Luo Tianhong noticed that these people were not as foolish as Young and Dangerous.

Instead, each of them held their heads upright and "straddled" with their hands behind their backs.

This made Luo Tianhong very curious. He took off his coat, moved his neck and hands and feet, and then said:

"Come on! I really want to compete with those who have been on the battlefield."

Wang Jianjun still stood tall, with a calm expression on his face.

"What are you waiting for? If you wait any longer, it's time for breakfast!" Luo Tianhong said with a relaxed smile.

Luo Tianhong just finished speaking!

I saw Wang Jianjun slamming the hem of his clothes!

Wang Jianjun's windbreaker was long and big, and after throwing it off, it immediately covered Luo Tianhong's sight!

Luo Tianhong was only stunned for a moment, then was knocked back three steps by a powerful force, almost unable to stand still!

This made Luo Tianhong immediately take it seriously...

Then, Xu Yi enjoyed a high-level fight.

Wang Jianjun's movements are simple and efficient, and his movements are extremely concise.

And Luo Tianhong's movements are sharp and ruthless, with light and gorgeous movements

In the end, Luo Tianhong, who had ruled the streets since childhood, was defeated.

Knocked down by Wang Jianjun's fierce straight fist, Luo Tianhong didn't get up from the ground for seven or eight seconds.

Wang Jianjun immediately withdrew his hands, shook his black windbreaker, and stood there with a solemn face.

Luo Tianhong, who finally got up from the ground, was not only not angry, but showed an expression of appreciation on the contrary.

After looking at Wang Jianjun for a while, he nodded silently.

"Dao Zaihong, how is it?" Xu Yi asked with a smile. "Six Twenty"

"I admit defeat, I am indeed inferior to him with bare hands! Those who have been on the battlefield are really different!" Luo Tianhong praised sincerely.

"You mean that if you use a guy, you have a chance to win?" Xu Yi asked with a playful smile.

Luo Tianhong frowned, smiled and said nothing.

Xu Yi held a cigar and waved to the side, saying:

"Jianguo, give him the things."

Luo Tianhong was dumbfounded.

Immediately, I saw a man coming over with a long sword and handed it to him.

Luo Tianhong took it as soon as he took it, and a dazzling look appeared in his eyes instantly!

Luo Tianhong is a fan of cold weapons and likes swords very much.

When he got it, he felt the weight of it, and he knew that this sword was by no means the kind of handicraft sold in the store.

He pulled out the blade of the sword full of anticipation, and his eyes lit up.

Eight-faced Han sword!

The sword has three sides on one side and eight sides on both sides. Once it is unsheathed, you can really feel the chill!

The quality of this eight-faced Han sword is far superior to the one he usually holds in his hand.

Just when Luo Tianhong couldn't put it down, Xu Yi said with a smile:

"This sword is a limited edition of the Swordsmith Master, there are only ten in the world, and it has reached a perfect balance in terms of strength, toughness, and sharpness.

"Even if you bend the sword body to [-] degrees, it won't break, and it will return to its original state in two seconds."

Of course Luo Tianhong knows the goods, he nodded repeatedly and said:

"Good sword! It is indeed a good sword!"

"I'll give you a chance, just take this sword and try again." Xu Yi smiled lightly.

Luo Tianhong looked at Wang Jianjun, and saw that at some point in the opponent's hands, there were two sharp triangular army thorns.

"An inch is long and an inch is strong, don't say I bully you." Luo Tianhong laughed.

"An inch is short and an inch is dangerous, you better be careful." Wang Jianjun said coldly.

Luo Tianhong gently put the scabbard on the pool table.

Standing upright from the guard to see the tip of the sword.

Then his sharp eyes turned to Wang Jianjun on the opposite side.

In an instant!

Luo Tianhong's long sword roared out!

The edge of the sword tore through the air, sending out a sharp dragon cry!

Wang Jianjun's eyes changed, and the two military thorns stabbed out alternately like spirit snakes!

In the shadow of the sword, everyone including Xu Yi was thrilled.

Needless to say, the newly cast Eight-faced Han sword is extremely sharp, and it will definitely cut iron like mud with a single strike.

But Wang Jianjun's triangular army thorns are not vegetarian either.

If you are stabbed once, you can understand what it means to be "cut and stabbed to death".

Two minutes later, the members of the battle hall were already dazzled by the shadows of swords and swords.

A lot of people seem to have forgotten to breathe, watching Wang Jianjun and Luo Tianhong intently


Luo Tianhong swung his sword and cut off a corner of the pool table neatly!

