"Lian Haolong did not know how to get a batch of emergency cargo, and he will go ashore in Saigon the day after tomorrow." Lin Peiru continued.

"You don't want to swallow Lian Haolong's goods, do you? If you do that, he will kill you at all costs." Xu Yi reminded.

"It's not that I want to swallow his stuff, it's Dongxing who wants to swallow his stuff." Lin Peiru laughed.

"I've already told Uncle Ben the news, as well as Lei Yaoyang and Sand Bat."

Xu Yi laughed.

Lin Peiru wanted to drag Dong Xing into the water who was watching the fire from the other side.

With the support of the entire Dongxing, she is strong enough to fight Zhong Yixin.

After hanging up the phone, the big brother suddenly rang.


Xu Yi picked up the phone, and the next moment, a somewhat anxious voice came from the phone:

"Brother Yi! It's not good, something happened to the film company!"

Xu Yi frowned, and when he rushed to the company with people.

The first thing I saw was the mess all over the floor, the office area became messy, all kinds of documents, office utensils, tables and chairs were all scattered all over the place.

The employees of several companies were busy cleaning up, and many people were sitting on chairs and resting with their teeth grinning.

There are obvious scars on the face and body, but only superficial trauma.

With a grimace, Xu Yi walked into the company stepping on debris all over the floor.

The employees of Tianyi Film Company were surprised when they saw Xu Yi.

Scanning around, looking at the smashed-up office, Xu Yi's face completely sank.

And when he saw Wang Yong, the vice president of Tianyi, approaching with a bruised nose and swollen face, the coldness in Xu Yi's eyes almost cooled the whole room down!

"Ayong, what's going on?"

In the office, Xu Yi sat on the sofa, looked at Wang Yong, the vice president of Tianyi Film Company, and asked in a deep voice.

Wang Yong angrily told the whole process of the matter.

The process is actually not complicated, nothing more than someone coming to find fault.

In turn, conflicts were triggered, and the other party smashed the company and injured people in a rage.

"Ayong, do you know who did it?"

Xu Yi's face was very flat, but his voice was chillingly cold.

"Boss, it's Lian Haolong's blue lanterns!" Wang Yong gritted his teeth.

After the other party smashed the company, he left immediately and left threats.

If Hung Hing refuses to give up a venue in Tsim Sha Tsui within three days, he will bear the consequences!


Xu Yi lit a lighter, lit a cigar, and began to think.

Because the plot of "Capturing the Commander" hasn't started yet, everything that happened is out of Xu Yi's control, but Xu Yi knows in his heart that this time is just a temptation of loyalty.

The destruction of Lianhe Gang and Shuifang made Hong Xing the target of public criticism.

My relationship with Lin Peiru has been rumored to be a lover relationship, Lin Peiru and Lian Haolong turned their faces, Lian Haolong wanted to test his attitude towards this matter.

Anyway, what he sent was just the blue lantern of loyalty and loyalty, not officially loyal and loyal people, at most they belonged to the periphery.

If Hong Xing counterattacked forcefully, he could push it clean.

If he compromises, then with Lian Haolong's character, he will definitely make progress.

Of course, Xu Yi will never compromise, and getting rid of Zhong Xinyi is also in his plan!

What Lian Haolong did today, actually accelerated his pace.

Han Bin on the side also knew that the relationship between the various big associations on the road was very delicate.

He glanced at Xu Yi and said, "Brother Yi, fight or talk?"

Xu Yi lit a cigar and said slowly:

"Lian Haolong's calculations are very precise. I think he has three purposes for making small moves at this time.

"Which three purposes? Brother Yi." Han Bin asked.

"One, knock the mountain to shake the tiger, to do such a thing is to give Hong Xing a warning, let me not interfere in the fight between him and Lin Peiru"

"Second, he is sending a signal to the number gang, Liansheng, and Xinji to unite and deal with us Hongxing"

"Three, to test my reaction to his provocation."

At this time, Tian Yangsheng, who returned to Xu Yi from Shi'ao Village, took a step forward expressionlessly, looked down at Xu Yi and said:

"Brother Yi, do you want me to take action? I haven't done anything for you yet."

Xu Yi waved his hand, then said lightly:

"Abin, make an appointment with Lian Haolong for me, and say that I will meet him in person."

"Okay, Brother Yi!"

At 55:[-] am the next day, East Tsim Sha Tsui.

