"That's right, I never use Dongxing's banner to work outside!" Lin Peiru sneered.

"Hehe, does that mean Hong Xing's pretty boy is supporting you?" Lian Haodong asked.

"When do you think I moved out of Hong Xing and Liang Ziyi?" Lin Peiru sneered.

"That's strange, so why do you?" Lian Haodong asked again.

Lin Peiru closed her hand, clenched it into a fist, and said in a cold voice:

'No one but myself, right? "

Lian Haodong smiled slightly and sneered:

"Because you are a weak woman? If you don't bear the title of 'Princess Dongxing', and now you are not clear with Liang Ziyi, who in the world will take you seriously?"

Lin Peiru stood up, smiled lightly and said:

"If you, Lian Haodong, were not Lian Haolong's younger brother, who would treat you like a green onion?"

Lian Haodong immediately changed his face!

Luo Tianhong quickly drew his sword!


The ear-piercing sound of metal collisions made everyone turn pale with astonishment!

Taking a closer look, I saw Lin Peiru in the flash.

He grabbed a metal ashtray on the table and pressed it against Luo Tianhong's sword tip.

Immediately, Lin Peiru quickly raised her left hand to stop the horse boy who was about to make a move.

Luo Tianhong's eyebrows quickly closed!

Although my sword was just to scare her, it was a false move, but this woman's movements are so fast?

Still so accurate?

Even Haodong was taken aback.

He knew that Lin Peiru could play very well.

But no matter how much you can fight, you will be the generation of women!

No matter which aspect, there are inherent disadvantages compared with men!

This rouge tiger... is not simple.

Luo Tianhong stared at Lin Peiru with one eye, and asked coldly:


After thinking for two seconds, Lian Haodong flicked the cigarette ash and said in a deep voice:

"Lin Peiru, if you don't agree, you won't be able to get out of this door today."

"I can tell that Tianhong's next sword will cut off your right hand!"

What Lian Haodong didn't expect was that Lin Peiru smiled easily and said:

"If you don't have a right hand, then you still have a left hand? You don't want to play with the horse, if you (the king) have the guts to kill me, then let the horse come over!"

"Kill me, the territory here is all your loyalty!"


Lian Haodong's expression froze instantly, and he was speechless for a moment.

I have been messing around for decades, who hasn't seen it?

This is the first time I have seen this woman with such a strong head!

Let's really do it, this woman has a deep relationship with Hong Xing Dongxing.

If you don't do it, how can you explain to your elder brother when you go back?

After thinking and thinking, he slowly stood up.

With a livid face, he stared at Lin Peiru and left directly.

Seeing this, Luo Tianhong withdrew his sword and followed.

On the car going back, Luo Tianhong asked doubtfully:

"Brother Dong, why don't you fight?"

"How to fight? Do you cripple her or kill her?"

Lian Haodong said with a straight face.

"She does have two tricks, but I don't want to kill her more than three tricks." Luo Tianhong said confidently.

Lian Haodong shook his head, and said to Luo Tianhong:

"Tianhong, it's not about fighting."

"She, Lin Peiru, can't beat you, let alone Big Brother. The main problem is the people behind her."

"Dongxing's side can be ignored, anyway, Dongxing's people are angry with her."

"But where's Hong Xing? Where's Liang Ziyi?"

Luo Tianhong snorted coldly and said:

"Liang Zaiyi? Liang Zaiyi used two knives to scare hundreds of people away at 42. I can almost hear cocoons in my ears."

"If given the chance, I really want to compete with him!

"I really want to see whether his sword is faster or my sword is faster.".

Chapter 150 The Charisma of Jianghu Idols!

Lian Haodong said to Luo Tianhong:

"Tianhong, do you think you were a swordsman in ancient times? What era is it now?"

"Brother Dong, I'm not afraid of anyone when I play with guns." Luo Tianhong said confidently.

"You misunderstood, what I mean is that the one who eats our bowl of rice uses his brain...forget it." Lian Haodong said helplessly.

"I don't like to use my brain, that's for you to be the boss." Luo Tianhong didn't care.

Ha ha..

Lian Haodong couldn't help laughing a couple of times, and said to himself, so you will be a young and Dangerous boy all your life!

At this time, Lian Haodong's big brother rang.

Lian Haodong took it out and saw that it was his elder brother Lian Haolong calling, he thought for a while before connecting.

"Haodong, how are things going?"

"Brother, Yan Zhihu's attitude is very tough, it seems that he is determined to sing against us."

