Hong Xing Xu Yi?

How can this be?

Lei Yaoyang just got into a fight with him not long ago, although it was Dongxing who conceded defeat and asked for peace in the end, and Crow and Smiley Tiger also killed Hongxing's second leader, Jiang Tiansheng.

After all, Dong Xing and Hong Xing's new and old hatred is as deep as the sea!

Shouldn't they be inseparable?

How could he, Liang Ziyi, think about Dong Xing's interests?

At this time, Lei Yaoyang tentatively asked Lin Peiru:

"Aru, you can't be...fake it for real, right?"

Lin Peiru's face changed suddenly, and she asked sharply:

"Lei Yaoyang, what do you mean? What is a fake show?"

But the beams of the two families have been settled.

cough cough...

Lei Yaoyang coughed lightly, but stopped talking.

Lin Peiru looked at the "golden tiger" Sandworm again, and the sandbat smiled warmly, chewing gum and moving its cheeks, without saying a word.

Lin Peiru looked at "Catch the Dragon Tiger" Situ Haonan and "Changzhou Tiger" Coke again.

As a result, the two of them either lowered their heads and lit their cigars, or pretended to look outside.

Finally, Lin Peiru looked at the Pulsatilla, the leader of Dongxing.

The pulsatilla biting on the cigar gave two "cough coughs", took off the cigar and said with a smile:

"Aru, let me gossip, if it's not for you, don't be angry, I want to know if you really like Xu Yi?"


Lin Peiru's fair face changed drastically!

With a "huh" she stood up from her seat, and she said loudly to everyone in Dongxing:

"All of you...do you think I really slept with Xu Yi?"

"Did we guess wrong?" Uncle Ning asked back.

Lin Peiru instantly understood.

No wonder the pulsatilla said before, "I lost my wife and lost my army"!

Unexpectedly, that "madame" refers to me?

After understanding, Lin Peiru was angry and funny, she shook her head and said:

"Are you looking down on me, or Xu Yi?"

"Will I dedicate myself to him for profit? Will he do so many things for me?"

"Isn't it?" Uncle Ning asked again.

Lin Peiru glared at him, gritted her teeth and said:

"I said why didn't you help me at the beginning! So you feel ashamed?"

"I'll make it clear today! Xu Yi and I are only in a cooperative relationship! We don't have the cooperation that you guys think about going to bed!"

"Aru, why did Pretty Boy Yi take the site of the water house..." Lei Yaoyang questioned.

Lin Peiru directly interrupted:

"It's not just about the water house! Changle Feihong passed the bottom and Yudanxiong ran away, all of which are directly related to their fear of Xu Yi and Hong Xing!"

"Why Zhongyixin fell so fast is Xu Yi's secret help!"

"Why did Xu Yi do this? It's not because he has any warm feelings with me, but for the future of Jianghu!" Lin Peiru's words made everyone's eyes light up in Dongxing, but at the same time they were full of doubts.

Pulsatilla took a sip of his cigar and quickly remembered what Lin Peiru said in the last meeting, and asked:

"Aru, do you mean that Xu Yi is willing to put aside the past and cooperate with our Dongxing?"

"Aben, Aru, I think that pretty boy Yi is hiding some kind of conspiracy, right? After more than a year, pretty boy Yi can play tricks easily!" Uncle Gou said vigilantly.

"Uncle Dog, your old man is really getting better and better." Lin Peiru sneered.

"It's not that I grow others' ambitions. Although Xu Yi is young, his magnanimity is not comparable to that of ordinary people."

"Xu Yi's helping me and Dongxing this time is not doing charity. Of course he is thinking of Hong Xing."

"He wants to let us know that if Dongxing and Hong Xing cooperate, it will be the best choice for Dongxing!"

"Simply put, everyone gets what they need, and it's the same for Hong Xing!"

After Lin Peiru finished speaking, the scene was silent.

Dongxing's new five tigers, the other veterans began to think about it.

Pulsatilla took a few sips of Biluochun, picked up the cigar and put it down again, leaning on the table with his hands crossed, lost in thought.

Fei'e Mountain side.

Lian Haolong took off his coat and threw it on the ground, then hooked his fingers at Xu Yi, and said:

'Liang Ziyi, to be honest, I admire you very much, and today I will let you lose heartily! "

Although Lian Haolong disdained it in his mouth, he took it very seriously in his heart, without any carelessness.

Liang Ziyi was famous for his sharp skills, even though Lian Haolong didn't believe that Xu Yi was his opponent, he still didn't despise him.