Luo Tianhong came out of a wave building with a few boys.

The boys chattered about the win or loss just now.

"Don't blow the water, go back." Luo Tianhong said.

"Brother Tianhong, where are you going?" asked a boy.

"Of course I'll go back to my residence, the distance is short, just walk back." Luo Tianhong waved his hand and said that he was super skilled, and the horse boys were not worried about him, so they all dispersed.

Luo Tianhong took out the Hong Wan in his pocket, lit one, and walked for a few minutes while smoking alone, then left the street and turned into a side road.

It was already past two o'clock in the morning, and the shops on both sides of the side road had already closed.

Only one tower was still lit.

When Luo Tianhong passed the billiard room, he looked in.

I saw only one table with two people playing.

?0 for flowers 0...

Young man swinging a club in a white shirt with a blue tie tucked into his shirt pocket

"I"!Dressed so brightly to play billiards? "

Luo Tianhong laughed and cursed, and continued walking forward.


A few people came out of the dark place ahead, blocking Luo Tianhong's way.

Luo Tianhong frowned and stopped.

Light footsteps came from behind.

He looked back and saw several people coming out from behind, blocking the escape route.

Luo Tianhong didn't panic, and observed while smoking a cigar.

The people who surrounded him didn't have anything in their hands, and they didn't make any moves, so they blocked him in the middle

Luo Tianhong sneered and turned to look into the billiard room.

"Luo Tianhong, come in."

The young man inside shouted.

Luo Tianhong stood still, sizing up the young man carefully.

"Don't worry, if you really wanted to touch you, you would have already been lying down."

The young man said as he hit the ball.

At this time, people in front and behind surrounded him.

One of them spread his hands to Bo Louli and said:


Luo Tianhong blew on the blue hair that covered her right eye, and walked in proudly.

As soon as Luo Tianhong entered, the people behind him followed suit.


And pulled down the shutter door.

When he came to the table, Luo Tianhong found that the young man was only in his early twenties at most.

He is tall, and his muscular contours can be seen even in a shirt.

Next to the young man stood a man, dressed in black, with piercing eyes.

Two seconds later, the young man cleared the table with one stroke, threw the cue away, jumped on the table and looked at him with a smile.

"Luo Tianhong, you are indeed courageous, do you really dare to come in?"

Luo Tianhong dismissed it, sneered and said:

"As you said, if you really want to touch me, I'd already lie down."

The young man nodded and said with a smile:

"Let me introduce myself. I am Hong Xing Xu Yi. You should have heard my name."

Xu Yi, the leader of Hong Xing?

I go!So young?

Luo Tianhong was taken aback!

It can be seen that the man in black has a strong aura, and the other subordinates are all practicing the aura of a family, this is definitely not a joke...

Although Luo Tianhong was shocked, he still laughed and said:

"Of course I know Hongxing's leader, so tell me, what do you want from me?"

"It's nothing bad, I just heard that Dao Zaihong is good at it, and my brother wants to compete with you." Xu Yi put down his cue and said with a smile to Luo Tianhong.

Luo Tianhong looked at the man in black next to Xu Yi, in disbelief:

"Experience? What is the exchange?"

"What else? Do you think I'll treat you to supper?" Xu Yi asked back.

Luo Tianhong was silent, 1 people didn't believe it.

Xu Yi lit a cigar and said:

"If you don't want to, then you can go now."

Luo Tianhong rested his chin with his hands, and after being silent for half a minute, pointed at the man in black and said:

"It's not impossible to compete, but I don't want to fight with him, I want to fight with you!"

Hearing what Luo Tianhong said, Xu Yi burst out laughing.

"Dao Zaihong, let me tell you if you can beat me." The man in black said to Luo Tianhong.

"You? Who are you? Are you good at fighting? I don't fight with unknown juniors." Luo Tianhong said disdainfully.

"His name is Wang Jianjun, and he fought with those Yuenan monkeys on the battlefield in southern Xinjiang." Xu Yi introduced.

Hearing that he had been on the battlefield, Luo Tianhong immediately became interested.

Xu Yi jumped off the pool table at this moment, and said with a smile:

"It's just for you to learn from each other. Don't get hurt."

When the others saw it, they immediately dispersed and carried away the pool table, leaving an open space for seven.

Chapter 152 Xu Yi VS Lian Haolong!

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