"It's a sniper! Pay attention to concealment! Find a way to find that sniper and kill him!" the idiot Ma said loudly.

At this time, Wang Jianjun was on a hill near the port, observing the actions of the idiot Ma and others through the sight.

"Asheng, blow up the car." Wang Jianjun said through the incoming machine and Tian Yangsheng.

Three seconds later, the car carrying the D product was blown up, and by the way, even Ma Zi, who was hiding behind the truck, was killed and injured.

At this time, in a dark corner of the pier, an indifferent young man put down the RPG on his shoulder.

Then act like a ghost in the dark.

The idiot horse looked at the blown-up drug truck and cursed angrily.But he dared not move.

Because he knew that there was a pair of red eyes on him.

As long as he shows up, he will be killed.

At this time, a horse boy was hiding behind a pile of goods with a gun.

Suddenly he heard a sound to his left, just as he was looking to his left.

A hand pulled his hair, and then he felt a chill on his neck.

He grabbed his neck, but he couldn't stop the blood from gushing out.

And because the vocal cords were cut at the same time, he couldn't even scream.

Under the haunting of Tian Yang Sheng.

Of the people sent by Che Lushi to be killed, only the idiot Ma remained.

At this time, Tian Yangsheng saw three flashes of light coming from a distance.

He knew it was the signal to retreat.

Then he inserted the short knife back into the scabbard, and quickly retreated into the darkness.

The idiot Ma hid behind the bunker anxiously and spent his days like years, he never dared to show his face.

Until a siren sounded in the distance, it was the first time that the idiot Ma felt that the sound of the siren was so beautiful.

Inside Chelushi's study

"What did you say? My people were attacked, and only Amah was left alive, and he was also arrested at the police station?" Che Lushi shouted in shock while holding the phone.

"Yes, Mr. Che, but you don't have to worry too much"

"The police have no evidence of Mr. Ma's crime, and I believe he will come back after the transcript is recorded.

"Okay, thank you, Lawyer Liu!"

After Che Lushi hung up the phone, his wife Xu Shaoshao asked:

"Brother Lu, what happened?"

Che Lushi sighed:

"Ama and the others were attacked. Except for Ama, the others have no people or goods.

"What??? Who did it?" Xu Shaoshao exclaimed.


Che Lushi slammed his fist on the table fiercely, and said angrily:

"Don't let me know who did it, I want his whole family to be buried with me!"

This time, Che Lushi lost [-] million Hong Kong papers, basically half of his net worth.

After being stunned for a while, Che Lushi said loudly to Xu Shaoshao and Lao Dai:

"Small, Dumb, you send someone to investigate now."

"Who is related to this matter, find out for me!"

After Xu Shaoshao winked at Lao Dai, he walked to Che Lushi's side.

While rubbing the Dayang acupoint for him, he said:

"Brother Lu, don't get angry, your body is the most important thing!"

"You have come here in so many storms, this time you will be fine!"

Che Lushi sighed and said:

"I'm afraid that someone will plot against us on purpose. This is definitely not the only trick."

At this time, Lao Dai said to Che Lushi:

"Boss, I'll check the situation myself right away."

"Well, go ahead and check!" Che Lushi said.

Xu Shaoshao and Lao Dai never expected that a car full of D products would leave the port at the place where they picked up the private goods.

In a certain container at this dock, there were a few more corpses.

the next day.

After the idiot Ma came out of the mission hall, Che Lushi took him to the study for a secret talk.

"Ama, what happened last night?" Che Lushi asked.

The idiot Ma told Che Lushi carefully what he saw last night.

After listening, Che Lushi sighed:

"This is really strange. I think someone must be plotting against us, otherwise the sniper wouldn't be able to ambush us so well."

At this time, in another room.

"Dumb, what did you say? Our goods are gone too??? How is that possible?" Xu Shaoshao said in surprise.

"It's true, I contacted Yue Nanzai."

"They said that our people picked up the goods, and they said that the passwords were all correct, and it was confirmed!" Lao Dai said.

"It's hard to handle now!" Xu Shaoshao was bewildered.

"Young master, you must think of a way!

"If the boss finds out that we embezzled his money to buy D products privately, we will be really, really screwed this time," Lao Dai said anxiously.

"What are you afraid of? Shut up!" Xu Shaoshao scolded.

Then he said: "Don't worry, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and there will be a way!"

Tsim Sha Tsui, inside the Cointreau Hotel.

After a big-eyed girl kissed a fool, she followed him into a room.

After entering the room, the foolish horse said: "What's the matter, tell me!"

The Big Broken Girl said: "I found a heavy weapon at the Fur Dog, I think it may be related to the attack on you yesterday

After Da Kannu finished speaking, she frowned and said:

"Ama, when will you let me go?"

