Xu Yi's attitude towards this kind of Jianghu ranking battle is very disdainful.

"Ridiculous! This kind of thing that was swept into the trash can of history is also picked up."

Xu Yi hopes that Che Baoshan can win the title of Marshal of the First Road.

In this way, the faster the Hongxing branch will expand, the faster he will make the Hongxing branch collapse.

This Xiangjiang Jianghu giant ranking battle is the last madness of those 633 old-school Jianghu giants.

From the analysis of Fengtang's surveillance and investigation, Jiang Tianyang has a very close relationship with Pin D.

Now the biggest source of funds for the Hongxing branch is the massive sales of D.

Jiang Tianyang likes to recruit troops and buy horses to create momentum.

Most of the staff who were laid off from Hongxing's main department recently joined Jiang Tianyang's Hongxing branch.

Xu Yi wanted to take a drastic step to cut off Jiang Tianyang's main source of income.

If Jiang Tianyang kicked out the newly recruited people from the Hongxing branch soon.

Without money, what capital and confidence does Jiang Tianyang have to continue to fight against Xu Yi?

Anyway, Hong Xing did not stick to the old three, and had already gained a firm foothold.

Xu Yi gave Guilao Lin an order, and Fengtang took out half of the people to get information on Jiang Tianyang's D trafficking, and assigned it to Li Wenbin, the deputy director of the police department.

Doing so will not only speed up the downfall of the Hongxing branch, but also win the favor of the poor and the citizens of Xiangjiang!

In the deputy commissioner's office on the top floor of the police force.

"This pretty boy, Yi, has sharper intelligence than ours."

Li Wenbin, deputy director of the police department, sat on a chair with a faint smile on his face.

In the past few days, Xu Yi directly gave him several clues about selling D.

Li Wenbin is sure that every investigation is accurate, and all cases are more than one kilogram.

Li Wenbin knew that Xu Yi felt that he was reliable and did not give clues to others.

A few months ago, during an operation by the anti-drug team, an operation team was wiped out.

After the investigation, it was found that there was an inner ghost hidden in the intelligence team of the Narcotics Division.

When the insider was about to identify other senior insiders in the police force, he was shot dead suddenly.

In Li Wenbin's view, this was a silent contest between him and the ghost.

He firmly believed that those insiders could only be in higher positions, and those who held those high positions were all ghosts, and none of them were from Xiangjiang.

But at this time, Jiang Tianyang returned to Xiangjiang and was still doing drug trafficking.

Li Wenbin always felt that something was wrong, without an umbrella, how dare Jiang Tianyang peddle drugs like that?

It's a pity that my current police force is insufficient, and I really can't deploy other people to investigate.

Chapter 179 White Clothes Fluttering, Killer Aji!

"Xu Yi's intelligence system is really too strong, no wonder he can rise so fast."

Li Wenbin's fingers kept tapping on the table, after weighing all aspects.

After thinking for a few minutes, he dialed the internal number of the Narcotics Division.

Today the Narcotics Division is staffed by Team Two leader Xie Hao and his younger brother Xie Xiaolin.

After Xie Hao answered the phone, he stood up excitedly and shouted: "Xiao Lin, call someone, get your gear ready and get ready for action!"

Xie Xiaolin shuddered when he heard the words, and asked:

"Brother, do you have a mission?

Xie Hao smiled and nodded, then said:

You would never have imagined that what we are after is the Hongxing branch that appeared recently!"

Three hours later, an underground boxing arena in the Kowloon Walled City.

The entire boxing arena was overcrowded, amidst the sound of crazy cheers.

In the arena, two strong men are engaged in a final decisive battle.

One of them is Che Baoshan, who has been in the limelight recently!

From the beginning of the boxing match, Che Baoshan has been crushing all the way, reaching the final with arrogance

With Che Baoshan's reputation, there are [-] younger brothers in the Hongxing branch.


Che Baoshan on the ring suddenly took a deep breath.

With a left uppercut, the last opponent was directly knocked to the ground, unable to get up again.

"Marshal Dalu, here you go!"

Jiang Tianyang, who was watching the battle from the audience, applauded with a smile on his face. In fact, all of this was within his expectations.

Just as Jiang Tianyang was preparing to announce Che Baoshan as Marshal of Dalu.

Jiang Tianyang's head horse and white paper fan fairy ran over sweating profusely.

"Mr. Jiang, something is wrong."

Jiang Tianyang frowned.

The situation in the Hongxing branch is very good now, and the No. [-] boy's career is booming, what bad things can happen?After the cheers of the audience fell temporarily.

Jiang Tianyang took Immortal Ke into a small room and asked:

"Ake, what's the matter, tell me quickly."

The fairy whispered:

"Mr. Jiang, half an hour ago, a note from the Narcotics Control Department swept a batch of our goods in Tuen Mun District."

"Also, the warehouse in Wong Tai Sin District was also swept away by the note."

The more the fairy spoke, the lower his voice became, and beads of sweat kept coming out of his forehead.

Because under Jiang Tianyang's instructions, the Hongxing branch is almost undisguised and frantic distribution of goods.

He never imagined that the Narcotics Control Department would make a sudden move at this time.

Hearing what his leader said, Jiang Tianyang frowned, and then he was shocked.

According to what he had previously agreed with that person, it would take at least ten and a half months for the Narcotics Control Department to take action. By then, Jiang Tianyang had already settled the affairs of Hong Xingzheng's department.

This was something that Jiang Tianyang had discussed with that person before returning to Xiangjiang.

