Jiang Tianyang knew that if he didn't get back his position at this time, it might be difficult to raise his head in the future.

With a gloomy face, he suddenly roared:

"Baoshan, call 1000 people and come with me to Xu Yi for an explanation."

A muscular man walked behind Jiang Tianyang, and the eyes of the people present brightened instantly.

Che Baoshan, the god of war who has risen strongly in the arena recently.

Consecutively pick the Dongxing Three Tigers, and fight alone with 42 people.

His boxing skills are amazing, and he is worshiped by young and Dangerous boys.

0.7 As soon as Che Baoshan appeared on the stage, many people followed him.

Originally, he was expelled from Hongxing's main department, and there was a sense of resentment in his heart, and there was a capable person like Che Baoshan taking the lead.

Those people suddenly became more courageous. In an instant, 1000 people gathered.

A team of more than 1000 people walked aggressively on the street, and pedestrians retreated one after another.

But before they got out of Causeway Bay, multiple police cars arrived and immediately blocked the entire road.

Lu Qichang led five teams, plus PTUs and military uniforms, and soon trapped Jiang Tianyang's men.

Chen Jiaju and Ma Jun were also in the team.

The siren blared, and hundreds of military uniforms got out of the car, all equipped with riot shields and sticks.

The policeman of the serious crime team even put his hand on the holster.

In an instant, the morale of the Hongxing branch, which had just risen, fell to the bottom again.

"Sir, what do you mean?"

Jiang Tianyang glared at Lu Qichang angrily.

A cynical smile appeared on Lu Qichang's face, he looked at Jiang Tianyang's fat face and said:

"Everyone took out their ID cards and put them on the ground, then put their hands on their heads and squatted on the ground."

"I am Lu Qichang, Senior Inspector of the Serious Crime Squad. Now I suspect that you are gathering illegally, picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and disturbing public order. I want to take you back for questioning.

Chapter 178 The pirated version is not as good as the genuine one after all! ! !

Jiang Tianyang has been in Taiguo for more than 20 years. Although he pays attention to the current affairs of Xiangjiang Jianghu, how does he compare with Xu Yi's foresight?

Now Hongxing's money-making model has quietly changed the entire Xiangjiang rivers and lakes.

According to the plot of the movie or comics, Hong Xing would be forced to think about going into a regular business for at least two years.

Xu Yi has been in charge of Hongxing for seven months. Except for the casino in Haojiang, Hongxing has abandoned the third party in all fourteen halls in Xiangjiang and started a regular business.

Because they were surprised to find that doing regular business now is not only no worse than earning money, but also makes money legally and earns more.

Of course they don't know the general trend of the world's economy. The current major trend is the unprecedented strong rise of the mainland, and the huge market of more than one billion people is exerting great power.

And Xiangjiang, as an international financial center and a tourist shopping center, has a free ride. Doing regular business is naturally no worse than making a fortune!

Because of Hong Xing's transformation, even the surveillance of Hong Xing by the police has been greatly reduced, and the police force has begun to be used by other clubs.

"Just follow Hong Xing's method and follow Liang Ziyi's way."

Xu Yi has become the pioneer of the transformation of many associations in Xiangjiang, which is also the pattern of Xiangjiang rivers and lakes in later generations

Those who swim against the current will perish!

But that was later generations, and now most of Xiangjiang's associations are still obsessed with the old three.

Because of this, they have become the main targets of the police.

As long as it is an association that does not follow Xu Yi to carry out reforms, it is the target of poor performance.

Because of Xu Yi's appearance, Xiangjiang's rivers and lakes are slowly establishing a new order.

This set of order that does not disturb the law and order and makes money silently is what the police would like to see.

Unknowingly, Hong Xing stood on the front line of unification with the police.

Xu Yi is the founder of the order, but the messenger has become the defender of this order!

Although there is no agreement, it has become a reality.

In fact, Jiang Tianyang's establishment of the Hongxing branch and his frenzied recruitment of people have already fallen into the eyes of the police department.

In order to create momentum, Jiang Tianyang is already challenging the bottom line of the police department with great fanfare.

Today is the time when the police department ordered the serious crime team and.Remember the good time to teach Jiang Tianyang a lesson.

"Be honest! Squat down for me!"

Amidst the angry roars of the messengers, some people began to squat on the ground obediently with their heads in their hands.

Jiang Tianyang calmly lit a cigar, stared at Lu Qichang, and asked calmly:

"Sir, I respect you the most. If I have the opportunity, I will greet your family members."

Upon hearing this, the fiery Ma Jun rushed over to attack Jiang Tianyang, but was stopped by Lu Qichang.

Lu Qichang stared at Jiang Tianyang and snorted coldly, and said:

"It seems that the pirated version is not as good as the genuine one after all."

"Judging from the Hongxing branch you are running now, it is really far behind Xu Yi."

Jiang Tianyang stared, and the anger in his heart was finally ignited.

But he knew that at any rate, he would not do such things as assaulting the police.

So he questioned Lu Qichang: "Sir, I want to know what is your relationship with Xu Yi?

Because of Lu Qichang's sudden appearance, Jiang Tianyang began to suspect that Lu Qichang belonged to Xu Yi.

