Lian Haolong's attack was as swift and violent as thunder, and a heavy punch blatantly hit Wang Jianjun's head.

Wang Jianjun's eyes were calm, and he turned his head to avoid it.

At the same time as he tilted his head, he whipped his leg against Lian Haolong's waist and ribs.

But after being kicked by Wang Jianjun, Lian Haolong didn't even shake it.

The series of movements of the two were like a rabbit rising and falling, with incomparable speed.

While Lian Haolong's eyes were solemn, he couldn't help but flash a little excitement.

"A real master!"

He felt his blood start to boil, Wang Jianjun's strength made him feel the long-lost fighting passion.

"Come again!!"

Lian Haolong yelled violently, taking advantage of Wang Jianjun's figure just retreating, his footing was not stable.

In an instant, he walked like a shooting star, and posted up like a shadow.

One punch and one kick were aimed at Wang Jianjun's throat and genitals respectively, and the coordination was perfect.

Wang Jianjun's figure suddenly rose and fell, and his hair exploded like an agile cheetah.

I saw his left arm turned inward, he got up and crossed his elbows, and with the strength of turning around, the tip of his elbow collided with his fist.

Clang! ! !

The air exploded in an instant, as if there was a sound of gold and iron colliding.

Seeing such a fierce battle, everyone in the audience was dumbfounded.

I have to say that Lian Haolong's physique is really strong, and the violent impact only made his figure shake slightly,

Lian Haolong took a deep look at Wang Jianjun, with a sinister smile on his lips.

"Boy, you are really sharp. With your skill, why do you have to follow Liang Ziyi? How about you come with me?" It was the first time Lian Haolong met someone who could fight as well as him, and he couldn't help but love talent in his heart. heart of.Wang Jianjun stretched out his middle finger expressionlessly, and hooked his finger at Lian Haolong.

"Come again!"


Lian Haolong narrowed his eyes, his pupils flashed fiercely, Wang Jianjun's attitude completely angered him

"Courageous enough!!"

Lian Haolong let out a loud cry, and stomped his right foot on the ground, stirring up a burst of dust.

The whole person took advantage of the momentum and smashed fiercely at Wang Jianjun's breastbone like a hard crossbow.

Rely on the hammer!

Nailed Elbow!

Exploding with force, swift and incomparable!

Wang Jianjun's eyes were extremely serious, and he straightened his back and chest.

All of a sudden, his momentum changed!

In the next second, his body flickered, his steps were like a bow, his tendons were like strings, and his bones were like arrows!

Twist step!



His elbows were as strong as steel, and his muscles and bones exploded.

boom! ! !

Wang Jianjun's elbow hit Lian Haolong's lower abdomen heavily.

A powerful force burst out in an instant, and immediately hit Lian Haolong's body.

Even though Lian Haolong's physique was extraordinary, he still couldn't bear this blow.

He felt as if his internal organs had been churned into a paste, accompanied by severe pain that instantly invaded his whole body.


Lian Haolong couldn't help but let out a scream, and his body of two hundred and dozens of kilograms was directly knocked into the air, and fell to the ground hard.

The sudden scene left everyone dumbfounded.


"Big brother!"

After regaining his senses, he saw that the situation took a turn for the worse.

Lian Haodong, Lan Mingheng and the others suddenly turned pale with shock, and subconsciously took steps.

Looking at Lian Haolong who fell on the ground, many people's eyes were full of disbelief.

Immediately, it turned into ferocity and murderous intent, ready to rush forward.

"Stop! Stop for me!" Lian Haolong shouted loudly, and slowly stood up from the ground.

Lian Haolong breathed a sigh of relief, and his face suddenly looked better.

At the same time, the eyes were condensed, and the corner of the mouth evoked a sly smile.

He picked up a two-meter-long steel pipe from the ground beside him, and shouted at Wang Jianjun:

"Fuck your mother, let's do it again!"

At this moment, Wang Jianjun's eyes also changed.

The indifference in his eyes was replaced by faint fanaticism, and the aura on his body became more and more fiery.

He turned his hands and held the triangular army thorns around his waist in his hands.

He was going to use this mere [-]cm triangular army thorn to confront the two-meter-long steel pipe in Lian Haolong's hand!

Ding, Ding! !

Lian Haolong shot first, raised the steel pipe with both hands, and slammed it down like a sharp axe!

