Afterwards, he turned his head and said to his subordinates, "Greeting him well."

After finishing speaking, Guilao Lin didn't ask any more questions, and left the secret room directly, and made a phone call.

"Brother Yi, that person refuses to say anything." Ghost Lin said.

"When did that woman go to see the fool?" Xu Yi asked on the phone.

"Last night." Ghost Lin replied.

'You send someone to follow Xu Shaoshao and Lao Dai, as long as they are together again, the follower will report their location every 5 minutes. "Xu Yifen attached.

Xu Yi has already guessed that the kidnapping of He Yanshou by Xu Shaoshao and Lao Da must have reached Che Lushi's 633 ears through the lame girl.

Presumably, Che Lushi will attack Xu Shaoshao and Lao Dai soon.

When Xu Yi hung up the phone, he dialed the prince's number again.

"Prince, I am Xu Yi." Xu Yi said.

"Brother Yi, why are you free to call me today?"

The prince's hearty voice appeared in the microphone.

"Do you want Number Gang's territory in Tsim Sha Tsui? Xu Yi asked.

"I think so for sure, but it's not that simple to beat it down?" the prince asked suspiciously.

"The Dragon Sect of the Number Gang is about to fail, you should be ready to receive it!"

After Xu Yi finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Number Gang's site in Tsim Sha Tsui is the most prosperous area in Tsim Sha Tsui, and it is the site that Chelushi has dominated for decades.

Of course, Xu Yi will not let this land go, and after winning it, Hong Xing's entire South Tsim Sha Tsui land will be connected together.

The most important thing is that the number gang Longpai is purely a force established by Che Lushi.

Once something happens to Che Lushi, the Dragon Faction will be leaderless and vulnerable!

As for the reactions of other members of the Number Gang?

Xu Yi believes that at that time, Jiang Shujing will devour the corpse of Longpai crazily to strengthen himself, and Flip Dog will be busy competing with Jiang Shujing, and will not let Jiang Shujing easily swallow the Dragonpai and wait for the two of them to divide up the Dragonpai Afterwards, Hong Xing had already gained a firm foothold.

No matter how upset they are at that time, they can only touch their noses!

Che Lushi thought he was a hunter and wanted to hunt down Xu Shaoshao and Lao Dai.

It's just that he didn't expect that he was just a prey, and he had already been targeted by other hunters.

In a warehouse by the seaside in Saigon, Xu Shaoshao and Lao Dai stayed after receiving news from Che Lushi.

So he ran here with a few boys, waiting for Che Lushi's arrival.

Lao Dai quietly said to Xu Shaoshao:

"Small, wouldn't it be the boss who discovered something?

Xu Shaoshao shook his head and said, "What are you afraid of? Calm down."

At this moment, a boy came in and said (baah) to Xu Shaoshao and Lao Dai: "Boss said

"Okay!" Xu Shaoshao laughed.

Then she and Lao Dai walked out of the warehouse, and Xu Shaoshao glanced at Che Lushi's boy behind him.

Then he whispered into his own horse's ear: "Get rid of him!"

When they got to the side of the car, Ma Zai under Xu Shaoshao suddenly shot.

Kill all the three boys Che Lushi arranged to pick up Xu Shaoshao and Lao Dai.

Please go to him alone, both of you. "

Just as Xu Shaoshao and Lao Dai were about to get in the car.

Brothers Che Lushi and Shizi Ma rushed out from the dark with a dozen people.

It turned out that they had already ambushed here.

Lao Dai said to Xu Shaoshao: "Shao Shao, you go first, I'll be the last!"

After Xu Shaoshao listened, he nodded and quickly got into the car.

However, when the car started, the tire was shattered by a bullet.

The driver said anxiously: "Young lady, this is not acceptable, it is dangerous to drive forcibly."

Xu Shaoshao said in a deep voice: "Now we have no choice but to fight!

The two sides soon fell into a fierce gun battle.

Xu Shaoshao's manpower and firepower were obviously inferior to Che Lushi's.

So they retreated while fighting, and quickly retreated in the direction of the warehouse.

At this time, Wang Jianjun was carefully admiring the gun battle through the scope.

He said to Tian Yangsheng beside him:

"Health, do you want to learn sniping with me? It's very exciting!"

Tian Yangsheng shook his head at Wang Jianjun, and then watched the gun battle in the distance with binoculars.

One minute later, Wang Jianjun said to Tian Yangsheng:

"Ah Sheng, you are almost ready to go!"

Tian Yangsheng nodded towards Wang Jianjun, then put the binoculars on the ground, and passed through the grass silently.

Soon, the winner was decided at the warehouse.

Che Lushi and Shazima escorted Xu Shaoshao and Lao Dai out of the warehouse respectively.

Lao Dai originally wanted to beg for mercy, but Che Lushi didn't give him this chance, and directly shot him to death.

Xu Shaoshao also resigned to her fate at this time, she vented her depression and pain for so many years to Che Lushi loudly.

Hearing that, Che Lushi was very shocked. He originally thought that Xu Shaoshao was very happy.

But in the end, Che Lushi ended up with Xu Shaoshao.