Why did the Narcotics Division suddenly act at this time?

With a loud "snap", Jiang Tianyang slapped Shenxianke directly on the face, he was furious and you were paralyzed, why didn't you say it earlier? "Jiang Tianyang roared.

Jiang Tianyang lost at least 3000 million Hong Kong papers just for the copied goods reported by the gods!

"Let Baoshan stay here, and the others will follow me back immediately."

After Jiang Tianyang finished speaking, he pushed the door out angrily.

Many club brothers in the boxing ring thought that Jiang Tianyang would come over to exchange greetings at this time.

Unexpectedly, even Jiang Tianyang could not hide his anger.

Seeing Jiang Tianyang's expression, they knew that something big must happen, and it was bad.

In an instant, everyone calmed down and walked outside quietly.

Everyone went out of the underground boxing arena, the signal of the big brother was restored, and the big brothers of the leaders of the clubs rang.

These days, Jiang Tianyang is not the only one who is selling the size four boy. Recently, other associations have also followed suit to sell the size four boy, and they also hitch a ride and make a fortune.

Tonight, their treatment was similar to that of Jiang Tianyang, and the place was taken over by the Narcotics Control Office a lot.

Selling size fours is an important source of income for many large and small associations in Xiangjiang.

All of a sudden, everyone was confused and angry, no less frustrated than Jiang Tianyang.

After Jiang Tianyang returned to the temporary Tuo site of the Hongxing Branch Church, he immediately held a meeting in an attempt to keep the remaining goods.

But he was soon completely disappointed. This time, the Narcotics Control Department really acted like a thunderbolt.

The intelligence team inside the Narcotics Control Department, together with the information provided by Xu Yi, knew almost all the major sources of goods on the market.

All night, the phone kept ringing.

Until dawn, Jiang Tianyang slumped on the chair like a collapse, extremely depressed!

The anti-narcotics department, the military uniforms, the Flying Tigers, and the PTUs in various districts of Xiangjiang, copied Jiang Tianyang's nearly [-] million Hong Kong papers in one night.

The No. [-] boy brought over by this batch is the activity fund of the Hongxing branch for the next year.

This batch of goods was ruined, and Jiang Tianyang could only use his own savings to pay for it.

Jiang Tianyang, who was extremely depressed, picked up his mobile phone and dialed that person's phone number.

The call was connected quickly, and the person on the other side was Bruce, the ghost deputy director of the police department.

"Bruce, didn't we agree? Why did this happen?'""Jiang Tianyang suppressed his overwhelming anger.

Although Bruce is not in charge of the Narcotics Control Division, he still has a lot of resources at his disposal.

This time, Jiang Tianyang's comprehensive distribution is indeed the cooperation between Bruce and Jiang Tianyang.

Jiang Tianyang met Bruce through a senior official in Taiguo, and knew that Bruce would be transferred back to Lundun soon, and he would make a fortune before leaving.

On the other side of the phone, Bruce pondered for a moment, smoked a cigar, and then said:

"Mr. Jiang Tianyang, let me tell you the reason. Your biggest mistake is choosing the wrong opponent."

"Although you are excellent, compared with Xu Yi, you are indeed far behind. Think about the reason yourself! Also, don't call me casually!" After finishing speaking, Bruce hung up the phone.

After being hung up, the thoughts in Jiang Tianyang's mind raced quickly.

He knew that his current situation had become so severe that it was imminent.

Now there are nearly 3 horses under the Hung Hing branch, but there are no goods for sale!

Because the Hongxing branch has been maintained by selling No. [-] boys for the past few months.

The market share of No. 60.00 Aberdeen in Xiangjiang is as high as [-]%, but the territory he occupies is actually very small.

He snatched two pieces of land in Xiaohuang Daxian District from Dongxing. It was only when Lin Peiru was run by Sha Chi after he went abroad that he had a chance.

Now that Sha Chong and Leng Mian Hu were killed by Che Baoshan, Dong Xing and him were already dying.

Ben Leihu Yaoyang has resigned from the management work of "Dragon Star", returned to Wong Tai Sin District, and is sharpening his sword to take back Dongxing's territory.

That piece of land may be snatched back by Dongxing at any time.

Therefore, compared with Hong Xingzhengbu's current territory owned by Jiang Tianyang, it is completely a few candles.

In addition, during this period of time, recruiting troops and buying horses to dig through the walls, treating guests to dinner every night, singing and taking baths, the expenses were huge.

Now that the Anti-Narcotics Department has launched a thunderous attack, it can't sell No. [-] boy, and the account of the Hong Xing branch has a deficit of hundreds of millions of Hong Kong papers.

Jiang Tianyang understands very well that it is wishful thinking to let those bad guys under him save money.

What can be done now is to kick those who have just been admitted out of the Hong Xing branch first.

But by doing so, Jiang Tianyang is insulting those people, and they want to make enemies.

Jiang Tianyang gritted his teeth, he didn't expect that after Che Baoshan won the title of Grand Marshal of Dalu.

But he ran into a problem that caused him a headache and despair: "There is no money!"

At this time, if you take things from the Eight-faced Buddha, you should be able to get a batch.

But with the Narcotics Control Division attacking, bulk cargo has become a big problem.

Going out to grab the territory is also a solution, but the police department is staring at him.

If you don't kick people, you won't be able to open up new business avenues.

From now on, Jiang Tianyang can only use the Jiang family's savings to support himself.

It can be maintained in a short period of time, but after a long time, it will not work even if it goes bankrupt.

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