Lu Qichang suddenly laughed: "So you still want to fight against Xu Yi?"

"To be honest, in my opinion, you can't be Xu Yi's opponent, but unfortunately you have no chance to stop now." Lu Qichang directly picked up the handcuffs and wanted to put them on Jiang Tianyang.

Che Baoshan wanted to stand out, but was also stopped by Jiang Tianyang.

Sir, just wait and see whether I can beat Xu Yi to the ground. "

Jiang Tianyang said with a stern face.

Lu Qichang said as if talking to himself:

"Your Jiang family is ignorant of current affairs, now is not the era of the Jiang family.

"Now we have to elect a so-called No. 100 fierce man in Jianghu. In my eyes, that person is [-]% not surnamed Jiang."

Lu Qichang smiled playfully, the name in his heart was exactly Xu Yi.

At the same time, I feel that it is a pity that Xu Yi's hands and feet are too fond of feathers.

Even if Xu Yi is investigated further, it will be clean!

But Xu Yi's influence on the whole Tao is really too great.

After Hongxing joined forces with Dongxing, no matter what the real relationship between Xu Yi and Situ Haonan is.

In Lu Qichang's heart, Xu Yi is already the leader of Xiangjiang Jianghu!

What surprised Lu Qichang, a different kind of guy, was that Xu Yi was there.Among the recorded files, the level of danger is still the lowest level F.

After seven months in charge of Hong Xing, Xu Yi has no criminal record.

Even the hands and feet of everyone under Hongxing's banner are clean and agile, and they are rarely caught by the police.

Xu Yi is really good at disguising himself.

Only a bad guy like Lu Qichang who has ten years of undercover experience can know Xu Yi's sharp mind.

Jiang Tianyang was stunned, and forgot to flick the ash, the long ash broke off by itself and fell to the ground.

He didn't expect that the senior inspector standing in front of him would have such a high opinion of Xu Yi.

This also made Jiang Tianyang's attention to Xu Yi quickly rose to the highest level.

Although I have heard of Xu Yi's deeds in Taiguo, I can't feel Xu Yi's sharpness.

When he returned to Xiangjiang, especially after the Hongxing branch was established.

Jiang Tianyang really felt Xu Yi's great power in Xiangjiang Jianghu.

This Xu Yi is indeed rapidly changing everything in Xiangjiang Jianghu!

At this time, he thought of a sentence Jiang Zhen said to him a month ago:

"According to my observation, Xu Yi is a real dragon, raised by heaven, you can only take the position if you kill this real dragon, can you do it?"

Jiang Tianyang took a sharp puff on his cigar, then glanced at Che Baoshan.

Che Baoshan was the dragon-slaying knife Jiang Zhen gave him.

He felt that with Che Baoshan's dragon-slaying knife in his hand, he had a great chance.

But he admits in his heart that he is now at an absolute disadvantage.

Today, just when he was about to make a move, he was stared to death by the police. What a bad start!

At this moment, Jiang Tianyang's fat face was gloomy like a terminal diabetic.

Fortunately, today's situation is considered a minor crime in Xiangjiang's current legal system.

Five days later, Jiang Tianyang and his men were all released by the police.

That night, Jiang Tianyang used the name of Hongxing Branch.

Informed all dozens of clubs, large and small, in Xiangjiang, and proposed to hold a ranking competition for giants in Xiangjiang!.

Jiang Tianyang knew that after being targeted by the police, it was inappropriate to make other big moves.

He considered that the Hongxing branch had just been established, and urgently needed another way to expand its influence and confront Hongxing's main department.

So Jiang Tianyang proposed a ranking competition among the giants of the rivers and lakes.

In the final analysis, this is an old tradition in the world.

This kind of ranking battle is to use fists to determine the right to speak of the major clubs.

Hong Xingzheng's department began to transform at a high speed, and the third child was abandoned.

If Hong Xing doesn't do these businesses, there are naturally others who want to do them.

This kind of problem can only be solved with fists.

Jiang Tianyang took a fancy to this opportunity and called for a giant ranking competition.

"Xu Yi! This time I want to see who is the winner."

That's what Jiang Tianyang thought in his heart.

Hong Xing was able to complete the transformation because Xu Yi had the ability to foresight.

It can grasp the pulse of the times and lead everyone to make a fortune together.

But do other societies have this capability?

Many associations just want to transform, but there is no way.

However, the police continued to increase the pressure, forcing them to follow Hong Xing's path.

It can be said that while Xu Yi led Hong Xing to reform, he also offended many associations in the Jianghu.

And this time the Jianghu Giants Ranking Competition is a plan that Jiang Tianyang came up with.

He wants to unite those small and medium-sized societies to fight against Xu Yi together!

With a top fighter like Che Baoshan, as long as the ranking battle is held, the Hongxing branch will definitely be the biggest winner.

In order to allow other clubs to participate, Jiang Tianyang set the giants to rank the top three.

They are Marshal No. [-], Marshal No. [-], and Marshal No. [-].

These three honors have the same right to speak in the arena!

As soon as the news was announced, the world was in an uproar!

In order to protect their status in the rivers and lakes, those small and medium-sized associations have sent top experts in the associations to participate in the ranking battle.

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