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

"Brother, what should we do?" Lian Haodong asked.

"I've thought about it, after all, we and Changle are sprouts from the same root."

"Now the Changle Gang has made life difficult, we can stop."

"" Next, we will join forces with the handsome guy to fight Yanzhihu and drive her back to Tongshan's hometown

Lian Haodong thought for a while and said:

"Brother, I agree with what you said, but what if Yan Zhihu takes Hong Xing out?"

"Lian Haolong said.

Lian Haolong hesitated for more than ten seconds, and then slowly said: "We can temporarily leave Lin Peiru alone.

"As for Hong Xing's pretty boy Yi, I still have to weigh his true weight."

"Know yourself and know your enemy, and you can fight a hundred battles without imperil."

"How do you weigh him? Big brother," Lian Haodong asked curiously.

"Haodong, if we come out to hang out, we must have the courage to fight to the death, but we must not look too high on the top. Pretty Boy Yi is not easy. We can only start from a small place to test his reaction. Just do what you want, just don't take it lightly, as for Lin Peiru, you can find a few unfamiliar faces to stare at her first!"

Even though Lian Haolong is rebellious and unruly, he is cautious in his actions. 620

It is precisely because of this that loyalty can rise so rapidly.

Lian Haodong waved his hands nonchalantly when he heard the words, and said with a smile:

"Brother, don't worry, no matter how sharp that kid is, can he be sharper than you?

If you want me to say that it's all just rumors, I don't believe that he really has three heads and six arms. "

"Anyway, you don't want to make things big, just play around first, and watch the pretty boy's reaction before considering the next step."

Lian Haodong hummed, then put away his mobile phone, and remained silent for a moment.

When he returned to Tuodi Tower, Lian Haodong asked Luo Tianhong and others to go first, and found a secluded place to dial a number.

"Arrange for me a few younger brothers who have no background, are bold, and are eager to get ahead!"

"That's right! I will arrange specific things!"

Xu Yi soon found out about Lian Haodong and Lin Peiru's conflict.

From a practical point of view, he was a little worried about this "rumored girlfriend".

He hoped that Lin Peiru could set an example for Dongxing's tough guys.

Under the current situation, Dongxing's best choice is to form an alliance with Hong Xing, a large society that echoes from the north and the south, and fights together.

This is what Hong Xing needs now.

"If Lin Peiru falls, it won't be good for Xu Yi either.

"Brother Yi, Lin Peiru has fallen, why is it not a good thing?"

In Tianyao Bar, Han Bin asked Xu Yi.

Xu Yi smoked a cigar, then replied:

"Last week, the old man Guo from the number gang showed his kindness to Dongxing generously. I don't think it's necessary for him to do that."

"Because with the strength of the Number Gang, he doesn't have to worry about Dongxing holding a grudge."

"It seems that the surname Guo is already on guard against me."

Han Bin thought with a cigar for a few seconds and said with a smile:

"Maybe, Old Man Guo has seen Brother Yi's ambition."

"So ginger is old and hot, and this old guy is very hot!" Xu Yi laughed.

"Brother Ke Yi, didn't he just jump into the big hole you dug for him?" Han Bin said disapprovingly.

Xu Yi shook his head and said:

"To be honest, that pit has nothing to do with vision and wisdom."

"If it were me, I would also dance if I didn't hang up."

"Brother Yi, what are you talking about?" Han Bin asked suspiciously.

"It's just... just talking about it casually, and getting to the point, I still hope that Lin Peiru will not be killed by them." Xu Yi said in a deep voice.

"Her crisis comes not only from Zhongxinyi, Changle Gang, but also from Dongxing!"

"Dong Xing seems to be having a hard time because the No. [-] boy is out of stock, but I know that Lei Yaoyang is selling other new D products and will be up soon."

"Lin Peiru and I have a good relationship, and I am Lei Yaoyang's number one enemy, and he is very stubborn. Not only will they not help Yan Zhihu, but they may even make trouble."

"I know that." Han Bin nodded and said.

"But Yanzhihu is a member of Dongxing after all, and Zhongxinyi Changle helps them dare not do anything to Yanzhihu?"

"It's hard to say." Xu Yi's expression was rarely serious.

"Loyalty and faith may seem small, but they are very strong."

"Loyalty is the representative of the 'family' society. Lian Haolong, Lian Haodong, and Lian Haolong's wife SOS are all the leaders of this society." Just as Han Bin was about to say something, the big brother rang.

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