At this time, a younger brother said to the fool Ma through the walkie-talkie: "Brother Ma, the note is here!"

The fool immediately said: "Boss, here comes the note, let's go first!"

After Che Lushi finally said to Xu Shaoshao, "It's good to do it", he walked towards the car with the idiot horse.

At this moment, a bullet passed through the fool's head, and a blood hole appeared in an instant.

He died on the spot, and fell limply in Che Lushi's arms.

Che Lushi looked at the foolish horse's body in disbelief.

At this moment, he suddenly found three people standing in front of him.

Che Lushi looked up and found that the leader was Xu Yi, the leader of Hong Xing.

He yelled at Xu Yi: "Pretty boy! It turns out that you really did everything!"

"On the Star Dragon, you sent a killer to kill me, do you think I will let you go?" Xu Yi smiled.

"Xu Yi, you are really sharp! But I'm not a vegetarian! Didn't you fight Lian Haolong? I want to fight you!" Che Lushi said in a low voice.

Xu Yi ignored Che Lushi, turned to Luo Tianhong beside him and said, "Tianhong, get rid of him as quickly as possible!"

Luo Tianhong didn't talk nonsense, and directly fought with Che Lushi.

The two of you come and go, and there is no winner for a while!

At this time, the sound of sirens was getting closer.

Luo Tianhong said to Che Lushi at this time: "You are also worthy of fighting with brother Yi? The note is here, let's fight inside!"

Che Lushi gave Xu Yi a final hard look. He knew that he would never have a chance to take revenge in this life. After 2 minutes, Che Lushi, the boss of the number gang, was pierced by Luo Tianhong with a sword...

Tsim Sha Tsui's talker, Prince Edward, and Pheasant joined forces to directly take down all the territory of the Number Gang Longpai.

Luo Tianhong drove the car to the Prince's Villa in Tsim Sha Tsui.

At this time, the prince, Han Bin and others were already waiting at the gate of the prince's villa.

As soon as he saw Xu Yi, he shouted:

"Brother Yi, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"You guys are also fast, take them all!" Xu Yi said with a smile.

"It's all taken down, brother Yi!" the prince said happily.

Surrounded by the prince, Han Bin, Luo Tianhong, Tian Yangsheng and others, Xu Yi walked into the prince's villa.

"Brother Yi, I would like to toast to you. Now I have an extra space, and it's because of Brother Yi's leadership!" The prince laughed excitedly.

Xu Yi shook his head and said with a smile: "This is only a small place, and the entire Xiangjiang river and lake will be ours in the future."

"Brother Yi? That's great! Then I'll take care of Tsim Sha Tsui!" Baopi laughed.

"Then I'll take a step back and take care of Yuen Long!" Chaopi also laughed.

The prince laughed and scolded: "Mouth, Foreskin, you have taken control of Tsim Sha Tsui, do you want to be my big brother?"

Baopi hurriedly said: "Sorry, Brother Prince, what I mean is that I only manage one of the streets in Tsim Sha Tsui!"

The prince smiled and said, "Well, it's not too bad!" "

Xu Yi looked at the prince, Han Bin and the others and smiled slightly.

That day, except for Xu Yi, Han Bin, and Luo Tianhong, everyone else passed out drunk.

Xu Yi said to Han Bin and Luo Tianhong:

"I'm leaving first, you stay here and take care of them."

"Okay, Brother Yi!"

Afterwards, Xu Yi drove away from the prince's villa.

At the same time that Xu Yi successfully seized the Number Gang.

Inland, Chaoshi countryside.

In an ancient house, Jiang Tianyang knelt quietly in the ancestral hall.

After kowtowing three times, he got up again and went to meet his father, Mr. Jiang.

It has been more than ten days since he returned from smuggling, and after thinking about it, he went back to his ancestral home first.

"Tianyang, it's been more than 20 years, why did you come back this time?"

Jiang Zhen, whose hair was all white, was sitting on the recliner with his eyes slightly closed.

Back then, he came to Xiangjiang from the Chaoshi countryside, and after ten years of hard work, he founded Hongxing.

After the two brothers Jiang Tiansheng and Jiang Tianyang grew up, Jiang Zhen returned to his hometown in a hurry.

He quietly guarded this ancestral house and has not left for more than 20 years.

In the past 20 years, he has never interfered with the affairs of the Hongxing Society.

Today, Jiang Tianyang came.

Jiang Tianyang knelt down on the ground and said respectfully:

"Old man, I have no place in Taiguo. I came here this time to ask the old man to ask me to set up the Hongxing branch!" Back then, Jiang Zhen created the rule of twelve speakers, and the leader could only be elected.

Even Jiang Zhen himself cannot appoint a leader.

However, Jiang Zhen retained a privilege: the appointment of branches.

"Tianyang, do you really want to fight?"

Mr. Jiang lowered his head slightly, his eyes fixed on Jiang Tianyang.

The murderous aura hidden in the old man disappeared after a split second.

More than 20 years ago, Hongxing was listed as a key target by the Xiangjiang police.

At that time, Jiang Tiansheng was in power, and Jiang Tianyang left Taiguo because he failed to compete for the leader.

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