"Not necessarily, it depends on the situation at the time." Xu Yi laughed.

Lin Peiru curled her lips when she heard the words, looked at the distant sea and asked:

"Xu Yi, do you know what plot I hate the most when watching movies?"

"Say it!" Xu Yi laughed.

"What I hate the most is that the people around the protagonist are hijacked, and then the protagonist will do whatever the villain tells the protagonist to do." Lin Peiru said.

Xu Yi also felt the same, nodded and said, "It's really urgent."

"In an obviously desperate situation, if it was me who was hijacked, I would drag someone behind me to die together."

"If the person next to me is kidnapped, I will kill him first." Lin Peiru said in a deep voice.

If this was said by a man, Xu Yi wouldn't feel bad about it.

But when a woman said such a thing, Xu Yi was really surprised.

After thinking for a few seconds, Xu Yi reminded:

"You have no problem with the Changle Gang now, but don't touch 'Loyalty and Faith' for now.

"Why, are you worried about me?" Lin Peiru looked at him and asked.

"Yes." Xu Yi nodded.

"Don't worry, I know how to measure."

Lin Peiru smiled and said:

"Although Zhongyixin is not a big society, it is very powerful."

"Actually, I'm cooperating with Lian Haolong, who sits in 'Loyalty and Faith', to fight the Changle Gang together."

"Otherwise, with my strength alone, it would be impossible to bring down the Changle Gang so quickly."

"You Dongxing's dragon-headed pulsatilla and other tigers, are you really not going to help me?" Xu Yi asked with a frown.

"They are all watching." Lin Peiru replied.

"Or, they are all watching me laugh."

After breaking up with Lin Peiru, the rouge tiger, Xu Yi made two phone calls.

One called Guilao Lin, the speaker of Fengtang, and asked Guilao Lin to keep an eye on the Changle Gang, loyalty, faith, and rougehu.

One called Yi Mian, the person in charge of Hongxing Kowloon City, and asked the other party to be ready to provide timely assistance when Yan Zhihu needed it.

Chapter 149 Lian Haolong!Luo Tianhong!

Wong Tai Sin District, Xinyi Trading Company.

The boss of Xinyi Company is Lian Haolong, a fierce man from East Tsim Sha Tsui.

In fact, this company is only used by Lian Haolong to launder money, and it does not do any business.

Lian Haolong, nicknamed Guojianglong, is 42 years old, but he was only 22 years old when he established the prefix Zhongxinyi.

In order to set up the initials, a three-day bloody battle was planted in East Tsim Sha Tsui.

At this time, the handsome guy who was the leader of Changle Gang sat opposite to Lian Haolong's desk, staring at Lian Haolong in a daze.

Lian Haolong's younger brother, Lian Haodong, was leaning on the mahogany chair next to him, smoking a cigar leisurely, occasionally looking at his eldest brother and handsome guy.

"Brother Long, I'm here today to look for you, but I'm definitely not begging for mercy."

"I just want to remind you that if my Changle Gang is gone, your loyalty and faith will be the next target of others."

After a full two or three minutes of silence, the handsome guy who is the leader of the Changle Gang said to Lian Haolong.

"Other people's goals? Hongxing or Dongxing? Number Gang or Liansheng?" Lian Haolong asked with a disdainful smile.

"Brother Long, don't laugh!"

The handsome guy stared at Lian Haolong and said loudly:

"How is your loyalty compared to Shuifang? Shuifang is an old club with decades of history, isn't it just about being wiped out?"

"Times have changed! The balance of Xiangjiang's rivers and lakes has been broken, and now it is undergoing a major reshuffle!"

Lian Haolong took a sip of tea, waved his hand, and said domineeringly:

"Although I am loyal and loyal, I am not a big club, but no matter which club wants to accept loyalty and righteousness, it must first see if it has a pair of good teeth.


The handsome guy slammed his fist on the desk and shouted angrily:

"Lian Haolong, what do you think when you step on the horse!"

"The Yan Zhihu you are working with is the woman of Hong Xing's leader Liang Zaiyi. After she kills my Changle Gang, will she let Zhong Xinyi go?"

"The three major clubs, Number Gang, He Liansheng, and Hongxing, divided up the water house. Did you, Lian Haolong, get a piece of the pie?"

Then, he spread his hands and said:

"Didn't get it? Do you know the reason? That's because they didn't take you Lian Haolong seriously!"

"So we must be united, Aaron! Don't forget that we are all disciples of my uncle!"

Lian Haolong stared at him, silent.

The handsome guy shook the leather jacket on his shoulders, then stood up, nodded slowly and said:

"Okay, if you don't say yes, let's all wait to die together."

After speaking, he slammed the door angrily and left.

After he left, Lian Haodong came to Lian Haolong's side, hesitant to speak.

"Haodong, what do you want to say, just say it." Lian Haolong looked at Lian Haodong and said.

"Brother, I think what the handsome guy said makes sense."

"Since the Lianhe Gang was wiped out overnight, the wind direction in the world has changed."