"If the dead dog that I was caught by flip-haired dog knew about our relationship, I would be dead!"

"Also, didn't you say that if I help you for the last time, we will separate?"

Stupid Ma smiled and said: "Ayun, you are so naive, we have been together for several years, do you think we can separate?" To put it bluntly, you have already belonged to my foolish horse! "

The meaning of the idiot horse is obvious. From now on, Ayun, you will be my undercover agent for Flip Dog.

after an hour.

In Che Lushi's study.

Che Lushi, fool Ma, Xu Shaoshao, and Lao Dai were all called here by Che Lushi.

The idiot Ma told Che Lushi and others what Da Kannv told him an hour ago.

Then, Che Lushi slapped the glass coffee table in front of him and said angrily:

"Flippy dog ​​is so dead on the street, how dare he plot against me!"

Xu Shaoshao said, "Brother Lu, what should we do now?"

"Fight! If Fur Dog dares to provoke me, I'll beat him until he admits defeat!" Che Lushi said angrily.

Following Che Lushi's order, the dragon faction and the tiger faction of the number gang in the entire Kowloon territory started a fierce fight.

In just a few days, more than 1000 people were killed or injured.

The movement was too loud, which alarmed the behind-the-scenes bosses behind the Dragon Pai and Tiger Pai.

Finally, the fourth uncle He Yanshou, the behind-the-scenes boss of Longpai.

There is also the vigorous coordination and matching of Liu Luanxiong, the behind-the-scenes boss of the Tiger faction.

Che Lushi, the eldest brother of the Number Gang, and Flip the Dog, the eldest brother of the Tiger School, sat together in a teahouse.

"Brother Lu, Flip Dog, you all belong to the number gang. If you do this, it will make other clubs watch the fun."

"Today, everyone just sit down calmly and speak clearly. Peace is the most important thing." He Yanshou said to Che Lushi and Flipping Dog.

"Yes, peace is the most important thing! Everyone is originally a member of the number gang, how can you fight to the death?" Liu Luanxiong also said.

Che Lushi glanced at the Flip Dog, and said:

"Old dog, this is for Boss He and Boss Liu's face."

"Hmph, it's not for the face of their two bosses, do you think I will come?" the flip dog responded.

Chapter 174 The Big Benefactor Behind the Scenes, The Li Family!

"Okay, both of them are bosses, don't be childish." He Yanshou laughed.

Che Lushi said: "Boss He, the old dog is out to plot against me, and my goods worth [-] million Hong Kong papers were lost by him.

"More than a dozen of my subordinates died, how can I bear this tone?"

"Che Lushi, don't be bloody, I haven't touched your goods? Show me the evidence!" The Fur Dog said angrily.

"Okay, let me ask you, what are you going to do with the heavy weapons in the warehouse?" Che Lushi stood up and asked.

"I don't have any heavy weapons in my warehouse, but I have one on me, why don't you take it out and have a look?" the flipper dog choked.

How can we talk about this? "

"Old dog, if I don't turn you into a dead dog, my surname is not Che! I'm a horse rider!"

The three corpse gods who were in a state of chariot jumped violently and left quickly.

He Yanshou hurriedly stood up and pulled Che Lushi back, and said to the Flip Dog:

"Agou, tell the truth, have you dealt with Lao Lu? I only ask once!"

Flip Dog glanced at Liu Luanxiong, then said slowly:

"I can swear on my only son, I really didn't do anything to him!"

Che Lushi questioned: "Mouth! How dare you say that you really didn't do anything? Who else but you?"

"I want to do it, my whole family is dead! You can go to my place and find the heavy weapon for you, or you can call the police!" Cursed the flipper dog.

Che Lushi looked at the fluffy dog ​​with an expression that didn't seem like he was telling a lie!

Although he didn't believe it, he thought in his heart: If it wasn't made by the flipper dog, who would it be?

A day later, Xu Yi received a call from Ghost Lin.

Guilao Lin said that through the mediation of He Yanshou and Liu Luanxiong, the war between Che Lushi and Flipping Dog has ceased.

After hearing this, Xu Yi said to Gui Lao Lin: "A Lin, strike while the iron is hot, start the second step of the plan immediately!"

"Yes, Brother Yi!"

With the settlement between Che Lushi and Flip Dog, the severe law and order in Tsim Sha Tsui has been greatly eased.

At this time, Che Lushi's wife Xu Shaoshao received a call.

"Young lady, I'm Ah Wen, someone called me today and told me that Mr. Lian was going to check our accounts and asked me to get ready as soon as possible. An anxious voice came from the phone.

"Ah Wen, don't worry, let Che Lushi check if he wants to."

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