Although Xu Shaoshao said so, the hand holding the microphone couldn't help but increase his strength.

'Okay, young lady. "Awen replied.

"Awen, are you a pig brain? Do you really dare to let Che Lushi see that?"

"You just said that the account book is stored in the mainland, and it will take two days to get it back." Xu Shaoshao shouted at Ah Wen.

'Okay, okay, I see, Young Miss! "

After Xiaoqing hung up the phone, he looked at the black muzzle pointing at himself and said:

"Bosses, I called you too, please let me go."

"Don't worry, we'll let you go the day after tomorrow"

The masked man with the gun said.

After Xu Shaoshao hung up the phone, he dialed Lao Da's number and said, "Dai, come out right away, I have something important to do!" Half an hour later, the two met at a tea restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Xu Shaoshao said: "Dumb, Che Lushi seems to suspect us. Today he told my people that he wants to check the accounts'r

"Young master, what shall we do then?" Lao Dai asked.

"Fill the money back, otherwise what do you think? Xu Shaoshao said.

"One hundred million, little boy, where can we collect so much money?" Lao Dai said helplessly.

Xu Shaoshao remained calm and said:

"Dumb, we can't raise that much money, but Che Lushi has money"

"There are not many others selling No. [-], but the most cash."

"Shao Shao, what do you mean?" Lao Dai asked in a low voice.

"Abduct He Yanshou directly!"

"He Yanshou doesn't have that much cash, so Che Lushi must pay the money by then!"

"When we get this money, the account will naturally be settled!"

Xu Shaoshao said lightly.

Lao Dai frowned, and after thinking for a minute, he punched his right fist on the palm of his left hand and shouted loudly:

..., then do it! "

The next day, Che Lushi called several of his subordinates together again.

"Boss He was kidnapped on the road yesterday," I don't know who did it. " Che Lushi said angrily.

"Zhou! After the death of Dalongtou, our number gang has never stopped! Could it be that Hong Xing's pretty boy Yi did it?"

"We didn't succeed last time when we did a few prefixes together, did he take revenge?" Che Lushi's leader, the idiot Ma, said angrily.

"Brother Lu, I think A Ma's analysis makes sense."

"There's nothing that Liang Ziyi dares to do, and he has the strength!" Xu Shaoshao said smoothly.

Che Lushi thought for a while, shook his head and said:

"It's unlikely. Our number gang and Hong Xing have been calm during this period of time. Of course, it can't be ruled out..."

"But the most important thing right now is to rescue Boss He, everything else is false!"

"Small, how much cash do we have?"

"More than 2 million Hong Kong papers." Xu Shaoshao said.

Then Xu Shaoshao added: "No way, why did Boss He ask us to pay for being tied up?"

"Boss He's family is afraid of the robbers tearing up the ticket and dare not call the police. Why can't his wife raise [-] million in cash in one day? I have to advance the money first!" Che Lushi sighed.

Just when Xu Shaoshao and Lao Dai thought their conspiracy had succeeded.

But they heard a shocking news that He Yanshou was rescued by Tiao Zi.

This news completely panicked Xu Shaoshao.

At the same time, Senior Superintendent Huang Zhicheng of the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station looked puzzled.

He got a note in the office in the afternoon.

The place where He Yanshou was kidnapped and how many kidnappers were written on the note... were clearly written.

He Yanshou is a well-known figure in the Xiangjiang business circle.

Huang Zhicheng reacted immediately and successfully rescued He Yanshou He Yanshou within two hours

After hearing the news, Che Lushi was overjoyed.

He even planned to visit He Yanshou at the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, but was persuaded by the fool Ma and others.

Hongxing headquarters.

Han Bin was sitting opposite Xu Yi, while Luo Tianhong and Tian Yangsheng stood on both sides of Xu Yi.

Xu Yi was making Kung Fu tea at this time.

He put a cup of tea in front of Han Bin and asked:

"Abin, do you think Xu Shaoshao and Lao Dai will take the opportunity to kill He Yanshou?"

After Han Bin thought for a few seconds, he shook his head and said:

"I don't think so. They haven't been exposed yet, so it's impossible for them to do such a stupid thing."

Xu Yi smiled and said: "Actually, it doesn't matter if they will or not, my target has never been them, but the entire Number Gang.

"A Lin's news said that real estate tycoon Li Ji has found Jiang Shujing."

"In the past few days, the news that Jiang Shujing has Li Ji's support will spread throughout Xiangjiang.

Han Bin smiled and said, "So what? Jiang Shujing wants money but has no money, and no one wants people. He is just the mascot of the Number Gang."

Xu Yi shook his head and said, "With the support of the Li family, Jiang Shujing is no longer a mascot. He will rise up in the number gang soon."

"If you have money, you can do it. I think Li Ji will not be stingy with money."

Having said that, Xu Yi smiled.

"Abin, I didn't expect Li Ji to react so quickly."

"I thought that Li Ji would go to Che Lushi or the Fur Dog, but he and I thought of something together, and Jiang Shujing was fired."