"Those big clubs seem to really have the momentum to carve up the world." Lian Haodong whispered to Lian Haolong, and Lian Haolong took a puff of his cigar, tapped his hands on the table a few times, and then said:

"Haodong, how about this, you go to meet Yan Zhihu and tell me that I want to open three places at Zhongsheng Dao

"Tell her to give me Zhongsheng Dao, and it will be my reward for helping her to enjoy Changle together."

"Brother, that woman is so smart, Zhong Sheng said she must be reluctant." Lian Hao said.

Lian Haolong snorted coldly and said, "It's not good to be soft, just come hard, and bring Tianhong with you."

Lian Haodong: "Brother, you mean to scare if you don't obey, beat if you can't be scared, kill if you don't accept, "?

Lian Haolong shook his head slightly and said:

"No, she is Princess Dongxing, and now she is dating Xu Yi again, how do I kill her?"

Lian Haodong thought for a few seconds and said, "Brother, then I understand."

Zhongsheng Road, Kp Nightclub.

Lin Peiru looked around the dilapidated place.

"Closing business, I invested 1000 million Hong Kong papers as shares. If I want to renovate, I will follow Hongxing's 'Ruby Clubhouse' model."

"This business model is outdated, and we must keep up with the trend."

As soon as Lin Peiru opened her mouth, the middle-aged man standing behind her said respectfully:

"Alright sister Ru, I will do as you say!"

"Sister Ru, I actually went to the 'Ruby Club' to see it. The decoration there is really upscale and resplendent."

"Mr. Xu is really amazing. He can fight and do business."

Lin Peiru looked back at the middle-aged man and asked:

"Do you think I'll be happy if you praise Xu Yi in front of me?"

The middle-aged man's smile gradually disappeared, thinking that I was wrong to flatter?

Didn't everyone say that you two are getting together?

"Let me tell you, I'm really very happy." Lin Peiru laughed.

The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief, and when he was about to boast again, footsteps sounded behind him.

He turned around and saw the "loyal and faithful" Lian Haodong leading someone in.

"Brother Dong! What brought you here? Welcome!"

He hurried up to greet him, and stretched out his hand from afar.

Lian Haodong pushed his hand away, then came to Lin Peiru and said:

"Hello, Miss Lin..."

"I'm not Miss, you can call me Lin Peiru." Lin Peiru interrupted quickly.

"Peiru, are you free now? I have something to talk to you about." Lian Haodong smiled.

Lin Peiru didn't reply, but looked at the man behind him with a bunch of long hair, which almost covered his right eye.

A young man with an ancient sword that only appears in movies.

"Are you that Dao Zihong?" she asked.

The young man kept his mouth shut, blew his long hair covering his right eye, smiled, and then nodded.

"Are you all dumb? Call someone!" Lian Haodong said to his opponent.

Luo Tianhong and the others reluctantly called out "Sister Ru".

Lin Peiru saw Luo Tianhong, one of the two fierce men of loyalty and righteousness, appearing with an ancient sword, and felt that they came today with no good intentions. ,

Afterwards, the two parties sat down in the rest area. The middle-aged man was the owner of the nightclub. He took the tea and snacks brought by the waiter, put them on the table himself, and then stood aside with a flattering face. If he doesn't flatter, he won't be able to offend anyone.

Lin Peiru raised her legs, looked at Lian Haodong and asked:

"Lian Haodong, what do you need to ask me? Tell me."

After Lian Haodong looked around, he said to Lin Peiru:

"Peiru, isn't this nightclub too old? I think it should be redecorated."

"That's right, I just had this idea." Lin Peiru nodded.

"Peiru, this is what I want to talk about." Lian Haodong smiled.

"My elder brother said that he plans to open several new venues on Zhongsheng Road, do you understand what I mean?"

Lin Peiru raised her eyebrows, looked at Lian Haodong and said:

"At the beginning, we agreed that Zhongsheng Dao belongs to me. What does your elder brother mean?"

"It means that we want the entire Zhongsheng Dao." Lian Haolong said.

"Then I'll tell you now, it's absolutely impossible, do you think I will agree?" Lin Peiru said indifferently.

Lian Haodong played with the lighter and asked with a puzzled look:

"Lin Peiru, you want to swallow the land of the Changle Gang, and you also want to swallow the land of the Shuifang. How can you, a girl, have such a big appetite?"

"You don't care, that's my business." Lin Peiru said coldly.

"Then it's none of your business, we'll definitely take care of it!" Lian Haodong said with a sudden increase in volume.

"My elder brother has already sent a message. I can't get the street of Zhongsheng Road. I can't explain it when I go back."

"That's your business, I don't care about it." Lin Peiru also raised her voice and said.

Lian Haodong smiled sadly, and the lighter in his hand twirled flexibly at his fingertips.

Both of them were in a stalemate in silence, but the subordinates of both sides were ready to fight at any time.

Luo Tianhong sat next to Lian Haodong holding his eight-faced Han sword, biting a toothpick leisurely, with a calm expression on his face, as if he had nothing to do with himself

At this moment, Lian Haodong took out his cigar, lit it silently, and said:

"Lin Peiru, in fact, I know that when you plant the flag here, it does not represent Dongxing, but represents yourself."

"As far as I know, you have a tense relationship with many people in Dongxing."

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