to own this invincible sea view house."

Hearing this, Xu Yi immediately became interested and asked, "A down payment of 5.00% is enough?"

"That's right, Mr. Xu." The real estate consultant said with a smile.

"For a mansion worth 200 million Hong Kong dollars, you can get it for more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars, and you can live in it with a few hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars for simple decoration."

"From now on, your home will be in Repulse Bay, and this is Repulse Bay!"

Xu Yi lowered his head, silent, and didn't know what he was thinking.

When Su Ah Xi saw it, she held him and shook her hand, and said in a low voice:

"Why don't we look at smaller houses? Or go to other places?"

"If the two of you prefer small houses, we also have houses with an area of ​​400 to 500 square feet." The real estate consultant said.

His tone was no longer enthusiastic and excited.

"Location, apartment type, environment, do you like it?" Xu Yi raised his head and asked.

Su Ahxi's heart was in his throat for a moment!

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