Not only did this sword miss Wang Jianjun, it also exposed Luo Tianhong's own torso!

Wang Jianjun quickly seized the opportunity, and the three-sided army stabbed out like lightning!

Xu Yi's pupils shrank sharply!

There were still people exclaiming at the scene!


Is it real?

Is Luo Tianhong still alive?

Luo Tianhong, who was holding the Eight-Faced Han Sword tightly, stared wide-eyed.

He slowly lowered his head, looked at the two bayonets stabbed in his abdomen, and said in surprise: "You, Wang Jianjun, retracted your hands and stood up straight.

Xu Yi took a closer look, but found that there was no bloody hole on Luo Tianhong's body as he had imagined.

It's just two pleats on the T-shirt.

It turned out that Wang Jianjun stabbed him with a bayonet.

Luo Tianhong's Adam's apple twitched and couldn't help swallowing.

The moment the bayonet stabbed him just now, he was indeed frightened...

"Forget it, you practice martial arts just to make a living, and I have always been to survive." Wang Jianjun said calmly.

Luo Tianhong understood what Wang Jianjun meant.

The purpose of practicing martial arts is different, and the opponents encountered are also different, and this is the result of this competition.

But Luo Tianhong refused to accept it, and said in a loud voice:

"There's not enough space here, and I'm using a long sword again, so I can't use it!"

"Should we go to the street, I will compete with you again!"

Just as Wang Jianjun was about to say yes, Xu Yi came up and said with a smile:

"Dao Zaihong, another day, we still have something to do today."

"Soon! Don't waste time," Luo Tianhong insisted.

Xu Yi walked over and patted Luo Tianhong's shoulder with a smile, then waved.

Aji brought Xu Yi's coat over.

Xu Yi waved to Luo Tianhong after putting it on:

"Let's go, goodbye, maybe tomorrow."

After speaking, Xu Yi turned and left.

Wang Jianjun put away his military thorns and followed behind him.

Luo Tianhong was really unwilling, but there was nothing he could do if the other party wanted to leave.

At this time, Luo Tianhong suddenly remembered that the opponent's sword was still in his hand, and quickly shouted: "Your sword!"

"Give it to you, thank you!" Xu Yi said without looking back.

After watching Xu Yi and the others leave, Luo Tianhong picked up the Eight-faced Han Sword in his hand and looked at it carefully, and couldn't hide a smile anymore.

What a sword!

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that there were two small characters engraved on the bottom of the hilt, Jinghong!

Luo Tianhong was shocked when he saw these two words!

Jinghong, or that is the name of this sword.

Or... it means that this sword is specially customized for him.

The next day!

When Lian Haolong and Lian Haodong were preparing to counterattack against Hong Xing, they received the news that Xu Yi asked to meet.

Naturally, Lian Haolong would not refuse, so the two parties made an appointment to meet at a bar in East Tsim Sha Tsui.

Lian Haolong directly booked this bar.

For Xu Yi, Lian Haolong still wanted to meet him very much.

At 09:30 in the evening, Lian Hao's leader, Ma Lanmingheng, who was guarding the entrance of the bar, raised his head inadvertently.

He saw three young figures entering his field of vision.

When they got closer, they saw that the leader was an extremely handsome young man with an extraordinary bearing.

Behind him was a man with a mustache, and a muscular young man with an expressionless face.

Lan Mingheng subconsciously looked at the handsome young man, and he faintly felt a threat from him.

"This place is already reserved, if you want to drink, go to another bar!" Lan Mingheng waved his hand impatiently.

As soon as the voice fell, only the young man in the lead said loudly:

"If I leave, Lian Haolong will be waiting in vain."

Deadly Heng was startled, stared at the young man and asked:

"What? Could it be that you are Hong Xing's leading handsome boy Yi?"

As Lian Haolong's leader, he naturally knows who his boss is meeting with this time. 0

Although he had never met Xu Yi himself, Hong Xing's leader, Liang Ziyi, had a reputation like thunder!

However, after seeing Xu Yi with his own eyes today, he was taken aback.

The handsome boy Yi, who was uploaded so wickedly in the world, turned out to be so young.

If the other party didn't say anything, he would have thought it was an ordinary freshman.

Lan Mingheng made a gesture of invitation to the bar?Shen Sheng said:

"My boss is inside, please!"

After speaking, he led Xu Yi and others upstairs.

Xu Yi followed Lan Mingheng steadily, with a relaxed expression.

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