Wang Jianjun turned slightly sideways, held the triangular army thorn with his backhand and picked it up.

Ding! !

A crisp sound!

With a flash of cold light, the triangular army slashed on the steel pipe with precision, splashing a few sparks in and out.

Then without stopping for the slightest, the army stabbed forward and cut towards Lian Haolong who was close at hand.


Lian Haolong snorted coldly, the steel pipe in his hand was like a spear, like an arm and a finger, he swung away the triangular army and stabbed Wang Jianjun's moves very quickly, and it was a counterattack in an instant.

The sharp stabbing edge drew an arc in the air, cutting towards Lian Haolong's throat like lightning!Lian Haolong's reaction was also as fast as lightning, and his upper body suddenly leaned back to avoid the spear.

The steel pipe in his hand shot out like a dragon in an instant, stabbing Wang Jianjun's eyes back!


Wang Jianjun waved his army stab to block the block, and the triangular army stab intersected with the steel pipe again.

In the clear and crisp sound of the shock, Lian Haolong's face became serious, and he suddenly increased his strength.

Pressing down with both arms, the steel pipe rested on Wang Jianjun's neck, and his wrists suddenly exerted force.

Wang Jianjun's body arched, with his right foot as the core, he firmly grasped the ground, his shoulders sank slightly, resisting Lian Haolong's strength.

Lian Haolong's eyes were incomparably astonished, and he was secretly surprised at Wang Jianjun's strength, that he was able to resist his strength.

Taking advantage of the moment when Wang Jianjun's strength was slack, he suddenly raised his knee towards his abdomen, and it was a fierce slam!

puff! !

Wang Jian (baah) Jun was knocked back several steps immediately, his face turned pale, and his stomach hurt like a twist.

ridicule! !

Lian Haolong held the steel pipe with one hand, pointed at Wang Jianjun with one end, with an arrogant expression on his face:

"Boy, you are not qualified to fight me!"

Wang Jianjun, who was hit all over with severe pain, slowly stood up and took a steady footstep.

Holding a triangular army thorn in his hand, Jie glanced fiercely and intimidatingly.

Wang Jianjun rubbed the injured part, raised his eyes, and showed a sneer on his face.

"It's not up to you whether you're qualified or not!"

As soon as the words fell, he rushed towards Lian Haolong again.


Lian Haolong snorted coldly, his eyes were cold, and he picked up the steel pipe in his hand, piercing Wang Jianjun's throat like lightning


Wang Jianjun swung his army to block in an instant, and sparks flew everywhere.

The two fought together again.

The fighting between the two sides was more intense than before.


The sound of military stabs and steel pipes colliding continued to resound, like a gust of wind and rain.

Both sides suffered a lot of wounds, blood spattered, extremely tragic!

However, the expressions of Wang Jianjun and Lian Haolong were full of excitement.


The sound of breaking air sounded!

Wang Jianjun's whole body jumped up instantly, and with a twist of his wrist, the military stab directly pierced Lian Haolong's neck!

Lian Haolong's pupils shrank suddenly, and he rushed to the right sideways.

Luckily, he escaped the end of being killed in seconds by wiping his throat.

But he still couldn't get out of his body, and a long bloodstain was drawn from his neck to the left side of his face.

This scene immediately caused the Zhongxinyi group to cry out in surprise.

Lian Haolong wiped the blood on his face, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

The gist of "one inch short and one inch dangerous" was vividly demonstrated in the hands of Wang Jianjun.

In the eyes of Lian Haolong, Wang Jianjun is no longer an unknown person.

It is an enemy of life and death that can bring him a fatal threat!

The battle of trapped beasts is the deadliest!

However, before he could risk his life, Wang Jianjun had already made his move.

I saw him rushing forward quickly, the triangular army thorn in his hand pierced Lian Haolong's neck with fierce momentum!

Lian Haolong couldn't dodge in time, and a long wound was drawn on his chest again.

Lian Haolong, who was still struggling, was no match for him at all.

In the next second, Wang Jianjun kicked directly on the whip leg kicked by Lian Haolong.


muffled o

Lian Haolong's body suddenly lost his balance, he spun in mid-air, and flew backwards obliquely.

Lian Haolong closed his eyes in mid-air!

He lost!

as predicted.

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