"In this way, I will have to keep Longpai and Chelushi for the time being!"

Xu Yi smiled and shook his head.

He turned his head and said to Luo Tianhong: "Tianhong, you go to scare Jiang Shujing tonight and tell him to recruit troops quickly!

'Okay, Brother Yi! "Luo Tianhong said respectfully.

After hearing Xu Yi's words, Han Bin asked in puzzlement:

"Brother Yi, isn't it enough to just kill Jiang Shujing?"

Xu Yi smiled and said: "Jiang Shujing is dead and there are other people, so Jiang Shujing should be kept and let him expand his power quickly."

"As long as his strength rises, he will definitely find a way to subdue Che Lushi and Flip Dog."

"Abin, you are used to being the boss, would you like to have someone on your head to pull S?"

"Of course not!" Han Bin said truthfully.

"I believe Che Lushi and Flip Dog are also unwilling, so they have only one outcome, and that is Rush!"

"Let them use their number to help their own people beat their own people. Isn't it more comfortable for us to sit on the sidelines and watch the tigers fight with ease?" Xu Yi said with a smile.

"Brother Yi, that means, let's let Che Lushi go first?" Han Bin asked.

"No, we have to deal with Che Lushi, but the plan has to change according to the new situation!"

The next day, Li Ji, one of the ten richest people in Xiangjiang, the real estate tycoon, announced his support for Jiang Shujing, and the news quickly spread throughout the Xiangjiang rivers and lakes.

It is said that in the morning, out of the 36 halls of the number group, [-] of them went to visit Jiang Shujing.

On the other side, after hearing the news, Che Lushi said disdainfully to the idiot Ma and the others:

"Jiang Shujing is just an idiot who cannot be supported."

"What's the use even with the support of the Li family? Don't worry, the sky won't collapse!

Coincidentally, Flip Dog's attitude is the same as Che Lushi's.

The biggest prefixes of these two number gangs, the bosses of the Long faction and the Hu (Wang Haohao) faction, did not take the leader Jiang Shujing seriously at all.

However, Jiang Shujing didn't think so.

He rushed to the Li Mansion as soon as possible in the morning and visited the real estate tycoon Li Ji.

"Mr. He, I have decided to accept the small prefix of Number Gang immediately and recruit a large number of people." Jiang Shujing's tone was very urgent.

"Shu Jing, what happened?" Li Ji found that his mood was not right.

"Mr. He, some killers came to look for me last night."

"I didn't sleep in the original room yesterday, otherwise I would have entered our Jiang family's ancestral grave now." Jiang Shujing said.

"Shujing, what's going on?" Li Ji asked after hearing Jiang Shujing's words.

"I suspect it was made by Che Lushi or the Fur Dog. My superior leader doesn't take it seriously!" Jiang Shujing guessed.

After pondering for a while, Li Ji said to Jiang Shujing:

"Shu Jing, you don't have to worry too much, my [-] million Hong Kong paper will arrive in the account immediately, and you can start to expand your strength immediately."

"I will send you ten of my bodyguards to protect your safety 24 hours a day!"

Hearing what Li Ji said, Jiang Shujing finally breathed a sigh of relief. He bowed deeply to Li Ji and said:

"Mr. Li is so kind and virtuous, the book respect will never be forgotten!"

"Shu Jing, you can integrate the number gang as soon as possible, which is the greatest reward to me.

Lee Ki laughed.

He believes that with his own support, it will not be difficult for Number Gang to return to its peak state! .

Chapter 175 Hongxing Branch, Jiang Tianyang

Flip dog Gu Lin sees the family.

Gu Linjian sat behind the desk and listened carefully to the words of Flip Dog and White Paper Fan Feilong.

"Boss, our undercover agent at the police station told me that it was Che Lushi's own people who kidnapped He Yanshou. This is really exciting!"

'Didn't you say before that Che Lushi's wife Xu Shaoshao had an affair with his subordinate Lao Dai?

"They are definitely going to take the money and run away. It seems that they are going to really run away."

Ayun listened and memorized seriously.

Soon, the news reached the fool horse.

Then it was passed from the fool to Che Lushi.

After hearing this, Che Lushi said to the fool:

"Little dumb, they will betray me? Still want to run away with money? Impossible?"

"Ama, you can't believe everything your lover says."

"Well, let's ask Shao Shao and Lao to come out first, and I must confirm it myself!"

At this time, in a secret room, a man covered in blood was standing, "If that big-eyed girl Ayun was here, she would definitely be able to recognize it at a glance.

This man is her personal bodyguard.

This bodyguard knew everything about her and the foolish horse.

Guilao Lin stood beside this man and said to him, "Brother, do you want to continue?"

"Actually, our question is very simple, what did Ah Yun tell the idiot Ma?

"Brother, I really don't know. Every time they do business, the door is locked, and I can't hear it even if I want to!" The bodyguard wailed loudly.

Gui Lao Lin shook his head and said, "Brother, the consequences of being dishonest will be very serious!"

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