Xu Yi chuckled, turned his head and shouted at Wang Jianguo:

"Jianguo, watch people!"

Wang Jianguo laughed loudly:

"Don't worry, Brother Yi! No problem!!"

Xu Yi smiled and nodded.

At this moment, Lian Haolong stood in the field, motionless like a mountain.

The whole body exudes a domineering, brutal and intimidating aura.

The domineering arrogance of a generation of heroes is fully displayed!

Xu Yi smiled slightly, and slowly stretched out his hand to unbutton his coat.

Suddenly, a hand reached out in front of him and stopped him.


Xu Yi turned his head and saw Wang Jianjun's solemn face and determination in his eyes.

From Wang Jianjun's eyes, Xu Yi understood what he meant.

Wang Jianjun wants to play for him!

Xu Yi frowned slightly, he knew Wang Jianjun's strength well enough for Lian Haolong.

Xu Yi smiled slightly and turned sideways.

Wang Jianjun strode forward, moved his body a little, looked at Lian Haolong, and said indifferently:

"Lian Haolong, I heard that you are the number one tiger in East Tsim Sha Tsui, come! I'll fight you!"

(Wang Haohao) Seeing Wang Jianjun standing in front of him, Lian Haolong's face became extremely gloomy.

Lose your mother!

Look down on me?

He actually sent someone down to fight me!

Lian Haolong glared at Xu Yi viciously, and was about to lose his temper.

Before he could speak, Xu Yi smiled and glanced in the direction of the fourth uncle.

Lian Haolong's face darkened, looking at his fourth uncle who was under the threat of gunpoint, he felt extremely aggrieved.

And it was not Liang Ziyi who appeared on the stage, but the younger brother behind him.

Lian Haodong, Lan Mingheng, and several other loyal boys started shouting, cursing and clamoring.

Lian Haolong took a deep breath and raised his hand to stop everyone.

He stared at Xu Yi, then fixed his gloomy eyes on Wang Jianjun.

For the sake of his fourth uncle's money, and for his own comeback and revival of loyalty and faith, Lian Haolong had no choice but to compromise.

Lian Haolong has made up his mind that he will never hold back in this battle.

He decided to kill the street-wearing black windbreaker in front of him in a short while, and then go fuck the pretty boy Yichuan!

Lian Haolong's eyes flashed fiercely, and he looked at Wang Jianjun with a sinister smile: Since you want to die, of course I will help you!

He was completely irritated, but he still had reason, and he calmed down even more.

Lian Haolong in such a state is the hero who once beheaded hundreds of people and became famous in Xiangjiang!

The most terrifying 'crossing the river dragon'!

Seeing Lian Haolong who was already in the state, the members of Zhongxinyi suddenly became energetic and their blood boiled.

Chapter 160

Lian Haodong lit a cigarette, took a puff, exhaled a smoke ring, and said mockingly:

""!Street boy!Dare to fight with our eldest brother, I really don't know how to write the dead word!

The others also laughed out loud. In their eyes, Wang Jianjun had become a dead man.

The distance between the two sides was several meters, the lines of sight intertwined, and they were fighting each other, full of murderous intent!

Lian Haolong looked at Wang Jianjun pretending to be contemptuous, and said with disdain:

"Pujie boy! Are you here to be cannon fodder?!"

Wang Jianjun's eyes were dull.

Seeing that he couldn't provoke the other party, Lian Haolong didn't try any more, and his face became serious.

die! ! !

Whoosh! !

In the next second, Lian Haolong suddenly set off and rushed towards Wang Jianjun!

Although Lian Haolong's body is fat, his feet are as fast as shooting stars.

The moment he approached, he blatantly shot out.

With lightning speed, hit Wang Jianjun's chest directly!

Wang Jianjun bent his knees, turned sideways instantly, and inserted between Lian Haolong's arms.

Using his elbow as a hammer, he suddenly slammed into Lian Haolong's lower abdomen with a fierce and domineering force.

Lian Haolong changed his move in an instant, his arms were like whips, and he directly met Wang Jianjun's elbow.

The momentary strength broke through the air, making a "cracking" sound.

puff! !

Elbows and arms hit each other, followed by a slightly dull sound.

Wang Jianjun and Lian Haolong took two steps back at the same time.

Both of them are tough and fierce, attacking against attacking, exchanging injuries for injuries.

In less than 2 minutes, both Wang Jianjun and Lian Haolong had some injuries.

However, the two didn't care at all, and their offensive continued unabated.

Puff puff puff puff! !

The sound of punching to the flesh kept ringing out, and the two struck fiercely, making the onlookers very nervous

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